Classification of Questionnaires with Open-Ended Questions
Mirac¸ Tu
gcu, Tolga C¸ ekic¸, Beg
um C¸ ıtamak Erdinc¸, Seher Can Akay and Onur Deniz
Natural Language Processing Department, Yapı Kredi Teknoloji, Istanbul, Turkey
QA Classification, Data-Centric AI, Clustering, Language Models, Deep Learning, NLP, BERT.
Questionnaires with open-ended questions are used across industries to collect insights from respondents.
The answers to these questions may lead to labelling errors because of the complex questions. However, to
handle this noise in the data, manual labour might not be feasible due to low-resource scenarios. Here, we
propose an end-to-end solution to handle questionnaire-style data as a text classification problem. In order
to mitigate labelling errors, we use a data-centric approach to group inconsistent examples from the banking
customer questionnaire dataset in Turkish. For the model architecture, BiLSTM is preferred to capture long-
term dependencies between contextualized word embeddings of BERT. We achieved significant results on the
binary questionnaire classification task. We obtained results up to 81.9% recall and 79.8% F1 score with the
clustering method to clean the dataset and presented the results of how it impacts overall model performance
on both the original and clean versions of the data.
Classification is one of the core tasks that has largely
been studied in machine learning and by extension,
text classification is a common area of research for
natural language processing (NLP). Text classifica-
tion can be broadly defined as categorizing a text of
arbitrary length and composition into two or more
predefined classes. It has been used for sentiment
analysis (Tejwani, 2014), spam detection (Bhowmick
and Hazarika, 2016), intent classification (Larson and
Leach, 2022), and so on. In earlier research, sparse
tf-idf vectors have been used with methods such as
Support Vector Machines to classify various types of
textual data. With the introduction of dense vecto-
rial representations of tokens in text such as word2vec
(Mikolov et al., 2013) and fastText (Bojanowski et al.,
2017) which is shown to retain semantic information
of words successfully, deep learning based text clas-
sification models have gradually surpassed success of
earlier models. Recent advances in contextual embed-
dings by transformer networks have further improved
on the shortcomings of word vectors namely the se-
mantic relation between words far apart in a text.
Considering these advances, we have approached the
problem of analyzing questionnaire data as a purely
text classification problem. Rather than trying to ex-
tract information from each answer one by one, by in-
troducing the questionnaire as complete text to a con-
textual embedding model, we trained a classification
Classifying multiple open-ended questions & an-
swers requires an understanding of different aspects
of creative responses in contrast to close-ended ques-
tions. This nature of open-ended questions allows
elaboration from respondents, thus making them im-
portant in questionnaires and surveys. On the other
hand, human analysis of text responses is time-
consuming and domain knowledge is needed for non-
trivial questions. Surveys are widely used in educa-
tion, research, and industry domains to get feedback
or information from a targeted group of people. Nev-
ertheless, open-ended questions may cause noisy data
while increasing the variability of answers. As a re-
sult, cleaning the data or annotation can be a cumber-
some process even for domain experts.
In this work, we approach classifying question-
naires as a pure text classification problem and in-
troduce our results. We also apply a data-centric ap-
proach to reduce the labelling error in the dataset. De-
tails of the literature review are mentioned in Section
2. The preparation process and properties of the Turk-
ish customer questionnaire dataset on the banking do-
main are explained in Section 3. The proposed model
architecture is described in Section 4. The clustering
approach to mitigate the noise in the dataset is de-
tailed in Section 5. The experiment setup and results
of the mentioned methods are discussed in Section 6.
gcu, M., Çekiç, T., Erdinç, B., Akay, S. and Deniz, O.
Classification of Questionnaires with Open-Ended Questions.
DOI: 10.5220/0012233200003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 413-420
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Finally, the conclusions we reached and the details of
our future research are shared in Section 7.
Contemporary methods of text classification with
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) involve using a classifier
layer that can leverage from transfer learning and fine-
tuning BERT to create robust models for a specific
A recent method of multi-class sentiment classifi-
cation proves that using a simple model architecture
of dropout layer (Srivastava et al., 2014) and soft-
max classifier layer is able to produce satisfying re-
sults (Munikar et al., 2019). The same architecture is
applied alongside our architecture for questionnaire
classification to observe if BERT with a simple clas-
sifier network can capture the bidirectional dependen-
cies of question-answer pairs in a text and be robust
against labelling errors. FakeBERT (Kaliyar et al.,
2021) uses BERT embeddings to perform binary clas-
sification for fake news classification by using a CNN
layer network as a classifier and comparing results
of using GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014) embed-
dings which are context-independent and unidirec-
tional. For our problem, multiple question-answer
pairs could be dependent on each other. Hence, we
choose BiLSTM (Graves and Schmidhuber, 2005)
model in our architecture to capture sequential depen-
dencies from BERT embeddings which are contextu-
alized and bidirectional. To the best of our knowl-
edge, this is the first work to approach the open-ended
questionnaire classification problem as a text classifi-
cation problem.
In order to create a dataset, Turkish customer ques-
tionnaire data in the banking domain is collected from
Yapı Kredi. There are different question categories
for customer types - Turkish citizens, foreign cus-
tomers, underage customers, and so on. In this work,
questionnaire data of the Turkish citizens’ category is
used instead of others due to its large proportion com-
pared to other categories. The raw data was in the for-
mat of email texts, and answers to the questions were
in a separate reply email. Thus, the first challenge of
creating the dataset was parsing the question-answer
pairs from emails to a structured format.
3.1 Data Parsing
A rule-based parser is developed to extract question-
answer pairs from the reply patterns of respondents.
These patterns are about where answers are lo-
cated in a reply because the questions are sent in a
default format in the first email. Two of the most
frequent reply patterns are either appending answers
next to questions in the reply section or copying the
questions to add answers next to them. So we defined
rules to check questions in replies and answers next
to or beneath them. Specific keyword and length con-
trols are also used to ensure there are no mistakes in
the parsing process.
This extraction approach helped to cover 80%
of the email data. We experimented with using mail
contents in raw format, but this approach helped us
generalize the data and save it in a semi-structured
The task is a binary classification problem and the
classes are either an issue found with answers or not.
The surveyors decide if there is an issue when an un-
expected answer arrives to a question.
The data was self-labelled because the surveyors
of questionnaires sent a different reply email with ex-
tra questions if they decided there was any issue with
the answers.
After parsing emails, the dataset is set for binary
classification. Given an arbitrary question text q and
a corresponding answer text a for a question-answer
pair p = (q, a), an example from the dataset includes a
series of question-answer pairs {p
, ..., p
}. The task
is to predict the class y {no issue, issue f ound} for
each example. The dataset has 19006 questionnaire
examples with a total of 186092 question-answer
Figure 1: Venn diagram for class confusion and percent-
ages of class distribution in the dataset. Inconsistent sam-
ples were detected empirically, but it is impossible to find
out how many of them are there.
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
3.2 Data Inconsistency
There were two reasons for inconsistency in our data,
misleading email replies and missing features. Mis-
leading replies are caused by the puzzling nature of
the open-ended questions. Even domain experts we
consulted have trouble identifying if there is an is-
sue with the answers in this situation. Thus, label
errors in data occur due to confusion of labels be-
cause the similar questionnaires overlap in different
labels, as shown in Figure 1. There are also scenarios
where another channel other than emails (calls, short
messages) is used to decide if there is an issue with
the customer. However, it is unlikely to detect this
problem by only using emails due to not having any
knowledge if another communication channel is used.
With a sufficiently large dataset, state-of-the-art
deep learning models are able to iron out inconsisten-
cies. Because the data was not large enough, in order
to tackle the inconsistency problem, we focused on a
data-centric approach to handle noisy data.
3.3 Data Preprocessing
After the questionnaire dataset is created, the order
of question-answers is shuffled for each example in
the dataset to apply regularization and reduce over-
fitting during the training. Punctuation characters
are removed, and lowercase characters are used be-
cause of the improper usage of punctuation and up-
percase characters in replies. A special token [SEP]
is added after each question-answer pair when tok-
enizing to separate question-answer pairs in the in-
put. For empty answers or any answer with a length
shorter than one non-whitespace character [UNK] to-
ken is used. These two special tokens were already in
the dictionary of the pre-trained BERT model’s tok-
enizer that is used. The details of the model will be
further explained in Section 4.
Sequence representations of concatenated and tok-
enized question-answer pairs are used for binary clas-
sification to find if there is an issue or not with the
given questionnaire, depending on the answers to the
questions. The architecture of the model is shown in
Figure 2. The model is expected to generalize what
an issue could be without further auxiliary features
about the issue itself. To achieve this, representations
of an attention-based model like BERT (Devlin et al.,
2019) are used for classifying, and pre-trained model
is further explained in Subsection 4.1. The classifier
Figure 2: Model architecture for binary classification of
layer is explained in Subsection 4.2
4.1 The Pre-Trained Language Model
Using contextualized word embeddings instead of
static word embeddings is a must to represent the
context. Different question-answer pairs in the input
and answers may be related to each other. Therefore,
using question-answer pairs in a text requires repre-
senting the context between word tokens across the
question-answer pairs. To achieve this, the BERT
model is chosen. The word embeddings of the
BERT model are able to represent the context between
question-answer pairs by using a bidirectional self-
attention mechanism. Thus, the word embeddings can
represent the context for both the left and right or-
dering of tokens and capture different dependencies
from both sides for each token. The BERT model we
used in this work is the BERTurk model (Schweter,
2020), which is a model trained in Turkish corpora.
