ground truth bounding box, in the second column is
the Non-Quantized CAM, and in the third column is
the Quantized CAM. The first row displays a predic-
tion from MobileNetV2 on a Leatherback Turtle, the
second row shows a prediction from MobileNetV3 on
a Tench fish, the third row presents a prediction from
ResNet18 on a Tiger Shark, and finally, the fourth
row exhibits the ShuffleNetV2 with a prediction on
a Goldfish. In each case, it is evident that the CAMs
generated by the Quantized CNNs produce more con-
cise bounding boxes for the respective images. This
observation aligns with the reported WSOL IoU val-
To conclude, we have visualized and statistically
compared activations from Quantized and Non-
Quantized CNNs and identified differences within the
activations themselves. Moreover, we have compared
Quantized CNN activations in a WSOL task and com-
pared the visualizations to their Non-Quantized CNN
counterparts. Through this visualization, we have
identified that Quantized CNNs utilize different fea-
tures and regions for image classification using the
ImageNet dataset. From this, we have demonstrated
that Quantized CNNs exhibit higher performance in
WSOL tasks and can be deployed in real-time using
EigenCAM, and are statisically different. Thus, quan-
tization should be considered in more academic pa-
pers, as it not only offers a more efficient network but
also provides a more interpretable network in some
For our future work, we will apply gradient-free
methodologies to activations, incorporating ViTs, in
order to explore the distinctions between Quantized
and Non-Quantized ViT models.
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