Soft Robotic Tongue Mimicking English Pronunciation Movements
Report: Fabrication and Experimental Evaluation
Evan Krisdityawan
, Sho Yokota
, Akihiro Matsumoto
, Daisuke Chugo
Satoshi Muramatsu
and Hiroshi Hashimoto
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Toyo University, Saitama, Japan
School of Engineering, Kwansei Gakuin University, Sanda, Japan
Department of Applied Computer Engineering, Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Japan
Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Shinagawa, Japan
Keywords: Soft Robotic Tongue, Pneumatic Network, Fabrication, English Pronunciation.
Abstract: A novel soft robotic tongue mimicking the movements of English pronunciation was proposed, aiming at the
learning support for English pronunciation. A soft robotic tongue’s system design and actuator arrangements
have been proposed, and the Finite Element Methods (FEM) simulation for each deformation has been
conducted. In this paper, we discussed two milestones: fabrication and experimental evaluation. The
fabrication, molding, and casting method was applied to the model, and it was manufactured five times bigger
than the original size of a human tongue. A silicone rubber Ecoflex 00-30 was utilized and poured into the
mold that was preliminary printed with a 3D printer. Moreover, an experiment was conducted to confirm and
evaluate the deformation patterns of English pronunciation movements. A ruler was used to measure the
parameters in each deformation, such as bend and flap angle, and bulge height. It presented that bend and
bulge deformations between the fabricated soft robotic tongue and simulated FEM results were likely the
same; however, the flap deformation slightly differed in the experimental evaluation.
Before we dive into current research, we were
experimenting with the practical use of humanoid
robots to improve Japanese’ English pronunciation
and prosody (Krisdityawan et al., 2022). When the
experiment was done, we received a critical comment
from the participants: they did not know how to move
their tongue in the particular sound of English
pronunciation. Specifically, R (/r/), L (/l/), Th- (θ and
ð), F (/f/), and V (/v/) sound. The humanoid robot we
used does not have a function to move the mouth and
tongue. Therefore, we aim to develop a robotic
tongue to visualize the movements during
pronouncing English words, aiming at learning
support. We considered the universality of the robotic
tongue that we design can be used for non-native
English speakers; however, in this paper, our target is
to support Japanese people learning English
pronunciation by showing the visual of tongue
The tongue movements during pronouncing
English words are aggressive and have a high
flexibility rate. To design a robotic tongue that can
mimic English pronunciation movements, it needs to
determine what kind of concept we want to apply and
assign the tongue materials that will be used.
Compared to other works of tongue robotics, they
mainly develop a structure consisting of rigid
materials or use a skeletal structure (Endo et al., 2020;
Hofe et al., 2008; Marconati et al., 2020; Zheng et al.,
2018; Shijo et al., 2019), and the movements were
stiffed. To increase the elasticity and flexibility, some
papers (Lavoisier et al., 2022; Darmont &
Radhakrishnan, 2021) developed a tongue robot using
the fundamentals of soft robotics. These works used
Ecoflex 00-30 silicone rubber and
polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) (Lavoisier et al.,
Krisdityawan, E., Yokota, S., Matsumoto, A., Chugo, D., Muramatsu, S. and Hashimoto, H.
Soft Robotic Tongue Mimicking English Pronunciation Movements 2 Report: Fabrication and Exper imental Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012207800003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 1, pages 704-710
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
2022) as their materials and actuating their robot with
air pressure or “PneuNets” (pneumatic network).
PneuNets is a series of chambers embedded in an
elastic material connected to an inelastic layer, and it
starts to inflate when air is pressurized. Using
PneuNets, our robot can increase the flexibility in
movements and speed close to humans when
pronouncing English words.
Designing our soft robotic tongue should fulfill
the conditions of basic tongue movements in English
pronunciation. We analyzed the basic movements
using software called “Pronunciation Coach 3D”
(icSpeech, n.d.). Basic tongue movements during
pronouncing English sounds are distinguished into
three movements: bend, bulge, and flap shown in
Figure 1. Bend is when the tongue tip starts to lift at
a certain angle and can be found at L (/l/) sound.
Bulge is when the middle part of the tongue begins to
bulge or lift at a certain height, which can be found at
R (/r/) sound. The flap is a movement when both the
left and right parts of the tongue lift symmetrically
and circularly to the middle part, similar to the letter
U or V, found in Th- (θ and ð) sound. All parameters,
such as angle, length, and height summarized in Table
1. A parameter 𝐿
were revised from 0.12
to 0.21 and 60 degrees to 38 degrees due to typing
Figure 1: Three basic tongue movements during English
pronunciation: (a) bend movement. (b) bulge movement.
(c) flap movement.
error during data acquisition. The parameter was
normalized into 1 to make it easier for us to fabricate
the actual tongue robot with different scales or sizes.
The details of the design description will be discussed
in the next section.
Table 1: Ratio designed parameters of the tongue.
Parameter notation Ratio
Figure 2: Overall soft robotic tongue (a) upper part design.
(b) down part design.
Ahead of our current progress, we would like to
review our previous research (Krisdityawan et al.,
2023) that will discuss the design of our novel soft
robotic tongue and verify the proposed system using
FEM (Finite Element Methods) simulation.
2.1 Design Description
The soft robotic tongue design that we proposed is
shown in Figure 2. It comprises a base plate and three
soft actuators attached to the base plate that can be
satisfied from three basic movements during English
Soft Robotic Tongue Mimicking English Pronunciation Movements 2 Report: Fabrication and Experimental Evaluation
2.2 FEM Simulation
Based on our proposed design, we conducted
simulations using Ansys Mechanical to verify the
deformation. The simulation flow chart is depicted in
Figure 3. It is divided into seven milestones, and the
details explanation is described in Table 2.
Table 2: Seven milestones and details of the simulation.
No. Milestone Description
1 Model Design 3D model CAD data
made with SolidWorks
and imported to Ansys
2 Assign Material Assign the material which
is hyperelastic material
(Ecoflex 00-30)
3 Insert Constrain Setting up Young’s
modulus, Poisson’s ratio,
and Yeoh 2nd orders
4 Mesh Defining 3D shape with
polygonal representation.
5 Analysis Setting Setting up the analysis
including pressure, earth
gravity, fixed point,
frictionless between
walls, and activate large
6 Calculation Calculate the simulation
based on the settings and
7 Result Showing the result of the
FEM simulation
Figure 3: FEM simulation flow chart.
Figure 4 shows the FEM simulation results on each
deformation. All deformations pressure was set up to
100 kPa. Bend deformation shows a bending angle of
10 degrees after pressurizing 15 seconds of constant
pressure. The bulge deformation determined that the
highest point of the bulge actuator could reach the soft
palate, which in our model, would be 38.5 mm from
the normal condition. The flap deformation indicated
39 degrees of flap angle symmetrically.
There are seven types of fabrication in the soft
robotics field: molding, reinforcements, additive
Figure 4: FEM simulation result on each deformation. (a)
bend deformation. (b) bulge deformation. (c) flap
manufacturing, thin-film manufacturing, shape
deposition manufacturing, bonding, and architectural
considerations (Schmitt et al., 2018). In our case, to
produce a soft actuator (PneuNets actuator) which is
the internal structure is crucial, we are applying the
molding (molding and casting) method. Molding and
casting methods are easy to utilize for the soft robotic
field, and the cost is reasonable.
Our soft robotic tongue required preliminary
preparation and multiple processes before it
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
assembles into one system. We have tried many
fabrications, and copying the actual size of the human
tongue is challenging to produce due to the small
scale of the air inlet, and some chamber layers were
ripped even before demold or separated from the
mold. Accordingly, we determined to fabricate all
parts into five times bigger than the original size of a
human tongue. Based on the average of Oliver’s
measuring results (Oliver & Evans, 1986), the human
tongue has a dimension: length of 34.95 mm, breadth
of 43.70 mm, and thickness of 10.60 mm. The five
times fabricated size will have a dimension: length of
174.75 mm, width of 218.50 mm, and thickness of
53.00 mm.
3.1 Mold
Mold is needed to copy the model of the soft robotic
tongue. Mold data was made using SolidWorks and
preliminary printed using a 3D printer. The base plate
and each soft actuator mold are shown in Figure 5.
Each mold was sprayed with a release agent before
starting casting.
Figure 5: Base plate (A), bend actuator (B), bulge actuator
(C), and flap actuator (D) mold printed using a 3D printer.
3.2 Casting
For casting, we use Ecoflex 00-30 silicone rubber
liquid with a durometer of 30A produced by Smooth-
On. The silicone liquid consists of Part A and Part B,
which must be mixed before use. Afterwards, the
liquid mixture is injected into the printed mold and
cured for 2-3 hours. In addition, a different color
pigment was added to the mixture to distinguish each
soft actuator in the final product. Figure 6 shows the
casting process.
Figure 6: Scheme of the fabrication process.
3.3 Result
The fabrication result is shown in Figure 7. The
yellow, red, and blue represent bulge, bend, and flap
Figure 7: Final design of the fabricated soft robotic tongue.
(a) upper part. (b) down part.
This section will discuss the experimental equipment
and method to measure and calculate parameters. In
the experiment, we focus on the measurement to find
the angles (bend and flap) and bulge parameters.
4.1 System Configuration
The equipment we used for the experiment is listed as
follows: one PC, one Arduino, one air compressor,
and three pressure control valves. Figure 8 depicts the
system configuration for the experiment. Electro-
Soft Robotic Tongue Mimicking English Pronunciation Movements 2 Report: Fabrication and Experimental Evaluation
pneumatic regulators are used to control the pressure
and act as a continuous process. Each electro-
pneumatic regulator receives the target pressure from
the Arduino and controls the pressure being
pressurized to the actuators. When the target pressure
is issued, we achieve the steady state of the all-
deformation’s soft robotic tongue, which will be
discussed in session 4.2.
Figure 8: System configuration for experimental
4.2 Method and Results
We configured the air pressure with a 12 kPa flow
every second. Figure 9 shows the experimental results
of the soft robotic tongue in a steady state. For bend
movement, it successfully bent when the air was
pressurized. Bulge movement shows it bulged
vertically and shrank horizontally. While the flap
movement was flapped closed to a letter U. The time
scale for bend, bulge, and flap deformation to reach a
steady state are 0.7 s, 0.8 s, and 15 s, respectively. The
numerical value of experimental and FEM simulation
data represents in Table 3.
Figure 9: Experimental result of each deformation with
comparison before and after pressurized. (a) bend
deformation. (b) bulge deformation. (c) flap deformation.
Table 3: Comparison of experimental and FEM simulation
Parameter FEM Data
∆ℎ [mm]
Figure 10 shows the notation parameter and its
presentation using a simplified triangle diagram. The
calculation of
and 𝜃
derived using tan
While ∆ℎ can be simply measured using a ruler.
Figure 10: Notation parameter during air was pressurized.
(a) bend deformation parameters, (b) bulge deformation
parameters notation. (c) flap deformation with a
presentation of a triangle diagram.
To evaluate the data we obtained from the
experiment, we have to compare the data with the
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
simulated FEM data. Based on the summarized data
in Table 3, some experimental data values differed
from the simulated FEM data.
The bend deformation shows a difference of 8
degrees and 8 mm on
. For bulge deformation, it
has a slight difference, 0.5 mm in
∆ℎ and 2 mm in
. Regarding flap deformation, the flap angle
shows a difference error of 4 degrees. In addition, the
result of flap deformation was not equal
symmetrically when air was pressurized. The left part
of the robot was lifted circularly stronger than the
right part, resulting in the entire system tilted to the
right. It is assumed that there was a human error
during fabricating of the flap actuator; for instance, an
error designed of the flap actuator’s inner chamber
wall (width of the wall) affected the flap actuator
inflating strongly in the radial direction. To solve this,
we plan to redesign and recheck if the design is
identical to the model we used in the FEM simulation.
However, our goal is to use the soft robotic tongue
to support visualizing the tongue motion of English
pronunciation. Even if it has differences in numerical
data, the practical usage is valid overall as long as the
soft robotic tongue can mimic the movements
We have suggested a novel soft robotic tongue that
mimics English pronunciation movements. We make
it to aim the improvement at learning support for
English pronunciation. This paper discusses the
fabrication process and evaluates the experiment,
including the parameter of tongue movements of
basic English pronunciations. Previously, we
conducted a FEM simulation to confirm the
deformation patterns of each basic tongue movement.
We tried to fabricate the robot and demonstrate the
motion based on the simulation results.
We utilized an elastic and flexible material,
Ecoflex 00-30 elastomer. The fabrication process
starts with making a mold of each soft actuator. After
the fabrication finished, an experiment to validate the
motion was directed. It shows that the movements in
the simulation or the actual fabricated model have
slight differences. The simulated model and
experimental verification contribute to a study of the
soft robotic and soft robotic tongue that mimics
English pronunciation movements.
In the future, it would be better to measure each
parameter using further precise tools such as flex
sensors as feedback to obtain the experimental data
more accurately. Some papers applied flex sensors to
measure the bend or curvature angle in their work
(Roy et al., 2015; Coral et al., 2015), and it gives us
an idea to apply flex sensors to our soft robotic tongue
in the future. Dynamics states analysis will be
conducted in the future for parameter control of each
deformation. Moreover, we will try to fabricate a
tongue cover to cover up the entire system so it does
not bother the appearance for practical usage.
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics