tween terms. Additionally, In our study, we utilized
word embeddings as features to train the deep learn-
ing model. Moving forward, we aim to enhance these
features by incorporating additional information in-
ferred from the context itself, allowing the features
to capture the linear contexts in which the words
typically appear. This will aid in distinguishing syn-
onymy from other sense relations. Furthermore, our
current models generate a single vector representa-
tion or word embedding for each term. However, con-
textual models can generate word representations that
are influenced by the surrounding words in the sen-
tence (Deb and Chanda, 2022). To achieve this, it
is crucial to consider the definitions of individual
terms, rather than solely focusing on the terms them-
selves. Therefore, this paper is being presented as
an ongoing project, and our next objective is to en-
hance the ontology by integrating term definitions
sourced from additional information channels in fu-
ture. Furthermore, we demonstrated that embeddings
can serve as effective features for training deep learn-
ing model in classification tasks. In order to capture
new terms, we utilize NER and employ an Ontology
Editor to streamline the process of updating the on-
tology. In conclusion, this research paper illustrates
that employing machine learning and NLP techniques
enables the development of an ontology in a semi-
automatic manner by extracting terms and detecting
relations between terms. The study highlights the po-
tential of these approaches in enhancing the ontology
construction process.
This work is supported by ITEA3 under the supervi-
sion of the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (FKZ: 01IS21084 (InnoSale)).
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KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development