SPORENLP: A Spatial Recommender System for Scientific Literature
Johannes Wirth
, Daniel Roßner
, Ren
e Peinl
and Claus Atzenbeck
Institute of Information Systems, Hof University, Alfons-Goppel-Platz 1, Hof, Germany
Recommendation Systems, Scientific Literature, Spatial Hypertext, Natural Language Processing.
SPORENLP is a recommendation system designed to review scientific literature. It operates on a sub-dataset
comprising 15,359 publications, with a total of 117,941,761 pairwise comparisons. This dataset includes both
metadata comparisons and text-based similarity aspects obtained using natural language processing (NLP)
techniques.Unlike other recommendation systems, SPORENLP does not rely on specific aspect features. In-
stead, it identifies the top k candidates based on shared keywords and embedding-related similarities between
publications, enabling content-based, intuitive, and adjustable recommendations without excluding possible
candidates through classification. To provide users with an intuitive interface for interacting with the dataset,
we developed a web-based front-end that takes advantage of the principles of spatial hypertext. A qualita-
tive expert evaluation was conducted on the dataset. The dataset creation pipeline and the source code for
SPORENLP will be made freely available to the research community, allowing further exploration and im-
provement of the system.
Recommender systems have become an indispensable
aspect of our daily lives, as they facilitate the discov-
ery of new products, movies, and music, among other
things. An area that has received increasing attention
in recent years is the utilization of paper recommen-
dation systems (Kreutz and Schenkel, 2022). Typi-
cally, such systems support exploratory search by pro-
viding appropriate papers or a collection of literature
based on given papers or keywords that may be of in-
terest to the user. Connections between articles are
established using a wide range of sources of informa-
tion, including basic factors such as shared authors or
keywords, as well as more sophisticated techniques
such as computation and comparison of textual con-
tent embeddings (Collins and Beel, 2019).
An inherent challenge is designing a user-friendly
system that does not necessitate intricate input while
simultaneously furnishing highly pertinent paper rec-
ommendations that align with the users’ require-
ments. These requirements may differ, as junior re-
searchers, senior researchers, and students may pos-
sess varying needs (Bai et al., 2019). When re-
searchers incorporate a topic with which they are not
yet familiar, their information needs typically include
obtaining an overview of the topic, exploring specific
aspects of the topic, and summarizing, as well as or-
ganizing their findings. To address this issue, we pro-
pose a spatial hypertext interface that simplifies the
expression of contextual information associated with
search queries, while offering the ability to spatially
organize the information retrieved.
Hypertext is a crucial technology for linking infor-
mation and enabling access to related pieces of infor-
mation. In the realm of recommender systems, users
typically have multifaceted and diverse preferences
that are not easily captured by simple linear mod-
els. Spatial hypertext offers an alternative by allow-
ing users to navigate and explore recommendation re-
sults non-linearly, thereby facilitating the discovery of
unexpected and serendipitous recommendations. Our
approach is rooted in a knowledge graph constructed
with data obtained from Semantic Scholar
. The
dataset comprises publication titles, authors, identi-
fiers, abstracts, and relationship metrics that we de-
rived from metadata and text features. The dataset
itself as well as a pipeline for the creation of more
data is publicly available at OSD
, thereby increasing
n similarity.zip
Wirth, J., Roßner, D., Peinl, R. and Atzenbeck, C.
SPORENLP: A Spatial Recommender System for Scientific Literature.
DOI: 10.5220/0012210400003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 429-436
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the transparency of our findings and benefiting the re-
search community engaged in this area of study.
This research integrates elements from various fields,
such as knowledge graph construction for scientific
literature, hypertext research, and natural language
processing. We expand on existing work to create
semantically meaningful text embeddings for calcu-
lating distances between papers. The interface we
propose is rooted in spatial hypertext research, which
centers on conveying implicit relationships through
visual elements in a primarily 2D space. To the best of
our knowledge, we identified shortcomings in exist-
ing systems that we leveraged to justify our approach.
2.1 Embeddings as a Similarity
Xiaofei et al. (Ma et al., 2019) are one of the first to
analyze BERT embeddings as universal text represen-
tations. They find that top and bottom layer embed-
dings are most useful and outperform a strong BM25
(Amati, 2009) baseline and already deliver reasonable
results for question answering, text classification, and
semantic similarity without any finetuning. It is there-
fore reasonable to use them for enhancing the evalua-
tion of results from generative AI models on tasks like
machine translation or open-ended question answer-
ing. The predominant measures for these tasks are
BLEU, METEOR and ROUGE. Zhang et al. (Zhang
et al., 2019) show that BERTscore, a similarity mea-
sure based on BERT embeddings and cosine similar-
ity, outperforms all these measures with respect to
semantic meaning in machine translation and image
captioning tasks.
Based on these earlier advances, SPECTER (Co-
han et al., 2020) was developed to learn general vector
representations of scientific documents that addition-
ally takes into account document-level relatedness de-
rived from the citation graph during the training pro-
cess. At the time of publication, this language model
performed best on SciDocs, a benchmark for scien-
tific document representations, while its successor,
SPECTER2, outperformed even newer approaches on
the now state-of-the-art and recommended SciRepE-
val benchmark (Singh et al., 2022).
2.2 Spatial Hypertext
Spatial hypertext uses a (mostly 2D) space on which
informational units are organized spatially. Their spa-
tial proximities or alignments implicitly represent the
associations among the objects. Furthermore, the
nodes’ visual appearances suggest associations be-
tween similar-looking objects. The so created struc-
ture is implicit by nature (Shipman III et al., 1995)
and appears by interpretation. Machines that can in-
terpret the space to reach a similar “understanding”
as the user are called spatial parsers. Some early at-
tempts existed around the 2000s (Reinert et al., 1999).
Schedel (Schedel, 2017) further developed this ap-
proach by introducing specialized parsers, each de-
signed to focus on a specific attribute such as color,
proximity, or shape. The so-earned workspace aware-
ness, common between user and machine, enables an
iterative process of creating a context of information
by the user that is augmented by the machine’s rec-
ommendations derived from its computational knowl-
edge. It is the foundation and necessary requirement
for spatial hypertext-based recommendation systems
(Atzenbeck et al., 2023).
The visualization of recommendations is not only
about providing high quality results, but also about
explaining them in a reasonable context, which is
essential in information retrieval and visualization
(Beckmann and Gross, 2010). To go beyond conven-
tional list representations, researchers in the field of
information visualization have explored solutions that
use two or even three dimensions to encode additional
information (Parra, 2012; Bitton, 2009). Mostly, ap-
plications use the proximity of objects in a space to
express the strength of relationships. In simple words,
the closer two objects are to each other, the stronger
the relationship. An important finding is that infor-
mation visualization amplifies cognition. The percep-
tual system can reduce the cognitive load because it is
well trained to observe changes, even if they are not
in focus, and to recognize patterns.
2.3 Scientific Paper Recommendation
The most recent literature review (Kreutz and
Schenkel, 2022) of published recommender sys-
tems for scientific publications provides a detailed
overview of different systems, algorithms, and use
cases and lists concrete aspects of the challenges that
still need to be overcome for a productive system or
have not been solved across the board. These include
technical and qualitative features such as scalability
and accuracy, as well as many user-dependent aspects
such as explainability by confidence and adaptability
by user preferences. Although not all challenges are
discussed in detail, an effort was made to address as
many issues as possible.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The following subsections describe the overall system
presented and the underlying basic concepts for the
dataset used along with the user interface for the rec-
ommendation system. In addition, the implemented
approaches are put into relation with those of other
systems and mechanisms for the identification of doc-
ument similarity.
3.1 Dataset
The dataset incorporated into the presented recom-
mender system consists of data from 15,359 publi-
cations, the majority (15,000) of which are listed on
Semantic Scholar
and have full text published under
an open access license. Metadata for these publica-
tions were obtained using the publicly available API
of Semantic Scholar. In addition, the corresponding
full text documents were downloaded. To include at
least loose context references to a large extent, papers
were randomly selected whose titles are related to a
small collection of keywords related to deep learning
and NLP. The remaining papers (359) were presented
at the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Me-
dia and are additionally included to possibly identify
similarities in the scope of a conference or its tracks
to explore the recommendation of fitting venues for
new papers. Since full texts for publications presented
at this conference are subject to a more restrictive li-
cense, the published dataset does not contain their en-
tire content, but only publicly available metadata and
final calculated metrics, which are not indicative of
the actual content of these works. The original full
texts were obtained from the authors’ records.
Using GROBID (GRO, 2023), full texts and addi-
tional metadata were extracted from text documents
and publication title, keywords, keyphrases (2- to 4-
grams), text embeddings, references, direct citations,
authors, document identifiers (doi, arxiv, etc.) as well
as chapter names were determined for subsequent
pairwise comparisons. Similarly to the approach
of (Renuka et al., 2021), keywords and keyphrases
were extracted from abstracts and fulltexts, but were
not further processed into word vectors using term
frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF), but
are included as-is in the dataset to allow for keyword-
based queries. Keywords were retrieved and lemma-
tized with SpaCy (Honnibal et al., 2020), keyphrases
were extracted using Rapid automatic keyword ex-
traction (RAKE) as demonstrated by (Rose et al.,
As shown in (Cohan et al., 2020) and (Singh et al.,
2022), the language model SPECTER2 achieves
state-of-the-art performance in several benchmarks
for the representation of scientific documents. The
use of a language model instead of conventional
methods such as TF-IDF also overcomes the chal-
lenge of dealing with synonyms, as described in
(Kreutz and Schenkel, 2022). The unmodified, pre-
trained retrieval model was used to generate embed-
dings of the titles and abstracts from publications
to subsequently determine cosine similarity among
publication pairs. The publicly available, pretrained
checkpoint “allenai/specter2 proximity” was used.
Based on the previously extracted metadata and
text properties, all publications were compared pair-
wise with respect to matching components. The
dataset consists of a total of 117,941,761 publication
pairs (combination without repetition of publication
pairs with n = 15359, r = 2) for which matches be-
tween abstract keywords and keyphrases, fulltext key-
words and keyphrases, chapter names, authors and
referenced works were determined as well as the co-
sine similarity between abstract embeddings was cal-
Pairwise comparisons based on these aspects were
cleaned up, tagged with the previously described
metadata, and finally converted to TSV format to
allow easy import into the associated recommender
system. All comparisons performed can be used in
the recommendation system described hereafter for
user-specific queries to create recommendations not
only based on multiple metrics, but also to strongly
weight certain keywords and phrases of interest and
to directly compare chapter sections (e.g. comparison
of the chapter “Methodology” between several pa-
pers dealing with the same topic). These aspects not
only increase the explainability of recommendations
to users, but also allow for fine-grained customiza-
tion. The implemented dataset creation pipeline will
be made publicly available so that users can extend
the data according to their needs.
3.2 Interface
To serve as a front-end for the dataset presented in
this paper, we have developed a web-based interface
that leverages the principles of spatial hypertext, as
described in Section 2.2. By representing the rela-
tionships between entities visually, the interface en-
ables users to establish a contextual framework that
can be utilized to formulate queries for the underly-
ing knowledge graph and to organize their knowledge.
In the context of exploratory search, we want to fos-
ter an iterative approach whereby the system recom-
SPORENLP: A Spatial Recommender System for Scientific Literature
Figure 1: Screenshot of the Web user interface, with user entities and suggestions (white boxes).
mends relevant literature to the user, who can then re-
act by modifying the query context or incorporating
the recommended materials into the interface. This
process is designed to be highly interactive, and users
can use visual cues to guide the exploration and or-
ganization of their findings. This iterative approach
can be repeated until the user’s information needs are
met, allowing for a customized and effective research
Following the infrastructure proposed in Mother
(Atzenbeck et al., 2018), our application is divided
into three distinct layers that operate independently
of each other. The first layer comprises the knowl-
edge component, which in our case is a Neo4J graph
database responsible for managing the dataset de-
scribed in Section 3.1. The second layer is respon-
sible for managing the structure and associated ser-
vices, primarily related to the spatial structure within
the user interface, but may also encompass link struc-
ture services (Carr et al., 1995) or hierarchies and
other types of structures. The third and final layer in-
cludes the user interface, which is complemented by
additional software components, such as a web server
and an API, in the case of a web application.
The fundamental concept driving the system is
that of entities which can represent any kind of data
without any specific constraints imposed by the im-
plementation. Generally, an entity can contain arbi-
trary text, a file, or a URI. Since entities are also em-
ployed as vertices in the knowledge graph, they are
intended to be unique. Our generated dataset is used
to create individual entities for each publication, en-
compassing the title, abstract, and an identifier to link
the publication (e.g. the DOI).
The UI layer houses the Web interface, which
comprises 2D spaces that facilitate entity organization
and recommendation retrieval. Multiple workspaces
can be created and may be used concurrently by nu-
merous users. Figure 1 illustrates a workspace screen-
shot, with five entities organized by the user (three
dark gray and two red boxes) along with six rec-
ommendations (white boxes). The left-hand side of
the workspace displays an information bar that pro-
vides additional information, such as tags, abstract,
and comments, for the selected entities. At the top,
a toolbar is available, allowing the addition of enti-
ties and customization of various settings to person-
alize the recommendations provided. The interface is
designed to provide an optimized user experience for
both desktop and tablet devices.
The organization and management of the behavior
of the suggested entities is done using an algorithm
described in (Roßner et al., 2019), cf. Section 2.2.
The basic idea is to exploit the proximity of objects
to encode their meaning and relation within the space
(Chalmers and Chitson, 1992). To achieve this, the al-
gorithm uses Planck.js
and a spring metaphor. When
provided with accurate weights to parameterize the
springs, the algorithm renders recommendations at
positions that make sense to users and controls their
position to react to user interactions with smooth tran-
sitions. The structure layer, with its capabilities to
manage and interpret spatial layouts, is of particular
interest. Spatial parsers within this layer are used
to monitor the space that users are working on and
provide an interpretation based on the size, position,
color, shape, temporal interactions and how these are
related to properties of other objects in the space (e.g.
Typescript re-write of Box2D, a physics engine for
rigid bodies: https://box2d.org/
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
lists or lists of lists). As a result, the parsers calculate
a weighted graph that is used to infer objects that are
visually and temporally related on the basis of inter-
actions. The weights range from 0 to 1 and denote
the visual relation between two objects. An algorithm
for detecting groups removes edges below a certain
threshold (Schedel, 2017), leading to a sparse graph
with interconnected groups/clusters of entities. This
interpretation is used to achieve two goals: Query
generation as the structure service is aware of re-
lated objects, it can transform this information into
multiple queries, one for each visual group. The re-
sult of each query is a set of suggestions that are rele-
vant to the combination of entities within the respec-
tive group. Refine the knowledge base The visual
memory of humans fosters the organization of objects
in visual groups (Brady et al., 2011). Therefore, the
system is designed to utilize the visual grouping and
organization of objects to refine the knowledge base.
The system adapts to user behavior by monitoring the
creation, alteration, or dissolution of object groups,
adjusting the relationship weights in the knowledge
base accordingly. This enables the system to refine its
recommendation accuracy over time.
A typical user session begins with an empty
workspace, using default settings such as 3 sugges-
tions, group detection enabled, and the same weight
of 0.7 for all metrics. If group detection is disabled,
suggestions pertain to the entire workspace, ignoring
any visual structure set by the user. From here, the
user starts with searching publications in the search
field. Currently, the system indexes authors, titles
and tags for search. Search results are presented in
a list format, with additional information, such as the
abstract, being revealed by hovering over a specific
entry. Selecting an entry adds the publication to the
center of the current viewport and updates the set of
shown suggestion nodes.
More nodes can be added by accepting sugges-
tions by pressing on the ‘+’ button of a suggestion
or by using the search field again. Suggestions may
be replaced with others by pressing ‘-’. The filter sec-
tion facilitates fine-tuning the influence of each metric
(ranging from 0 to 1) on the recommendation calcu-
lation. By manipulating one or more filters, a new
weighted average is calculated, and an adjusted set
of suggestions is being integrated into the workspace.
Users can customize filters according to their specific
needs, and the system promotes exploration of these
settings. Interactions like adding new publications or
tweaking filters dynamically update suggestions. Ir-
relevant suggestions fade out, while new and existing
ones adjust to the current context. This organization
helps in thought modeling and allows context-aware
publication suggestions. Users can add tags to publi-
cations for better discoverability and leave comments
for shared insights (cf. left side of Figure 1). A quick
summary of each publication’s abstract is generated
on demand. New publications, URLs, and images can
be imported, and PDF metadata is automatically ex-
tracted using GROBID. Live updates facilitate real-
time collaboration, although suggestion settings re-
main user-specific.
To automatically evaluate the similarity of publication
pairs, the absolute number of shared references is de-
fined as an objective similarity value, and all publi-
cation pairs are set in proportion to shared references
using the metrics described in Section 3.1 to deter-
mine at which metric in this regard a correlation can
be observed.
Figure 2: Mean cosine similarity for abstract embeddings
(y-axis) in relation to common references (x-axis).
Figure 3: Mean number of matching keywords in abstracts
(y-axis) in relation to common references (x-axis).
As shown in Figure 2, the mean cosine similar-
ity between abstract embeddings and the number of
shared references correlate well, confirming the us-
SPORENLP: A Spatial Recommender System for Scientific Literature
ability of cosine similarity as a base metric for the
recommendation system, as already indicated by the
benchmarks shown in (Singh et al., 2022). A sim-
ilar correlation can also be seen in mean matching
keywords for abstracts, which is unsurprising, as text
embeddings created with SPECTER2 also embed the
keywords themselves quite well. However, as can
also be observed in Figure 3, publications with few or
no matching references may still share multiple key-
words of potential interest for users. When search-
ing for specific shared keywords within the recom-
mender system, a lower weighting of cosine similar-
ity could also lead to the recommendation of publi-
cations that do not have relevant similarity, but, for
instance, use the same methodologies in different ap-
plication domains, which can be very useful for lit-
erature reviews. Furthermore, statistics on correla-
tions between the number of shared references with
matching keywords of full texts as well as matching
keyphrases in abstracts and full texts were also con-
ducted, which show a similar correlation as the previ-
ously described relations, but significantly less promi-
nent. In the case of keyphrases for abstracts, this can
be attributed to the fact that N-grams with N >1 have
a naturally lower occurence probability than single
keywords. In terms of the statistics of keywords and
keyphrases found within the full texts, it is worth not-
ing that there may be numerous less relevant words
and phrases present. These may not directly correlate
with the main objective of a published work and, as
a result, are unlikely to be frequently found in other
publications, despite overall similarities.
A qualitative user study was also conducted that
involved four participants (two junior researchers,
two senior researchers) for a more detailed evaluation
of the metrics. All participants were asked to use the
complete system for an example literature search by
following the following instructions.
1. Choose a publication stored in the system as a
starting point.
2. Are the suggested publications similar to the root
publication in one or more of the following as-
pects? Background, Objective, Method
3. Do the proposed publications complement or ex-
pand upon the root publication in one or more of
the following aspects? Objective, Method, Re-
4. Select a proposed publication to which at least one
aspect from question (3) applies and add it as a
new node.
5. Repeat the previous instruction for two and three
related nodes that reside in your workspace.
To determine similarity with respect to the dif-
ferent aspects in the task description, a simple rat-
ing scale was introduced, consisting of zero points for
no similarity, one point for loose similarity, and two
points for strong similarity. All participants had to
document this process and rate all proposals based on
this scale. It was up to the users to decide how much
weight the system should assign to different metrics.
This process was carried out at a total of 20 starting
Table 1: Result scores of the expert study with average rel-
evance scores (0-2) of proposed publications for 1-3 base
Number of Base Nodes
1 2 3
Similar Background 1.16 1.14 0.98
Similar Method 0.79 0.84 0.76
Similar Objective 0.64 0.57 0.49
Complement Method 0.85 0.88 0.84
Complement Objective 0.52 0.47 0.49
Complement Results 0.52 0.49 0.51
As shown in Table 1, recommended publications
are considered most similar to base nodes in terms
of background, making the system primarily useful
for topic-oriented recommendations and secondarily
problem- and approach-oriented in the context of this
dataset and user study. For a meaningful, quantitative
evaluation of how the quality of recommended publi-
cations relates to the number of existing base nodes,
the amount of data recorded and the number of partic-
ipants were too low.
Participants were also asked for their subjective
assessment of metrics that produced the most promis-
ing suggestions and what general aspects of the sys-
tem were noticeable. Cosine similarity based on em-
beddings was unanimously mentioned as the most
useful metric. This assessment is also consistent with
the automated evaluation described above. Further-
more, for publications with a special field of applica-
tion or technology, significantly more relevant papers
are recommended than for general scientific works.
As both the objective evaluation and qualitative user
study suggest, efficient literature research can be car-
ried out using the presented dataset and metrics, but
allows only an explorative and no aspect-based way
of operation and thus cannot be evaluated in a strictly
objective manner. However, the system could be ex-
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
tended to support aspects such as from (Ostendorff
et al., 2020), include them as comparison parame-
ters, and also assign weights to them. This would
also allow for finer-grained control of the influence
of these classifications. Furthermore, algorithms for
the calculation of similarity have a runtime complex-
ity of O(n
) (pairwise comparison of each publica-
tion), which makes it highly computationally expen-
sive to cover publication data beyond the dataset.
There are several approaches that can reduce the num-
ber of necessary pairwise comparisons to continu-
ously extend the dataset at low costs in terms of pro-
cessing. Kanakia et al. (Kanakia et al., 2019) de-
scribe a clustering approach based on k-means, which
could also be incorporated into our system to elimi-
nate the need for pairwise comparisons. In addition,
the results of the expert user study conducted cannot
be considered representative, since, firstly, too little
data could be collected, and secondly, questions de-
liberately allowed for subjective views, which signif-
icantly complicates an evaluation. While conducting
the study, it also became apparent that identical rec-
ommendations are rated differently by individual per-
sons. A more useful and detailed evaluation of the
system requires a significantly more complex evalu-
ation scheme and rating scale, as well as a substan-
tially larger group of participants with expert knowl-
edge (active researchers) to directly gather feedback
from the intended user audience.
Data from a preliminary user study offered some
early insight for future system improvements. Partic-
ipants, who were not extensively briefed on the inter-
face, used various features beyond task requirements.
Features like colorization, tags, and comments, while
useful for workspace organization, were not essential
for the task, but indicate user engagement. This is
particularly noteworthy for future collaborative func-
tionalities, an aspect not covered in this study. Partic-
ipants also sought more customization options, high-
lighting mixed satisfaction levels that can evolve over
time with increased complexity of the interface and
recommendation quality.
Despite positive initial impressions, the study did
not yield detailed feedback on recommendation ex-
perience. Future research should allow users to rate
suggestions directly and offer evaluation criteria, as
in Section 4. Overall, the study confirmed the bene-
fit of a visual interface for organizing and exploring
publications, but suggests that a more extensive study
is needed for a full understanding of the user experi-
In this work, we presented a content-based, spa-
tial recommender system for scientific papers using
a dataset consisting of pairwise comparisons based
on metadata and relationships extracted with help of
NLP techniques. The proposed system has shown
promising results in both objective evaluation and
user study, but to fully leverage its capabilities, both
the mechanisms for creating the dataset and the in-
terface itself can be further developed in a variety of
ways. The current system enables users to assign cus-
tom weights to different similarity measures. How-
ever, it may be beneficial to incorporate an algorithm,
which includes a personalized bias in identifying sim-
ilar publications, based on the weight settings for
previously recommended publications, which were
added to the workspace. An algorithm of this kind
is a way to personalize the system, which recognizes
whether users prefer to receive recommendations for
publications based on matching keywords and phrases
or contextually similar work calculated by cosine sim-
ilarity of text embeddings. One possibility would be
to enhance the capabilities of the spatial parsers to in-
fer the current needs of the user, regarding the cus-
tomization. A limitation of the present dataset lies in
the computationally intensive generation. As a coun-
termeasure, clustering and subsequent dimensional-
ity reduction techniques are investigated to reduce
the number of comparisons to publications within the
same cluster and to reduce the feature space in gen-
eral before computing cosine similarities between text
embeddings of abstracts. This would improve the ef-
ficiency of our system and allow for ongoing dataset
expansion to dramatically increase the practicality.
Another restriction of the current system is the need
for users to input a specific publication as a starting
point for recommendations. To address this limita-
tion, we propose exploring approaches for suggest-
ing base publication nodes based on natural language
queries from users. This could make our system more
user-friendly and create easier conditions for discov-
ering new research areas.
In summary, our research has laid a solid basis for
the design of a spatial recommender system for sci-
entific publications. We are confident that the future
work outlined above has the potential to significantly
improve our current system and make it even more
useful to researchers and practitioners in the scientific
SPORENLP: A Spatial Recommender System for Scientific Literature
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