want to use a much more capable linear axis and more
suited and powerful servo motor to achieve similar
speeds and accelerations like the industrial robot. To
take further investigations regarding some quality is-
sues with our data from the distance sensor, we will
use a servo motor with a build in motor encoder for
tracking slippage or the loss of motor steps. The rea-
son further improvements for the test setup are nec-
essary is a unexpected jump in the sensor data of the
distance sensor clearly visible in figure 2 and figure 3.
We were also able to measure a drift in the distance
data during the movement of the robot and the exter-
nal axis. While a lost in distance between the external
axis and the robot during acceleration and decelera-
tion was expected, it should not occur during a con-
stant motion. Possible reasons for this could be a loss
of motor steps or the alignment of the linear axis to
the robot coordinate system. Therefore, another quite
important improvement would be the use of two laser
trackers to get external measured position data of the
robot and external axis movement. This would give
us further insights of how good the synchronization
between robot and external axis really is.
Furthermore, it is important to improve the consis-
tency of our data transmission. While the data trans-
mission for RSI on the robot and PLC side is based
on real time the exchange happened through the win-
dows interface of the soft PLC which is not real time
capable. Therefore, we have to implement a real time
interface to ensure a clean data transmission.
Another surprising finding was the behavior of
the FSD technology package. As discussed in sec-
tion 5.3, FSD exhibited a much faster transmission
rate (1 ms) than RSI (4 ms). However, the transmitted
data was only updated every 12 ms, counteracting the
advantages of the fast transfer rate. Furthermore, FSD
demonstrated a significant delay time about 100 ms
between the start of the robot movement and the first
change of the internal position data. This topic needs
some further investigation to clarify if we are able to
find a working configuration for FSD or if it is really
not suitable for our use case.
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics