From the experiments carried out to evaluate
various IR models, we see that Jelinek-Mercer
model outperformed the other models on the
2AIRTC corpus. Regarding the extracted features
from the Indri index, there is a high correlation
between Jelinek-Mercer and Dirichlet query-
document features, but generally low correlations
between the different query-IDF features, with few
of them strongly pairwise-correlated. Based on our
results, it is clear that some queries perform better
than others. Most of the query terms are more of
specific terms and are able to discriminate retrieval
results. Regarding the extracted features from the
Terrier index, most of them have high correlations
between the different features (except for three of
them). An interesting point of discussion is that both
query-document and document Letor features have
the same correlation matrix as well as the same data
distribution for each feature. This is because we
nearly obtained the same results for both query-
document and document Letor features. Regarding
the computed evaluation metrics from both Terrier
and Indri (for both Dirichlet and Jelinek-Mercer
smoothing) indexes, we can see very similar data
distributions and correlations for the precision,
NDCG, MAP, recall, relative precision, set-based,
success and number-based metrics. The correlation
matrices between the query-IDF predictors and the
evaluation measures show very low PCC values.
QPP is the task of estimating the retrieval quality of
an IR system for a given query. In this study, we
investigated the retrieval effectiveness of various IR
models, examined the quality of some query
performance predictors in IR task, and explored the
correlations between some predictors. We carried
out a range of experiments to analyze the effect of
QPP methods on 2AIRT based on different IR
models and IR metrics. The performances of IR
models for queries were tested on 2AIRTC test
collection. Our findings reveal Jelinek-Mercer
model outperformed over the other models and more
correlated to Dirichlet than BM25. Strong
correlation is observed between TF, inb2, dhl3, dl
and dfic features. Future work needs to focus on
developing large test collections for generalizing the
quality of a retrieval model on a given query and for
investigating the consistence of each query
performance predictors across test collections and
query types. Further investigation can be made on
the quality of more post-retrieval strategies and
automatic query expansion on all queries and
selective queries using QPP methods.
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