section 3) of triangles depending linearly on the angle
α and the remaining volume in the container.
A multi-layer perceptron with two hidden layers
and 2000 parameters is trained. To simplify the ex-
periments, only two actions are used: ∆α ∈ {−1, 1}.
A single experimental episode of the robot arm is
used as an offline training sequence, creating multiple
training sequences by applying random goal volumes
according to equation 6.
Experiments show a fast convergence. The result-
ing policy network pours liquid within the simulation
matching an arbitrary given goal volume.
A method has been outlined for constructing a con-
troller tasked with pouring a specified quantity of liq-
uid into a receiving container.
The approach comprises two primary steps: first, a
preprocessing phase that extracts relevant image fea-
tures, followed by the implementation of a policy net-
work. Importantly, the policy network operates with
a low input dimension, as image preprocessing is ap-
plied using a separate image processing tool.
In addition, only ground truth data measured from
the real laboratory setup is used. Therefore, no simu-
lation of the setup is required to train the policy net-
work. The policy network is trained in an offline man-
ner using the data from the laboratory setup.
A valuable aspect of the proposed approach is its
capacity to derive multiple training sequences from a
single experimental sequence.
The method presented in this paper exhibits ro-
bustness in handling variations in the initial volumes
within the source container, achieved through control
of relative pouring angles. Moreover, the method ex-
clusively measures the liquid exiting the source con-
tainer, enabling its applicability in scenarios where
the liquid within the target container is not visible or
measurable, such as when watering plants.
The method has been implemented within a pour-
ing liquid simulation and shows fast convergence and
independence of goal volumes. Next, the data from
the physical system will be included to generate a
controller for the UR5 robot arm.
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics