Event Detection in News Articles: A Hybrid Approach Combining Topic
Modeling, Clustering, and Named Entity Recognition
Nikos Kapellas
and Sarantos Kapidakis
Department of Archival, Library and Information Studies, University of West Attica, Ag.
Spyridonos 28 12243, Athens, Greece
Event Detection, News Articles, Topic Modeling, Natural Language Processing, Unsupervised Clustering,
Named Entity Recognition.
This research presents a comprehensive analysis of news articles with the primary objectives of exploring the
underlying structure of the data and detecting events contained within news articles. The study collects articles
from Greek online newspapers and focuses on analyzing a sub-set of this data, related to a predefined news
topic. To achieve this, a hybrid approach that combines topic modeling, feature extraction, clustering, and
named entity recognition, is employed. The obtained results prove to be satisfactory, as they demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed methodology in news event detection and extracting relevant contextual informa-
tion. This research provides valuable insights for multiple parties, including news organizations, researchers,
news readers, and decision-making systems, as it contributes to the fields of event detection and clustering.
Moreover, it deepens the understanding of applying solutions that do not require explicit human intervention,
to real-world language challenges.
1.1 Background and Motivation
The growing significance of online news has led to
a massive flood of news articles, demanding in-depth
analysis and comprehension. Extracting meaningful
knowledge from this endless amount of data is a chal-
lenging task due to the complexity of the data and the
diverse range of sources. In this context, the appli-
cation and integration of various algorithms, that fo-
cus on language analysis and computational learning
techniques, becomes vital for exploring hidden pat-
terns and identifying events within news articles.
Motivated by the need to evaluate the reliability
of news articles and news media, this research aims
to progressively analyze news articles through dis-
tinct stages of the methodology, employing diverse
techniques at each step. The objective is to process
the textual content of articles, cluster them, and ul-
timately identify events, utilizing advanced methods
such as unsupervised clustering and language mod-
els, among others. By detecting events and extracting
contextual information, this research endeavors to en-
hance the awareness of expert news readers, casual
news consumers, and organizations, and potentially
support the decision-making process of an intelligent
system that aggregates, organizes, filters, and presents
news based on specific user criteria.
The research methodology encompasses several
stages, starting with the creation of a dataset through
web scraping of online newspapers. The dataset of
nearly 300.000 entries, comprises a diverse collection
of news articles from various domains, including pol-
itics, economy, social life, sports, and entertainment.
The dataset is then processed using a pre-trained lan-
guage model and subjected to topic modeling, which
uncovers the underlying thematic structure. Subse-
quently, feature extraction and clustering algorithms
are employed to group the articles within the speci-
fied dataset topic. The clustering process is guided
by the evaluation of various metrics, such as the Sil-
houette score, Davies-Bouldin index, and Calinski-
Harabasz index, to ensure the quality of the separa-
tion of clusters. The resulting clusters serve as the ba-
sis for uncovering the underlying news events struc-
ture. The process of identifying news events is per-
formed at the last stage of the process by leveraging
the named entity recognition capabilities of language
Kapellas, N. and Kapidakis, S.
Event Detection in News Articles: A Hybrid Approach Combining Topic Modeling, Clustering, and Named Entity Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0012234300003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 272-279
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
models to identify specific entities, including geopo-
litical entities, organizations, and persons. By explor-
ing the connections between the document contents
and the identified named entities, events are detected
and associated with multiple entities.
Overall, this research presents a novel approach
that combines several techniques such as NLP pro-
cessing, topic modeling, clustering, and named en-
tity recognition to analyze news articles. The pro-
posed methodology showcases the potential of apply-
ing unsupervised-automated techniques in discover-
ing patterns and inspecting textual data. Also, it offers
a solid framework for detecting events and extract-
ing contextual information from news articles and
provides a broad interpretation of news events, how
they are tied to news articles, and which elements are
1.2 Relevant Work
Recent advances in computer science have led re-
searchers to leverage the structure and capacity of
Large Language Models (LLMs). In 2017, the Trans-
formers architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017) was pro-
posed, which introduced the concept of an attention
function that eliminated the need for recurrent and
convolution layers previously used in sequence mod-
eling. Soon after various models based on the atten-
tion mechanism were born that outperformed the pre-
vious state-of-the-art models in various NLP tasks.
These models, such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019)
are essentially language representation models that
are used to pre-train deep bidirectional vectors of un-
labeled text. BERT is able to read the entire input se-
quence at once, incorporating both left and right con-
text, and produces a contextualized representation for
each word in the sequence. BERT-like models were
released for other languages, including Greek. In
(Koutsikakis et al., 2020) authors introduce GREEK-
BERT, a language model specifically designed for the
Greek language, aiming to address the lack of re-
sources in the specific language.
In event detection, there are three main cate-
gories of methods used for topic detection. First, the
document-pivot approach clusters documents based
on similarity, second, the feature-pivot approach
that extracts topic-representing terms using statisti-
cal methods, and lastly, the probabilistic approach in-
volves topic modeling. These techniques aim to im-
prove topic detection and uncover hidden structures
in text corpora (Rafea and Gaballah, 2018).
Other approaches revolve around clustering. For
example, (PATEL and PATEL, 2018) explores the
problem of topic detection in news articles and intro-
duces the task of topic tracking. The authors propose
a combined approach that utilizes various learning
techniques, including agglomerative clustering. Sim-
ilar topics are also examined in (Shah and ElBahesh,
2004), where the proposed system addresses the need
for news organizations to access related documents
easily. Pursuing to solve difficult tasks, researchers
have tried complex approaches that combine various
worlds, for example, (Bouras and Tsogkas, 2013)
tried to enhance the clustering process by incorporat-
ing a weights, clustering and n-grams.
There are many different clustering methodolo-
gies to approach event detection and while there is no
unanimous definition for clustering, a common one
involves maximizing similarity within clusters and
maximizing dissimilarity between clusters. In gen-
eral, clustering aims to extract representative features,
design or apply an effective clustering algorithm,
evaluate the clustering results, and provide practical
interpretations of the outcomes (Xu and Tian, 2015).
On the other hand, traditionally event detection re-
search focuses on two lines of investigation: theme
detection, which identifies major themes with distinct
semantics, and action extraction, which extracts fine-
grained mention-level actions. (Zhang et al., 2022)
introduced a new task called key event detection, aim-
ing to identify key events within a news corpus. They
define key events as specific events occurring at a
particular time/location, focusing on the same topic.
Others in the field researched the use of position vec-
tors as time-embedding feature representations, com-
bined with semantic features, to distinguish different
nodes in a graph-based clustering approach (Liu et al.,
The news domain is of particular interest to many
researchers. In (Flynn and Dunnion, 2004) a system
is presented that utilizes domain-informed techniques
to group news reports into clusters that capture the
narrative of events in the news domain. News can be
also treated as events where a real-time and multilin-
gual news event extraction system could accurately
extract violent and natural disaster events from online
news. (Piskorski et al., 2008) utilizes a linguistically
lightweight approach to do so, that mostly relies on
clustered news throughout the processing stages.
A more recent approach is that of topic modeling.
Topic models are computer algorithms that identify
patterns of word occurrence by analyzing the distribu-
tion of words across a collection of documents. The
output of topic modeling is a set of topics, which are
clusters of co-occurring words in the documents. The
interpretation of these topics determines the useful-
ness of topic models in social science research (Jacobi
et al., 2016).
Event Detection in News Articles: A Hybrid Approach Combining Topic Modeling, Clustering, and Named Entity Recognition
In the event detection context, a new topic is de-
fined as a significant event or activity along with
directly related events and activities. For example,
an earthquake and its associated discussions would
form a topic. The first story reporting the oc-
currence of the earthquake is considered the initial
story for that topic. Similarly, new event detection
presents challenges, particularly in distinguishing be-
tween stories about similar events in different loca-
tions. Traditional vector space models rely on TF-
IDF weighting schemes to highlight location differ-
ences. However, these methods often fail as the
shared terms between earthquake-related stories over-
shadow location-specific distinctions (Kumaran and
Allan, 2005).
In (Budiarto et al., 2021) authors propose an un-
supervised model for news topic modeling, eliminat-
ing the need for manual labeling. The model utilizes
Doc2Vec to generate word vectors for each article
and applies a spectral clustering algorithm to group
the data based on similarity. A recent topic model-
ing methodology, that integrates various techniques
is Top2Vec (Angelov, 2020). Top2Vec leverages dis-
tributed representations of documents and words to
capture the semantics and ordering of words. Topic
modeling has also been applied for propaganda iden-
tification. (Kirill et al., 2020) introduces a method
for identifying texts with propagandistic content us-
ing topic modeling.
Regarding the Greek news media landscape there
is relevant research, each exploring news articles
from a different perspective. For example, a recent
study focused on analyzing the text similarity be-
tween news articles from different Greek news media.
To do so, the authors examined three small distinct
datasets, with different degrees of similarity, aiming
to understand how differently Greek news media de-
scribe news events and the variations in their reporting
(Kapellas and Kapidakis, 2022). Other researchers
(Papadopoulou et al., 2021), explore the influence
of global media on Greek news outlets in the con-
text of intermedia agenda-setting. Another study ex-
plores the organizational structures of alternative me-
dia in Turkey and Greece. In Greece, the media land-
scape has been influenced by interconnected interests
among private corporations, media organizations, and
political powers, affecting the independence of jour-
nalism (Aslan Ozgul and Veneti, 2021).
2.1 Dataset Creation
The creation of a news articles dataset was accom-
plished using an automated web scraping technique.
Within the wider scope of our research area, the
dataset creation process plays a pivotal role in any
further analysis and in fact for smaller-audience lan-
guages, datasets or other linguistic resources are lim-
ited. Also, each language has its own inherent charac-
teristics, thus applications that have given a solution
to a challenging problem in a given language, might
not apply to another one.
The process of web scraping the articles was
initialized by carefully selecting online newspapers,
considering factors such as popularity, readership,
credibility, and topic coverage. This selection aimed
to ensure a representative sample of articles from var-
ious domains, including politics, economy, social life,
sports, and entertainment. During that stage of the re-
search, a small-scale web scraper was utilized to ex-
tract links from a starting URL. These links include
references to both internal and external web pages.
Only internal links were used, to extract text from
news articles. This approach ensured that the ex-
tracted text belongs to each newspaper’s own domain
and external links were not used in the web scraping
process. In many cases, such external links point to
social media websites, advertisements, that have no
use to this study.
The process of collecting news articles (the term
documents is also used interchangeably) involved
three stages that occurred on different dates. These
steps led to the extraction and storage of the text from
approximately 300.000 news articles. Although this
amount of data can be considered relatively small
compared to large-scale decision or recommendation
systems, it is sufficient to validate the methodology.
Here a large amount of data is not a prerequisite for
the event detection methodology.
These articles were obtained from popu-
lar Hreek news sources, including the follow-
ing: in.gr, dikaiologitika.gr, news247.gr, flash-
news.gr, newsbeast.gr, newsbomb.gr, efsyn.gr,
gr.euronews.com, ieidiseis.gr, newsit.gr, thetoc.gr,
protothema.gr, dimokratia.gr, cnn.gr, skai.gr,
enikos.gr, kathimerini.gr, reporter.gr, ertnews.gr,
capital.gr, dw.com, huffingtonpost.gr, tvxs.gr,
imerisia.gr, ethnos.gr, and naftemporiki.gr.
The extracted text is basically high-dimensional
unlabeled text, that cannot be used for classification
purposes. This characteristic presents a significant
challenge, as in the absence of labels learning algo-
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
rithms cannot rely on prior knowledge. Instead, we
must employ unsupervised learning techniques to dis-
cover meaningful patterns and relationships directly
from the raw text.
2.2 Data Processing
In the first steps of the analysis, a filtering criterion
was used to include quality and informative articles,
by applying a size-related restriction. Specifically,
news articles that had a content length of 700 charac-
ters or more were taken into account, while smaller
articles were excluded. This approach allowed the
elimination of document-level noise from the dataset,
ensuring that the focus will be given to articles that
provide sufficient information while avoiding incom-
plete, click-bait, or spam articles. After applying this
filtering process, a total of 236,029 text articles met
the criteria and were retained for subsequent analysis.
In the next step, several NLP techniques were ap-
plied to clean the corpus text, using a pre-trained lan-
guage model:
1. Tokenization: Each document was tokenized,
breaking it down into individual words or tokens.
2. Removal of Stop Words and Punctuation: Stop
words, which are commonly occurring words with lit-
tle semantic value, as well as punctuation marks, were
removed from the tokens. This way, mostly meaning-
ful content was retained.
3. Lemmatization: The remaining tokens were
lemmatized, reducing words to their base or dictio-
nary form. This normalization step potentially in-
creases the accuracy of the analysis.
4. Elimination of Empty Spaces and Lines: Any
remaining empty spaces or lines resulting from previ-
ous steps were removed, ensuring a clean and coher-
ent text corpus.
5. Document Reconstruction: The processed to-
kens were reassembled into a single string, represent-
ing the cleaned version of each document.
The NLP data processing described plays a piv-
otal role in this study. It enables the following stages
of the methodology, improves the accuracy of the al-
gorithms, and ensures that the results will describe
meaningful content.
2.3 Topic Modeling
After creating and cleaning the news dataset a topic
modeling algorithm was applied, to uncover the un-
derlying themes and subjects present in the text. For
this purpose, a method that leverages the strengths of
advanced text representation and hierarchical cluster-
ing was used. This method, Top2Vec is able to capture
Figure 1: Distribution of the dataset documents in the topics
as identified by Top2Vec algorithm.
the semantic relationships between words and these
word embeddings serve as the basis for constructing
topic vectors for individual documents. Out of the
processed dataset of 236,029 news articles, there were
1,271 distinct topics identified. These topics represent
different thematic categories found within the cor-
pus. The distribution of documents across these top-
ics varied, suggesting a less prominent theme within
the dataset. Figure 1 displays the distribution of the
documents per topic, providing an overview of the
document-topic associations.
Additionally, words that are strongly associated
with each topic are extracted. These terms are iden-
tified based on the vectors learned by the model and
capture semantic relationships between words. For
instance, let’s consider the third largest topic, which
encompasses 1,813 documents. Some representative
words for this topic, translated to English from Greek,
are ”coronavirus”, ”epidemiologist”, ”transmissibil-
ity”, ”infectious disease specialist”, ”mutation”, ”co-
infection”, ”super-spreader”, ”infectious disease spe-
cialists”, ”immunity”, ”unvaccinated”, ”lockdowns”,
”mandatory vaccination”.
These terms basically provide an abstract sum-
mary of the topic and present the themes of the doc-
ument collection. This method has the benefit of an-
alyzing large-scale corpora, without any prior knowl-
edge for the news articles. Further on, we focus on an-
alyzing articles from a single topic. Detecting events
within documents on the same topic presents a chal-
lenging task, but it is a good starting point to test our
2.4 Features Extraction
The topic selected is the 5th largest topic of the
dataset, containing 1,509 documents and it centers
Event Detection in News Articles: A Hybrid Approach Combining Topic Modeling, Clustering, and Named Entity Recognition
around motor vehicle accidents. Based on the arti-
cles related to this topic, a feature set of key terms
is constructed using a combination of Named En-
tity Recognition (NER) and keyword extraction tech-
niques. NER is essential for event detection as it
helps in extracting relevant entities, such as people or
places, that are important for interpreting the nature of
events. As an example, consider a document’s feature
set: ”motorcycle, ”survived, ”unidentified, ”Alyki
Thasos,” ”park,” ”road,” ”driver,” ”EKAV,” and ”con-
dition. These terms showcase the key aspects of the
event presented in this specific news article. Overall,
the goal of developing a feature set is to strengthen the
event detection process by using a broader context.
2.5 Clustering
In the next step, the news articles are clustered us-
ing the previously constructed feature sets for each
document. This process involves several stages, start-
ing with processing the feature sets using two pre-
trained LLMs, the Bidirectional Transformer Model
(BERT), and a language model from the spaCy li-
brary. Furthermore, the feature sets were given as in-
put to a Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) neural net-
work. This way the feature sets are reconstructed by
learning a lower-dimensional latent representation.
Finally, the reconstructed feature sets were clus-
tered using HDBSCAN, K-means, and Agglomera-
tive Hierarchical Clustering. These algorithms op-
erate on unlabeled text data and use distance simi-
larity metrics to determine the progression of clus-
tering. They are capable of handling varying clus-
ter densities and accommodating different resulting
structures. The objective here is to see how these
news articles, within the same topic, can be further
grouped, leveraging the semantic and contextual in-
formation encoded in the feature sets. This process
brings closer news that use similar terms, while sepa-
rate articles with dissimilar terms. Thus, it is expected
that each cluster will contain documents that describe
similar events, similar accidents.
In evaluating the quality of the clusters, the
Davies-Bouldin index, the Silhouette score, and the
Calinski-Harabasz index were used. K-means and
Agglomerative Clustering, were initialized to search
for the optimal number of clusters. Both methods
searched for the optimal number of clusters (in range
of 2-600), that provide the highest Silhouette score.
Once the highest Silhouette score is found, the doc-
uments are separated using the optimal clusters num-
ber. In the following section, the findings of the above
process are presented and discussed.
Table 1: spaCy: Numbers of clusters and evaluation metrics
per algorithm.
- HDBSCAN Kmeans Agglomerative
Clusters 229 599 599
Silhouette 0.71 0.68 0.74
Davies-Bouldin 19.54 0.14 0.04
Calinski-Harabasz 752 K 7 bil 85 bil
Table 2: BERT: Numbers of clusters and evaluation metrics
per algorithm.
- HDBSCAN Kmeans Agglomerative
Clusters 226 598 553
Silhouette 0.57 0.72 0.74
Davies-Bouldin 1.66 0.05 0.07
Calinski-Harabasz 416 92 bil 237 bil
2.6 Evaluation of Clustering
As shown in Table 1. and 2., results vary in terms of
number of clusters and performance.
Table 1., shows that the spaCy model applied to K-
means and Agglomerative Clustering found 599 clus-
ters, while HDBSCAN found a much smaller number
of 229 clusters. Interestingly, despite K-means sep-
arating news articles into more clusters, it achieved
the lowest Silhouette score compared to the other
methods. On the other hand, HDBSCAN’s perfor-
mance was weaker, based on the Davies-Bouldin and
Calinski-Harabasz criteria, suggesting that the sepa-
ration between clusters may not be significant. In
contrast, the Agglomerative Hierarchical algorithm
demonstrated superior performance across all three
metrics, achieving the highest scores. With 599 dis-
tinct clusters, it provided better cluster quality and
separation. The evaluation scores it acquired show
that it can potentially provide more detailed insights
into the topic under inspection.
Table 2., shows that BERT combined with HDB-
SCAN identified 226 clusters, while Agglomerative
clustering stopped at 553 and K-means at 598 clus-
ters. Similar to the previous results Agglomerative
clustering performed better across all three evalua-
tion metrics, with BERT model. K-means followed
Agglomerative clustering in terms of performance,
achieving relatively good scores in all three cate-
gories. HDBSCAN, on the other hand, obtained lower
scores in comparison to the other two algorithms.
While it identified a smaller number of clusters, re-
sults indicate that article groups are less distinct.
By comparing Table 1 and Table 2, we can observe
that the choice of pre-trained models did not signifi-
cantly impact the clustering results. The number of
clusters and the scores achieved across all metrics are
generally close in both cases. Regarding HDBSCAN,
there is a notable difference in performance when us-
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
ing the spaCy model compared to the BERT model.
HDBSCAN achieved higher scores in terms of Sil-
houette and Calinski-Harabasz when using the spaCy
model. In contrast, K-means achieved better perfor-
mance when using BERT. It obtained higher scores
across all metrics compared to spaCy model. Ag-
glomerative clustering presents more complex results.
The Silhouette score remains the same regardless of
the pre-trained model. However, Davies-Bouldin in-
dex and Calinski-Harabasz index present some differ-
ences. When using the BERT model, Davies-Bouldin
index is higher, indicating potentially less optimal
clusters, while the Calinski-Harabasz score is higher
when using the spaCy model, suggesting better clus-
ter separation.
Next, news article are clustered using a single
method and an event detection algorithm is applied
to each cluster to extract named entities and rele-
vant context. Figure 2., illustrates how clusters of the
above process are drawn in a two-dimensional space.
2.7 Event Detection
The spaCy-based Agglomerative clustering is used,
this time with more degrees of freedom as it searches
for the optimal number of clusters (ranging from
1-1509), that provides the best Silhouette score.
It identified 725 unique clusters, for a Silhouette
score of 0.65. Based on these results, documents
were parsed to recognize the named entities that are
contained in them. For the documents of each cluster,
it is examined whether their text is associated with
named entities of the following three categories:
geopolitical entity (GPE), organization (ORG), and
person (PERSON). Thus, each event is tied with one
or multiple entities, the entity type, and the event’s
context. For example:
Cluster 1 with 12 events, in 12 documents:
Event no.1
Event entities (4):
Entity: Fire department EMS, Type: ORG
Entity: Korydallos, Type: GPE
Entity: Saturday, Type: GPE
Entity: Syggrou Avenue, Type: GPE
Event content:
car accident, Fire Department EMS, Saturday, 60-
year-old, occurred, 14/1, ending, tragedy, Syggrou
Avenue, collision, guardrail, Korydallos, morning
Event no.2
Event entities (2):
Entity: Chalkida, Type: GPE
Entity: Eretria, Type: GPE
Event content: Saturday, noting, tile, eviathema.gr,
ESSDE, Saturday, red, Eretria, traffic accident,
according to, severe, Eretria, evening, Chalkida.
In total, the above process identified 1.455 events,
in 1510 documents. Practically each article describes
a news event, without knowing how many of these
events are distinct. We have only a vague idea of the
similarity between events by looking at the clusters in
which they appear. The count of entities associated
with each event, as well as their type, seems to be
random, depending on the keywords used to describe
the event, for example, places, or medical services.
Looking at the provided results we can make some
observations. Usually, the identity of the people as-
sociated with a tragic event is not disclosed in the
text. Thus, there are no references to any First or Last
name information. Instead other characteristics are
used to describe the conditions under which the event
occurred, such as the age of the people involved (28
years old, 80 years old), the name, and the type of the
street (Kifisias Avenue). Also, the time that the event
happened is often described with terms such as ”Sat-
urday night”, ”morning”, ”yesterday afternoon”, and
so on. NER misidentified entity categories, placing
for example street names in the PERSON category.
In total there are 5.375 entities identified, while only
978 entities are of type PERSON, 3.240 entities are of
type GPE, and 1.159 entities are of type ORG. This
potentially highlights the granularity of the analysis
conducted and the challenges faced in identifying en-
tities, and at times, distinguishing between different
events. Examining the uniqueness of each event is
out of the scope of this research, as we are mostly in-
terested to explore the core elements that constitute
news events, such as the keywords used to describe
them, and entities associated with each.
3.1 Discussion of Findings
From the early stages of the data exploration process,
we managed to find the underlying topics that govern
the news articles. The 236,029 documents were sep-
arated into 1,271 topics and we glanced at the key-
words related to each topic. A specific topic, which
contains 1,510 news articles was chosen to be inves-
tigated further. This topic revolves around the theme
of motor vehicle accidents. By following a features
extraction technique, we focused on those terms that
Event Detection in News Articles: A Hybrid Approach Combining Topic Modeling, Clustering, and Named Entity Recognition
(a) spaCy-HDBSCAN clusters. (b) spaCy-Kmeans clusters. (c) spaCy-Agglomerative clusters.
(d) BERT-HDBSCAN clusters. (e) BERT-Kmeans clusters.. (f) BERT-Agglomerative clusters
Figure 2: Clustering distribution comparison.
best describe the article’s contents. The feature docu-
ments were grouped using a combination of process-
ing and clustering algorithms. The application of the
spaCy-based Agglomerative clustering resulted in the
identification of 725 unique clusters. These clusters
represent distinct groups of articles that share com-
mon thematic content within the broader domain.
Grouping related articles into clusters, events can
be inferred based on the shared content and contex-
tual information. Additionally, articles clustering can
improve the overall information retrieval within the
dataset. We can explore specific subtopics of inter-
est by accessing the relevant clusters and examining
the articles within them. By capitalizing on the orga-
nized representation of the news articles we further
analyzed data, detected named entities, and associ-
ated them with events. These events can be utilized
by an intelligent system, for example a recommen-
dation system or a focused-news application, to track
and deliver specific news articles to a wide audience.
3.2 Limitations and Future Work
While our research presents a promising methodology
for event detection in news articles, there are several
limitations to consider. The accuracy of named entity
recognition can be challenging, leading to inaccura-
cies in event representation. Additionally, the exper-
imentation on automated event detection methods re-
quires a significant amount of data to be parsed and
analyzed. Optimizing this process requires a consid-
erable amount of resources. There is not an easy way
to evaluate the methodology followed since we are
working with unlabeled data, unsupervised learning
and there is no golden, ground-truth dataset to com-
pare the performance of our framework.
To address these limitations future work can focus
on improving entity recognition accuracy. We would
also like to be in a position to properly evaluate our
methodology so it can be generalized and expanded in
a broader range of domains/topics. Fine-tuning clus-
tering and selecting the optimal number of clusters
also needs improvement. It would be interesting to
dive even deeper into event detection examining more
challenging tasks, identifying unique events, or trying
to track event progression in terms of time and devel-
opments. Last but not least, we aim to ameliorate the
data collection process to include articles metadata,
an expansion that will enable us to structure and an-
swer more sophisticated research questions. By pur-
suing these avenues of future work, our research can
make significant contributions to automatically pro-
cessing news articles, both in Greek and other lan-
guages as well.
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
3.3 Conclusion
In this research, we developed a methodology for pat-
tern exploration and event detection in news articles.
We used topic modeling to infer 1,271 topics from
a total of 236,029 articles and identified 725 unique
clusters for the chosen dataset topic. By examin-
ing shared content and contextual information within
each cluster, 1,455 events were detected. The pro-
posed methodology demonstrated promising potential
for analysis and event detection across various do-
mains, offering valuable insights for researchers and
practitioners. Further refinement and enhancements
will advance the field of event detection in news ar-
ticles and the application of automated methods to
solve relevant everyday issues.
This research is supported by the University of West
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Event Detection in News Articles: A Hybrid Approach Combining Topic Modeling, Clustering, and Named Entity Recognition