Proposed Extensions to the Methodology of Technology Scouting
Diego Lasso-Lazo
, Francisco
, Javier Pati
Javier Valdiviezo-Ortiz
, Jorge Bermeo-Conto
and Juan Pablo Carvallo
CEDIA, Gonzalo Cordero 2-122 y J. Falardo, Cuenca, Ecuador
Technology Scouting, Strategic Intelligence, Knowledge Discovery.
An extended framework for the Technology scouting process is developed. The developed framework pro-
poses the use of a series of screening mechanisms and verification instruments that extend the process al-
ready described in UNE 166006:2018. The extended framework was implemented in two cases of study for
Technology scouting services provided by CEDIA to innovation stakeholders. The results demonstrated the
effectiveness of using the extended framework, reducing stagnation points and the risk of information bias,
two main issues often reported in the techonology scouting process.
The flow of information for strategic intelligence can-
not be an ad-hoc exercise. Instead, it must be the re-
sult of applying a systematic approach covering the
information requirements of the institution (Savioz,
2006). In light of the rapid advancements in tech-
nology across all human endeavors, efficient informa-
tion management is vital for the wellbeing of organi-
These information retrieval systems must adapt to
technology changes, identify business threats, and un-
cover innovation opportunities. The process of col-
lecting data on technology trends plays a pivotal role
in strategic decision-making and in acquiring essen-
tial information for the enterprise (Phaal et al., 2004).
Technology scouting (TS), also referred to as tech-
nology monitoring or technology landscaping, is the
process of collecting and analyzing key information
for the early identification of technological and com-
mercial trends. The aim is to preemptively identifying
potential threats and opportunities for the organiza-
tion (Stute et al., 2021).
When conducting TS, the biggest challenges are
the lack of a well-defined scope of the expected infor-
mation from TS, and failing to identify the right data
sources to scout (Simpson, 2018). Such challenges
can result in stagnation points, where the flow of
beneficial information ceases. This not only inflates
operational time but also leads to team fatigue and
may ultimately cause the failure to meet the organi-
zation’s informational requirements.
Another significant hurdle that organizations face
in TS is the presence of information bias. This occurs
when the filtration of relevant data is not guided by
an objective, systematic process, especially when it
comes to disruptive information, critical for decision-
making. This often relates to a TS process that lacks
filtering mechanisms for reducing the volume of in-
formation while at the same time ensuring the ob-
jectiveness of the data obtained. When information
bias arises, the conclusions and recommendations ex-
tracted from TS lose their value. This can have
far-reaching implications, compromising the quality
of strategic decisions that rely on such information
(ul Hasnain Kazmi, 2016) (Comai, 2011).
Numerous methodologies for TS exist, each with
its own merits and drawbacks. For the technol-
ogy scouting projects conducted at CEDIA, we have
opted for the UNE 166006:2018 methodology (UNE,
2018). This is the third iteration of the Spanish stan-
dard for an R&D&I (Research and Development and
Innovation) management monitoring and intelligence
system. While this standard provides a systematic
approach for TS, it falls short in several key areas.
Specifically, it lacks robust filtering mechanisms and
verification tools to ensure the objectivity and rele-
Lasso-Lazo, D., Álvarez-Arévalo, F., Patiño-Chuni, J., Valdiviezo-Ortiz, J., Bermeo-Conto, J. and Carvallo, J.
Proposed Extensions to the Methodology of Technology Scouting.
DOI: 10.5220/0012211200003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 256-264
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
vance of the data collected. Additionally, although the
standard acknowledges the value of insights gleaned
from the TS process, it lacks a discrete step for gen-
erating prospective information. These shortcomings
can result in stagnation points or information bias. To
address these limitations, we propose an ”Extended
Framework for Technology Scouting.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 offers a literature review of exist-
ing approaches to technology scouting methodolo-
gies. Section 3 details our proposed modifications to
the UNE standard. Finally, Section 4 presents the re-
sults of applying this extended framework in two case
studies, both examples of services provided by CE-
The merit of technology scouting is vested in its ulti-
mate yield: information. This information transforms
into actionable insights illuminating future paths, cru-
cial for strategic intelligence. Levine et al., through
a series of methodically controlled experiments, con-
firmed that strategic intelligence offers a significant
competitive advantage in dynamic market environ-
ments, effectively differentiating successful entities
from their unsuccessful counterparts (Levine et al.,
2017). These findings mirror real-world observations
where institutions that invest resources in future pre-
paredness consistently outperform those with less em-
phasis on foresight (Rohrbeck and Kum, 2018). Sim-
ilarly, empirical studies have revealed a clear advan-
tage for companies with high absorptive capacity for
emerging technologies. Such companies often reap
substantial benefits from their TS efforts (Wang and
Quan, 2021).
The benefits form TS extend beyond manufactur-
ing enterprises. Service-providing entities also reap
substantial benefits from TS, given that they navigate
an even more dynamic innovation landscape (Mina
et al., 2014). Thus, it is of paramount importance for
enterprises situated within technologically advanced
and highly competitive sectors to allocate resources
towards TS. Nonetheless, TS methodologies require
continual refinement to address the challenges of the
modern technology landscape effectively.
Various approaches for TS have been proposed
and successfully implemented. Rohrbeck examined
the practice of technology scouting in three compa-
nies of the ICT industry: BT, Telefonica, and DT.
The study explored each of the technology scout-
ing methodologies adopted by the companies and
highlighted the importance of networks for informa-
tion discovery. Furthermore, Rohrbeck’s research ex-
amined the interplay between stakeholders, technol-
ogy scouts, and experts, offering valuable insights
into how technology scouting functions within large
multinational corporations (Rohrbeck, 2010).
Arman and Foden contributed with the develop-
ment of a methodology aimed at assessing related
technology developments. This approach involves
capturing and identifying technology-based threats
and opportunities and was tested in a UK aerospace
manufacturing firm. It allowed the development of a
process to identify technology base knowledge, op-
portunities and risks. It can also be used to report
findings, visualize results, and to conduct technology
threat and opportunity analyses (Arman and Foden,
Similarly, Ashton et al. designed a structured ap-
proach for international technology monitoring. Their
methodology outlines various types of information
needs, knowledge sources, and monitoring methods.
Implemented in the International Research Monitor-
ing Program of the US Department of Energy, this ap-
proach offered valuable insights for making research
and development (R&D) decisions related to energy
conservation. This, in turn, brought several benefits
to technology organizations in the US (Ashton et al.,
Having assessed the different standards available,
CEDIA has worked with the standard by the Span-
ish Normalization Association (UNE), which offers
a standardized framework for TS, known as UNE
166006:2018. While this standard provides a robust
and universally applicable methodology for TS, it
could benefit from refinements to better address chal-
lenges like stagnation points and information bias.
3.1 Methodology and Information
We propose modifications to complement the existing
UNE 166006:2018 framework in the context of Tech-
nology Scouting and Strategic Intelligence. These
modifications introduce targeted tools designed to ad-
dress identified gaps and challenges, while still adher-
ing to a systematic and objective approach.
The current UNE 166006:2018 framework out-
lines five key steps for Technology Scouting: Iden-
tification, Planning, Information Search and Treat-
ment, Added Value of Information, and Distribution
and Storage. Our work particularly attends to ”In-
formation Search and Treatment” and ”Added Value
Proposed Extensions to the Methodology of Technology Scouting
of Information, the third and fourth steps in this se-
quence. While the framework offers general guide-
lines for data search, analysis, and extraction, it leaves
room for more specific processes that can improve the
extraction and verification of strategically useful in-
To fill this gap, we suggest a set of filtering mech-
anisms and verification criteria grounded in specific
questions. These aim to bolster the quality and reli-
ability of the gathered information. For this aspect,
we draw upon the work of Ashton et al., who outline
various types of information commonly sought in the
Technology Scouting process (Ashton et al., 1991).
A categorization of this information can be found in
Table 1.
Table 1: Major types of information needs.
Type of Information Topics
Scientific research and
technology develop-
ment activities
Information on basic and ap-
plied research activities, R&D
objectives, technical results,
technology developments
Technology application
Descriptions of features, com-
ponents, costs, or performance
data for technology-based
products, processes, or appli-
Science and technology
institutional character-
Information on key personnel,
organizations, and budgets for
R&D activities
Economic or market
performance and trends
Information on levels and
trends for industrial produc-
tion, imports, exports, and
other indicators
Business or industry
Reports on new events or
actions involving technology-
based firms and technology
products, including key per-
sonnel and business decisions
Government science
and technology policy
characteristics or trends
Descriptions of government
S&T funding, regulations,
standards, incentives, and
other policy actions
3.2 Screening Mechanisms
The vast amount of currently available data creates a
challenge for identifying and managing valuable in-
formation. A screening mechanism or filtering sys-
tem, serves as a tool with which it is possible to sepa-
rate relevant from non-relevant data for the organiza-
tion. By implementing such screening mechanisms,
we can systematically filter the collected data based
on predefined criteria. Thus, irrelevant or unreliable
data can be removed, ensuring only high-quality and
trustworthy information as the final product. (Timimi
and Chaudiron, 2008).
In our proposal, these screening mechanisms are
divided into 4 different information monitoring di-
mensions. Each dimension will yield valuable infor-
mation from a specific perspective. The description of
each dimension and their filtering questions are pre-
sented next.
3.2.1 Academic Monitoring
It refers to the systematic review of the latest and most
relevant research on the field of interest. Scientific re-
search is an indispensable source of information and
acts as a driver of innovation in the business world.
(Randieri, 2023). This stage sets the ground for the
process of technology scouting, specifying informa-
tion needs by answering the following questions:
What major problems is the scientific community
What possible solutions have and have not been
What are the most relevant researchers and insti-
tutions working on the filed of interest?
3.2.2 Technology Monitoring
Technology monitoring involves a systematic and
consistent review of technologies that have already
been protected or licensed. A key resource for this
process is patent data, currently the most up-to-date
and comprehensive source for tracking technology
development (EPO, 2007). In this context, the screen-
ing filter distinguishes between theoretical possibili-
ties and technologies that have been sufficiently de-
veloped to warrant intellectual property protection.
The goal of this technology monitoring screening pro-
cess is to address the following questions:
What related technologies have already been pro-
What technologies have been transferred to the
What are the most relevant developers and owners
of technology?
3.2.3 Commercial Monitoring
Constant monitoring of the market is necessary for
the successful application of any technology to its
commercial environment. This monitoring does not
merely focus on the internal performance of a com-
pany, but also keeps a systematic record of the ex-
ternal business environment, specially the evolution
of innovation and intellectual property objects related
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
to the institution (Kosenko et al., 2017) (Best, 2010).
Once a technology trend has been identified, it is
essential to understand its market and potential for
growth. This filter looks to answer the following
What are the markets for the technologies identi-
What is the evolution of these markets?
3.2.4 Competitive Monitoring
During the process of technology scouting, it is com-
mon to find developments and research that are still
out of the scope of local markets. Hence, the compet-
itive monitoring serves as a filter to obtain relevant in-
formation regarding external actors who are perceived
as current or potential competitors (Aguirre, 2020).
This monitoring can also be extended for a self analy-
sis focusing on the competitiveness of the institution.
This filter looks to answer the following questions:
Are any of my competitors currently implement-
ing these technologies? Is this a potential threats?
Does my institution have the necessary technical,
economic and human capital resources to imple-
ment these new technologies?
Based on our experience, Commercial Monitor-
ing and Competitive Monitoring can often be com-
bined into a single screening mechanism that moni-
tors the commercial aspect of the researched technol-
ogy. However, if the nature of the technology under
investigation requires separate analysis of its commer-
cial and competitive aspects, then both types of mon-
itoring would be performed. For the sake of covering
all possible scenarios, we have specified these as dis-
tinct mechanisms in this paper.
3.3 Verification Instruments
Verification instruments involve cross-referencing the
information previously filtered against multiple cri-
teria based on relevance, feasibility, and economic
value. By subjecting the information to such scrutiny,
we can minimize the risk of relying on inaccurate or
misleading information, thus strengthening the over-
all reliability of our findings. By using verification in-
struments we expect to reduce the likelihood of stag-
nation points, which usually appear once relevant in-
formation has been filtered but still needs to be evalu-
ate in terms of feasibility and applicability in the own
technology ecosystem.
3.3.1 Success Cases
Certain technological development and implementa-
tion opportunities may have been seized by competi-
tors or analogous institutions. As such, performing
a success case study helps to confirm their relevance
and potential, thereby diminishing uncertainty and
enhancing the likelihood of successful development.
This phase acts as a validation technique for the fea-
sibility of new technologies, and either present an op-
portunity of successful implementation or raise the
alert for a potential threat. It seeks to address the fol-
lowing questions:
Has anyone developed or implemented these tech-
In doing so, were they successful and to what ex-
3.3.2 Environment Monitoring
The adoption of new technologies hinges not only on
their commercial potential or a company’s resources,
but is also significantly influenced by the ecosystem’s
requirements, incentives, and constraints. As such,
it is important to conduct an in-depth review of the
political, economic, and social contexts in which the
technologies identified during the technology scout-
ing process exist. This verification instrument could
validate the feasibility of developing new technolo-
gies, services, or products within the existing legal
framework. This stage aims to address the following
Does the ecosystem in which these technologies
could be implemented have any specific require-
ments or offer any particular incentives?
Are there any restrictions, legal or otherwise, that
could prevent the adoption of new technologies?
3.4 Prospective
The final phase of the extended framework generates
a forward-looking outlook for the institution. In in-
volves identifying opportunities and threats related
to the implementation of the technology. This stage
is guided by earlier screening and verification steps.
These insights provide initial guidance for the institu-
tion’s technological path.
Table 2 contrasts our extended technology scout-
ing framework with the existing UNE 166006:2018
standard, while Figure 1 provides a detailed illustra-
tion of our approach, particularly focusing on steps 3
and 4 of the standard. It’s crucial to note that the ef-
fectiveness of this framework largely depends on the
Proposed Extensions to the Methodology of Technology Scouting
Table 2: Diferences between UNE 166006:2018 and Ex-
tended methodology.
UNE 166006:2018 Extended methodology
1. Identification 1. Identification
2. Planning 2. Planning
3. Search and Treat-
3. Search and Treat-
3.1 Search 3.1 Search
3.1.1 Filtering Mecha-
3.1.2 Verification In-
3.2 Information Treat-
3.2 Information Treat-
3.3 Information Anal-
3.3 Information Analy-
4. Added Value of In-
4. Added Value of In-
4.1 Prospective
4.1 Generation of the
final product
4.2 Generation of the
final product
5. Storage and Distri-
5. Storage and Distri-
available information. Therefore, certain screening
methods and verification tools may vary in applica-
bility based on the data at hand and the institution’s
specific needs. Nonetheless, our framework serves
as a versatile guide, offering various combinations of
screening and verification options that can be tailored
to fit different needs and budgets. This adaptability
makes it a valuable addition to existing standards and
a useful resource for organizations of all types.
Next, we showcase two instances where the extended
framework proposed in this paper was put into prac-
tice. We highlight the benefits reaped and the chal-
lenges encountered during the implementation of this
extended framework. These two cases of study belong
to the services provided by CEDIA, a pioneer in the
provision of TS services in Ecuador. (CEDIA, 2023).
4.1 Technology Scouting as a Service for
Higher Education Institutions
CEDIA has been providing TS reports to Ecuador’s
academic and industrial sectors since November
2019. As of the time of writing this paper, twenty
reports have been published, along with several oth-
ers created on demand. These reports are designed
for a broad audience, including researchers, corporate
Academic Monitoring:
What has and has
not been researched?
Technology Monitoring:
What has been protected?
What has been licensed?
Comercial Monitoring:
Is there a market?
Is the market growing?
Competitive Monitoring:
Am I capable of doing it?
What about my competitors?
Success cases:
Who else developed it?
Was it successful?
Environment Monitoring:
What is the legal context?
Is there any restriction?
Prospective: What threats and
oppportunities can be derived?
Figure 1: Extended framework: Screening mechanisms and
Verification instruments.
executives, entrepreneurs, and public officers. Aimed
at providing valuable insights for each type of audi-
ence described in Table 3, the primary goal of these
reports is to offer a foundation for each audience to
progress in their projects based on relevant trends and
From 2022 onward, the institution adopted the
methodology proposed in UNE: 166006:2018 for the
TS process. However, a significant challenge was en-
countered in the generation of report number 18, pub-
lished in August 2022, and titled ”Innovando el Sec-
tor de los Superalimentos” (Innovations in the field of
Superfoods) (Lasso and Burbano, 2022)
. Moreover,
the problem of stagnation points was highly reported
in the creation of the report, given the broad spectrum
of the topics covered, that are aimed to a highly di-
verse audience. Additionally, there was no instrument
that addressed the risk of information bias. Those is-
sues were encountered given that the standard does
not provide specific actions for carrying out the steps
3.1 ”Search” and for the step 4: ”Added Value of In-
For access to the report, please write to the authors of
this paper
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Table 3: Information needs for each type of target audience
of the technology scouting reports.
Stakeholder Information needs
Academia (Author-
ities, Researchers,
Research opportunities
Technology devel-
opers and owners
Technology trends and
Corporate and in-
dustrial executives
Commercial and invest-
ment opportunities
All stakeholders Restriction and incentives
All stakeholders Innovation and en-
trepreneurship opportuni-
Academic Monitoring:
Evolution of papers
Technology Monitoring:
Evolution and dis-
tribution of patents
Commercial and Com-
petitive Monitoring:
Market and CAGR
Competitive Monitoring:
Figure 2: Extended framework implemented for Technol-
ogy scouting reports as a service by CEDIA.
Consequently, we implemented the extended
framework proposed in this paper to adress these
shortcomings. We parted form the same information
baseline, hence, the original scope of the report de-
veloped by (Lasso and Burbano, 2022) is maintained.
The scope of the original report focused on gathering
and analysing information of 10 superfoods: quinoa,
goji berry, dragon fruit, yaca/jackfruit, chia seed, acai
berry, turmeric, maca, amaranth and taro root.
Table 3 defines the information needs that the TS
had to cover. Therefore the original information needs
are used as the benchmark for the exercise using the
extended framework proposed in this paper.
The extended framework proposed in this paper
adapts its screening mechanisms and verification in-
struments to the specific needs of the institution. For
the report discussed here, we follow the workflow out-
lined in Figure 1, except for omitting the ”Competi-
tive Monitoring” screening mechanism and the ”Case
of Success” verification instrument. These steps are
skipped because the report targets a broad audience
rather than a specific institution. As such, it doesn’t
focus on gathering competitive intelligence or success
case studies. Figure 2 elaborates on the screening
mechanisms and verification instruments used in this
context, based on our extended framework.
Table 4 describes the results from the Technology
scouting process of the original report and of the ex-
tended framework.
The original report categorizes the collected infor-
mation into three major trends: Foodstuff, Pharma-
ceutical Products, and Farming Technologies. While
it adequately addresses the information needs for ”Re-
search Opportunities” and ”Technology Trends and
Opportunities, it falls short in other areas. For in-
stance, it provides only general information for ”Re-
strictions and Incentives” and doesn’t address ”Com-
mercial and Investment Needs” at all. Moreover,
the original report’s conclusions are based on broad
trends and lack specific details for each superfood
In contrast, the extended framework allows for a
more granular analysis, focusing on individual types
of superfoods. This approach meets all the informa-
tion needs and will soon be published as an update to
the original report. For comparison, Table 4 includes
only the most pertinent data gathered through the ex-
tended framework. Notably, it identifies Quinoa and
Acai as superfoods with the highest potential across
research, technological development, and commercial
Therefore, the extended framework represents a
significant improvement in the service provided.
4.2 Technology Scouting as a Service for
Another example of the extended methodology’s ap-
plication in TS is an on-demand project for a medium-
sized financial institution in Ecuador. The project
aimed to provide the institution with clear, succinct
recommendations for implementing new technologies
in the financial sector. They were interested in mod-
ernizing their services and attract new clients. The
client specifically requested a report on the fintech
sector’s technology landscape, along with targeted
recommendations applicable to their context. For the
main process, we followed the primary methodol-
Proposed Extensions to the Methodology of Technology Scouting
Table 4: Stakeholders’ Information Needs for Technology Scouting Report ”Innovation in Superfoods”.
UNE 166006:2018 Standard Extended framework
Research Op-
Most relevant research trend: Pharma-
ceutical products
Most Researched Superfoods: Turmeric, Ama-
ranth and Quinoa / Superfoods with Greatest Re-
search Growth: Quinoa, Goji and Dragonfruit
Trends and
Highest amount of patents: Trends of
foodstuff and pharmaceutical products
Highest amount of patents: Turmeric, Quinoa and
Goji / Fastest Growth in Patent Publication: Jaca,
Quinoa and Acai
and In-
No specific information on the trends
previously identified.
Biggest superfood markets: Quinoa, Dragonfruit
and Acai / Superfood Markets with Faster Growth:
Amaranth, Quinoa and Acai
and Incen-
No specific information on the trends
previously identified. Ecuadorian Clus-
ter Superfood was developed to pro-
mote the development of the market.
In Ecuador, every crop must comply with the Or-
ganic Law on Agrobiodiversity, Seeds and Pro-
motion of Agriculture (LOASFAS) and the Na-
tional Agency for Regulation, Control and Health
Surveillance (ARCSA). The Ecuadorian Cluster
for Superfoods provides funding for the devel-
opment of crops, with $76,000.00 spent in 2022
to promote the development of superfood compa-
and En-
ship Opportu-
”No specific opportunities or threats
extracted. Pharmaceutical products is
the trend with the highest research and
technology development. Foodstuff
possesses a fair amount of research. No
specific conclusions on farming prod-
Results have been refined with filtering mecha-
nisms and validated through verification methods.
Among superfoods, Quinoa and Acai hold the
most prominence in academia, intellectual prop-
erty, and the market.
ogy outlined in UNE 166006:2018. The information
needs for this project are detailed in Table 5.
Table 5: Information needs for TS in the Financial Sector.
Which technologies have
been adopted or developed
that could be emulated to
enhance our services and
expand our client base?
Timeline What is the expected imple-
mentation timeline for each
of these new technologies?
Subsequently, we implemented the proposed
modifications for the steps 3 and 4 of UNE
166006:2018. As previously noted, one notable ad-
vantage of our proposed methodology is its adaptabil-
ity to adapt through different combinations of screen-
ing mechanisms and verification instruments. As this
was an on-demand service, we align the scope and
details of the exercise to the client’s budget and ex-
pectations. This meant applying only the screening
mechanisms and verification methods that would gen-
erate information within the scope requested by the
client. The specific screening mechanisms and verifi-
cation methods used for this exercise are illustrated in
Figure 3.
The proposed extended framework allowed us to:
Identify potential technologies: The first screen-
ing mechanism allowed us to identify technol-
ogy trends and relevant patents that are being pro-
tected and launched into the market.
Identify markets with the highest potential: The
second screening mechanism serves as a filter for
technologies already established in markets with
high value and growth rate.
Validate the feasibility of their implementation:
Through the study of success cases, we can
confirm the succes of implementing these new
technologies. While this may represent a non-
disruptive approach, it is suitable for institutions
that prefer a more conservative stance towards
venture investments.
Extraction of objective recommendations for
technology implementation along with a timeline:
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Technology Monitoring:
Evolution and distribution of patents
Patent Value
Relevant patents and technologies
Commercial Monitoring:
Market value and CAGR
Relevant companies
Success Cases:
Technologies successfully launched
Technologies with poten-
tial of implementation
Innovation horizons
Figure 3: Extended framework applied to the case of TS for
a finnacial institution.
Once these filters and the verification instrument
are established, we extract insights that address
the institution’s information needs. The use of
screening mechanisms and verification indeed re-
duce the level of information bias.
Through the utilization of the extended frame-
work, we were able to cover the needs of the financial
entity that requested the technology scouting report
in a strictly objective manner, providing specific rec-
ommendations on which new technologies might be
beneficial for them to implement. These recommen-
dations were supported by an organized filtering pro-
cess, which allows us to ensure the relevance of these
technologies and their markets. In many cases, their
effectiveness and success has already been proven.
We have presented an extended framework for the
process of TS described in UNE 166006:2018. The
extended framework aimed to address the issues of
stagnation points and information bias previously
identified during TS process. The extended frame-
work was applied in two cases of study.
For the first case, the extended framework was
applied a TS case done by CEDIA in order to vali-
date its advantages. Report 18, called ”Innovando en
el sector de los superalimento” (Lasso and Burbano,
2022),was regenerated with the extended framework,
which allowed to establish a clear pathway for col-
lecting and filtering relevant information for the in-
novation ecosystem. The screening mechanisms al-
lowed to collect specific information on each type of
superfood, thus meeting each information need pre-
viously defined. Additionally the use of verification
instruments identified specific technological insights,
enabling the extraction of research, development, and
innovation opportunities.
In the second case study, the extended framework
was applied to a technology scouting service provided
to a financial institution in Ecuador. Once again, the
reduction of stagnation points was confirmed, and the
extended framework effectively addressed the insti-
tution’s information needs, enhancing the trustwor-
thiness of the extracted recommendations. The final
conclusions possess a high level of objectiveness.
Based on these two cases of study, the imple-
mentation of this extended framework has shown sig-
nificant potential for enhancing the efficiency of the
TS process in institutions that have already adopted
the UNE 166006:2018 standard. Additionally, the
screening mechanisms and verification instruments
could theoretically be tailored to any field of knowl-
edge and replicated in various types of organizations.
The two main advantages of this extended framework
are the reduction or elimination of stagnation points
and the objective value derived from the information
extracted, which is reflected in the prospective pro-
cess’s recommendations and conclusions. These ad-
vantages can enhance the effectiveness of the technol-
ogy scouting process within institutions of the innova-
tion ecosystem.
Further research is necessary to validate the effi-
cacy of the extended framework in different environ-
ments and among various types of innovation actors.
While theoretically, the extensions proposed in this
paper could be applied to any field of knowledge, fur-
ther research is needed to test the adaptability of the
extended framework. More validation exercises are
expected to be conducted in the future, however as the
work developed by (Rottensteiner and Ploder, 2022)
affirms, the benefits of extensions to methodologies
described in international standards has been proven.
It is imperative to state that the availability of infor-
mation is still the critical factor when conducting TS.
Limited information, particularly in disruptive tech-
nologies, can impede the clear combination of screen-
ing mechanisms and verification instruments. More-
over, for broad topics or ill-defined information needs,
the combination of screening mechanisms may in-
advertently exclude important information that could
impact the TS outcomes. Thus, as recommended in
UNE 166006:2018, a well-defined identification pro-
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perative. The use of this extended framework outside
Proposed Extensions to the Methodology of Technology Scouting
the scope of UNE 166006:2018, as well as the use
of screening mechanism and verification instruments
separately, is beyond the scope of this paper.
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macion de una Unidad de VTIC y Red de Expertos”
(Formation of a Technology Scouting and Intelligence
Unit and Network of Experts).
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KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems