BSODCS: Bee Swarm Optimization for Detecting Community Structure
Narimene Dakiche
Laboratoire des Methodes de Conception de Syst
emes (LMCS), Ecole Nationale Sup
erieure d’Informatique (ESI),
BP 68M - 16270 Oued Smar, Alger, Algeria
Social Networks, Community Detection, Bee Swam Optimization, Modularity.
This paper presents, BSODCS, a Bee Swarm Optimization for detecting community structure within networks.
It employs artificial bees to explore a search space and construct solutions for community detection. To
accommodate the specific features of networks, we adopt a locus-based adjacency encoding scheme. Each bee
makes decisions regarding its neighboring solutions and shares information through a dance. To explore the
neighborhood of each bee, we use Pearson’s correlation as the heuristic information. The modularity of the
bees’ solutions serves as a metric for evaluating their quality. The algorithm is tested on well-known real-world
networks, and the experimental findings demonstrate that BSODCS outperforms other existing swarm-based
methods, delivering higher-quality results.
Modern network science has made significant
progress in modeling complex real-world systems.
One key characteristic of these networks is the pres-
ence of community structure. Over the past few years,
numerous algorithms for community detection have
been proposed to uncover the structural properties and
collective behaviors in networks (Bedi and Sharma,
Community detection refers to the procedure of
dividing a network into groups of interacting nodes
depending upon their structural properties (Yang
et al., 2013). It has been proven to be an optimization
problem, considered NP-Hard, which involves maxi-
mizing various interesting objective functions (Bran-
des et al., 2007).
Modularity (Newman and Girvan, 2004) is by far
the most used and best known quality function for
measuring the quality of a partition of a network, even
thought it presents a resolution limit problem in cer-
tain realistic situations (Fortunato and Barth
2007). Consequently, several community detection
algorithms are proposed to optimize it.
Swarm Intelligence is the field of studying and de-
signing well-organized computational intelligent in-
teractive solutions, in which complex problems are
being solved by using the behavior of living swarms
such as birds, reptiles, fish, and ants (Nayyar et al.,
2018). Many swarm based optimization algorithms
have been adopted to tackle the community detection
Cai et al. (2014) introduced a discrete Particle
Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm specifically de-
signed for detecting communities in signed networks.
The same corresponding author further extends this
research in (Cai et al., 2015), focusing on the cluster-
ing of large-scale social networks.
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) has gained
prominence as an effective global search meta-
heuristic for graph-related problems. Various adap-
tations of the ACO algorithm have been proposed for
community detection. Noteworthy instances of these
adaptations can be found in the works cited as (Chen
et al., 2012) and (He et al., 2011).
In recent times, researchers have begun to investi-
gate the applicability of contemporary nature-inspired
meta-heuristics for community detection. One of
these methods is Bat algorithm (BA), as demonstrated
in studies such as (Hassan et al., 2015) and (Song
et al., 2016). These works shed light on the effec-
tiveness of BA in tackling the community detection
problem in graphs.
Another notable adaptation for community de-
tection problems is the utilization of Firefly Algo-
rithm (FA). Jaradat et al. (2018) present an interesting
study where a FA-based solver outperforms other bio-
inspired solvers, such as Genetic Algorithm (GA) and
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), when applied to a
Dakiche, N.
BSODCS: Bee Swarm Optimization for Detecting Community Structure.
DOI: 10.5220/0012209300003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 422-428
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
small set of real-life networks.
Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is another contem-
porary bio-inspired solver that has been successfully
applied to community detection problem. In (Hafez
et al., 2014), an ABC based algorithm is introduced,
which autonomously determines the optimal number
of partitions in the network. Moreover, (Dakiche
et al., 2022) is an additional work that demonstrates
the effectiveness of ABC for community detection
challenges and offers insights into its potential appli-
cations in this domain.
Over the past decade, numerous algorithms in-
spired by the behavior of bees have been proposed
and applied to various problems (Karaboga and Akay,
2009). One such algorithm is Bee Swarm Optimiza-
tion (BSO), introduced as a metaheuristic by Drias
et al. (2005), which draws inspiration from the for-
aging behavior of real bees.
BSO is an effective approach that has demon-
strated promising results in several issues, such as sat-
isfiability (Djeffal and Drias, 2013), association rules
(Djenouri et al., 2013), clustering (Sadeg and Drias,
2007), and feature selection (Sadeg et al., 2015). Due
to its effectiveness for those problems, we are inter-
ested in investigating its capabilities for community
detection problem.
To the best of our knowledge, only one study pur-
ported at proposing an algorithm based on BSO for
community detection problem (Belkhiri et al., 2017).
In their algorithm, the authors take modularity Q as
objective function and choose a string based schema
to represent the solutions. No explicit local search
was adopted to visit the solutions’ neighborhood ex-
cept for a flipping algorithm to determine the search
In our study, we propose to adapt the BSO algo-
rithm for community detection problem by using the
locus-based adjacency representation to record each
solution representing a community structure, which
has the advantage of enabling the algorithm to de-
tect communities’ number automatically, contrarily to
the string based representation. Moreover, while ex-
ploring each bee’s neighborhood, we propose to use
the network knowledge to select the most appropriate
neighbor. For that, we employ Pearson’s correlation,
which is a similarity measure between nodes. The al-
gorithm, we call BSODCS (BSO for Detecting Com-
munity Structure), reaches better modularities com-
pared to the first-proposed BSOCD (Belkhiri et al.,
2017) and other swarm based algorithms from the lit-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In
sections 2, the commuity detection as an optimiza-
tion problem is described. In section 3, the general
algorithm of BSO is presented and its application for
community detection is described. Section 4 shows
the results of BSODCS and compares them to the re-
sults of other methods before we conclude with final
remarks and directions for future works in section 5.
A complex network can be represented as a graph
G = (V,E), where V denotes the set of nodes and
E denotes the set of edges. The graph consists of
N = |V | nodes and m = |E| edges. To describe the
network, an adjacency matrix A of size N × N can
be used. Each element A
i j
in the matrix corresponds
to the presence (A
i j
= 1) or absence (A
i j
= 0) of an
edge between the i
and j
nodes. The final com-
munity structure P = {C
} of the network
is defined, where each C
(l = 1,2,...,k) is a subset of
V , and k represents the total number of communities.
Community detection as an optimization problem
requires the use of an objective function to guide the
search for optimal solutions. The objective function
acts as the ”steering wheel” in the process, leading to
favorable solutions. The most widely used and well-
known quality function for evaluating the quality of a
network partition is modularity Q (Newman and Gir-
van, 2004). In the context of a graph G with n nodes
and m edges, modularity is computed in the following
Q =
i j
i j
× d
) (1)
where A is the corresponding adjacency matrix, d
denotes the degree of node i( j), C
) is the com-
munity to which node i( j) belongs to. δ(C
) = 1,
if C
= C
, otherwise, 0. A high modularity indi-
cates that there is a dense concentration of connec-
tions within nodes of the same community, while con-
nections between nodes from different communities
are sparse (Fortunato, 2010).
BSO, inspired by the cooperative behavior of bees,
is a search process that uses a population of artificial
bees to solve optimization problems. It begins with a
bee called BeeInit, which generates an initial solution
as the reference one (RefSolultion). Then, additional
solutions are generated from RefSolultion, using a
BSODCS: Bee Swarm Optimization for Detecting Community Structure
flipping strategy to form the search space. Each so-
lution is assigned to a bee, serving as a starting point
for exploring its neighborhood. After producing their
respective solutions, the bees communicate and share
their best solution through the Dance table.
In order to maintain a balance between exploita-
tion and exploration, BSO uses intensification and
diversification mechanisms. Intensification improves
the best global solution by selecting from the dance
table, while diversification explores new areas. The
choice is based on progress, and the selected solution
becomes the new RefSolultion for the next iteration.
Algorithm 1: BSO for detecting community structure.
Data: A network G = (V,E)
Result: Community structure of the network C = {C
Initialize the algorithm parameters: N (number of bees), itermax
(maximum number of iterations), f lip (search space creation
parameter), and limit (abandonment criterion);
// Initial reference solution, see subsection 3.2;
Re f Solution GenerateInitialSolution() ;
Set TabuList = newlist();
Set iter = 0;
while iter < itermax do
// Save RefSolutio in Tabu list;
TabuList TabuList + Re f Solutio;
// Determine search space, see subsection 3.3;
for i 1 to N do
Set nbChances = limit;
// Neighborhood exploration (N), see subsection 3.4;
for i 1 to N do
NeighborBee GenerateNeighborBee(Bee[i]);
// Save best solution in Dance table;
DanceTable DanceTable + BestSol(Bee[i], NeighborEBee)
// Select the new RefSolution , see subsection 3.5;
BestModularity(DanceTable) > BestModularity(TabuList)
Re f Solution BestModularity(DanceTable);
nbChances limit;
if nbChances > 0 then
nbChances nbChances 1;
// Intensification;
Re f Solution Re f Solution;
// Diversification
Re f Solution GenerateInitialSolution();
iter iter + 1;
BestModularity BestModularity(TabuList) ;
Decode the optimal solution to obtain the communities of
network G, C = {C
To prevent repetition, the latter is stored in a taboo
list. The algorithm continues until an optimal solution
is found or the maximum of iterations is reached.
