SUAS based on Naive Bayes. In this case, both SUAS
provided the same results.
Table 6: Confusion matrix of FGeomNB (left) and Ge-
omNB (right) assessment methods.
FGeomNB GeomNB
Real class
Assigned Class Assigned Class
C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3
C1 156 2 0 158 0 0
C2 0 82 64 0 47 99
C3 0 18 128 0 1 145
Table 7: Confusion matrix of FNB (left) and NB (right)
assessment methods.
Real class
Assigned Class Assigned Class
C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C3
C1 157 1 0 157 1 0
C2 95 10 41 95 10 41
C3 38 3 105 38 3 105
In summary, it is found that the proposed network
based on the geometric distribution achieved good
correct allocations for the data used in this study. The
network surpassed previously proposed networks in
the literature such as Naive Bayes and Fuzzy Naive
Bayes, indicating that they can serve as viable alter-
natives for assessment methods.
In this paper, a novel approach called the Fuzzy Geo-
metric Naive Bayes Network was introduced to han-
dle multidimensional intervals by modeling them us-
ing geometric distributions. This network served as
the foundation for SUAS specifically designed for
Virtual Reality (VR) simulators, such as SITEG 2.0.
Simulations were conducted using data that fol-
lowed a geometric distribution and compared against
Naive Bayes and Fuzzy Naive Bayes SUAS. The sim-
ulation results demonstrated that the SUAS based on
the geometric distribution has superior discrimina-
tion capabilities, outperforming the traditional Naive
Bayes and Fuzzy Naive Bayes approaches.
Moreover, the Fuzzy Geometric Naive Bayes Net-
work proposed in this study can also be effectively
utilized for datasets that involve intersections with
values close to zero.
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A Novel Fuzzy Geometric Naive Bayes Network for Online Skills Assessment in Training Based on Virtual Reality