Hand Gesture Interface to Teach an Industrial Robots
Mojtaba Ahmadieh Khanesar
and David Branson
Faculty of Engineering, NG7 2RD, Nottingham, U.K.
Keywords: Image Recognition, MediaPipe, Gesture Recognition, Industrial Robot Control, Inverse Kinematics.
Abstract: The present paper proposes user gesture recognition to control industrial robots. To recognize hand gestures,
MediaPipe software package and an RGB camera is used. The proposed communication approach is an easy
and reliable approach to provide commands for industrial robots. The landmarks which are extracted by
MediaPipe software package are used as the input to a gesture recognition software to detect hand gestures.
Five different hand gestures are recognized by the proposed machine learning approach in this paper. Hand
gestures are then translated to movement directions for the industrial robot. The corresponding joint angle
updates are generated using damped least squares inverse kinematic approach to move the industrial robot in
a plane. The motion behaviour of the industrial robot is simulated within V-REP simulation environment. It
is observed that the hand gestures are communicated with high accuracy to the industrial robot and the
industrial robot follows the movements accurately.
According to ISO 8373:2021 human–robot
interaction (HRI) is information and action
exchanges between human and robot to perform a
task by means of a user interface (Standardization
2021). With ever-increasing degree of flexibility
within an industry 4.0 settings to produce highly
customizable products, it is required to have a flexible
shop floor (Burnap, Branson et al. 2019, Lakoju,
Ajienka et al. 2021). Such a flexible shop floor may
be obtained using robust machine learning
approaches to train the factory elements. One of the
dominant factory elements are industrial robots. It is
highly desirable to train industrial robot for new
recipes and procedure required for product changes.
Various types of industrial robots programming
approaches can be identified in industrial
environment (Adamides and Edan 2023). Most
industrial robots benefit from teaching pendant which
benefits from arrow keys as well as programming
interface to program industrial robots. Some tools to
control the industrial robot within Cartesian space and
joint angle space exist within a teaching pendant.
Lead through training (Choi, Eakins et al. 2013, Sosa-
Ceron, Gonzalez-Hernandez et al. 2022) of industrial
robots may exist within teaching pendant options to
program it. PC interfaces to train industrial robots
through Python (Mysore and Tsb 2022), C++, and
Matlab (Zhou, Xie et al. 2020) may be provided using
their corresponding APIs. However, more convenient
approaches to provide an intuitive human robot
interface are highly appreciable.
Different human robot interface approaches are
proposed to provide an intuitive interface between
human and robot. In this paper gesture recognition
because of its ease of learning is chosen to train
industrial robots. To recognize hand landmarks,
MediaPipe package is used. The landmarks gathered
in real-time using a low-cost camera are further
processed to identify hand gestures. Totally five hand
gestures representing movements in four directions
plus stop command are identified using the proposed
approach. The commands are movement command
which make the robot move in any of four directions
on a plane at a constant speed. The gesture commands
are then translated in terms of joint angle movements
using damped least-squares inverse kinematics
approach. It is observed that using this approach, it is
possible to move industrial robots in four directions.
The tracking error obtained using the proposed
approach demonstrates that the reference command
given by hand gesture is followed with high
performance within the simulation environment.