Table 2: Detailed values of experiment 2.
distance [m]
true 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
light 1 0.338 0.550 0.739 0.878 1.075 1.295 1.572 1.788 2.092
light 2 0.325 0.456 0.740 0.980 1.056 1.382 1.510 1.700 1.871
light 3 0.339 0.444 0.747 1.009 1.163 1.486 1.619 1.636 1.812
light 4 0.323 0.462 0.752 0.924 1.078 1.315 1.494 1.727 1.849
light 5 0.300 0.376 0.791 1.096 1.163 1.418 1.532 1.730 2.010
is the same as in Experiment 1. Based on Figure 7, it
can be observed that the overall inferences are correct.
In addition, according to Table 2 the largest error was
approximately 0.22m, and the average error across all
measurements was within 0.08m.
From these result, It was found that doubling the
interval between data to be acquired approximately
doubles the error.
4.3.3 Experiment 3
The figure and table are omitted because this experi-
ment yielded identical results to Experiment 1. Based
on the findings from this experiment, it was observed
that the trained model generated this time is not re-
liant on light intensity.
This paper presents the results of a deep learning
model for estimating the distance of multiple lighting
devices. In Experiment 1, the maximum error was ap-
proximately 0.1m. This indicates the generation of a
useful learning model. Experiment 2 exhibited an av-
erage error of approximately 0.2m, which was slightly
larger than the error in Experiment 1 but overall dis-
tance estimation remained accurate. Experiment 3 re-
vealed that the learning model did not capture the in-
tensity of light.
Based on the above findings, the model demon-
strated the ability to estimate distances effectively,
providing practical applicability. However, because
the inference results were derived from static data, the
actual sensitivity of the model has yet to be verified.
Therefore, we plan to verify the effectiveness of this
method in real-time scenarios.
This method also presents a challenge due to the
time-consuming nature of preparing training data,
as it requires multiple shots for each illumination.
Therefore, our goal is to develop a method that sim-
plifies the process of preparing training data.
This work was supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for
Scientific Research JP20K12016.
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