that will be aggregated to form its final model.
2.7 Iterative Process
Steps 3-6 are repeated for multiple rounds or itera-
tions. In each round, microgrids train their models
locally, exchange model updates with neighbors, ag-
gregate the updates, and broadcast their updated mod-
2.8 Convergence
Over iterations, the models on each microgrid be-
come more refined as they learn from the combined
knowledge of neighboring microgrids. The decen-
tralized federated learning process continues until the
desired performance or convergence is achieved. De-
centralized federated learning allows for collaborative
model training across multiple microgrids in a peer-
to-peer manner, without relying on a central server. It
enables microgrids to exchange information directly
with their neighbors, reducing latency and potential
privacy risks associated with transmitting data to a
central authority.
It’s important to note that decentralized federated
learning can take various forms depending on the spe-
cific network architecture, communication protocols,
and consensus algorithms used. These aspects can
vary based on the requirements and constraints of the
decentralized system being implemented.
In this paper, we have proposed a decentralized fed-
erated learning architecture for networked microgrids
system to improve energy management. The pro-
posed architecture guarantees the data privacy and se-
curity of microgrids by exchanging only their models.
Furthermore, the proposed decentralized architecture
prevents from signle point of failure by eliminating
the central server and exchanging models in a peer-
to-peer manner.
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics