Evaluation of Information Retrieval Models and Query Performance
Predictors for Amharic Adhoc Task
Tilahun Yeshambel
, Josiane Mothe
and Yaregal Assabie
IT Doctorial Program, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
INSPE, Univ. de Toulouse, IRIT, UMR5505 CNRS, Toulouse, France
Department of Computer Science, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Keywords: Query Performance Prediction, Feature Analysis, Amharic, Adhoc Search, IR Models, Correlation.
Abstract: Query performance prediction (QPP) is the task of evaluating the quality of retrieval results of a query
within the context of a retrieval model. Although several research activities have been carried out on QPP
for many languages, query performance predictors are not studied yet for Amharic adhoc information
retrieval (IR) task. In this paper, we present the effect of various IR models on Amharic queries, and make
some analysis on the computed features for QPP methods from both Indri and Terrier indexes based on the
Amharic Adhoc Information Retrieval Test Collection (2AIRTC). We conducted various experiments to
attest the quality of Amharic queries and performance of IR models on 2AIRTC which is TREC-like test
collection. The correlation degree between predictors is used to measure the dependence between various
query performance predictors, or between a predictor and a retrieval score. Our finding shows that Jelinek-
Mercer model outperformed the BM25 and Dirichlet models. The finding also indicates the correlation
matrices between the query-IDF predictors and the evaluation measures show very low Pearson correlation
coefficient values.
QPP is an important task in IR and is the concern of
many researchers in the IR community. The retrieval
performances vary widely across different retrieval
systems for a single query. The retrieval
performance of an IR system is even inconsistent
over different IR test collections. For example,
adhoc retrieval effectiveness can vary across queries
for different retrieval methods. Adhoc retrieval is the
standard information retrieval task that aims to
provide relevant documents for a given query within
a given document corpus in ranked order based on
relevance to a query (Teufel, 2007). As a result of
ambiguities in user query or errors in a query, the
performances of many IR systems vary while
responding to different users’ queries (Shtok et al.,
2012). A user query performance prediction deals
with the retrieval performance of an IR system for a
given query. The well-known QPP approaches are
pre-retrieval and post-retrieval strategies (Carmel
and Yom-Tov, 2010). The post-retrieval method
evaluates the difficulty of a query by analyzing the
most ranked retrieval results in a response to the
query whereas the pre-retrieval approach analyzes a
query and corpus prior to retrieval time and is based
on linguistic and statistical features of a query and
documents (Shtok et al., 2012). Linguistic
information (Mothe and Tanguy, 2005) and
statistical features such as term frequency-inverse
document frequency (TF-IDF), IDF and standard
deviation values (Cronen-Townsend et al., 2002) are
examples of pre-retrieval prediction methods
whereas analysis clarity (Cronen-Townsend et al.,
2002; Datta et al., 2022), robustness (Zhou and
Croft, 2006), normalized query commitment and
weighted information gain (Datta et al., 2022), and
retrieval scores (Tao and Wu, 2014) are well-known
post-retrieval prediction techniques. Unlike pre-
retrieval, post-retrieval predictors are
computationally expensive but outperform pre-
retrieval predictors. Given a query and an IR system,
a QPP method computes a real-valued score that
indicates the effectiveness of a system for a given
query. The quality of a QPP method is usually
determined by evaluating the correlation between its
predicted effectiveness scores and the values of
some standard evaluation metric for a set of queries
Yeshambel, T., Mothe, J. and Assabie, Y.
Evaluation of Information Retrieval Models and Query Performance Predictors for Amharic Adhoc Task.
DOI: 10.5220/0012224000003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 98-108
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(Ganguly et al., 2022). The performance of a
predictor is usually measured by computing the
correlation coefficient between the output of a
predictor and the actual performance of queries on a
retrieval system. Pearson and Spearman correlation
coefficients are the two widely used statistical
Effective QPP enables a retrieval system to
decide an appropriate action to be taken at the next
turn. Estimating the performance of queries
accurately is useful for various applications such as
for managing resources, optimizing query, managing
user experience, detecting queries with no relevant
content and automatic spell correction, performing
selective query expansion, selecting effective
ranking algorithm for a query, estimating the
retrieval quality for the top-ranked results and
merging results in a distributed IR system (Akdere et
al., 2012). For example, if the retrieval effectiveness
of a query is good, then the query’s performance can
be further improved by an affirmative action such as
automatic query expansion; otherwise, the system
may ask the user for a refinement of the query.
QPP techniques have been explored and
analyzed on standard test collections for many
information retrieval systems (Pérez-Iglesias and
Araujo, 2010; Zendel et al., 2023). However, in spite
of recent progresses made on the development of
Amharic IR (Yeshambel et al., 2022; Yeshambel et
al., 2023), there are no studies carried out to indicate
the retrieval effectiveness of various IR techniques
for the language. Therefore, the aim of this study is
to evaluate:
(i) the quality of some retrieval models on
Amharic topic set;
(ii) the correlation between various QPP features;
(iii) the performance of some QPPs for estimating
the quality of retrieval results.
We take the first initiation to examine the impact
of some QPP methods on the retrieval effectiveness
of Amharic adhoc retrieval setting. Some prediction
methods considered as state-of-the-art have been
implemented in this study. We explore the
generalizability of the results from QPP methods for
Amharic adhoc search for estimating the retrieval
quality of an IR model based on top-rank lists. We
also present analysis about the computed features
and performance measures on the 2AIRTC Amharic
collection created by Yeshambel et al. (2020c). The
correlation between various query performance
predictors and each predictor with the retrieval score
is also investigated using mean average precision
(MAP) and normalized discounted cumulative gain
(NDCG) metrics. We performed QPP by considering
query and document features. We made various
experiments with two types of features: pre-retrieval
query performance features, and Letor features.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 introduces the morphological features of
Amharic and the progresses made on the
construction of resources for Amharic IR. Section 3
discusses related works on QPP methods. In Section
4, we present the experimental setup. Experimental
results along with detailed analysis of the features
are discussed in Section 5. Finally, we make our
conclusion in Section 6.
Amharic is the official language of the government
of Ethiopia. It is used as a mother tongue by
substantial segment of the population of the country
and serves as the lingua franca of various
communities speaking other languages. It is the
second most spoken Semitic language in the world
after Arabic (Gambäck, 2012). The language uses its
own script for writing. The Amharic alphabet has 34
characters, each of which has 7 orders representing a
combination of a consonant and 7 vowels (Argaw and
Asker, 2006).
Owing to its Semitic characteristics, Amharic is
morphologically complex language. Word formation
involves affixation, reduplication, and Semitic stem
interdigitation (Yimam, 2001). Words can be formed
either from stems or roots by adding affixes on
stems or by modifying the root itself internally.
Stems take different types of prefixes and suffixes to
form inflectional and derivational words. One of the
unique features of Amharic morphology is root-
pattern morphological phenomena. For example,
Amharic verbs heavily rely on the arrangement of
consonants and vowels in order to code different
morph-syntactic properties. The root of an Amharic
verb is represented by consonants which carry the
semantic core of the verb. It is possible to create
many words by attaching different affixes to a stem.
For example, according to Abate and Assabie
(2014), it is possible to generate thousands of words
from a verbal root through a complex morphological
process. The possibility of having multiple
affixations on Amharic words may lead to
ambiguity. Thus, contextual analysis is important in
Amharic in order to understand the exact meaning of
some words. The morphological complexity of
Evaluation of Information Retrieval Models and Query Performance Predictors for Amharic Adhoc Task
Amharic along with its implication in Amharic IR is
exposed in detail by Yeshambel et al. (2022) and
Yeshambel et al. (2023).
Although lots of Amharic documents are
available in digital form, the language is still
regarded as under-resourced as only few are usable.
Among the Amharic resources worthy of mention
are NLP corpus (Woldeyohannis and Meshesha,
2020; Yeshambel et al., 2021), Amharic IR test
collection (Yeshambel et al., 2020c), pre-trained
language models (Eshetu et al., 2020; Muhie et al.,
2021; Yeshambel et al., 2023), stopwords
(Alemayehu and Willett, 2002; Yeshambel et al.,
2020b), and word analyzers (Alemayehu and
Willett, 2002; Gasser, 2011; Abate and Assabie,
2014). Evaluations made on the aforementioned
resources indicate that most of them are not in
usable form for Amharic IR task (Yeshambel et al.,
2020a). This shows that the status of research and
development on Amharic IR is far behind in
comparison to technologically advanced languages.
Zhao et al. (2008) proposed pre-retrieval predictors
based on two sources of information: the similarity
between a query and the underlying collection; and
the variability with which query terms occur in
documents. These predictors used collection and
term distribution statistics. The proposed predictors
were evaluated by investigating the correlation
between the predictors and the actual performance of
a retrieval system on each query. The finding
indicates that the proposed predictors provide more
consistent performance than existing pre-retrieval
methods across informational and navigational
search tasks on the Newswire and Web datasets.
Cronen-Townsend et al. (2002) developed QPP
method by calculating the relative entropy between a
query language model and the corresponding
collection language model. Various experiments
were conducted to evaluate the correlation between
clarity score and average precision score for various
TREC Adhoc Track test collections and the title
section of TREC topics using the language
modelling. The obtained clarity score was used to
measure the coherence of language usage in
documents and its models to generate a query. The
finding indicates that clarity score can measure the
ambiguity of a query regarding to a corpus and they
correlate positively with average precision in a
variety of TREC datasets.
He and Ounis (2006) explored the effect of query
length, IDF, query scope, query clarity, standard
deviation of the IDF of the terms in a query, average
inverse collection TF (AvICTF) and the ratio of
maximum IDF value (IDF_max) to minimum IDF
value (IDF_min) of a query. The correlations of the
proposed predictors with query performance are
evaluated on various TREC collections using title,
description and narrative fields of the topic. Among
the six proposed predictors, a simplified clarity score
(SCS) and the AvICTF have the strongest
correlation with average precision for short queries.
The standard deviation of IDF, SCS and AvICTF are
the most correlated predictors with average precision
for normal and long queries. On the contrary, the use
of two statistically diverse document weighting
models does not have an impact on the overall
effectiveness of the proposed predictors.
Zendel et al. (2023) proposed entropy to
estimate the retrieval effectiveness of neural re-
ranking models. The idea is to measure the entropy
of the retrieval scores for a re-ranking model if there
is no training data or corpus related statistics. The
proposed QPP method was tested using Query
Likelihood and NeuralRanker on Robust04 adhoc
retrieval TREC collection. The NeuralRanker
slightly outperformed the query likelihood model
using the entropy predictor. For query likelihood, the
performance of entropy is similar to the standard
deviation. However, entropy outperformed in the
case of NeuralRanker retrieval approach.
Pérez-Iglesias and Araujo (2010) proposed QPP
evaluation framework to avoid some limitations of
correlation coefficients to evaluate QPP methods.
The two proposed evaluation frameworks are: (i) to
evaluate the performance of the method to detect
‘easy’ or ‘hard’ queries; and (ii) to make explicit the
accuracy of the method for different types of topics.
The proposed evaluation frameworks were tested
against set of different prediction methods on a
standard TREC collection using the query likelihood
language modelling with a Dirichlet prior smoothing
parameter. The proposed predictor is used to classify
queries as hard, average and easy. The most accurate
prediction methods in terms of grouping predictions
are SCS and ScoreDesv. The Pearson and Kendall
correlation coefficients suggested an equivalent
performance for SCS and AvICTF methods.
While we see that QPP has been a subject of
research and development for various IR systems, to
our best knowledge, there is no such attempt for
Amharic adhoc IR task. Thus, our study is aimed at
addressing this issue using the 2AIRTC test
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
In this study, we conducted various experiments to
investigate the effect of QPP on Amharic IR, the
performance of some widely used QPP methods and
the correlation between them. The details of the
experimental setup are presented as follows.
4.1 The Amharic IR System
We made our experiment based on the Amharic IR
system developed by Yeshambel et al. (2020d). In
the system, both documents and queries pass
through similar pre-processing, morphological
analysis and stopword removal tasks. The pre-
processing task involves tokenization, character
normalization and removal of punctuation marks.
Morphological analysis was used to extract stems
and roots from surface forms of words. Stopwords
were removed from queries and documents using the
morpheme-based stopword list constructed by
Yeshambel et al. (2020b). Document indexing was
performed based on morphologically analyzed
words. We created three indexes using the retrieval
models BM25, language modelling with Dirichlet
smoothing (LMDir) and language modelling with
Jelinek-Mercer smoothing (LMJM).
The system performed matching between index
terms and morphologically analyzed query terms.
Finally, ranking was made based on the results
obtained from the matching task. Figure 1 shows the
architecture of the Amharic IR system.
4.2 Test Collection
The 2AIRTC (Yeshambel et al., 2020c) is the only
publicly accessible and usable Amharic IR test
collection. We used 6,069 documents and 240
queries from this test collection. The relevance has
binary values with 1 for relevant and 0 for irrelevant.
This collection has been used in some Amharic IR
studies. We used the titles of the topic set.
4.3 Features and Predictors
Various query-document, query-IDF and document
features have been used in many IR studies for QPP.
In this study, we have tested some pre-retrieval and
post-retrieval predictors which have performed well
in past evaluations. We used IDF with TF since it
has been used to rank retrieved documents based on
relevance to a given query and enable the retrieval
system to select relevant documents to the query
based on TF-IDF score. Moreover, IDF statistics
have been used in many studies. Ranking is one of
the main tasks of adhoc retrieval and can be done in
various ways. In our case, we did it using Letor
features which are associated with query-document
pairs. The details of query-IDF, query-document
Letor features and their variants are presented in
Table 1.
Table 1: Indri query-IDF and Terrier query-document
Letor features.
Feature Variant
IDF_Q1, IDF_Q3, IDF_mean,
IDF_median, IDF_std,
IDF_std2, IDF_sum, IDF_min
and IDF_max
and document
IFB2, In_expB2, In_expC2,
InB2, InL2, Js_KLs,
ML2, PL2, TF and TF-IDF
4.4 Retrieval Models
The analysis and performance measures were
performed using both the Indri and Terrier retrieval
systems. Indri uses BM25 and language model
methods. Terrier is an efficient, flexible, extensible,
effective and interactive IR platform. We used
Terrier platform to compute Letor features.
IR models are one of the main components of
QPP. We employed three retrieval models: Okapi
BM25, language modelling with Dirichlet
smoothing and language modelling with Jelinek-
Mercer smoothing. The values of k1 and b in BM25
were set to 0.7 and 0.3, respectively. We used λ=0.6
for LMJM, and the value of the smoothing
parameter µ for LMDir was set to 1000.
4.5 Evaluation Metrics
We measured the ground truth effectiveness of the
system by the trec-eval toolkit to compute precision,
MAP, recall, NDCG, relative precision, set-based
measures, success and number-based metrics. The
prediction quality of QPP features was measured by
Pearson correlation between the ground truth
effectiveness values and the prediction values for the
queries. Pearson measures the strength of the linear
relationship between two variables. The number of
top-retrieved documents in all the pre-retrieval
predictors was selected from the top {5, 10, 15, 20,
30, 100, 200, 500, 1000} retrieval results.
Evaluation of Information Retrieval Models and Query Performance Predictors for Amharic Adhoc Task
Figure 1: Architecture of Amharic IR system (Yeshambel et al., 2020d).
Table 2: Retrieval effectiveness of BM25, Dirichlet and Jelinek-Mercer models.
Retrieval Effectiveness
P@5 P@10 P@15 MAP Rprec bpref recip_rank NDCG RNDCG 11pt_avg
BM25 0.60 0.54 0.49 0.48 0.50 0.48 0.70 0.64 0.59 0.50
Dirichlet 0.65 0.59 0.53 0.56 0.54 0.54 0.78 0.72 0.65 0.58
Jelinek-Mercer 0.70 0.61 0.55 0.60 0.58 0.58 0.83 0.75 0.69 0.61
In this section, the retrieval performance of various
IR models, analysis on the correlation between
different query performance predictors and
comparisons between some pre-retrieval predictors
on Amharic IR test collections are presented.
5.1 Effectiveness of IR Models
The retrieval performances of BM25, Dirichlet and
Jelinek-Mercer retrieval models are measured by
issuing queries against the 2AIRTC. The overall
retrieval performances of the models are presented
in Table 2 where the best performances are depicted
in bold font. As shown in Table 2, the three retrieval
models are generally far to each other in terms of
retrieval results. It can be seen that Jelinek-Mercer
model outperformed the other two models. The
correlation between the three retrieval models is
computed and presented in Figure 2. The minimum
and maximum extreme features of the three models
are presented in Figure 3. It can be seen from the
figures that the Jelinek-Mercer and Dirichlet features
have similar data distribution, with a negative skew
and few outliers having small values. They are also
strongly correlated with Pearson correlation
coefficient (PCC) of 0.95. The least correlation is
obtained between BM25 and Dirichlet models.
Concerning retrieval effectiveness, all the three
models have positive correlations on the Amharic IR
test collection.
5.2 Correlation Between Indri
Query-IDF Features
To examine the relation among IDF features, the
correlation between some query-IDF features was
computed from the Indri index. Figure 4 shows PCC
between IDF feature variants. Since the query-IDF
features were computed on queries, the data count of
query-IDF features is smaller than the query-
document features that are presented above.
Figure 2: Correlation of the three retrieval models.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 3: Boxplots of min and max extremes for the three retrieval models.
Figure 4: Correlation between query-IDF QPP predictors.
The data counts of query-document and query-IDF
features are 2,334 and 240, respectively. The
IDF_Q1 has negative correlations with IDF_std2,
IDF_std and IDF_median predictors. Similarly the
predictor IDF_min has a negative skew with
IDF_median, IDF_std and IDF_std2. However, the
correlation between any of the predictors is
positive. The IDF_sum has the largest data
distribution and the next most distributed Indri
query-IDF feature variant is variance (IDF-std2).
Most of the Indri query-IDF features have outliers
having large values. There are also some weak
inverse correlations between IDF_Q1 and
IDF_median, IDF_std and IDF_std2, IDF_min and
IDF_median, IDF_std and IDF_std2. Some of the
strongly correlated features are:
IDF_mean and IDF_Q3 with PCC of 0.82.
IDF_std and IDF_std2 with PCC of 0.95.
IDF_min and IDF_Q1 with PCC of 0.98.
IDF_max and IDF_Q3 with PCC of 0.87.
For better understanding of the features, we
plotted score extremes of Indri query-IDF features.
We observed that IDF-median, IDF-std and IDF-
std2 have positive values.
Evaluation of Information Retrieval Models and Query Performance Predictors for Amharic Adhoc Task
5.3 Correlation Between Letor
For Letor features, a subset of documents was
selected since all the documents were not needed
to create the training set. Then, feature extraction
was performed to represent each query-document
pair with the features. To investigate the
correlation between Letor predictors, we computed
query-document and document Letor features from
the Terrier index. In this case, some features are
poorly correlated while the others are strongly
correlated. The correlations between weak features
are shown in Figure 5 where PCCs range from
0.63 to 0.87. The Letor predictors Ml2, Mdl2,
Inb2, parameter-free hypergeometric model with
Popper’s normalization (Dph) and divergence from
independence model based on standardization
(Dfiz) have relatively strong correlation with
similar data distribution as shown in Figure 6.
They are strongly correlated with PCCs ranging
from 0.90 to 1.00, and we see that the data
distributions are nearly the same for each feature
which are positively skewed. As shown in Figures
6 and 7, the data distributions are nearly the same
for each feature that is positively skewed, and they
have more of large outlier values (with some small
value outliers for the Hiemstra feature). They are
strongly correlated with PCCs ranging from 0.96
to 1.00.
Figure 5: Letor correlated features with different data distribution.
Figure 6: Strongly correlated Letor features with similar data distribution.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 7: Correlation between Ml2, Mdl2, Inb2, Dph and Dfiz features.
Figure 8: Correlation of TF, inb2, dhl3, dl and dfic features.
The correlations between TF, inb2, dhl3, dl and
divergence from independence model based on Chi-
square statistics (dfic) features are also computed
and shown in Figure 8 where the data distributions
are nearly the same for each feature that is positively
skewed, and they have more of large outlier values
with a few outliers having small values for the
document length (DL), parameter-free weighting
model (Dlh) and Dlh13 features. They are strongly
correlated with PCCs ranging from 0.88 to 0.99.
Moreover, we examined the correlations between
TF, Inb2, Dlh13, Dlh, Dl, Dfic, LemurTF-IDF and
BM25 divergence from randomness (Dfr) features.
Experimental results show that data distributions are
nearly the same for each feature. TF, Inb2 and Dfic
have more of large outlier values whereas the Dl,
Dlh and Dlh13 features have few outliers having
small values. All of these features are strongly
correlated with PCCs ranging from 0.88 to 0.99.
Using box plots of Terrier query-document and
document features, we observed that the query-
document and document features have the same
trend when considering their different variants.
5.4 Performance of Selected Predictors
The correlations between some selected QPP
methods and the retrieval scores were computed and
analysed. We compared the prediction quality of the
four pre-predictors, namely query length (QL), TF,
Evaluation of Information Retrieval Models and Query Performance Predictors for Amharic Adhoc Task
Table 3: Correlation of query performance predictors and
retrieval scores.
Predictor MAP NDCG
IDFstd 0.039501 0.03931
maxIDF 0.030262 0.028146
MeanIDF 0.250945 0.249829
TF 0.130696 0.164911
TF-IDF 0.339494 0.370119
QL -0.15229 -0.1304
IDF and TF-IDF. The PCC of each query prediction
feature score against MAP and NDCG for BM25
retrieval model are presented in Table 3. The table
indicates the correlation of IDF of query terms and
some other query performance prediction features
with average precision and NDCG in 2AIRTC. A
correlation score of 1 indicates a perfect agreement
between a predictor score and the actual retrieval
score in the rankings whereas -1 indicates opposite
agreement between a predicator and a retrieval score
(i.e. MAP and NDCG). All predictors except QL
have weak positive correlation with MAP and
NDCG of the queries. The correlation between QL
and the retrieval scores (i.e. MAP and NDCG) has
opposite association. The average query length is 4.
The top three well performing predictors are TF-
IDF, TF and meanIDF.
5.5 Analyzing Retrieval Scores
The performance measures of various retrieval
scoring metrics were computed and analyzed as
shown in Figures 9 and 10. In Figure 9, we can see
strong correlations between Set_F, Set_P and
set_MAP measures with PCCs ranging from 0.95 to
0.97 for Terrier, and from 0.91 to 0.97 for both Indri
Dirichlet and Indri Jelinek-Mercer. There is also
correlation between the Set_relative_P and
Set_recall measures with PCC of 0.99 for Terrier
and 0.97 for both Indri Dirichlet and Jelinek-Mercer.
In Figure 10, we see that the success at 5 and 10
recommendations are correlated with PCC of 0.85
for both Terrier and Indri Jelinek-Mercer, and 0.76
for Indri Dirichlet.
Figure 9: Set-based measures.
Figure 10: Success measures.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
From the experiments carried out to evaluate
various IR models, we see that Jelinek-Mercer
model outperformed the other models on the
2AIRTC corpus. Regarding the extracted features
from the Indri index, there is a high correlation
between Jelinek-Mercer and Dirichlet query-
document features, but generally low correlations
between the different query-IDF features, with few
of them strongly pairwise-correlated. Based on our
results, it is clear that some queries perform better
than others. Most of the query terms are more of
specific terms and are able to discriminate retrieval
results. Regarding the extracted features from the
Terrier index, most of them have high correlations
between the different features (except for three of
them). An interesting point of discussion is that both
query-document and document Letor features have
the same correlation matrix as well as the same data
distribution for each feature. This is because we
nearly obtained the same results for both query-
document and document Letor features. Regarding
the computed evaluation metrics from both Terrier
and Indri (for both Dirichlet and Jelinek-Mercer
smoothing) indexes, we can see very similar data
distributions and correlations for the precision,
NDCG, MAP, recall, relative precision, set-based,
success and number-based metrics. The correlation
matrices between the query-IDF predictors and the
evaluation measures show very low PCC values.
QPP is the task of estimating the retrieval quality of
an IR system for a given query. In this study, we
investigated the retrieval effectiveness of various IR
models, examined the quality of some query
performance predictors in IR task, and explored the
correlations between some predictors. We carried
out a range of experiments to analyze the effect of
QPP methods on 2AIRT based on different IR
models and IR metrics. The performances of IR
models for queries were tested on 2AIRTC test
collection. Our findings reveal Jelinek-Mercer
model outperformed over the other models and more
correlated to Dirichlet than BM25. Strong
correlation is observed between TF, inb2, dhl3, dl
and dfic features. Future work needs to focus on
developing large test collections for generalizing the
quality of a retrieval model on a given query and for
investigating the consistence of each query
performance predictors across test collections and
query types. Further investigation can be made on
the quality of more post-retrieval strategies and
automatic query expansion on all queries and
selective queries using QPP methods.
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