The version with a 32K dictionary size and base ar-
chitecture with a hidden size of 768 is used. Ad-
ditional pre-training of BERT model on the domain
of the task can improve the text classification perfor-
mance (Sun et al., 2019). Therefore, the BERTurk
model is pre-trained on Masked Language Modelling
task with banking documents and old questionnaire
emails to further adapt it to the banking domain.
Classification of Questionnaires with Open-Ended Questions
4.2 Classifier Head
During the experiments, using a BiLSTM layer be-
fore the linear layer performed better at generalizing
the questionnaire data compared to using only a lin-
ear neural network inside the classifier layer. While
increasing the complexity of the model, the BiLSTM
layer also helps to capture higher-level representa-
tions of the BERT model by modelling contextual
information for both directions. BiLSTM is able to
enhance the word embeddings of BERT by using se-
quential dependencies. For regularization, we also ap-
plied a dropout layer before and after the BiLSTM
during the training phase. Input and output sizes of
the BiLSTM layer are the same as BERT’s hidden size
(i.e., 768). The input of the linear layer is the concate-
nated output of BiLSTM’s last step. The output size
of the linear layer is the number of class sizes which is
two. None of the BERT’s layers are frozen during the
training. Therefore, BERT is finetuned when training
the classifier layer, which helps to adapt higher-level
representations of BERT to the task it is used.
4.3 Loss Function
The cross-entropy loss function (L
) is used to cal-
culate the loss at the end of the training pipeline.
There is no softmax layer for the outputs in the model
architecture, but loss function L
applies the softmax
function internally, as shown in Equation 1 where N is
the number of classes (i.e., output neurons) and x
is the value of the target output neuron.
= l(x, x
) = log(
) (1)
is used instead of using a binary cross-entropy
(BCE) loss from a sigmoid output to train the neu-
ral network. While it is common and more efficient
to use BCE loss for a binary classification problem,
we observed using the loss function L
more to the balance problem of classes in the dataset,
as shown in Table 1. The output of the loss functions
and BCE must be the same if the inputs to the
functions are also the same for binary classification.
Thus, the outcome of the experiment differs due to
the increased complexity of the neural network by us-
ing L
with two output neurons. Also, using L
enables the model to be used for non-binary classifi-
cation tasks as well in case of need.
Correctly predicting all the customers with issues
is the main problem we are trying to optimize in this
classification; hence the significant increase of the re-
call score observed for Class 1 (as shown in Figure 1)
contributes toward the desired solution.
Figure 3: Clustering pipeline to obtain follow-up question
The dataset is created without annotation, which
causes noisy labels due to the aforementioned data
properties in Subsection 3.2. This situation is similar
to weak supervision noise because email replies are
used directly to get labels rather than manual anno-
tation, which is time-consuming and not always fea-
sible. A BERT-based classifier is not robust to weak
supervision noise and it can significantly degrade its
performance (Zhu et al., 2022). For this reason, a
clustering-based approach is used to solve the data in-
consistency problem that is related to noise to reduce
manual review time and boost text classifier perfor-
The questionnaires with any issues in the training
dataset are clustered using follow-up questions in 3
steps as shown in Figure 3. Respondents are asked
follow-up questions if a surveyor decides there is an
issue with the replies. However, some of these ques-
tions are mistakenly asked or unrelated to the answers
to the questionnaire. Also, there are differences when
deciding if there is an issue with a puzzling question-
naire because there is more than one surveyor who is
responsible for reviewing questionnaires.
Follow-up questions of questionnaires from the
issue-found class are collected. Contextual word em-
beddings of BERT can be used in a way that seman-
tically similar text embeddings are grouped close to
each other in vector space. While this property of
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Classification results of two different loss func-
tion setups of the same model architecture at Figure 2. The
model with BCE has only one output activated by a Sigmoid
function and uses the Binary Cross Entropy loss function.
Loss Function Class Prec. Recall F1
BCE 0 0.885 0.921 0.903
1 0.753 0.668 0.708
CE 0 0.904 0.903 0.904
1 0.733 0.732 0.733
computed word representations is useful for classifi-
cation and other downstream tasks in NLP, it also pro-
vides the basis for clustering. Thus, questions are rep-
resented in vector space by using the Sentence-BERT
(Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) framework by using
the BERTurk model with mean pooling.
The questions are clustered after reducing the di-
mensionality of their representations in vector space
by using the principal component analysis technique
(Jolliffe, 1986). A hierarchical clustering algorithm,
agglomerative clustering, is used. The algorithm re-
cursively groups the pair of vectors to find clusters
until all representations are assigned to a cluster. We
used the algorithm with a distance threshold with-
out specifying a cluster size. Cosine distance is used
for obtaining clusters that contextually represent the
The clusters that included the mentioned type of
follow-up questions are flagged after the clustering
step. We assumed that the inconsistent examples that
are not clustered can be found by predicting the clus-
ter of their follow-up questions and checking if the
clusters are flagged. However, this approach can only
be used if follow-up questions exist for a question-
naire. Thus, inconsistencies in questionnaires without
any issue could not be detected with this approach. To
handle this problem, the Cleanlab framework (North-
cutt et al., 2021) is used to find labelling errors in data.
However, there was no empirical improvement in the
model due to the aforementioned ambiguous answers
in our dataset which can even be puzzling for a hu-
man expert. Thus, the proposed methods might still
struggle with the inconsistencies even though they are
reduced by the clustering approach and some noisy la-
bels could be overlooked.
6.1 Experiment Setup
Experiments are performed to observe the results of
handling label errors with a clustering approach on
the dataset. The only dataset used in the experiments
is the Turkish questionnaire dataset on the banking
domain from Yapı Kredi, mentioned in Section 3. The
setting of the dataset we used involves using only
open-ended questions and their answers from a re-
spondent to classify ambiguous issues via binary clas-
sification. Because of the unique properties of the
problem and the dataset we used, there is not an avail-
able open benchmark dataset for our work.
From the point of view of model architecture, two
output neurons are used. However, it is more common
to use BCE loss function to calculate loss by using the
output of a single neuron after a Sigmoid activation
function. We observed using the cross entropy loss
function L
like a multi-class classification problem
setting improved the overall performance and recall
value for Class 1, as known as the issue-found class,
as shown in Table 1. Normally, there is no difference
when using either loss function in a binary setting ex-
cept for the efficiency of using BCE. However, the
added complexity of using two output neurons instead
of one aids model parameters to converge better for
obtaining higher recall scores. Due to recall being
more important than other evaluation metrics for this
work, the model architecture with the cross-entropy
loss L
is used. Evaluation metrics used in exper-
iments are the common metrics for binary classifi-
cation, such as precision, recall, F1 score, and AUC
score. Macro average evaluation metrics are used
due to the dataset being imbalanced. A cleaned test
dataset could not be prepared due to manual force not
being feasible because of ambiguity. As a result, the
original test data is used. Also, the test data that is
cleaned by the clustering approach is used to show
how the results of the trained models differ for both
test datasets.
Various language models are utilized for classifi-
cation in a fine-tuning setting by using a linear layer
as a classifier layer to benchmark different language
models on our dataset. mBERT, DistilBERT (Sanh
et al., 2019), ELECTRA (Clark et al., 2020), Con-
vBERT (Jiang et al., 2020), and BERTurk (Schweter,
2020) models from the BERTurk repository are used
for this experiment. A parameter-free classification
method that uses a compressor (Jiang et al., 2023)
is chosen to compare its result with pre-trained lan-
guage models. This approach is denoted as gzip with
respect to the compression application that is used.
gzip utilizes the k-nearest neighbors algorithm where
k = 3. The pre-trained language model that is used in
the model architecture of this work is pre-trained in
the banking domain before fine-tuning for the clas-
sification task as mentioned in Subsection 4.1. This
model will be denoted as BERT in this section for
convenience. For this experiment only, the models
Classification of Questionnaires with Open-Ended Questions
are trained in the dataset where the examples with
empty answers are removed. Sometimes empty an-
swers might be a reason for asking follow-up ques-
tions and a question that has no answer can have a
linkage with other questions. Thus, the dataset where
examples with empty answers are removed is easier
to classify compared to the original dataset.
Two different model architectures are chosen to
experiment clustering approach. The first one is a
BERT with a classifier head that has only one linear
network layer (i.e., output layer) denoted as BERT+L.
The other model is the proposed model architecture
where a BiLSTM layer is used as a hidden layer be-
fore the output layer and denoted by + BiLSTM. The
models trained on the cleaned version of train data
are marked with an asterisk character on tables and
the following subsection.
6.2 Classifying Results
Table 2: Classification results of using different pre-trained
language models and a parameter-free approach.
Model Acc.
Macro Avg.
Prec. Recall F1
ConvBERT 0.784 0.777 0.758 0.764
ELECTRA 0.782 0.773 0.758 0.764
DistilBERT 0.755 0.741 0.740 0.741
mBERT 0.784 0.775 0.763 0.768
gzip 0.672 0.656 0.614 0.612
BERTurk 0.782 0.775 0.755 0.762
BERT 0.791 0.791 0.760 0.769
+ BiLSTM 0.792 0.793 0.760 0.769
Results of using different pre-trained languages have
similar results except for the DistilBERT where there
is a minor difference with other models, as shown in
Table 2. This is expected due to the smaller parame-
ter size of the DistilBERT model. There is a signifi-
cant difference between the parameter-free approach
gzip and pre-trained language models. This is an-
ticipated due to the complexity of the task, yet this
approach is proven to be successful on less complex
text-classification tasks (Jiang et al., 2023) and shows
promising results with regard to having no training
phase and GPU force. The best result is yielded by the
models that use the BERT model that is pre-trained in
the banking domain. Removing the examples with
empty answers from the dataset helps models to per-
form slightly better at classification compared to re-
sults in Table 3.
The + BiLSTM* slightly improves the recall value,
as shown in Table 3. Results of AUC scores of each
model especially show the classification abilities of
the models. While BERT models without a BiLSTM
Table 3: Model results on the original test data. Models
with * are trained in cleaned train data.
Model Acc.
Macro Avg.
Prec. Recall F1
BERT+L 0.743 0.741 0.718 0.723
BERT+L* 0.737 0.732 0.714 0.719
+ BiLSTM 0.743 0.744 0.715 0.721
+ BiLSTM* 0.737 0.729 0.728 0.728
Table 4: Model results on the cleaned test data.
Model Acc.
Macro Avg.
Prec. Recall F1
BERT+L 0.857 0.825 0.792 0.806
BERT+L* 0.846 0.807 0.789 0.797
+ BiLSTM 0.852 0.815 0.796 0.804
+ BiLSTM* 0.833 0.786 0.819 0.798
layer in their classifier heads show poorer results,
cleaning the data increases the classification ability
on the original test data, as shown in Figure 4. The
same models are also tested on cleaned test data. The
BERT+L model has higher metric scores compared to
the other models except for recall as shown in Table
4 on cleaned test data. However, the ROC curve anal-
ysis of the BERT+L model shows that the model fails
to differentiate the classes due to the AUC score be-
ing under the value of 0.5. It can be deduced that +
BiLSTM* outperforms other models by generalizing
the given data better and more confident than other
models to decide whether there is an issue with a
Figure 4: Area under the ROC Curve score of the models
on original test data.
By collecting Turkish questionnaire data from respon-
dents’ emails and extracting question-answer pairs,
we created a customer questionnaire dataset to train
a model on the text classification setting. A novel ap-
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
proach is proposed for questionnaire classification by
using concatenated question-answers pairs to perform
text classification rather than separately analysing the
pairs. A pre-trained BERT is used in the training
to get contextual and bidirectional word embeddings
to capture the correlation between the pairs in the
whole text. A BiLSTM layer on top of BERT is
used to represent the sequential dependencies of word
embeddings for further improvement. We utilized a
data-centric approach, using clustering to group in-
consistent data to mitigate the effects of noise caused
by open-ended questions that provide deeper insights
into a questionnaire and affect the annotation process.
The model architecture we proposed for questionnaire
classification performed better than a simple text clas-
sification architecture. Also, we have observed mean-
ingful improvement in the classification performance
with models trained on the data where the clustering
approach is applied.
The proposed novel approach for classification
can be used in a dataset in a similar setting that has
multiple question-answer pairs with the task of clas-
sifying these pairs as a single unit and not as sepa-
rate parts. The method we used doesn’t involve any
domain-centric or language-centric technique, thus
one can assume the methods are applicable to simi-
lar data in other contexts or languages. Our work fo-
cuses on Turkish data in the banking domain due to
not having any public data available. However, the
results prove the classification is successful in a noisy
dataset that is labelled without supervision.
For future research, we intend to experiment with
semi-supervised methods like self-learning to lessen
the impact of incorrect labels. This will help us to
cover the examples in our dataset that our approach
could not affect. We also believe data-centric ap-
proaches will improve NLP applications, especially
for low-resource languages like Turkish. And using a
data-centric approach to handle inconsistent data will
further help in situations where manual labour is not
feasible. For further work, we aim to develop our
method using Explainable AI approaches to under-
stand which question-answer pair mostly contributed
to the outcome.
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KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval