Creating of Minefield Breaches with Artillery
Michal Švehlík
, Michal Šustr
, Ladislav Potužák
, Jaroslav Varecha
and Jan Drábek
Fire Support Department, University of Defence, Kounicova 65, Brno, Czech Republic
Department of Military Tactics and Operational Art, Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik,
Demänová 393, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia
Keywords: Artillery, Minefield, Breach, Military Decision-Making Process, MASA SWORD.
Abstract: This article describes research project about new approach to creating breaches in engineer obstacles by using
artillery fire. In current russian-ukraine war can be observed massive use of explosive and non-explosive
obstacles within position defence. Efficiency of attack of task forces is in this case directly influenced by their
ability to overcome these obstacles. Main issue for the attacking force represents minefields which slow down
and restrict manoeuvre and cause casualties. Breaches in minefields are created by units of combat engineers
manually or by special mine clearing equipment. During that time is the unit threatened by the enemy,
especially special engineering equipment is a priority target. The aim of the research is to propose and verify
the possibility of using artillery as a mean to create breaches in engineer obstacles, especially in minefields,
giving the attacking force alternative, contingency or emergency way of creating breach. The article
introduces basic aspects of explosive obstacles and minefields, analyses tactical aspects of creating breaches
in them and proposes possible approaches to solving the problematics by using artillery.
Armed conflict in Ukraine confirms that position
defence has still place in modern conflict. Defence
areas and strong points are constructed in the whole
width of area of operations (AOO). Defence positions
are supported by massively creating explosive and
non-explosive obstacles, mainly minefields. (Rolenec
and Kopuletý, 2017. Sedláček and others, 2022)
According to doctrinal model of Russian armed
forces is minefield placed on the front edge of
defence, in spaces between strong points and on the
flanks in the whole depth of defence area. (Bartles
and others, 2016)
According to public resources is apparent that
Russian forces are using land mines to strengthen
their position defence. In some areas of defence, the
density of mines is ten times the calculation norms of
the Russian army. Minefields are covered by planned
artillery fires and represent huge issue for the
attacking forces and their freedom of manoeuvre
during attacking the first lines of enemy defence and
deployment of the main attacking force.
The attacking unit in such situation usually loses
initiative, its manoeuvre is restricted and comes under
concentrated enemy fire. Using minefields multiplies
combat force in the area in favour of the enemy.
Current tactics counts on deploying units of combat
engineers and creating breaches in obstacles by using
their equipment. In ongoing RUS/UKR war evident
that such equipment represents primary targets.
(Rolenec and others, 2019)
During first and second world war procedures of
creating breaches in engineer obstacles by using
artillery fire were applied. After second world war
were these procedures dismissed mostly because of
requirements for high precision of artillery fire and
ammunition consumption. Those factors are no
longer valid, because of new automated fire control
systems and new types of artillery ammunition. (Ivan
and others, 2021)
Švehlík, M., Šustr, M., Potužák, L., Varecha, J. and Drábek, J.
Creating of Minefield Breaches with Artillery.
DOI: 10.5220/0012208500003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 1, pages 266-272
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
To understand the possibility of using modern
artillery for creating breaches in minefields it is
necessary to describe basics of surmounting
explosive obstacles, minefields and basis of how
artillery functions. (Rolenec and others, 2021).
An explosive obstacle is an engineering obstacle,
which is mainly composed of minefields. The
destruction of units, the limitation of their
maneuverer, the influence on the time management of
the operation, the psychological effect, etc are main
risks to attacking forces. Explosive obstacles in the
form of securing the flanks of the formation, bridging
any gaps arise in the battle formation and securing
critical assets and objects for defence represent
a significant advantage for the defending opponent.
2.1 Minefield
Minefield can be created manually, by minelayer or,
as is widely used today, by remote delivery of mines.
Remote delivery of mines consists in creating
minefield from distance by tube or rocket artillery,
mine launchers or air forces.
Tactical use of remote delivery of mines, which is
applied in current war in Ukraine is based on laying
mines in terrain directly in front of attacking forces,
that have surmounted originally laid minefields.
Another possible tactical use is in laying mines in
immediate proximity of retreating forces, which
complicates the retreat and simplifies destroying
equipment and personnel.
Large scale use of remote delivery of mines in
RUS/UKR war and using modern types of mines,
which can be equipped with mechanisms against
extraction represent important factor for tactical
planning and successful execution of operation.
2.2 Mines
Basic types of landmines are:
anti-personnel mines,
anti-tank mines,
off-route mines,
special mines.
Current combat is characterised by using anti-
personnel and anti-tank mines. Anti-personnel mines
are designed to destroy personnel. Anti-tank mines
are designed to damage and destroy tanks, armoured
personnel carriers and other vehicles. Mines can be
placed on the ground or below the surface and can be
secured against extraction. The effect of artillery
projectiles on target allows us to consider the
possibility of destroying mines by utilizing the kinetic
energy, energy of explosion (pressure wave) and
dispersion of fragments after the explosion of the
projectile. Effect of artillery projectile can be adjusted
by different setting of fuse allowing it to explode
under the surface thus destroying the mines placed
under the ground for example.
Standard way of surmounting minefield consists in
deploying units of combat engineers equipped to
create breaches in enemy engineer obstacles in front
of attacking units. The engineer units then create
breaches in proximity of own troops using
mechanical or explosive mine-clearing assets and if
those are not available then they do it manually.
(Cibulová and others, 2019)
This way of surmounting minefields has some
significant flaws:
Time consumption
Loss of moment of surprise
Restriction of movement
Time Consumption is affected by mine-clearing
equipment, type of used mines, density of minefield,
terrain and by possible cover of minefield by enemy
artillery fire. Based on principles of artillery functions
can be expected, that time consumption might be
Vulnerability is caused by multiple factors. First
is easy recognition of special mine-clearing
equipment, which is caused by its construction. On
modern battlefield filled by sensors is this factor
critical. Detecting of such priority target will lead to
its immediate destruction. Another factor of
vulnerability is time of exposition of the equipment to
possible enemy fire due to its work during creating
the breach. (Kompan, 2018) Vulnerability of artillery
in case of its deployment is given by its own firing. In
the moment of the shot the firing position is disclosed
and enemy counter-battery fire usually follows.
(Rolenec and others, 2021)
The Loss of Moment of Surprise. The moment
of surprise is one of the elementary prerequisites for
achieving successful attack. Moment of surprise can
cause confusion and makes it impossible to react
Creating of Minefield Breaches with Artillery
quickly and effectively to sudden change of situation.
(Kompan and others, 2022) In the moment, when
enemy is able to anticipate the direction of attack and
possible areas of deployment of forces, attacking
operation becomes much more challenging. Due to
necessity of using special engineer equipment, that
can be easily recognised, the defending forces are
capable of foreseeing not just the direction of attack,
but also the speed of advance and can react by calling
in the fire support, manoeuvring with forces or by
sending in the reinforcements. Breach created by
artillery fire will be, from the point of view of
moment of surprise, considered surprising and
Restriction of Movement is one of the
elementary factors, which allows defenders to
effectively engage the attacking forces. During mine-
clearing a thin corridor is created and units must move
through this corridor to surmount the explosive
obstacle. Defenders can easily concentrate fire on
these units. In the moment, when the front vehicle is
destroyed, surmounting of the explosive obstacle
might be impossible. This risk can be partially
lowered by creating the breach by using artillery
based on how many artillery units are used and how
wide the breach or how many breaches will be
created. (Ivan and others, 2019, 2022)
It is obvious that problematics of surmounting
engineer obstacles is one of the most important topics
when it comes to modern conflicts. Risks that come
from creating breaches in obstacles are huge and
a variety of ways, equipment and procedures of
realisation of creating breach, especially in well
prepared defence with high density of engineer
obstacles, might be an advantage. Preparing PACE
plans is typical for many activities and in this case, it
is also useful to have alternative, contingency or
emergency way or means, which multiplies or
replaces capabilities of special combat engineer
equipment. This way and means can be provided by
artillery, that can provide fire support in all conditions
Based on comprehensive assessment of the situation
and findings from the RUS/UKR war it is clear that
defence with the wide use of explosive engineer road
barriers remains a prevalent defensive tactic.
(Kompan and others, 2022) Instead of relying solely
on one method, it is crucial to prepare a diverse array
of approaches within PACE.
On this basis, the project Creating of minefield
breaches with artillery (CMFBA) was defined.
4.1 Overall Project Concept
The primary objective of the project is to introduce an
alternative, backup or emergency method of creating
breaches in minefields within the PACE plan for such
operations without the need to use specialized
engineer equipment. To validate the efficacy of the
proposed approach, it will undergo rigorous
simulation tests within the MASA SWORD
Currently, artillery units usually consist of barrel
artillery units, mortar units and artillery rocket units.
These units and their equipment hold great potential
as feasible means to address the challenge of creating
breaches in minefields. Because the barrel artillery is
currently the most widely used artillery piece, is
capable of firing curved, steep and flat trajectory
projectiles and an extensive range of ammunition
options, the initial phase of the project will center on
harnessing the capabilities of artillery weapon sets.
The crucial factors for evaluating the possibility
of using artillery assets in building a breach in
minefields are the characteristics of the ammunition,
particularly its effectiveness in neutralizing mines,
the method of engagement, which directly impacts
the consumption of ammunition, the probability of
mine destruction, and the width of the breaches
Moreover, an integral facet of the assessment lies
in evaluating the travers ability of the shelled terrain,
gauged by the size of the passage formed after
artillery fire, in order to assess the ability of the
different types of equipment available to the
mechanized battalions to traverse this area.
4.2 Munition
Standard high-explosive projectiles have mostly
fragmentation and disruptive effects on target. These
two factors also have key role in assessment of ability
to neutralize mines and create breaches in minefields
by using artillery. Fragmentation effect is given by
dispersion of high number of fragments after
explosion and their wounding or destructive effect on
target. Disruptive effect is given by pressure of the
blast, that disrupts the obstacle.
Artillery ammunition of medium calibre (152 and
155 mm) will have bigger potential for creating the
breaches is engineer obstacles by artillery because of
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
bigger amount of blasting charge inside the shell.
Bigger amount of blasting charge is connected with
higher energy of pressure wave created by the
explosion and by that with higher capability of
destroying mines in bigger radius from centre of
4.3 Methods of the Attack
The method of the attack for the minefield area is
an important factor in creating breaches in engineer
obstacles by artillery fire.
In particular, the research team considers methods
of the attack to be an appropriate method of the attack
when creating breaches in engineer obstacles:
Divided zone battery fire,
Full zone fires,
Target (sections, lines) separation. (Vajda,
When firing at targets by divide zone battery fires,
artillery batteries conduct fire at all specified ranges
and fire a limited portion of the planned rounds at
each range. (Šustr and others, 2022)
Full zone fires target engagement consists of each
battery firing at only one range and firing one-third of
the planned projectile consumption at that range.
When target separation between batteries is used,
batteries usually fire at the same time at
predetermined targets. (Blaha and others, 2021)
An evaluation of the methods of the attack,
together with the type and consumption of rounds,
will enable the proper procedures to be determined
for achieving effective passage formation in
an engineer obstacle using artillery. This is currently
provided by modern means of command systems and
automated fire control systems of artillery units.
(Mušinka and Uchaľ, 2021) The output will be
a methodology for requesting fire and a procedure for
executing artillery fire using suitable and effective
method of the attack in FFE mission.
4.4 Mathematical Method
To verify the capability of artillery projectiles to
destroy mines or to damage them enough so they will
not be able to detonate we need to know if the
pressure wave of explosion will be strong enough to
neutralize the mines. For verification we must use the
correct mathematical apparatus (figure 1 and 2),
because realisation of the experiment would be
impossible due to safety measures for artillery fire.
Results of calculations will be compared to values of
resistance of the anti-tank and anti-personnel mines
against pressure wave. It is also necessary to assess
the fragmentation effect on mines.
= 𝑷
𝟖𝟎𝟖 ×
- maximal pressure of blast wave (Pa)
- atmospheric pressure (Pa)
Z - scale parameter
Z-Scale parameter
R -distance from detonation (m)
w -amount of explosive (kg)
4.5 MASA SWORD Experiment
Verification and possibilities for use of proposed way
of creating breaches in engineer obstacles is
practically not possible. Because of that research
team realizes multiple simulations in MASA-
SWORD software, where three ways of surmounting
engineer obstacles will be evaluated and compared.
Units will avoid the explosive obstacle and
bypass it.
Units will surmount the explosive obstacle
through breaches created by combat
Units will surmount the explosive obstacle
through breaches created by artillery fire.
4.5.1 Avoiding and Bypassing an Explosive
After detecting a minefield, units choose to go round
the roadblock with an outflanking manoeuvre of the
enemy troops.
Independence from specialized engineer
Reduced risk of personnel and equipment
loss due to mine activation
High time consumption
Loss of initiative
Loss of the element of surprise
Creating of Minefield Breaches with Artillery
4.5.2 Overcoming the Explosive Obstacle
Through Breaches Created by
Engineer Units
After detecting minefield, the attacking units deploy
mine-clearing vehicles to the front of the formation
and follow them while surmounting the minefield.
Bigger certainty of clearing the mines
Exact lay out of the breach.
Need of combat engineer support
Vulnerability of combat engineer vehicles
Restriction of movement of forces
Loss of moment of surprise
4.5.3 Overcoming the Explosive Obstacle
Through Breaches Created by
After detecting minefield, the attacking units call for
fire support by artillery, which is supporting the task
force. Artillery creates breaches in minefield by fire,
mechanized units surmount the minefield and
continue in the attack. Creating breaches in
minefields by using artillery anticipates these
Creating the moment of surprise
Lowering amount of time demanded for
creating the breach
No need for special equipment
As disadvantages can be identified:
Consumption of artillery ammunition
Restriction of other planned fire missions
Disclosure of firing position
Lower certainty of clearing all mines
Experiment will be divided into two phases,
during which the scenarios will be simulated with
different size task forces.
In the first phase of the experiment the scenarios
will be simulated with battalion size task force, that
will attack area of defence of company. Second phase
of the experiment will be simulated with brigade size
task force, that will attack area of defence of battalion.
The outcome will be evaluation of variants from
point of view of different areas of tactics. Evaluation
will be mostly based on these criteria:
Ammunition consumption
Number of artillery effectors
Time consumption
Personnel losses
Equipment losses
Overall combat capability of own forces
Overall combat capability of enemy forces
Ammunition Consumption - current standards
of artillery fire do not define procedures for creating
breaches in minefields. Based on mathematical
calculations, probability of hitting the target and
simulations, it will be necessary to determine
ammunition consumption, that will be adequate for
creating the breach.
Number of Artillery Effectors - this aspect will
have to be determined not just because of detaching
artillery for creating the breach, but also because of
the change of amount of planned fire support for the
given operation, meaning lowering the number of
planned fire missions.
Time Consumption - will consist in creating
timelines of all scenarios, dividing timelines into
phases and comparing those timelines.
Personnel Losses - within this criterion losses of
personnel on both sides in different scenarios will be
Equipment Losses - procedure similar to
criterion Personnel losses will be applied.
Comparison will comprise losses of equipment on
both sides during different scenarios.
Overall Combat Capability of Own and Enemy
Forces - complete overview of losses and evaluation
of combat capabilities of both sides within different
simulated scenarios.
4.6 Project Workflow
It is obvious, that complexity and difficulty of this
problematics and its connection to tactical planning,
detaching of artillery forces, use of combat engineers
and military art will demand large amount of time and
work. The research team has defined probable
timeline and milestones of a new project.
4.6.1 Phase 1 (Short Term Horizon)
The initial phase focuses on several pivotal
milestones. The first milestone entails investigating
the feasibility of mine destruction through artillery
fire. This necessitates conducting a series of
mathematical calculations, initially focusing on one
specific calibre and projectile type, to determine the
effectiveness of destroying the chosen type of mine
by an artillery fire. The fundamental condition under
consideration will be the mine's placement on
the surface and subsurface.
The second milestone in the first phase involves
establishing the firing method when constructing
breaches through minefields, as well as analysing the
ammunition consumption based on the precision of
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
the fire and the probability of successful hits. Also, in
connection with different ways of determining
the firing data for firing.
The third milestone entails expanding on
the findings from milestones one and two by
considering different shell and mine types and the
subsequent development of a methodology for
conducting fire while creating breaches in minefields
depending on the shells and mines used.
The first phase mainly centres on evaluation and
verification of theoretical feasibility using
mathematical tools, along with the application of
artillery standards, procedures, and tactics.
4.6.2 Phase 2 (Midterm Horizon)
If the method of creating breaches in minefields
proves mathematically feasible and applicable within
artillery standards, it will be necessary to verify
the effect of this method on the overall concept of
the planned operation. This verification will involve
conducting thorough simulations using the MASA
SWORD platform within proposed scenarios.
The first milestone is to precisely define each
scenario and establish the basic criteria for each
scenario entity so that reflects real-world conditions
as closely as possible, and the results are applicable
in practice. It will be necessary to work in close
cooperation with the troop types, especially
the Mechanized infantry and engineer troops, and to
prepare accurate simulation models. The second
milestone involves implementation of the actual
simulations. When dealing with complex tactical
situations, the research team implements a substantial
number of simulations (in the tens of thousands) for
the most accurate results. The third milestone focuses
on a comprehensive evaluation of the options,
analysing the impact on own forces and the potential
consequences for the adversary. The fourth milestone
involves augmenting the scenarios with other factors,
such as terrain, weather conditions, unpredictable
events within the tactical situation, etc.
4.6.3 Phase 3 (Long Term Horizon)
The long-term horizon is represented by
the integration of the proposed method to
the procedures and tactics of troop types and
the gradual expansion of parameters in
the operational area. As well as application of
individual variants of scenarios and entities within
the tactical situation aiming to achieve the greatest
possible complexity, intensity, number of elements
involved, a wide range of variants of the adversary's
activities, etc. (Kompan and Hrnčiar, 2022)
The outcomes of the simulations can be integrated
into software which will be assisting commanders
with tactical planning. The final step involves
comparing the simulation results with real
commanders' decision-making during the planning of
operations with the need to create breaches in
engineer obstacles.
Project Creating of minefield breaches with artillery
(CMFBA) is based on knowledge gained from current
war in Ukraine, which showed the fact, that position
defence and massive use of engineer obstacles still
has its place in modern conflict and can cause huge
losses of personnel and equipment and can slow down
or even stop the advance of attacking forces.
The ability to react to development of combat
situation, together with possibility of choice between
variants represents indisputable advantage. It is for
this reason, that NATO armies use the concept of
PACE. This reason together with fact, that success of
the attack depends among others on the ability to keep
the speed of the attack, allowing manoeuvre and
deployment of own forces and destroying the enemy
on the front edge, lead the research team to
conclusion, that proposed project will give
commanders a tool, which allows them to fulfil these
The project is currently in its initial stages, its
contents and time schedule of research project were
defined, and members of the team are currently
working on first and second milestone of the first
phase. At the same time working on the first
milestone of the second phase has begun. Research
team operates with hypothesis, that mathematical
calculations will confirm the ability of artillery
ammunition to destroy mines both on top and below
ground and it will be possible to carry out planned
simulations to verify its tactical use. In case of
successful simulations confirming the usefulness of
procedure, it will be a completely new approach to
solving given problematics during combat situations.
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