Tourpedia App: A Web Application for Tourists and Accommodation
Angelica Lo Duca
and Andrea Marchetti
Institute of Informatics and Telematics, National Research Council, via G. Moruzzi, 2, Pisa, Italy
Keywords: Web Applications, Tourism, Open Data.
Abstract: We set out a strategy to add missing details to Tourpedia, a knowledge base containing accommodation
information completely built on open data. The strategy is based on developing a Web application (called
Tourpedia App), which incentivizes accommodation owners to correct and add information about their
activity to Tourpedia. Valuable statistics about the accommodation context are returned to every
accommodation owner, compiling missing details. Tourists can also use the Tourpedia App to search for
accommodation and tourist attractions. The paper describes the strategy implemented to incentivize
accommodation owners to release information about their activity. In addition, it describes how Tourpedia
App is implemented and how tourists and accommodation owners can use it. The main finding of this study
is the implementation of the Tourpedia App, a prototype that demonstrates that it is possible to build real
applications based on open data.
Tourism is one of the most important aspects of the
economy of a country such as Italy. To confirm this,
a study by The World Travel & Tourism Council
(WTTC) states that in 2017 the total contribution of
the tourism industry to the Italian economy was 223.2
billion euros, equal to 13% of the national GDP,
generating 14.7% of total employment in the country.
Furthermore, in Italy, the contribution of the tourism
sector to the GDP was higher than both the European
(10.3% of GDP) and the global average (10.4% of
GDP). This means that for Italy, it is very important
to invest resources in this sector.
This paper extends Tourpedia (Lo Duca and
Marchetti, 2019), a knowledge base regarding
tourism accommodation facilities (hotels, bed &
breakfast, …), built on open data extracted from
regional government agencies of three countries:
Italy, France, and Spain. Open data are datasets
released through a public license, which permits their
reuse and redistribution. So the main contribution of
Tourpedia has been to build a new larger dataset,
originated by integrating trustworthy resources,
which can be redistributed.
The specific contribution of this paper involves
the following aspects: 1) enriching Tourpedia with
tourist attractions; 2) evaluating the quality of data
contained in Tourpedia in terms of missing
information and errors; and 3) defining a strategy to
improve the data quality. This strategy is based on
creating a Web application for accommodation
owners, termed Tourpedia App, which allows them to
check the information associated with their hotels and
add any missing details; 4) multilingualism
Often, open data released by official government
agencies are not exploited by anyone, thus, they
remain on the owner's Website. Tourpedia could
become a place where official government agencies
disseminate their open data regarding tourism. Thus
data becomes more accessible, visible, and
Hoteliers and general users can use the Tourpedia
App. Hoteliers can register their hotels in the
Tourpedia App to access some statistics. These
statistics include the presence of tourists in the hotels
in the same municipality/region, the type of hotels
selected by tourists, the number of tourists per travel
category, and the number of Internet reservations.
Lo Duca, A. and Marchetti, A.
Tourpedia App: A Web Application for Tourists and Accommodation Owners.
DOI: 10.5220/0012231100003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 446-453
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Transport means used to travel and other related
information. All these statistics define the
accommodation context. As a side effect, the
inclusion by the hoteliers of information relating to
their activity allows Tourpedia to enrich the dataset
relating to accommodation facilities with the missing
General users can also use the Tourpedia App to
search for hotels close to a particular tourist
attraction. Tourpedia App constitutes an alternative
system to other commonly used search engines such
as Google and Booking because it is based entirely on
open data. Open data may contain accommodations
and attractions not present on online travel agencies.
Thus, users using the Tourpedia App could have
additional information. At the moment, the Tourpedia
App contains Italian, French, and Spanish
accommodations and Italian tourist attractions.
Statistics are available only for Italian hoteliers.
However, they can be easily extended to other
countries, provided that such countries have released
open data statistics.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 describes related work, and
Section 3 illustrates the Tourpedia Knowledge Base.
Section 4 illustrates the Tourpedia App and its
implementation. Finally, Section 6 gives conclusions.
2.1 Data Quality Improvement
Many strategies exist in the literature to improve the
data quality of knowledge bases. According to Heiko
Paulheim, there are two main objectives of
knowledge graph refinement: a) completion, which
involves adding missing information, and error
detection, which identifies wrong information
(Paulheim 2017). The present paper tries to fulfill the
completion objective by applying an alternative
technique. Thus in the remainder of the section, only
this aspect is investigated.
Completion can be achieved in two ways: a)
internal methods, which exploit only the information
contained in the knowledge base through Machine
Learning algorithms, and b) external methods, which
use information extracted from other sources. For a
complete survey about complete, please refer to the
previously cited paper (Paulheim, 2017). Other work
determines completion based on query terms to the
knowledge base (Jiang et al. 2019).
This paper describes an external method for
knowledge base completion, based on the support of
accommodation owners’, who will add missing
information directly to the knowledge base.
2.2 Hotel Statistics
The problem of providing hoteliers with useful
information to improve their business is well-known
in the literature (e.g., Torres et. al. 2014, Chen et al.
2019, Xia et al., 2019). One of the most important
topics in this field regards hotel rating, which
concerns the global hotel evaluation, according to
some metrics. The literature on this aspect is vast:
some works concentrate specifically on hotel rating
(e.g., Casalo et al., 2105, Mariani et al., 2018,
Narangajavana, 2008), and others analyze the impact
of hotel reviews on customer satisfaction (e.g.,
Vermeulen 2009, Berezina, 2016) and hotel
performance (Phillips et al. 2017). There are also
many websites providing hotels with statistics about
their reputation/rating. Some examples include
ReviewPro, TrustYou and Olery. All these vendors
elaborate great amounts of reviews from different
sources to define their metrics, which define the hotel
rank. The main issue with all these platforms regards
the secrecy of how the metrics are calculated. Thus,
the same hotel may have a different rank on each
platform (Mellinas 2019). The Tourpedia App does
not provide any ratings or rank about accommodation
because it analyses the hotel business from another
point of view. In detail, it provides every hotel with
its accommodation context, i.e., information about
the hotel surroundings (e.g., what tourists desire in the
local area where the accommodation is located). The
accommodation context is extracted from open data,
so there are no secrets in its definition. This
accommodation context is not shown to tourists but
only to accommodation owners.
Other works focus on the quality of services the
hotels provide (Su et al., 2007), such as room
cleanliness and politeness of the staff (Rhee et al.,
2015). This paper analyses the problem of providing
hoteliers with useful information from the point of
view of the accommodation context (i.e., statistics
about the accommodation surroundings). This aspect
could help hoteliers to understand which kind of
tourists choose the area where the accommodation is.
Thus hoteliers could improve or even add new
services to their hotels.
2.3 Applications for Tourists
Many applications have been implemented to help
tourists choose the right hotel for their trip. Apart
from famous Online Travel Agencies, such as
Tourpedia App: A Web Application for Tourists and Accommodation Owners
447 and TripAdvisor, which have a very
complex business model, there are some less-known
academic initiatives. One example was proposed by
Al-Ghossein et al. (Al-Ghossein, 2018), who defined
a framework that combines hotel reservations with
events extracted from open data. The interesting
aspect of this framework regards the possibility to
select the point of view from which the search is
done: hotel-centric, which permits the travelers to
search for a hotel and then all the events in the
surroundings are shown; event-centric, which permits
the travelers to search for an event and then show all
the hotels in the surroundings. The Tourpedia App is
similar to Al-Ghossein’s application because it
provides two kinds of searches: hotel-centric and
attraction-centric. Another important initiative is
DataTourism, which implements a dashboard for
tourists to discover information about a hotel
(Soualah-Alila et al., 2016). Currently, in the
Tourpedia App, the dashboard is associated only with
accommodation owners. However, it could be
interesting to extend it to tourists. Voyageur is
another interesting search engine, giving tourists the
possibility to carry out experiential searches, such as
“quiet hotel and friendly staff” (Evensen et al. 2019).
Tourpedia App exploits data contained in Tourpedia,
a Web platform which exploits official open data
about tourism provided by government agencies,
such as Regions (e.g. Official Open Data released by
the Tuscany Region
) or cities (e.g. Official Open
Data released by the city of Matera
). The
methodology of this paper involves four aspects: 1)
enriching the Tourpedia knowledge base with tourist
attractions, 2) evaluating data quality already
contained in Tourpedia, 3) defining a strategy to
improve data quality through the concept of
accommodation context, and 4) multilingualism
management. At this stage of implementation, we will
not focus on scalability challenges, and we reserve to
future work this kind of analysis.
3.1 Current Version of Tourpedia
The main objective of Tourpedia consists of defining,
designing, and implementing new technologies,
which give a common structure to open data released
by government agencies. Open data about tourism are
often distributed through different websites and in
different formats or data structures. Tourpedia aims
to unify all these open data to provide a single website
to access open data regarding tourism. The system
architecture behind Tourpedia comprises different
modules, which enable a developer to add a new data
source easily and without compromising the already
imported sources. We described the general
architecture of Tourpedia in our previous paper (Lo
Duca et al. 2019). Tourpedia also provides a
mechanism to map the original schema defined by a
data source to the Tourpedia Data Model (TDM),
through a simple mapping language called Tourpedia
Mapping Language (TML). The TDM is very generic
and can be extended easily to add new features.
Currently, Tourpedia contains more than 70,000
accommodation facilities, collected by 21 of the
official open data websites provided by Italian,
French, and Spanish Regions (12 sources are from
Italy, 6 from France, and 3 from Spain). All the
available data is aggregated, updated continuously,
stored in a local database, released under a public
license, and can be accessed through a Web API.
3.2 Tourist Attractions
Tourist attractions, as defined by Harris and Howard,
are physical or cultural places that meet travelers'
specific needs and influence their choice of
destination (Harris 1996). These can be natural
(climate, culture, landscapes) or site-specific (theater
shows, museums). Medlik distinguishes between site
attractions (place itself is the draw) and event
attractions (festivals, performances), as well as
natural (volcano, forest) and artificial attractions
(museums) (Medlik 2003). While there is no
standardized classification, any element in a
destination can be an attraction if it drives visitors to
meet personal needs, even unconventional ones like
shopping centers. If it is almost impossible to achieve
a standard classification of tourist attractions, it is
instead possible to use criteria to establish the quality
of a tourist attraction. Varra (Varra 2012, p. 21)
speaks of three fundamental criteria, namely, the
replicability of the resource, which is the possibility
that it cannot be replicated elsewhere. The uniqueness
of the resource, that is, the ability to qualify the
territory differentiating it from others, and the
importance recognized by stakeholders in creating
value, that is, the contribution associated with it in the
global production of value. Considering the criteria
defined by Varra, Tourpedia was enriched with data
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
relating to tourist attractions extracted from open data
owned by Italian regions and provinces. In particular,
the specific contribution of this paper to Tourpedia
consists of the following elements: a) addition to
Tourpedia of tourist attractions related to the Italian
regions and provinces; b) adaptation of the TDM to
tourist attractions; c) extension of TML to support the
following formats XSL, XML and KML. Since each
dataset was provided in a different format, a formal
mapping was defined from the original dataset to the
Tourpedia schema. In general, considering all the
datasets, 19 different types of information were
identified to be extracted and inserted as fields in
Tourpedia. The entire mapping is specified through
TML. The original version of TML has been extended
to allow the extraction of complex information, i.e.,
merging and splitting of two fields and simple
correction of error misspelling. Regarding merging, it
has been added the possibility to signal that a certain
type of information is found in two or more fields of
the dataset. Regarding splitting, TML has been
extended to allow a field to be split into two or more
fields during the extraction process. Regarding error
misspellings, such as unformed URLs, TML has been
extended to allow their correct insertion in the
3.3 Data Quality Evaluation
One of the most important data-related issues
concerns their quality and availability (Pipino et al.
2002). Although a great amount of open data has been
collected, in many cases, they are not complete,
correct, or even missing. In addition, the distribution
of specific information is inhomogeneous: while
some accommodations/attractions present a
sufficient/abundant quantity of data, in other cases,
there are only some essential fields, such as the name,
the region, and a single contact. In some cases, even
this basic information is not available. In French and
Spanish accommodation, geographical coordinates
(latitude and longitude) are always available, while in
Italy, they are available only in 65.35% of
accommodation. In addition, there is a different
sensibility among countries regarding the information
provided, for example about rooms (completely
missing in Spain), number of beds (available only in
49% of Italian accommodation), elevation and chain
(available only for about 41% of French
accommodation). The described analysis
demonstrates how data extracted from Open Data are
not complete. This means that a strategy to improve
the quality of these data should be defined. A first
solution could be based on data enrichment from
other sources, such as Online Travel Agencies
(OTA). However, often, data regarding
accommodation available on the OTAs are
proprietary and cannot be reused for distribution.
Another solution, which is exploited in this paper,
could be to ask accommodation owners to provide
missing information about their activities. In this
case, accommodation owners should be incentivized
to release their information, for example, by obtaining
a reward. This paper defines a simple, rewarding
strategy: providing accommodation owners with
some statistics about their accommodation context.
A comparison among the number of accommodations
available on Tourpedia with those available on and Tripadvisor, divided by region
shows that outperforms all the other
Websites with 201,174 accommodations, followed by
Tourpedia with 82,645 accommodations and then by
Tripadvisor with 54,485 accommodations. contains a sensible greater number of
accommodations than Tourpedia and Tripadvisor for
all the regions, but Marche and Comunidad Foral de
Navarra, where Tourpedia outperforms the other
3.4 Accommodation Context
Accommodation context concerns an analysis of the
area where every accommodation is located, with all
the tourism information, not directly depending on
accommodation. Accommodation context could
include tourist statistics, such as their interests in the
area or which category of accommodation tourists
select. Obviously, all accommodations located in the
same area share the same accommodation context,
while accommodations located in different areas have
different accommodation contexts. In this paper,
accommodation context is defined by tourism
statistics extracted from open data released by the
Italian Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (Istat). The use
of open data is justified by the original idea of
Tourpedia, which is only open-data-based. Extracted
statistics range from a national scope to specifically
covering the accommodation. At the moment,
statistics are updated to 2016. To update them
periodically, the architecture already defined in
Tourpedia could be exploited. This aspect and
integration with other open data sources will be the
object of future studies. Statistics are divided into two
categories: statistics on national tourism and specific
data on every accommodation. Statistics on national
tourism show different data at the national level: a)
number of travelers by type of holiday and age group;
b) type of accommodation chosen by travelers by type
Tourpedia App: A Web Application for Tourists and Accommodation Owners
of trip and by age; c) trend of internet bookings made
from 2014 to 2016; d) means of transport most used
by travelers. Specific data on every accommodation
contain the following statistics: a) the trend of
tourists' presence in accommodation at the national,
regional, and provincial level; b) the number of
tourists divided according to the type of trip; c) air
traffic as the number of departing and arriving flights
of the main airports in the region where the
accommodation is located if they exist.
3.5 Multilingualism
Tourpedia extracted data from open government
agencies of three different Countries: Italy, France,
and Spain, which provide information in their native
language (Italian, French, and Spanish). Tourpedia
App proposes a mechanism to deal with
multilingualism, exploiting the service provided by
Geonames, a geographical database that can be
downloaded and consulted offline. The proposed
mechanism is based on a Resolver, which translates
search queries made by users into Geonames IDs. In
practice, accommodations contained in Tourpedia
have been enriched with the Geonames ID of their
associated city. The Geonames ID permits a place
independent of the language related to the value
stored in the Tourpedia knowledge base. A specific
module, named Resolver, has been implemented. For
each accommodation, the Resolver takes the city and
country fields and searches them in the Geonames
database. Then, the Resolver takes the first response
of the Geonames database as a result and stores it in
Tourpedia as an additional field of accommodation.
If a query string does not give any result, the
Geonames field is set to zero. As a result, 76.8% of
records contained in Tourpedia were mapped to
Geonames records. Tourpedia App exploits the
Geonames ID to deal with search queries made in
different languages (Fig. 1) Currently, search queries
can be done only by place (i.e., the accommodation
city). In the Tourpedia App, users write the place and
the country names (parameters) in whatever language
they want (e.g., Parigi, the Italian name of Paris, and
France). Tourpedia App asks the Resolver to convert
the parameters to their associated Geonames ID
through the Geonames database. The obtained
Geonames ID is used to access the Tourpedia
knowledge base. As a result, Tourpedia returns to
Tourpedia the list of records having the specified
Geonames ID. Eventually, Tourpedia App gives the
list of records to the user.
Figure 1: The sequence diagram for managing
multilingualism in the Tourpedia App.
Tourpedia App aims to fill in missing information
regarding accommodation contained in Tourpedia.
This objective is achieved through the
implementation of a dashboard for accommodation
owners, which gives them the possibility to verify the
correctness of information regarding their
accommodation and add missing ones.
Accommodation owner who wants to update data
contained in Tourpedia must sign a Tourpedia Data
Release Agreement (TDRA), which specifies the
terms of data publication. TDRA specifies the
following aspects: a) inserted data corresponding to
the reality, b) information added to Tourpedia by the
accommodation’ owner is released as open data
through a Creative Commons CC 1.0 license, c) data
can be withdrawn at any time. By signing the DRA,
the accommodation owner accepts to add their data to
the Tourpedia knowledge base and publish them as
open data. Standard users can also use the Tourpedia
App as a simple consultation tool to search for
accommodation and attractions. To incentivize
hoteliers to add their information to Tourpedia, the
Tourpedia App provides them with the following
benefits: a) it is completely free, and b) it contains
information regarding the accommodation context.
4.1 Users
Tourpedia App is envisaged for two types of users:
tourists and accommodation owners. Potentially,
tourists are interested in all data contained in
Tourpedia. Accommodation owners, instead, are
interested only in data related to their activity.
Tourists are the main beneficiaries of the Tourpedia
App because they exploit data contained in the Web
application to organize their trips, select the best
accommodation for their holidays, and so on. In
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
detail, every tourist can search for accommodations
or tourist attractions located in a place and select their
preferred one based on its geographic position (Fig.
2) As a result, the Tourpedia App returns the list of
all accommodations and attractions matching the
search, and for each of them, it provides as much
information as possible. Once the tourist chooses the
best accommodation/attraction, they can contact it
through the given Website/social network or contact
it directly by telephone/email. A tourist could also be
interested in making comparisons, for example, on
the accommodation closest to places of interest or
attractions, or, vice versa, on the most interesting
attractions to visit near the structure where they
intend to stay. Currently, Tourpedia App does not
provide any mechanism to reserve a room in a hotel
because of the lack of financial resources to
implement this aspect.
A service provider is a juridical entity that provides
any kind of service to tourists. Different categories of
service providers can be imagined, such as
accommodation owners, museums, archives, etc.
Concerning tourists, service providers have different
needs related to the management and verification of
their data. Fig. 3 describes the flow diagram for service
providers. A service provider is mainly interested in
checking that the information about his/her service is
correct, clear, and comprehensive to attract tourists. In
addition, they should be interested in comparing
his/her service with those of other competing
structures. Tourpedia App provides him/her with an
external dashboard capable of allowing him/her to add,
modify, and improve data. Regarding accommodation,
the dashboard provides additional information related
to the accommodation context.
Figure 2: Flow diagram of Tourpedia App for tourists.
Figure 3: Flow diagram of Tourpedia App for service
4.2 Navigation
A user can search for a location by filling in the text
input. As output, the Tourpedia App shows on a
geographic map all the accommodations and
attractions located near that location. Accommodations
and attractions are represented through markers (beds
and amphitheaters, respectively). The nearest markers
are grouped into clusters to make viewing and brows-
ing easier and faster. On the left part of the screen, there
is a list of accommodations and attractions. The two
lists are maintained separately and can be displayed
only one at a time. However, it is possible to switch
from one to the other with a click at any time,
determining, among other things, a change of color
theme in the entire window. The lists are organized into
numbered pages, each containing a maximum of six
previews. These are boxes within which only the
essential information for each accommodation or
attraction is provided: name, address, category (only
for attractions), and an image, replaced by a Google
Street View snapshot in case it is not in the database.
Such an image is calculated using the latitude and
longitude of the accommodation/attraction.
If the user clicks on one of the elements of the lists
(or marker), all the information about that
accommodation/attraction is shown. Information is
organized in two sections: the first one describes the
name, the associated image, and the category (only
for attractions); the second one instead, contains
details (address, telephone number, fax, e-mail,
website). Only for accommodation, there is a further
link, which permits a user to claim to be the
accommodation owner. This link connects the Web
application to the Dashboard, described in the next
section. Accommodation also has a third section,
where additional information is listed and divided
into categories. After a brief description of the
accommodation, it is possible to find data relating to
the services offered within it, such as the presence of
Wi-Fi or private parking, the number of rooms, suites,
or beds available, and languages spoken by the staff.
The section also has a slideshow showing the main
attractions in its vicinity, navigable by two arrows or
by scrolling horizontally.
4.3 Dashboard
To mitigate the problem of missing information
contained in Tourpedia, the Tourpedia App
implements a dashboard for service providers to
allow them to contribute to the improvement and
enrichment of their data. Currently, the dashboard is
envisaged only for accommodation owners.
Tourpedia App: A Web Application for Tourists and Accommodation Owners
However, the service could be easily enlarged to other
service providers. Since the goal of the Tourpedia
App is to have data as correct and complete as
possible, only service providers are allowed to
modify/add information. This means that, at the
moment, simple users cannot suggest changes or
additions to the data precisely because the Tourpedia
App currently has no resources to manage this aspect.
Since each accommodation owner should be
allowed to change only and exclusively the data relat-
ing to his/her accommodation, they are provided with
specific credentials (username and password), which
are randomly generated and sent by email through a
procedure described later in the paper. The dashboard
can be accessed directly from the details associated
with the accommodation on the left part of the map.
Once logged, the dashboard displays a page where
the user can enter or modify the data relating to their
accommodation. Such a page is divided into two
sections. In the first, the blue one, there are the fields
related to the basic data, i.e., name, category, address,
stars, telephone, email, country, region, province,
code postal, city, latitude, and longitude.The second
section is longer than the previous one and contains
all the additional information that an accommodation
owner may decide to insert, i.e., website, fax, possible
locations or parts of the city, social contacts, opening
period, number of beds, rooms and any suites.
The second part consists of four panels:
accommodation facilities, languages spoken by the
staff, a photo of the accommodation, and a description
box. Finally, the accommodation owner must sign a
TDRA. The accommodation owner can withdraw
information related to their activity simply by updating
their profile with empty information. Once the user
submits the form, some statistics about his/her
accommodation context are shown, as described in
Section 4.1. This is done to encourage accommodation
owners to add information about their accommodation
in Tourpedia. To advertise the dashboard, an automatic
mail-sending system has been set up, accompanied by
a random account generation algorithm. The system
takes incoming emails from the accommodation
structures contained in the database and automatically
builds an email for each of them, containing a unique
username and password to access the dashboard. At the
moment, emails have not been sent yet. Thus we defer
to future work on analyzing this aspect, although the
system is ready.
4.4 Evaluation
Many criteria exist to evaluate a Web site about
tourism (Law, 2010). They can be summarized in the
following six criteria: authority, coverage, currency,
objectivity, and accuracy (Dalhousie University).
Authority specifies that the person responsible for
a site (e.g., person, institution, organization) has the
qualifications and knowledge to do so. Since the
Tourpedia App exploits data deriving from other
sources, its authority regards data source authority.
Data are extracted from open data released by official
governments and institutions, the Tourpedia App can
be considered an authoritative source.
Purpose defines the objective of the Web site. In
the case of the Tourpedia App, the purpose is to help
tourists to search for accommodation in a given place.
The Google web interface helps tourists to understand
how the application works. Although the purpose is
very clear, the Tourpedia App has many limitations
because it is only a demonstrative prototype,
demonstrating that open data can be used to build
applications about tourism. This means that the
purpose of the Tourpedia App is not entirely achieved.
Coverage is difficult to measure because it defines
how a Web site covers a topic. From the point of view
of the Tourpedia App, coverage regards two aspects:
data coverage and application coverage. Data
coverage regards the number of accommodations
available in the Tourpedia App. This aspect depends
on data available in Tourpedia, limited to three
Countries: Italy, France, and Spain. Thus data
coverage is very limited. Application coverage can be
defined as the number of features the application
provides, such as the types of searches. In the
Tourpedia App, only searches about a place can be
done. Thus application coverage is limited.
Objectivity should define whether or not there are
some biases or errors. In the case of the Tourpedia
App, objectivity is directly connected to data
objectivity, and this aspect does not depend directly
on the application but on the data providers. Through
the dashboard, the Tourpedia App tries to mitigate
this problem. Accuracy defines how the Web site is
accurate, i.e., information is precise. Similarly to
objectivity, accuracy also depends on the accuracy
defined by data. Since data is derived from different
sources, there is a difference in data accuracy. Thus
there is some data very accurate and others with many
errors. Also, in this case, the Tourpedia App tries to
mitigate this problem through the dashboard.
This paper aimed at fulfilling four main objectives.
Firstly, it described the concept of tourist attraction
and how Tourpedia was enriched through tourist
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
attractions extracted from open data provided by
official Italian municipalities. Secondly, it evaluated
the quality of data contained in Tourpedia. The
analysis demonstrated that extracted open data are
never complete. Thirdly, to add missing information
to Tourpedia, a strategy to boost accommodation
owners’ release of such information about their
activities was defined. This strategy was based on
implementing the Tourpedia App, a Web application
that provides accommodation owners with a
dashboard to consult the accommodation context
associated with their activity. The dashboard
encourages accommodation owners to update their
profile on the application. Finally, a strategy to
manage multilingualism was proposed based on
exploiting an external database (i.e., Geonames).
Tourpedia could pave the way towards an
alternative way of thinking, not based on the
proprietary market but on the sharing of common
knowledge. This could create a more shared system,
which is not only in the hands of a few people. We
know that the Tourpedia App is only a prototype,
which cannot compete with other systems exploiting
proprietary data. However, the implementation of this
application is to demonstrate that it is possible to
build Web applications based entirely on open data.
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Tourpedia App: A Web Application for Tourists and Accommodation Owners