chards and collect their own necessary information,
all assuming they are allowed access to the crops
since, to the best of our knowledge, there are not pub-
lic datasets available to use for training. It is for these
reasons that in a public way it is far from being solved.
Previous studies have been carried out for differ-
ent types of agricultural products such as (Yu et al.,
2023) soybeans, (Luaibi et al., 2021) citrus, (Gunisetti
et al., 2022) maize and (Amin et al., 2022) corn, in
which the use of both computer vision and convolu-
tional neural networks have been used to detect vari-
ous diseases.
However, these products have different pests from
which they are affected. In addition, although simi-
lar research has been done in Peru, according to our
search we did not find a public use data-set for our
blueberry species to be treated in order.
The main components of our solution consist of
an image recognition application using YoloV5 that
is capable of being used on a mobile device without
the need for an Internet connection to make use of the
In addition to the application, a dataset of blue-
berry bush leaf images will be created and made
freely available for future research. The limitations
of our work are temporal, since it was carried out in a
specific year, and technological, since the application
must run on mobile devices.
Our main contributions are as follows:
- We are developing a model in Yolov5, which al-
lows us to infer from an image diseases in the
leaves of the blueberry bush.
- We have constructed a dataset based on 3 diseases
of blueberry bush leaves.
- We have performed an experimental analysis with
the data collected.
This paper is distributed in the following sections:
First, we have summarized important papers about the
use of Yolov5 within the agricultural sector in Section
III, then we will explain some important concepts and
theorems about Yolov5 in Section IV. After that we
will explore in detail the experiments we carried out
during the development of the project in Section V
and finally, we show our main conclusions.
It has become very popular in recent years the use of
computer vision and deep learning to find solutions to
all kinds of problems, among these we find the area
of disease detection in plants. We have found differ-
ent works that helped us understand the use of Yolo
while also inspiring us to try our own approach, from
these we can highlight the articles on modifications
on the base architecture of Yolo and the approach of
development in mobile devices.
In (Mathew and Mahesh, 2022) the authors pro-
pose a method for the detection of diseases in the pep-
per plant leaves that can be used in mobile phones.
For its implementation they decide to use Yolov5, fol-
lowing all the basics suggested when working with
Yolo, like getting the data-set, labeling in a manual
way and training the model. Before the training they
had to make different experiments to get the most ap-
propiate kind of model since Yolo have different mod-
els variants like nano, small and medium, these being
the ones suggested if the end goal is to deploy the
model on a cellphone. Like them, we have decided to
opt for the same model variants for our implementa-
tion since we also plan on use our model on mobile
devices. Thanks to them we have a better knowledge
about the use different versions models of Yolo and
will follow the suggested steps when working with it.
In (Liu et al., 2022) the authors propose a modified
architecture of the Yolov4 model, adding a triple at-
tention mechanism and the focal loss function, as well
as using the K-means method to group the data and
specifying a new anchor box. The first change was
crucial since some pest in tomato are to small to no-
tice and by adding these modules they will have three
parallel branches to capture the data and get more fo-
cus on the feature channels. Contrary to them, since
the data we recollected was taken at short distance and
most of the diseases evaluated occupies enough pix-
els of the images, we opt to use the base Yolov5 model
without changing its layers.
In (Chen et al., 2022) the authors propose to add
new modules to the Yolov5 model, they replaced the
module C3 for an Involution-Bottleneck module. Af-
ter that, they add the SE module to the last layer of the
backbone network, and finally they replace the loss
function by Efficient Intersection over Union in order
to minimize the discrepancy and accelerate the con-
vergence of the model. The first change was useful
since they want to reduce the number of operations
through the learning process and get more focus on
long-distance information of the spatial range while
reducing the number of network parameters. By re-
placing the loss function they seeked to reduce the
discrepancies and accelerate the model convergence,
obtaining an average accuracy of 70 %, 5% higher
than traditional Yolo. We, on the other hand, are using
the base model of Yolov5 because most of our images
are in a short-distance, getting us a benefit on model
convergence since we have less instances to infer on
images. As a result, our results are similar with an
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval