Cycle Life Prediction of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Deep Learning
Yu Fujitaki and Hiroyuki Kobayashi
Osaka Institute of Technology, Osaka, Japan
Lithium-Ion Batteries, Deep Learning, LSTM, Prediction.
To improve the accuracy of lithium-ion battery life prediction, we decided to train multiple LSTMs separately,
as each battery may have its own unique characteristics. When verifying the results, we found similarities
between the verification and training batteries and used LSTMs to predict the verification battery, but we show
that the results were not successful.
I am surrounded by a plethora of portable electronic
devices, including smartphones, all of which rely on
lithium-ion batteries (abbreviated as LIBs). It has
been a quarter of a century since LIBs were first com-
mercialized. In particular, LIBs have become a ubiq-
uitous electronic component in our daily lives, espe-
cially in mobile devices, owing to their high energy
and power density, long lifespan, cost-effectiveness,
and reliable safety when compared to other commer-
cially available batteries. However, accidents involv-
ing LIBs continue to occur, and their incidence has
been on the rise in recent years.To ensure the reliable
and safe usage of LIBs in electric vehicles and other
devices equipped with these batteries, it is crucial to
monitor various parameters, including voltage, tem-
perature, state of charge (SOC), state of health (SOH),
remaining capacity, and cycle life. While some of
these parameters, such as voltage and temperature,
can be directly measured using sensors, others like
SOC and SOH need to be estimated using algorithms
based on measurement characteristics. Predicting cy-
cle life is essential, but traditional prediction methods
are highly complex, relying on physics-based mod-
eling techniques and having to account for a wide
range of operating conditions and significant device
variability, even among batteries from the same man-
ufacturer.In recent years, there has been a growing
focus on machine learning-based methods to empir-
ically learn and predict battery behavior. Accurate
early prediction of battery cycle life not only enables
rapid validation of new manufacturing processes but
also allows end-users to identify performance degra-
dation and replace failing batteries with ample time to
spare. (Schmush, 2018).
LIB life prediction methods include, in addition to
simple empirical methods, physical models in which a
person hypothesizes degradation phenomena and nu-
merically solves electrochemical reaction equations,
etc., and more recently, data-driven models that use
machine learning to predict life based on charge-
discharge cycle data. In particular, the data-driven
method I am focusing on here has been evaluated for
its ability to estimate LIB capacity, remaining service
life, and cycle life. This method is based on limited
test data, either empirical or mechanical, and does
not consider modes of degradation. In Severson’s
study, the battery Severson’s study used information
from the first 100 cycles, when the battery is barely
degraded, to predict the cycle life of the LIB, They
achieved a very low testing error of 9.1%. This study
is a promising data-driven approach for predicting the
behavior of complex nonlinear systems. This study
shows the promising power of data-driven methods
for predicting the behavior of complex nonlinear sys-
tems.The goal of my research is to use data-driven
deep learning to produce more accurate predictions
than his. (Severson, 2019)
The discharge characteristic data of the LIB is time
series data. Therefore, LSTM, which is special-
ized for learning time-series data, is adopted in this
study. Therefore, LSTM, which specializes in learn-
ing time-series data, was used in this study. Long
Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is a specialized recur-
Fujitaki, Y. and Kobayashi, H.
Cycle Life Prediction of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Deep Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012233500003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 2, pages 307-310
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)