In this paper, we adapt the BSO algorithm for de-
tecting community structure in networks, which in-
volves specific considerations. The process is given in
Algorithm 1, and in what follows, we outline the en-
coding of solutions and the evaluation of their quality,
the generation of the initial solution and the determi-
nation of the search region, the local search conducted
by the bees and the selection of the reference solution.
3.1 Solution Encoding
In order to fit the characteristics of networks, we em-
ploy the locus-based adjacency representation (Shi
et al., 2009) to encode solutions representing commu-
nity structures. This encoding scheme offers a signif-
icant advantage by automatically detecting the num-
ber of communities. For a particular network with
n nodes, every individual g in the population is rep-
resented as g
with n genes, and each g
can take the allele value j in the range of 1, 2, ...,n.
Assigning a value j to the i
gene implies an edge
between nodes i and j in V , resulting in the nodes
i and j belonging to the same community in the de-
tected structure. To extract the community structure
from this representation, a decoding step is required
to identify all connected components of the graph,
ensuring that nodes within the same component are
assigned to the same community. It has been demon-
strated that this decoding method is highly effective
for community detection and can be performed effi-
ciently in linear time (Cormen et al., 2001). For il-
lustration, Fig. 1 shows a network, its corresponding
solution using the locus-based representation, and the
final community structure result.
3.2 Initial Reference Solution
Initially, the algorithm generates a solution to repre-
sent the BeeInit’s food source. This solution is gener-
ated randomly or via a heuristic. For community de-
tection problem, a randomly generated solution may
not be feasible. Indeed, it could contain a value j in
the i
position, but no edge (i, j) exists in the net-
work. Therefore, in order to obtain a solution with
certain quality, for each node i, a value j in the i
sition is randomly chosen among its neighbor nodes.
This means that the edge (i, j) exists in the network.
This strategy provides a good starting point for the al-
gorithm and improves the convergence of the method.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Example of a solution representation (Dakiche
et al., 2022).
3.3 Search Space
The search space consists of a collection of N solu-
tions, where N corresponds to the number of bees in
the swarm, since each solution will be assigned to one
bee as a starting point of its local search. These solu-
tions within the search space are generated by flipping
a number of bits equal to n/flip from the reference so-
lution (Refsolution), flip being an empirical param-
eter that significantly affects the search process. A
small Flip value implies a local optimum for Refsolu-
tion in the exploitation region, limiting potential im-
provement. Conversely, a high Flip value may cause
the swarm to move away from Refsolution’s region,
potentially overlooking valuable solutions.
To ensure diverse solutions within the search
space, we employ two strategies (Sadeg et al., 2015).
In the first strategy, the k
solution is generated by
flipping variables in Refsolution with a separation of
flip bits, starting from the k
position. While in the
second one, the k
solution is obtained by flipping
n/flip contiguous bits, starting from the k
If we consider the example of Fig.1 in which
N = 9 and we take f lip = 3. With the positions la-
beled from 1 to 9, the solutions we obtain by using
the first strategy are generated by flipping the follow-
ing positions: (1,4,7), (2,5,8), and (3,6,9), while using
the second strategy produces the solutions generated
by flipping the following positions: (1,2,3), (4,5,6),
and (7,8,9) as illustrated in Fig.2. The positions given
by both strategies are changed by randomly selecting
a neighbor of the corresponding node from its list of
Figure 2: (left) solutions generated by the first strategy,
(right) solutions generated by the second strategy.
If the number of generated solutions is insufficient
(less than the defined number of bees), a random ap-
proach can be used. These strategies aim to maintain
distinct solutions while exploring the search space ef-
3.4 Neighborhood Procedure
The bees explore their neighborhood for new even-
tually better solutions. To obtain a neighbor solu-
tion, we propose to take advantage of the prior knowl-
edge inferred from the network structure, and use a
Pearson’s-based neighbor procedure. It modifies var-
ious entries of the solution vector using the roulette
method. This method determines the probability of
selecting a pair (i, j) as a component of the new so-
lution. Specifically, the value j is chosen as the
new value for the input index i with a probability of
p = n
i j
, where n
i j
represents the Pearson
correlation between nodes i and j, and v(i) denotes
the set of neighboring nodes of i. Fig. 3 illustrates the
generation of neighboring solutions.
The Pearson’s correlation similarity measure (For-
tunato, 2010) is based on the fact that the nodes be-
longing to the same community are similar to each
other. The Pearson correlation C(i, j) between nodes
and v
is defined as follows:
C(i, j) =
where A
is the l
element of the i
row in the adja-
cency matrix, µ
/n is the average, and σ
/n is the standard deviation. C(i, j)
takes values between 1 and 1. A value close to 1
means that nodes v
and v
are very similar in a struc-
tural perspective. Otherwise, C(i, j) would be close to
1. As the Pearson correlation can have negative val-
ues, it cannot be directly used in BSODCS algorithm.
To address this, we apply the logistic function to the
BSODCS: Bee Swarm Optimization for Detecting Community Structure
Figure 3: Pearson’s-based neighbor procedure (Dakiche et al., 2022).
aforementioned Pearson correlation, resulting in pos-
itive outputs. These outputs are incorporated into the
algorithm as heuristic information:
i j
1 + e
C(i, j)
The more similar nodes v
and v
are the larger value
i j
would take, and the more probably edge (i, j) is to
be taken as a solution component.
3.5 Selection of Reference Solution
The selection of the reference solution, for next itera-
tion, initially relies on the modularity of solutions in
the dance table. However, if the swarm observes a
lack of progress in terms of modularity over a certain
period of time, it incorporates a restart strategy. This
restart enables the swarm to escape from a potentially
stagnant region and explore alternative regions in the
search space. By combining both quality and diver-
sity considerations, the swarm ensures a more com-
prehensive and effective search process.
In this section, our algorithm was tested on a selection
of commonly used networks in the community detec-
tion problem: American college football, Zachary’s
karate club, the Dolphin social network, and Books
about US politics. To assess the quality of the result-
ing community structures, we used modularity as a
quality measure, and compared the results with five
other swarm based optimization algorithms from lit-
erature: PSO (Chen et al., 2012), ACO (Chen et al.,
2012), BA (Song et al., 2016), ABC (Dakiche et al.,
2022), and BSOCD (Belkhiri et al., 2017). In what
follows, we present the used datasets and discuss the
4.1 Datasets
The American college football network, initially pro-
posed by Girvan and Newman (Girvan and New-
man, 2002), it represents the matches played be-
tween college football teams in the United States dur-
ing the 2000 season. This network consists of 115
nodes representing teams and 616 edges represent-
ing the games played, organized into 12 teams. The
Zachary’s karate club network (Zachary, 1977) de-
scribes the members of a karate club, comprising 34
nodes, and the relationships between them, repre-
sented by 78 edges. Due to internal disagreements
within the club, the members eventually split into two
groups. The Dolphins network (Lusseau et al., 2003),
constructed by Lusseau, focuses on a group of 62 dol-
phins observed over a period of seven years. The net-
work exhibits a division of the dolphins into two dis-
tinct groups, with 159 connections. The Books about
US politics network (Newman, 2006) consists of 105
nodes, representing books on American politics ac-
quired from The edges between books
denote frequent co-purchasing of books by the same
buyer. The books were categorized into two groups
based on their political alignment (liberal or conser-
vative), with the exception of 13 books that did not
have a clear affiliation.
4.2 Results Discussion
The performance of BSODCS, like most metaheuris-
tics, is heavily influenced by its parameter values. In
our experiments, we determined the optimal param-
eter values through extensive runs using various pa-
rameter combinations. Consequently, we set the pa-
rameters as follows: f lip = 5, limit = 3, the number
of bees N = 20, and the number of iterations 50.
Table 1 provides the modularities obtained from
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
our algorithm, as well as those from other compara-
tive methods. Our algorithm outperforms the other al-
gorithms for all networks, while ABC algorithm ob-
tains the same results for Karate and Dolphins net-
works. This demonstrates the effectiveness of our
BSODCS in real-world network analysis.
Table 1: Modularity results for all datasets.
Methods Football Karate Dolphins Books
PSO 0.5630 0.3690 - 0.4700
ACO 0.6031 0.4165 0.5628 0.5262
BA 0.5960 0.3920 - 0.4790
ABC 0.6009 0.4198 0.5285 0.5116
BSOCD 0.6040 0.4197 0.5140 -
BSODCS 0.6043 0.4198 0.5285 0,5265
If we consider the Zachary’s karate club, which
naturally consists of two communities of equal size,
our BSODCS algorithm splits the network into four
communities as shown in Fig.4, yielding the highest
modularity value of Q=0.4198 given in Table 1.
Figure 4: Karate Club communities using BSODCS.
In this paper, we investigated the applicability of bee
swarm optimization for community detection prob-
lem. The proposed algorithm, BSODCS, uses the
modularity Q as objective function and starts with
an initial reference solution. A search space is cre-
ated from this reference solution, then a group of bees
collaboratively works to maximize the global func-
tion Q. Each bee operates independently within its
neighborhood and communicates its findings through
a dance. To assess the effectiveness of our algo-
rithm, we conducted experiments on four real-world
networks. The results obtained demonstrate the valid-
ity and efficiency of our method for community de-
tection problem. In future work, we aim to extend
our approach to address community detection prob-
lem in dynamic networks, aiming to further enhance
the quality of the obtained results as well as tracking
communities’ evolution.
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WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies