is chosen. The tracking errors under such condition
are depicted in Figure 4, from which we can find
that the proposed fixed-time tracking control law pos-
sesses faster time response compared with the finite-
time tracking control law in (Yu et al., 2018) when
the initial condition of the system is far away from
the target value.
In this paper, a novel fixed-time adaptive command
filtered backstepping control approach is proposed to
solve the tracking control problem for a class of non-
linear systems. According to this approach, a group of
novel virtual control laws and the actual control law
are constructed to achieve the fixed-time convergence
of the closed-loop system. The fixed-time differen-
tiator is introduced to approximate the time derivative
of virtual control laws in a fixed time. The new com-
pensation mechanism is developed to reduce the neg-
ative effect of the filtering error. By using the fixed-
time stability criterion, the fixed-time tracking perfor-
mance of the closed-loop system under the proposed
command filtered backstepping control law is anal-
ysed, and a rigorous theoretical proof is presented.
This work was supported in part by the National Nat-
ural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics