Digital Transformation of an OEM Development Process from a
Socio-Technical Perspective: A Case Study
Ekin Uhri
1,2 a
, Christoph Matz
and Ingrid Isenhardt
Chair of Production Metrology and Quality Management & Institute for Information Management in Mechanical
Engineering (WZL-MQ & IMA), RWTH Aachen University, Dennewartstr. 27, 52068, Aachen, Germany
BMW Group, Department of Total Vehicle Development, Petuelring 130, 80788, Munich, Germany
Keywords: Function-Oriented Development, Socio-Technical Systems, Knowledge Management, OSTO® System Model,
Model-Based Systems Engineering.
Abstract: Based on the RFLP concept (requirements, functions, logic, product) of model-based systems engineering, a
function-oriented approach can enable a universal, data and model-driven knowledge management system for
product development. Additionally, this approach can automate development steps and ease communication
between disciplines. However, the impact of function-orientation on the established organizational structures
remains unexplored. This case study investigates the effects of digital transformation towards function-
orientation on the knowledge management system of a large corporation from a socio-technical perspective.
OSTO® system model (open, socio-technical, economic) is employed to analyse and redesign the socio-
technical system to observe the possible effects. The results show that the main limitations of the development
department lie within the information and decision-making systems. RFLP-based function-oriented
development can address these limitations, resulting in an efficient, universal, data-driven knowledge
management system.
The automotive industry currently faces multiple
challenges regarding new technologies, including
electromobility and autonomous driving. Vehicles as
products are changing considerably to address these
challenges, which results in increased complexity,
where multiple disciplines (mechanics, electronics,
software) are intertwined. These changes in the
product necessitate the development process to adapt
to the improved product, increasing the complexity of
the process as well (Udo Lindemann, Maurer, &
Braun, 2009). The organizational structure of an
original equipment manufacturer (OEM) plays a
significant role in the process complexity (Kreimeyer
& Lindemann, 2011). A shift in mindset where the
development focus is on the vehicle functions can
provide an adequate solution. Function-oriented
development offers a new approach where the focus
is on the functions as opposed to components. Such
an approach can help designers manage the product
and process complexities by (among others) a
universal data-driven data structure and enabling easy
communication between disciplines (Albers et al.,
2019; Jacobs et al., 2022).
Function-oriented product development methods
are being explored in research and industry (Albers et
al., 2019; Albers et al., 2020; Denger, Fritz, Kissel,
Parvan, & Zingel, 2013; Jacobs et al., 2022; Politze
& Dierssen, 2008; Renner, 2007). However,
introducing and implementing such an approach in an
established organization is not yet fully understood.
This shift in development approach also indicates a
digital transformation because function-orientation
can only be implemented if the existing knowledge
management system is remodelled accordingly.
Information systems play a significant role in
knowledge management, as they facilitate the
information and knowledge capture, storage,
organisation, and retrieval in the organization. It is
important to analyse the existing socio-technical
system to understand how a function-oriented
Uhri, E., Matz, C. and Isenhardt, I.
Digital Transformation of an OEM Development Process from a Socio-Technical Perspective: A Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012230600003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 52-61
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
concept can be implemented and its possible effects.
Hence, this paper aims to uncover the effects of the
digital transformation towards function-oriented
development on an OEM (specifically its knowledge
management system) using a socio-technical system
model. This is done by analysing the current state of
the development department, defining the ideal
function-oriented development approach, redesigning
the organization in a way to accommodate function-
oriented development, and observing the possible
effects. The results of this case study provide valuable
insights for knowledge management systems and the
organizational development of OEMs.
Function-oriented development in this case study
refers to a development approach where the focus is
on product functions that result in a certain product
behaviour expected by the customer. In this context,
function-oriented development is used for complex,
mechatronic products. The complexity of a product
stems from the number of components and
interdependencies between them. Mechatronic
products consist of a significant number of
mechanical, software and electronic components.
Due to the complexity of the product, this approach
necessitates a well-suited and -structured knowledge
management system.
There are multiple approaches to function-
oriented development. RFLP (requirements,
functions, logic, product) approach of model-based
systems engineering is the most common (Jacobs et
al., 2022). There is no standardized definition of
function-oriented development. However, there are
some technological characteristics that the most
prominent approaches have in common: model-based
approach, solution neutrality, and functions as a
communication basis (Uhri & Isenhardt, 2023).
Model-based approach, in contrast to document-
based, proposes that the information exchange should
be based on models instead of documents during
development (Jacobs et al., 2022). Advantages of a
model-based approach include visualization of the
design problem, decreased susceptibility to errors,
higher system reliability, improved comprehension of
the system, easier design reuse, real-time
collaboration on a model, and potentially reduced
development cost and time (Bergmann, 2014).
Solution neutrality is the definition of functions
independent of a solution alternative where functions
and solutions are considered separately. This allows
for out-of-the-box thinking and the reuse of existing
functions for different products (Renner, 2007).
Additionally, the solution neutrality of the functions
helps the descriptions of the functions to be domain-
independent and thus, serve as a communication basis
for multiple disciplines (Albers et al., 2019). The
complexity and interdisciplinarity of mechatronic
products necessitate strong interdisciplinary
communication. Functions should be formulated in a
discipline- and solution-independent manner to be
comprehensible to all relevant disciplines. This will
allow the designers to understand the system they
develop and its context within the product and
communicate between different domains (Denger et
al., 2013; Jacobs et al., 2022).
While technological aspects of function-
orientation have been explored, the research on
human and organizational factors is limited (Uhri
& Isenhardt, 2023). Yet the importance of the human,
technological, and organizational (HTO) factors
(Eklund, 2000) for the success of a new technology
or process are emphasized in function-orientation
(Albers et al., 2020; Politze & Dierssen, 2008;
Renner, 2007) and in socio-technical design research
(Mumford, 2000). Designers are encouraged to
include the customer perspective of the functions to
develop a user-oriented product (Albers et al., 2020).
Product ontologies can help to achieve this (Politze
& Dierssen, 2008). Understanding the system and its
adaptability are integral to the success of the product
(Renner, 2007). Organizational barriers between
teams, non-standardized and ambiguous terminology
for development artefacts (within an organization or
the industry), differing structures and workflows and
emphasis on data protection that hinders data flow are
some of the significant challenges faced during the
implementation. Differentiating between users and
decision-makers and adapting strategies for both
(including change management strategies) can help
with these challenges (Renner, 2007).
Factors that could support the digital
transformation towards function-oriented
development from an HTO perspective include
mindset change, user-friendly interfaces, step-by-step
transformation, alignment with the existing
structures, and management support (Uhri
& Isenhardt, 2023). Designers should be open to new
development approaches for a successful
implementation. This can be done by adapting change
management methods and showing the importance of
the transformation for the survival of the company.
User-friendly design of not only the tools but also the
methods, structures and processes can help the
Digital Transformation of an OEM Development Process from a Socio-Technical Perspective: A Case Study
implementation. Step-by-step transformation towards
function-orientation is essential for the acceptance of
the new methods. Alignment to the existing structures
also helps with the acceptance, allowing the reuse of
existing structures. Without management support, no
new process can be implemented. They must be
shown the benefits and necessity of function-oriented
development. (Uhri & Isenhardt, 2023)
The current state of research in function-oriented
development states the benefits of such a framework
on the development process, which include customer-
oriented products, shorter development times,
stronger cross-disciplinary collaboration, fostering
innovative solutions, complexity management, data
consistency and traceability, and remaining market-
competitive (Uhri & Isenhardt, 2023). However, the
research mainly focuses on the technological side of
the framework.
According to the socio-technical design research
(Eklund, 2000; Mumford, 2000), as well as the human
factors research in engineering design (Ernst, 2014),
the success of a new framework within a company
mainly depends on the considerations of human and
organizational aspects as well as technological
factors. Implementation of a new development
framework heavily relies on the existing processes
and organization, yet the effects of function-
orientation on the established socio-technical system
are not yet known. Hence, this case study aims to
predict the potential implications of the
transformation towards function-oriented
development on the company for its successful
implementation. This research paper aims to answer
the following research question (RQ):
RQ: What are the possible effects of the digital
transformation towards function-oriented product
development on an established OEM (specifically on
its knowledge management system) from a socio-
technical perspective?
OSTO® is a cybernetic system model where
organizations are considered open systems with
closed feedback loops (Hanna, 1988). The model is
helpful to analyse existing systems and observe the
possible effects of a change at any stage of the system.
Additionally, the model allows the designers to
consider multiple design elements as well as their
interdependencies. Thus, they can depict and analyse
a complex system. The model was initially
formulated by Hanna (1988) and further developed by
Rieckmann and Weissengruber (1990) and Henning
and Marks (1996).
OSTO is an acronym for open (offen), socio-
technical (soziotechnisch), and economic
(ökonomisch) aspects of a system. The system is
open, enabling it to interact with its environment. The
social part of the model refers to the parts with human
involvement, which comprises the organizational
structure, information and decision process, reward
and control system, motivation of the employees and
the organizational culture. The technical part refers to
the physical and material parts of the system, which
include the tools, methods, machinery, infrastructure,
Figure 1: An overview of the OSTO® system model (based on Henning & Marks, 1996; Rieckmann & Weissengruber, 1990).
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
and processes. The economic parts of a system
comprise all the activities that result in the economic
efficiency of the system, such as budgeting,
investments, revenue trends, and controlling.
Figure illustrates the OSTO® system model in
the structure variation (Henning & Marks, 1996;
Rieckmann & Weissengruber, 1990). Less relevant
components, (meaning, ultimate anchor), and their
feedback loops (responsibility and awareness) are not
considered in this case study. An organization
includes a significant number of components (for
instance in input, output, and system behaviour). It is
important to only focus on the components that are
relevant to the goal of the analysis. Sections 4.1 and
4.2 describe the OSTO® system model used in this
study (Henning & Marks, 1996; Rieckmann
& Weissengruber, 1990).
4.1 OSTO® System Model
System Boundary: The system boundary separates
the system and its environment and can be physical,
temporal, social or psychological. Correct
identification of the system border is essential to
defining and describing the system accurately. Since
the system is open, it can interact with its
Environment: Anything that is outside of the
system boundary and the system interacts with is
defined as the environment. In terms of an
organization, the environment can include customers,
political conditions, the market, and society in
Reason for Existing: The reason for existing
describes the purpose of a system. It describes why
the system exists and which environmental need is
fulfilled by the existence and output of the system.
Input: The input of the system comes from its
environment and its feedback loops and can include
both material and immaterial items.
Goals and Strategies: The goals of a system are
derived from the reason for existing. The strategies
are derived from the goals and aim to describe the
steps to achieve the goals.
System Behaviour: The system behaviour
describes all the actions that result in the system
output and outcome. The behaviour can be altered by
changing the design elements.
Output & Outcome: The output of a system
describes all the desired and non-desired items a
system produces. Output includes both work results
of a system, as well as immaterial outputs such as
motivation of the employees or amount of workload.
Outcome refers to the financial output of the system.
Feedback Loops: Feedback loops are an essential
part of the model. The loops ensure that the time
dimension is considered, and the system adapts,
develops, and stabilizes according to its output and
reason for existing. Quality feedbacks respond to the
quality of the output. Renewal feedback gives the
response from the environment on the reason for
Design Elements: Design elements are the core
of the model and describe the individual components
that make up the system. They are interconnected and
a change made in one element has consequences on
all the other elements and the system as a whole.
The human element comprises all the personnel
of an organization as well as their roles and
relationships. The technology element includes all
the material equipment needed to produce the system
outcome (e.g., infrastructure, materials, property…).
Organizational structure refers to the procedures and
processes of the organization for its operations. The
tasks element describes the tasks the organization
must finish and their structure and division into
subtasks for the organization to function. The
decision-making system describes all the
mechanisms that are relevant to the decision-making
process (e.g., relevant roles, hierarchies, tools,
processes etc.). Information system comprises all
the relevant mechanisms for information retrieval,
storage, transformation, display and communication
with their reasons. Reward and control system
regulates the human, process, and technical behaviour
of a system with reward and control mechanisms
(e.g., monetary incentives, acknowledgements,
responsibility, personal development etc.).
Development and renewal system controls the
performance and adaption capacities of a system and
helps an organization to develop further.
4.2 Study Design
The analysis of the system was done using the
OSTO® system model with method (OSTO) and
field (vehicle development) experts. The workshop
format is taken from Rieckmann and Weissengruber
(1990) and adapted for this study. Two workshops
were conducted to analyse the system. The diagnosis
workshop was done “backwards”, i.e., starting from
the system boundary and output, working through the
reason for existing, system behaviour and design
elements, and concluding in system goals and
strategies. In contrast, in the redesign workshop, the
Digital Transformation of an OEM Development Process from a Socio-Technical Perspective: A Case Study
goals and strategies were defined first, and the system
output was predicted at the end.
In this case study, the system was the
development department of an OEM, which produces
vehicles (a complex mechatronic product).
Specifically, the knowledge management system was
analysed within the socio-technical context. Since the
investigated subject is a major corporation with tens
of thousands of employees, the analysis gives an
overview of the company structure and does not
represent the intricacies of all departments.
Additionally, the analysis focus lay on the areas that
required improvement, and not on the organization as
a whole. Thus, the many (positive) aspects were
The goal of the diagnosis workshop was to
determine the limitations within the development
department of the company that can be addressed by
function-oriented development. Based on the results
from the diagnosis, the system was redesigned to
accommodate function-oriented development. The
ideal system was described, and the organization was
adapted to achieve this ideal. The model also allowed
the experts to predict the possible behaviours and
outcomes of the system when the changes are
5.1 Results of the System Diagnosis
The diagnosis began with the definition of the
system boundary. In this case study, the system
boundary was set as the entire vehicle development
department. The department includes structures that
encompass requirements management through to
integration and testing of the virtual product.
Departments that lie outside of the system are other
departments of the company, government policies,
market, end customers and society in general. The
company and product strategy and production
planning departments are in direct contact with the
system through inputs and outputs.
The next step was to determine the system
inputs and outputs. The system gets its input from
the end customers through the product strategy
department, which determines the customer
requirements. Additionally, the previous product
concepts are also taken in as input, as well as the
quality feedback and quantity predictions from the
production planning. The main system output is the
description of a production-ready product and all the
relevant data for its production. However, there are
also unintentional outputs. One noteworthy output is
the insufficient interdepartmental information
transfer. This causes the production planning
department to generate a certain amount of
information again, which results in redundant work
and possible errors in the system.
Afterwards, the reason for existing was defined.
The reason for existing of the development
department is to fulfil the need of the production
planning department for the production-ready
product description. This description meets the
product requirements provided by the company
strategy department (regarding market value,
sustainability, feasibility, cost-effectiveness etc.).
The next step was to observe the system
behaviour that leads to the system output. It should
be emphasized that this list is not exhaustive and only
the relevant behaviour patterns were examined that
require improvement. A significant amount of
development-relevant information exchange happens
on an informal level and is not always systematically
documented. The information storage and sharing are
heavily dependent on the individuals and not
standardized. A personnel change may indicate that
the information and expertise are partially lost, and
additional effort is needed to gather the information
again. Another behaviour observed was in the
decision-making system. Some decisions are mainly
based on the expertise of the employees. While
domain expertise is very valued, major changes in
product requirements and boundary conditions show
that expertise alone may not always result in optimal
decision-making. Thus, among expertise, multiple
factors must be considered for the decision-making
system. The company produces a commercially very
successful, high-quality, and reliable product. Thus,
up until recently, next-generation products have been
heavily based on previous products. While this is a
successful path to produce similarly high-quality
products, changing requirements and boundary
conditions must be considered for a successful market
launch and competitiveness. Therefore, over-reliance
on previous projects may not be enough to create a
successful, customer-oriented, innovative product.
Innovative ideas can initially meet with scepticism,
especially if similar projects were unsuccessful
The subsequent step was to determine the design
elements that caused the system behaviour. The
design elements were focused on the identified
behaviour patterns and mainly aimed to solve the
limitations of the company. It is not an exhaustive list
and only the most significant findings are listed here.
The information systems are not consistent and
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
universal within the company. While this is to be
expected to some degree (different departments
utilize domain-specific databases and tools), the
interfaces are not always sufficiently defined and
structured. The system is specifically designed in this
way for data privacy. This results in information
being shared only when asked and with a valid
reason, and not automatically shared with the
necessary parties (need-to-know principle). There is a
focus on expert knowledge, which is very valuable
but not always accessible and discoverable. This
results in a loss of knowledge when the expert
switches their role, department, or company. Informal
yet significant information exchange is not always
documented and thus can be lost easily. There can be
a somewhat risk-avoidant culture within the
company, where the previous product design is taken
as the benchmark and improved upon when
necessary. This is a valid approach, as long as the next
generation of products still fulfils the customer
requirements. Since the requirements are changing
rather rapidly, this approach alone is not enough to
remain market competitive.
The final step of the diagnosis was the
identification of the goals and strategies of the
system. The main goal of the development
department is to create a high-quality product. Other
related goals include using and optimizing the
existing concepts, and the safety and security of the
product, process, and company. The strategies to
reach these goals include using successful previous
product concepts as the basis for next product
iterations, using proofs-of-concept for all innovative
ideas, using standards for quality measurement, IT
security through company hardware and software and
the need-to-know principle for all data.
The OST model helped to understand the
relevant and critical underlying mechanisms of the
organization and structure the system components of
the development process. The chain of events and
information were observed and categorized. A
structured look at the system highlighted the parts that
need to be improved. The redesign workshop helped
to reorganize and improve the system in the right
5.2 Results of the System Redesign
The redesign workshop began with the definition of
the ideal system. The expectations and goals for
function-oriented development were listed. In the
redesign workshop, the system was adapted in a way
to fulfil the listed goals. Function-oriented
development aims to create transparent and
permeable systems and use functions as a
communication basis across different disciplines,
potentially resulting in (semi-) automated workflows.
The automation shall help decrease the workload,
thus creating time that can be used to generate
innovative ideas. With different creativity techniques,
a mindset for new, innovative solutions and
transparency between subsystems and disciplines can
be achieved. These goals can also help to evaluate
different solution ideas objectively, thus increasing
the number of innovative ideas incorporated into the
After defining the ideal system, the system
boundary was set. In this case, the boundary
remained the same, the entire development
department. The next step was to define the reason
for existing. The reason for existing was improved to
not only include the product quality and efficiency
but also the process and company quality. The new
reason for existing of the development department is
to fulfil the needs of the top management of the
company, which is a product development process
that fulfils the determined quality, cost, and efficiency
criteria. By shifting the focus from production
planning to top management, the entire company is
aimed to be shaped to be efficient, in terms of costs,
quality, and time. This not only includes the product
but also the processes and structures within the
The next step was to identify the goals and
strategies. Not all goals and strategies were irrelevant
or required alteration, so some of them remained
unchanged. The main goal is still to generate a high-
quality product. Additional goals that were defined
here were producing innovative products, as well as
an efficient and flexible development process.
Similarly, the strategies that fulfil the existing goals
were kept. The old strategies that do not fulfil the new
goals were removed. The new set of strategies
includes the reuse of existing concepts if necessary;
reducing workload for generating time for
innovation; generating a cost, quality, and time-
efficient development process; using standards for
quality measurement (and defining these standards if
they do not yet exist); and traceability and
transparency on the process, product, and
Afterwards, the new design elements were
identified. These design elements were added to the
existing elements (unless concurrent). RFLP-based
function-oriented product development can be
implemented within the company to address many of
the goals and strategies. This has implications for
many design elements, mainly on the information
Digital Transformation of an OEM Development Process from a Socio-Technical Perspective: A Case Study
system, human, tasks, and technology. The concept
aims to establish a consistent, universal, model- and
data-driven knowledge management system within
the company (by remodelling the existing system).
This, along with function, system, property, and
product libraries, can help with the reuse of previous
product concepts as well as solution ideas
systematically. This development framework also
allows the designers to have a better understanding of
the system they are developing, specifically within
the context of the product. Using the framework,
tasks can be (semi-) automated and interfaces can be
clearly defined. It also helps to create a traceable and
transparent development process where relevant
information can be accessed easily. Relevant
responsible roles for each RFLP element can be easily
identified. Along with the solution-neutral
description of the functions, these roles help with the
communication between different teams, roles, and
disciplines. Instead of a need-to-know principle, a
publisher and subscriber concept can help with the
interface definitions and ease information access for
those to whom it is relevant. The innovative spirit of
the company can be increased by using idea collectors
and innovation days.
The subsequent step was to observe the system
behaviour. The system behaviour at this stage was
mainly a prediction and cannot be deduced explicitly
due to the abstraction of the system and the lack of
external validation. Given the design components, the
reliance on previous concepts, mainly expert-based
decision making and the tendency to reject innovative
ideas will most likely no longer be observed.
Additionally, the amount of informal information
exchange was also expected to be decreased due to
the more structured knowledge management system.
Lastly, the system output was predicted. The
main output of the system (description of a
production-ready product and all relevant data) will
likely remain, possibly with more innovative product
concepts. The main improvement of the output should
be the interdepartmental information transfer and the
Figure 2: Summary of the most significant findings from the workshops.
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
resulting redundant work, which will be improved
upon with the proposed items. The efficient
development process will also likely be an output.
Figure summarizes the most significant (not all)
findings of the OSTO® system model diagnosis and
5.3 Discussion
The OSTO® system model was very beneficial for
the examination of the organization in a structured
and systematic manner. The workshop format was
rather unconventional for the field experts, who have
a technical background. The case study improved the
system understanding from a socio-technical
perspective. While the company provides a state-of-
the-art product, humans play a crucial role in the
development process and the organizational structure,
which is not usually, explicitly addressed. Providing
a human-centred process and socio-technical system
thinking can support the development of an efficient
knowledge management system. This can increase
employee satisfaction and identification with the
company. These effects can help retain experienced
employees and attract new talents, which can mitigate
the effects of the skilled worker shortage.
“All organizations are perfectly designed to get
the results they get” (Hanna, 1988). The output of the
system has been optimized well in the last decades.
With the volatility of the automotive industry, the
output must be tailored to match the expectations of
the market and the customer. This also means that the
organization itself must work on its limitations to
remain market competitive and fulfil its reason for
existing. The goals of the system must change to
achieve different results (Hanna, 1988). By adopting
the goal to incorporate an efficient development
process, the organization can generate an adequate,
market-competitive, and innovative product. RFLP-
based function-oriented development can help the
company achieve this goal by addressing the
limitations in the information systems and providing
an adequate knowledge management system. The
knowledge management system must be remodelled
to accommodate the RFLP model, considering the
specific requirements of the organization (regarding
the product, structures, and processes…).
Some of the HTO-relevant factors of function-
oriented development (Uhri & Isenhardt, 2023) were
addressed in the redesign workshop. Specifically, the
mindset changes in both designers and decision-
makers, alignment to the existing structures, and user-
friendly interfaces were considered. The redesign
workshop set mindset change as a goal for the way
towards function-oriented development. New design
elements were added to incorporate function-oriented
development in the existing organizational structures.
The redesign workshop focused on the needs of the
designer to generate a user-friendly process. Elements
such as improving system understanding, traceability
and transparency of the systems, and easier
communication between disciplines can help to
develop a human-centred process. Though not
explicitly addressed, management support and step-
by-step transformation towards function orientation
are essential and must be considered in the further
development of the approach.
This case study includes the development
department of only one OEM. Therefore, the results
have limited generalizability and applicability.
Nevertheless, the results contribute to the
development of function-orientation with
consideration of HTO factors. The interdependencies
between the design elements create a hard-to-predict
system behaviour and output. Changes to multiple
design elements at once may result in chaotic and
unpredictable system behaviour. Thus, it is important
to not alter too many elements at once to keep the
system in check. The inclusion of RFLP-based
function orientation may be at the limits of this rule.
Hence, the interdependencies between design
elements must be inspected further.
The redesign workshop can be seen as a
systematic and thorough yet abstract creative exercise
to predict the possible effects. The effects are merely
posited by the experts and not empirically tested.
These effects may differ when the approach is
implemented within the context of the organization.
This case study aims to observe the possible effects
of the digital transformation caused by the
implementation of function-orientation on an
established OEM and its knowledge management
system. The limitations of the system were
determined through a systematic analysis of the
existing organizational structures. Subsequently, the
ideal system that utilizes function-orientation was
defined. The existing system was redesigned in a way
to accommodate function-orientation and its effects
on the company were observed.
It is concluded that the information systems and
the designer and decision-maker mindsets are the
main areas that can be improved upon. RFLP-based
function-oriented development can be used to create
an accessible, traceable, data-driven, universal
Digital Transformation of an OEM Development Process from a Socio-Technical Perspective: A Case Study
knowledge management system. This approach
enables the easy communication of different
disciplines on a systematically documented model,
which can support the decision-making process
(along with expert knowledge). In addition to the
existing goal of generating a high-quality product, the
company can aim to generate a time, cost, and
quality-efficient development process to incorporate
and sustain function-orientation within the
organization. The socio-technical and systematic look
at the organization was crucial to discovering the
limitations of the system and providing solution
This research contributes valuable insights for the
further development of the function-oriented
approach and the knowledge management systems
including the technological, human, and
organizational perspectives. Further research is
needed to concretize and empirically test the results.
Additionally, further organizations and products can
be analysed to validate the results.
We thank our colleagues Dr.-Ing. Anas Abdelrazeq,
Lea Daling, Cathrin Deutz, Dr. rer. nat. Frank Hees,
Johanna Lauwigi and Dr. rer. nat. Sarah Müller-
Abdelrazeq at WZL-MQ & IMA for their
contributions during the two workshops.
This case study was funded by BMW Group.
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