Table 2: Quantity of articles per category.
Category Irrelevant Less Relevant Relevant
Innovation 6317 473 253
Efficiency 3606 353 238
Sustainability 1181 97 59
Industry 4.0 1232 98 53
Artificial Intelligence 184 10 7
showcasing the names of the top 5 most relevant arti-
cles within each category:
In conclusion, this paper aimed to compare systematic
literature review methods to identify the most efficient
approach for conducting quick and effective literature
reviews. We categorized productivity in the industry
into six principal sectors, namely Innovation, Sustain-
ability, Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, Efficiency, and Ar-
tificial Intelligence. Subsequently, we conducted sys-
tematic literature reviews for each of these sectors.
To achieve efficient categorization, we employed
four Machine Learning models: Multinomial Naive
Bayes Classification (MNBC), Stochastic Gradient
Descent (SGD), Support Vector Machines (SVM),
and Decision Tree Classifier (DTC). Among these
models, the Decision Tree Classifier (DTC) demon-
strated superior performance with a classification ac-
curacy exceeding 75%.
To identify the most relevant contributions of sci-
entific articles in each research domain or category,
we utilized a relevance classifier with two essential
metrics: the standard deviation of the mean and the Z
As a forward-looking suggestion for further re-
search, we highlight the significance of incorporating
additional data sources and considering the h-index
as an alternative approach for ranking the relevance
of articles. By expanding the scope of data and incor-
porating diverse evaluation metrics, future studies can
enhance the accuracy and depth of systematic litera-
ture reviews, ultimately contributing to more compre-
hensive insights and informed decision-making in the
domain of industrial productivity.
Thanks to the University of Brasilia (UnB) for sup-
porting this research and to the National Industrial
Learning Service (SENAI) of the National Confed-
eration of Industry (CNI) for partially supporting this
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WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies