essential. However, the environment of modern
conflicts is very demanding in terms of capability
degradation, where many modern technologies are
very sensitive to enemy activity or harsh conditions
on the battlefield. The Emergency METEO project
thus aims precisely at preserving the ability to supply
meteorological data in the event of a degradation of
this ability, which can have major consequences.
The intention is to create an aggregated predictive
meteorological model based on historical data, with
the use of which it would be possible to compile
meteorological messages without the need for upper
air sounding of the atmosphere or obtaining
meteorological data from other, external sources. The
solution to the research project is currently in the
initial phase when, after defining the content of the
project, the research team is developing possible
approaches to data evaluation. The initial design
works with the hypothesis that data from a predictive
weather model will be accurate and applicable to
artillery fire. The current phase of developing the
predictive model is intended to confirm or refute this
hypothesis, or to help identify problematic nodes.
If the research is successful and the predictive
meteorological model provides accurate data, it will
be a major step towards artillery autonomy. Artillery
units of the NATO armies will thus be able to fulfill
the tasks of the main type of branch with an expanded
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