management, highlighting their potential to provide
comprehensive insights and support effective deci-
sion making. Digital Twins offer a promising solu-
tion to the pressing issue of urban traffic congestion
by integrating real-time data, simulation models, and
analytics to create dynamic digital replicas of urban
transport networks. This technology enables Smart
Cities to gain a holistic view of traffic dynamics, op-
timize traffic flow, and develop intelligent strategies
to alleviate congestion. By leveraging Digital Twins,
cities can enhance their transportation systems, im-
prove quality of life for residents, and move closer to
their goals of sustainability and efficiency. Through-
out the paper, authors have advocated for the adop-
tion and further exploration of Digital Twins in traf-
fic management. The integration of Trajectory Min-
ing, Process Mining, and Decision Making techniques
within the Digital Twin framework presents exciting
opportunities to optimize traffic management strate-
gies, predict traffic patterns, evaluate infrastructure
changes, and enhance public safety. By embracing
Digital Twins, Smart Cities can embrace innovative
approaches and leverage advanced technologies to
tackle the complexities of urban traffic congestion. In
summary, Digital Twins have the potential to revolu-
tionize traffic management in Smart Cities, paving the
way for more efficient, sustainable, and livable urban
environments. While challenges and considerations
exist, such as data privacy and security, infrastructure
requirements, and stakeholder engagement, the ben-
efits offered by Digital Twins outweigh these obsta-
cles. It is essential for policymakers, urban planners,
and researchers to recognize the transformative power
of Digital Twins and work collaboratively to harness
this technology’s full potential in shaping the future
of traffic management in Smart Cities. By embracing
Digital Twins, we can build smarter, more connected,
and more efficient urban transportation systems that
enhance the quality of life for residents and pave the
way for a sustainable future.
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Digital Twins for Traffic Congestion in Smart Cities: A Novel Solution Using Data Mining Techniques