proach is proposed for questionnaire classification by
using concatenated question-answers pairs to perform
text classification rather than separately analysing the
pairs. A pre-trained BERT is used in the training
to get contextual and bidirectional word embeddings
to capture the correlation between the pairs in the
whole text. A BiLSTM layer on top of BERT is
used to represent the sequential dependencies of word
embeddings for further improvement. We utilized a
data-centric approach, using clustering to group in-
consistent data to mitigate the effects of noise caused
by open-ended questions that provide deeper insights
into a questionnaire and affect the annotation process.
The model architecture we proposed for questionnaire
classification performed better than a simple text clas-
sification architecture. Also, we have observed mean-
ingful improvement in the classification performance
with models trained on the data where the clustering
approach is applied.
The proposed novel approach for classification
can be used in a dataset in a similar setting that has
multiple question-answer pairs with the task of clas-
sifying these pairs as a single unit and not as sepa-
rate parts. The method we used doesn’t involve any
domain-centric or language-centric technique, thus
one can assume the methods are applicable to simi-
lar data in other contexts or languages. Our work fo-
cuses on Turkish data in the banking domain due to
not having any public data available. However, the
results prove the classification is successful in a noisy
dataset that is labelled without supervision.
For future research, we intend to experiment with
semi-supervised methods like self-learning to lessen
the impact of incorrect labels. This will help us to
cover the examples in our dataset that our approach
could not affect. We also believe data-centric ap-
proaches will improve NLP applications, especially
for low-resource languages like Turkish. And using a
data-centric approach to handle inconsistent data will
further help in situations where manual labour is not
feasible. For further work, we aim to develop our
method using Explainable AI approaches to under-
stand which question-answer pair mostly contributed
to the outcome.
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Classification of Questionnaires with Open-Ended Questions