Figure 7: Prediction curve of single GRU on 000006.SS.
reasons to believe that the prediction accuracy can
be greatly improved by making special model adjust-
ments for specific funds. The reliability of different
prediction results can also be determined by subjec-
tive judgment with the assistance of recent prediction
curves, so long-term prediction of fund trends through
deep learning is feasible.
The purpose of this experiment is to build an aux-
iliary forecaster through deep learning. After all, the
financial market is hugely variable and greatly influ-
enced by the news, so the role of deep learning is
more of a technical prediction. It can only be used
as a reference, but not as a decisive factor. Therefore,
a single-layer GRU neural network model with such
prediction accuracy is already a surprise and fully suf-
ficient. In the future, the process of adjusting the pa-
rameters of neural networks can be streamlined and
made more efficient. The AI-driven training meth-
ods can be adopted to simplify the task significantly.
Continuing this research, our aim is to transform the
auxiliary predictor developed here into a versatile tool
that can benefit a broader audience, facilitating invest-
ment decisions for a wide range of individuals.
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