their documentation; the different levels of abstrac-
tion and viewpoints, where the domain and scope of
the ontology needs considerable effort to be aligned
to a new application domain; the different interpreta-
tions of a given language construct depending on the
viewpoint; and the gap between theoretically focused
approaches and real-world applications.
To enable the interaction between different view-
points and representations, and to enable the appli-
cation and reuse of ontological knowledge within
MBSE, in this article we present a formal approach
to integrate and extract knowledge, expressed as an
ontology, into/from MBSE tools.
Our approach emphasizes in the following chal-
lenges : 1) The integration of standardized and
domain-specific languages, 2) The definition of the
components a bidirectional mapping (OWL-UML)
should consider, guided by the expressivity of specific
description logic languages, 3) The ability to capture
complex system structures and describe them as com-
plex ontological definitions 4) the reuse of the cap-
tured knowledge.
In this paper we present the formalization of our
approach, to integrate standardized domain-specific
ontologies into MBSE tooling environments, and
show its feasibility via an implementation in the
UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) domain.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: in
section 2 we present the works related to ontologies
and MBSE. In section 3 we present our approach.
In section 4 we present an implementation of the ap-
proach, motivated by the UAVs use case. Finally, we
present our conclusions in section 5.
In this section, we present some of the most relevant
works regarding ontologies, UML/SysML and MBSE
technologies. These works present the motivations,
state of the art, challenges, and envisaged benefits
from the interaction of the aforementioned technolo-
gies. A recurrent issue addressed by works combining
UML and ontologies is the problem of semantic het-
erogeneity in distributed and delocalized companies,
where problems of misunderstanding and information
exchange may arise, due to different viewpoints, for
which applications are developed (Parreiras, 2011;
Elasri and Sekkaki, 2013). There is also the risk of
loss of information when exchanging between hetero-
geneous systems. In these works, the use of ontolo-
gies as models is proposed to trace relevant and shared
information related to the knowledge domain in ques-
The work in (Atkinson and Kiko, 2005) evidences
that there is a lack of a complete mapping between the
constructs of the two languages. Although, within the
terminology of an ontology, there might be specific
concepts and relations that suit specific UML con-
structs, allowing for a more complete mapping.
The work in (Berardi et al., 2005) explores the
expressivity and reasoning complexity in UML di-
agrams, and the work in (Parreiras, 2011) aims to
provide an integrated approach for UML class-based
modeling and ontology modeling. There are sev-
eral areas of system engineering (SE) knowledge
where research between ontologies and SE has been
conducted (Yang et al., 2019): System Fundamen-
tals, System engineering Standards, Generic Life Cy-
cle Stages, Representing Systems with Models, En-
gineered System Contexts and System Engineering
Management. The works considered in (Yang et al.,
2019) summarize the causes for the difficulties in de-
veloping systems on budget and on time, and the con-
siderable resource waste dealing with the correction
of mistakes, into four reasons: 1) the implicit nature
of SE, 2) the limitations of best-practice standards and
meta-models, 3) the absence of a widely accepted and
consistent terminology, and 4) inefficient collabora-
tions due to the misunderstanding and misinterpreta-
Ontologies can improve system design, by fa-
cilitating communication among stakeholders hav-
ing different concerns when designing, for example,
a Cyber-Physical-System. Common, interdependent
properties can be harmonized and synchronized, to
manage inconsistencies (Vanherpen, 2016). Thus on-
tologies can ensure that multiple systems share a com-
mon terminology, which is the essence of knowledge
sharing and reuse. Formal definitions for the differ-
ent properties and processes of SE would be a sig-
nificant contribution towards improving accuracy and
precision in the implementation of SE (Mezhuyev,
2014). And, by using a predefined ontology, it is
possible to reduce the number of misinterpretations
within projects (Hallberg et al., 2014).
Let us first introduce some preliminary notions re-
quired to define our approach. In the following we
assume the reader is familiar with OWL
and Description Logics DLs. DL is a family of FOL
languages. Thanks to a carefully bounded expressiv-
ity, some of them can provide tractable reasoning ser-
A Methodology for Knowledge Integration and Acquisition in Model-Based Systems Engineering