Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Pedestrian Flow Model
Considering Human Unsteady Dynamic Behavior
Ryusei Shigemoto
and Ryosuke Tasaki
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan
Keywords: Robot Navigation, Social Interaction, Dynamic Environment, Pedestrian Flow Model.
Abstract: Achieving robot navigation that satisfies the requirements of safety and efficiency in a dynamic environment
crowded with people is a challenging task because of the need to implement social aspects of robot behavior.
In this study, a robot navigation method based on an unsteady dynamic pedestrian flow model is proposed,
taking into account the unsteady dynamic nature of pedestrian flow, which has not been taken into account in
conventional algorithms. We propose a method that enables continuous following of unsteady pedestrian flow,
which allow the robot to approach the destination safely and efficiently. The social compatibility of the
proposed navigation system, consisting of safety and efficiency, is evaluated through several simulations and
actual experiments.
Navigation in densely populated environments is the
most important research topic from the viewpoint of
satisfying all the requirements of safety and
efficiency during movement since robots interact
closely with people. Trautman et al. stated that it is
important to consider human-robot interaction in
order to engage closely with people (Trautman et al.,
2013). One strategy for close interaction between
humans and robots is a navigation strategy that takes
social interaction into account (Rios-Martinez et al.,
2015). Pedestrian flow observed in crowded
environment is often formulated depending on human
social interaction and connection as shown in Figure
1 (Helbing et al., 2001; Hoogendoorn et al., 2004).
Robotic movement along the pedestrian flow reduces
pedestrian deceleration, avoidance, and crossing
behavior. Respecting the crowd flow therefore
enables safe and efficient crowd navigation.
The following three studies have been conducted
on navigation methods using pedestrian flows. Du et
al. developed a group surfing method that generates
actions that mimic pedestrian flow behavior (Du et
al., 2019). Yao et al. proposed a method for
incorporating a population-aware Social Force Model
into GAN (Yao et al., 2019). Kumahara et al.
proposed a potential method that integrates the
Lennard-Jones potential and wrapped normal
distribution (Kumahara et al., 2014). Pedestrian flow
following and merging control using the above
methods enable crowd navigation in congested
environments. However, the navigation systems
proposed in previous studies are not considerd
unsteady pedestrian flows, which may lead to failure
of robot navigation. A method for following unsteady
pedestrian flows to increase the success rate of
navigation is thus proposed in this study. The safety
and efficiency of the proposed navigation system are
then evaluated and demonstrated through several
simulations and experiments on actual equipment.
The system configuration of experimental robot
navigation is shown in Figure 2. In this study, Terapio
(Tasaki et al. 2015), an omni-directional mobile
medical examination support robot with advanced
mobility capabilities in a dynamic crowded
environment, is used because there are no restrictions
on the direction of movement. The robot is controlled
by speed commands generated by a control PC based
on dynamic pedestrian flow information and robot
Shigemoto, R. and Tasaki, R.
Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Pedestrian Flow Model Considering Human Unsteady Dynamic Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0012211900003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 1, pages 281-284
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: Pedestrian flows in dense human crowds.
information. At this time, the robot is controlled in the
x-axis direction of the world coordinate system and
the x
-axis direction of the robot coordinate system.
The dynamic pedestrian flow information is
consisted of pedestrian flow and pedestrian size
information. Since the use of surveillance cameras
has rapidly increased in recent years in the city,
pedestrian flow is measured using an RGB camera
with an overhead viewpoint similar to a surveillance
camera. Pedestrian size information is measured
using two LiDAR (UTM-30LX, Hokuyo Automatic
CO., Ltd.) mounted on the front and rear of the robot.
Thus, the pedestrian flow information is obtained by
detecting and tracking the pedestrian's head from
various color information, and pedestrian size
information is obtained by measuring the pedestrian's
stride length. The details of the algorithms for
obtaining each piece of information will be described
in another paper in the future.
A method for following unsteady pedestrian flows is
described in this section. Unsteady pedestrian flow is
defined as a flow whose velocity changes over time.
Moreover, pedestrian flow is defined as social group
of neighboring pedestrians sharing similar motion
patterns in this study. Since the pedestrian flows
observed in real-world dynamic congested
environments are unsteady, a potential function
combining the LJ potential (LJ potential) and
Wrapped Normal Distribution (WND) for steady
flows generates unnecessary following behavior.
Therefore, a potential function considered unsteady
pedestrian flow is developed as follows.
Figure 2: Schematic of a system construction.
where r [m] is the distance between the robot and the
pedestrian; ε
, p, and q are parameters that adjust the
magnitude of the proposed potential function, the
repulsion term, and the attraction term; σ
is a
parameter that adjusts the approach distance to the
pedestrian to be tracked; r
[m] is the robot radius;
[m] is the pedestrian radius; σ
is the standard
deviation of the normal distribution; μ
[m/s] is the
pedestrian flow velocity to be tracked. v
[m/s] is the
pedestrian velocity; θ [°] is the angular difference
between the robot's destination direction and the
pedestrian's direction of travel; σ
is a parameter
that determines how far away from the robot
destination direction and the pedestrian's direction of
travel the robot will follow or not follow; w
is a
parameter that adjusts the magnitude of the repulsion
term in the proposed potential function.
(1) is a potential function that combines the LJ
potential and WND, weighted by (3). The outline of
the potential graph generated by (1) is shown in
Figure 3. By weighting (1) with (5), the robot follows
pedestrians moving in a direction similar to the
destination direction and avoids others. Moreover, by
weighting (1) with (3), it is possible to reduce the
potential effect generated by unsteady pedestrians
moving at a velocity different from that of the
pedestrian flow. Therefore, the potential function that
is considered unsteady pedestrian flows generates a
continuous following motion for the unsteady
pedestrian flow.
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
(a) Conventional system.
(b) Proposed system.
Figure 5: Results of simulation experiments with the
proposed system and comparison system.
Pushed back
Follow without overtaking
Follow and overtake
The safety and efficiency of the proposed system
were evaluated with several simulations in a
congested environment with unsteady pedestrian
flow. Simulations are performed in the environment
shown in Figure 4. The robot moving velocity is 1.3
m/s, and the pedestrian velocity is 1.0 m/s. However,
if the robot x-coordinate exceeds 6 m, the velocity of
one pedestrian in front of the robot is set to 0.5 m/s.
Figure 5 shows the simulation results of the
conventional system (Kumahara et al., 2014) and the
proposed system. It is important to note that the
proposed system is implemented with a pedestrian
flow merging algorithm to increase the navigation
success rate, but the details of the algorithm will be
discussed in a future paper. The conventional system
is not implemented with the merging algorithm and is
not considered unsteady pedestrian flows. Therefore,
the robot fails to merge with the pedestrian flow
heading in the direction of the destination and is
pushed back as shown Figure 5(a). Furthermore, it
does not overtake and follows pedestrians moving
slower than the pedestrian flow velocity. These
movements were unnecessary movements. The
proposed system is implemented with a merging
algorithm and considered unsteady pedestrian flows.
Therefore, it is confirmed that the robot is heading
toward the confluence point where it can safely and
efficiently travel to the most destinations as shown
Figure 5(b). It also overtook pedestrians moving
slower than the pedestrian flow velocity and
continuously followed the unsteady pedestrian flow.
The above results show that the proposed system
takes less time and travels shorter distances to the
destination than the conventional system.
Furthermore, the generated robot trajectory is smooth.
Such robot behavior is considered safe and
efficient. Therefore, it can be evaluated that the
proposed navigation system is safer and more
efficient than the conventional navigation system by
implementing sociality that continuously follows
unsteady pedestrian flows.
An experiment based on dynamic pedestrian flow
information is conducted using an omnidirectional
mobile robot in an environment with dynamic
pedestrian flow. In the experimental environment,
there are four pedestrians moving at 0.5 m/s in the
direction of the destination and one pedestrian
moving at 0.5 m/s in the opposite direction.
Figure 4: A simulation environment.
16 m
6 m
Pedestr ian flow
Pedestr ian
Robot velocity
Figure 3: Potential graph.
Distance between target person and robot r [m]
(r) [-]
Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Pedestrian Flow Model Considering Human Unsteady Dynamic Behavior
Figure 6: Results of experimental navigation using dynamic
pedestrian flows.
Time = 0 s
Robot position
(a) Star t navigation
Time = 3 s
Merging point
Pedestrian velocity
Pedestrian flow
(b) M erging the pedestrian flow
Time = 10 s
Pedestrian detect ed
Pedestrian position
(c) Following the unsteady pedestr ian flow
Time = 15 s
(d) Reaching the destination
The actual navigation results are shown in Figure
6. The left side is a rendered image of the pedestrian
flow information, and the right side is a robot motion
image viewed from the side. In the rendered image,
the robot position is drawn as a coordinate system, the
pedestrian head detected by the overhead view
camera is depicted as a white circle, the detection area
is shown as a green rectangle, the pedestrian position
as a red circle, the pedestrian velocity is indicated as
a blue arrow, the pedestrian size is marked as a green
circle, the pedestrian flow is illustrated as a large
green rectangle, the merge point is indicated as an
orange circle, and the destination point is marked as a
white star. The robot successfully merges into the
optimal pedestrian flow using the proposed system as
shown in Figure 7(b). It also overtakes pedestrians
moving slower than the pedestrian flow velocity and
continuously follows the unsteady pedestrian flow as
shown Figure 7(c). Similar to the simulation, it can be
verified that the robot action satisfies safety and
efficiency without interfering with the pedestrian
action and without taking unnecessary actions, even
when the pedestrian flow is unsteady. The safety and
efficiency of the proposed system have been
evaluated in terms of pedestrian and robot trajectories
in the current stage. In the future, we will evaluate the
proposed system from a psychological point of view
by asking subjects to complete questionnaires on
evaluation items such as safety and naturalness of the
robot navigation.
A navigation system based on an unsteady dynamic
pedestrian flow model is proposed to achieve crowd
navigation that satisfies the requirements of safety
and efficiency in a densely populated environment.
Continuous following behavior for unsteady
pedestrian flow is achieved by using a normal
distribution to reduce the potential effect generated by
pedestrians moving at a velocity different from the
pedestrian flow velocity. Social robot navigation in
congested environments with multiple unsteady
pedestrian flows can be realized by considering
pedestrian flow is dynamic and unsteady.
At this stage, experiments in specific scenes have
only been able to conduct. In the future, we will
conduct experiments assuming various scenes, such
as people staying in the flow and merging into the
flow. The usefulness of the proposed system in a
complex environment will then be verified.
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics