ing tasks using linguistic knowledge which so far only
has qualitative descriptions. In addition to CSD-1 and
CSD-2, we believe that CSDs of other kinds may also
be possible that are awaiting to be explored.
We have demonstrated how to use CSD-1 to as-
sess article organization with high accuracy, and we
believe that other applications may also be possible.
For instance, we may use CSD-2 to identify the type
of a given article to help obtain more accurate rank-
ing of sentences. Incorporating sentence ranking to a
large language model such as GPT-3.5-turbo (Brown
et al., 2020), LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023), and
PaLM (Chowdhery et al., 2022) is expected to help
generate a better summary for a given article.
Our approach of computing CSDs relies on met-
rics of comparing semantic similarities of a sub-text
block (note that a sentence is a special case of sub-text
block) to the article it is in. While MoverScore is ar-
guably the best choice at this time, computing Mover-
Scores incurs a cubic time complexity (Zhao et al.,
2019). Fortunately, this task is highly parallelizable
and we have implemented a parallel program to carry
out this task on a GPU, which provides much more ef-
ficient computation of CSD-1. Nevertheless, finding a
more effective and efficient measure for content simi-
larity is highly desirable for our tasks, particularly for
long articles.
We would also like to seek intuitions and math-
ematical explanations why the functions LC
(a,b |
α,β) resemble CSD-1 curves.
Finally, we would like to explore if CSDs may be
used to assess the overall quality of an article with
a single score with better accuracy than an early at-
tempt (Wang et al., 2022) using a multi-scale essay
representation that can be jointly learned, which em-
ploys multiple losses and transfer learning from out-
of-domain essays.
We would like to thank Jay Belanger for a valuable
suggestion on function transformation.
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