attractions extracted from open data provided by
official Italian municipalities. Secondly, it evaluated
the quality of data contained in Tourpedia. The
analysis demonstrated that extracted open data are
never complete. Thirdly, to add missing information
to Tourpedia, a strategy to boost accommodation
owners’ release of such information about their
activities was defined. This strategy was based on
implementing the Tourpedia App, a Web application
that provides accommodation owners with a
dashboard to consult the accommodation context
associated with their activity. The dashboard
encourages accommodation owners to update their
profile on the application. Finally, a strategy to
manage multilingualism was proposed based on
exploiting an external database (i.e., Geonames).
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which is not only in the hands of a few people. We
know that the Tourpedia App is only a prototype,
which cannot compete with other systems exploiting
proprietary data. However, the implementation of this
application is to demonstrate that it is possible to
build Web applications based entirely on open data.
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