directly from the image information. The modular
and interpretable design of EyeConNet not only al-
lowed us to train it incrementally, keeping the perfor-
mance of the fused network equal to that of their stan-
dalone counterparts, but also allowed seamless inte-
gration with the classic MPC controller, enabling ro-
bust and comparative testing. The developed network
was initially tested in CARLA, then subsequently
tested on real public roads while adhering to safety
requirements. The obtained performance for EyeCon-
Net was satisfactory and in good comparison with
a classical MPC controller. The stable performance
of MPC, when fed with LDVTG outputs, reassures
the stable performance of the perception and planner
modules, thanks to stage-wise training and finetuning
on images obtained from vehicle-specific cameras.
Furthermore, testing during rainy weather and low
visibility conditions, both MPC and EyeConNet were
able to show respectable performance (see Fig. 10)
with minor deterioration, i.e., occasional deactivation
of the control interface due to lack of reference trajec-
tory due to failure of LDVTG. Lastly, a highly com-
petitive runtime of under 50 ms of EyeConNet, on the
one hand, encourages us to consider even more com-
plex models to increase robustness and, on the other
hand, to consider active-closed-loop learning with ei-
ther MPC or driver in the loop. The latter opens up a
lot of interesting research problems, especially in the
area of IL and RL.
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istry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMDV)
within the scope of the project AORTA with the grant
number 01MM20002A.
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Learning Based Interpretable End-to-End Control Using Camera Images