prehension of the temporal dynamics of extreme risks,
crucial for facilitating timely interventions.
We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach us-
ing both simulated and real-world datasets, highlight-
ing its precision in forecasting threshold exceedance.
A practical application of our method within the con-
text of food safety underscores its utility, especially
in managing high-risk hazards. The ramifications of
this approach are far-reaching, holding promise for a
broad range of applications where understanding the
temporal dynamics of risk is crucial. This universal
framework, applicable to any univariate or multivari-
ate time series dataset, presents a promising avenue to
address the intricacies of extreme event forecasting.
Within this research field, we have identified two dis-
tinct sub-areas. The first sub-area focuses on extreme
event forecasting, where researchers aim to develop
predictive algorithms that account for the presence of
extreme events. Neural networks are often utilized
in these methods, as they exhibit sensitivity towards
predicting extreme values. However, the primary ob-
jective in this sub-area is to forecast the exact value
of the time series, leading to the evaluation of these
methods using classic regression metrics.
On the other hand, the second sub-field, known as
exceedance threshold forecasting, also involves pre-
dicting extreme values in a time series. However, a
crucial difference lies in the approach taken. In this
sub-field, a threshold is set, and the goal is to forecast
whether or not there will be a threshold exceedance
in the upcoming timestamps. Consequently, this can
be framed as a binary classification problem, where
the focus shifts to predicting the occurrence or non-
occurrence of the threshold exceedance. In our work,
we contribute to the second sub-field of exceedance
threshold forecasting.
2.1 Extreme Event Forecasting
The authors in (Abilasha et al., 2022) address the
challenge of accurately predicting extreme events in
time series forecasting by proposing the Deep eX-
treme Mixture Model (DXtreMM). This model com-
bines Gaussian and Generalized Pareto distributions
to better capture extreme points. It consists of a Vari-
ational Disentangled Auto-encoder (VD-AE) classi-
fier and a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) forecaster
unit. The VD-AE predicts the possibility of extreme
event occurrence, while the forecaster predicts the ex-
act extreme value. Extensive experiments on real-
world datasets demonstrate the model’s effectiveness,
comparable to existing baseline methods. The DX-
treMM model, with its novel formulation and con-
sideration of heavy-tailed data distributions, offers a
promising approach for accurate extreme event pre-
diction in time series forecasting.
This (Dai et al., 2022) paper introduces a novel
clustering algorithm, the Generalized Extreme Value
Mixture Model (GEVMM), for accurate prediction
of extreme values in scenarios with mixed distribu-
tion characteristics. The algorithm adaptively clas-
sifies block maximum data into clusters based on
their weights in the population, creating a GEVMM
that can forecast maximum values in a specified re-
turn period. The optimal number of clusters is de-
termined using the elbow method, along with RMSE
and R-squared, to prevent over- and under-fitting. The
method is validated through theoretical examples and
applied to traffic load effects on bridges using weight-
in-motion data. Results demonstrate superior perfor-
mance compared to existing methods, showcasing the
potential of the proposed approach for accurate esti-
mation of extreme values with mixed probability dis-
tributions across various fields.
The (Hill Galib et al., 2022) paper introduces
DeepExtrema, a novel framework for accurate fore-
casting of extreme values in time series data. Deep-
Extrema combines a deep neural network (DNN) with
the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution to
forecast the block maximum value. The authors ad-
dress the challenge of preserving inter-dependent con-
straints among the GEV model parameters during
DNN initialization. The framework enables condi-
tional mean and quantile prediction of block maxima,
surpassing other baseline methods in extensive exper-
iments on real-world and synthetic data. DeepEx-
trema incorporates the GEV distribution into a deep
learning framework, capturing nonlinear dependen-
cies in time series data. The paper overcomes techni-
cal challenges such as positivity constraints and data
scarcity through reparameterization of the GEV for-
mulation and a model bias offset mechanism. Con-
tributions include the novel framework, GEV con-
straint reformulation, model bias offset mechanism,
and comprehensive experiments demonstrating Deep-
Extrema’s superiority over baselines.
2.2 Threshold Exceedance Forecasting
In their study, (Taylor and Yu, 2016) propose an
approach to manage financial risk using exceedance
probability. They aim to predict if the returns of finan-
cial assets will surpass a certain threshold. To achieve
this, they employ a method called CARL (conditional
Survival Analysis as a Risk Stratification Tool for Threshold Exceedance Forecasting