Ontology-Driven Intelligent Group Pairing in Project-Based
Collaborative Learning
Asma Hadyaoui
and Lilia Cheniti-Belcadhi
Sousse University, ISITC, PRINCE Research Laboratory, Hammam Sousse, Tunisia
Keywords: Assessment, PBCL, Peer-Group Feedback, Ontology, PAPI Learner, LOM, Intelligent Pairing,
Agglomerative Clustering, Critical Thinking, Creativity.
Abstract: In this research project, we investigate the influence of real-time online feedback from peer groups on the
assessment of group work in the setting of Project-Based Collaborative Learning (PBCL). Peer feedback plays
a crucial role in assisting students in evaluating their learning progress and acquiring valuable skills.
Nevertheless, its effectiveness in group environments has yet to be explored. To tackle this issue, we propose
an intelligent approach driven by ontologies to collect pertinent peer group feedback from the most compatible
groups. We make use of agglomerative clustering to identify groups that closely match and connect them to
exchange feedback. We utilize the information embedded in the ontology to create pairs of groups exhibiting
similar behaviors and dynamics during project-based learning activities. To assess the effectiveness of our
approach, we divide our dataset into two equal parts. We apply our intelligent pairing method to one half and
a random approach to the other. We conduct assessments both before and after peer group feedback to measure
its impact on project outcomes, including critical thinking and creativity. The results indicate a substantial
improvement in project outcomes, particularly in terms of critical thinking and creativity, due to peer group
feedback. Additionally, the groups formed using the agglomerative clustering algorithm demonstrate a higher
increase in project validation (8.33%) compared to the random approach (5.27%). Our research underscores
the effectiveness of integrating intelligence into the peer group feedback process, especially in the context of
PBCL. The proposed ontology presents a promising solution for optimizing the assessment process, leading
to improved results and the cultivation of critical thinking and creativity among students.
Utilizing formative assessment has demonstrated its
potential to enhance student engagement and promote
knowledge retention. However, it's crucial to
acknowledge the existing methodological challenges
when it comes to substantiating claims of its
effectiveness (Bennett & Service, 2014). Formative
feedback holds a pivotal role in the realm of higher
education assessment. Hence, it becomes imperative
to explore alternative assessment approaches that
incorporate and enhance formative feedback.
Feedback is widely recognized as a cornerstone of
educational practice and a fundamental catalyst for
students' development and learning (Clark, 2012). At
the heart of the learning process lies feedback, as it
provides students with the necessary skills to
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construct meaning and independently regulate their
educational path. This encompassing concept
encompasses both structured, formalized feedback
and comprehensive feedback, characterized by in-
depth, open-ended commentary (Hwang et al., 2023).
Peer feedback emerges as a pedagogical practice that
empowers students to engage in reciprocal
assessment, allowing them to provide and receive
constructive insights on their peers' work concerning
the same assignment, thereby elevating their
academic achievements. Peer-to-peer feedback
constitutes an educational approach that proves
highly advantageous for students (Topping, 1998).
Through this process, students not only enhance their
comprehension of learning objectives and success
criteria but also cultivate their ability to provide
valuable feedback to their peers. Collaborative
Hadyaoui, A. and Cheniti-Belcadhi, L.
Ontology-Driven Intelligent Group Pairing in Project-Based Collaborative Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0012237500003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 152-163
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
learning settings, featuring peer feedback, yield
advantages not only for the receiver but also for the
giver of feedback. The act of aligning learning
objectives and success criteria within another's work
provides invaluable learning experiences. This
assertion is corroborated by a study (Dong et al.,
2023) underscoring the importance of considering
students' competencies and attitudes in the dynamics
of giving and receiving peer feedback. Furthermore,
this research enhances our comprehension of peer
feedback literacy and illuminates the complex
relationship between feedback literacy and student
attributes, as substantiated by the creation of a
comprehensive measurement instrument. In a similar
vein, another study (Wu & Schunn, 2023) has posited
that encouraging students to actively engage in
activities that necessitate explanations and revisions
in response to feedback can yield significant
improvements in their learning outcomes. Over the
past few decades, there has been considerable
academic interest in peer feedback, with educators
advocating for its integration into educational
practices. One notable study by (Lin & Lin, 2017)
explored the effects of anonymous online peer
assessment facilitated through a Facebook
application on participants' perspectives regarding
learning, fairness, and attitudes. The results indicated
that the utilization of online anonymous peer
assessment had a favorable effect on participants'
attitudes and their perception of the learning
experience. However, another study (Banister, 2020)
explored the challenges and attitudes associated with
peer feedback among undergraduates studying
academic and business English. By employing the
principles of Exploratory Practice, the authors aimed
to understand why students may not value peer
feedback. Additionally, in a previous study (Cheniti
Belcadhi, 2016), we proposed an intelligent
framework for tailored feedback, leveraging
Semantic Web technologies. This framework
provides individualized feedback for self-assessment
and proves valuable in the context of lifelong
learning. In a different setting, the study (Chang et al.,
2020) gave fifth-grade students a chance to learn
about a geological park in a natural science class by
using peer review in virtual reality design activities.
However, while peer assessment in collaborative
learning environments typically involves interactions
between individual learners in a group, there is a lack
of research addressing peer assessment between
groups of learners, where both the assessee and the
assessor are groups. Given these considerations, we
recommend a reevaluation of the peer group feedback
procedures by incorporating real-time feedback
mechanisms to foster effective peer-to-peer
communication and ensure clear performance
assessment. Drawing on a comprehensive review of
existing research, our proposal centers on peer
feedback within a PBCL context. It presents a
conducive environment for students to assess each
other's performance, offer scores or grades, and
provide constructive written or oral feedback to
enhance learning and growth (Hwang et al., 2023).
Our investigation will address the following research
inquiries: Does peer feedback impact group
performance? How can we determine the most
suitable peer group for both receiving and providing
feedback? Does the selection of peers influence the
quality of feedback and, consequently, its
effectiveness?To address our research queries, we
carried out an investigation involving a cohort of 312
undergraduate students who were enrolled in the
initial stage of their degree program within our
academic department. The study was conducted
during the first semester of the academic year 2022-
2023, with students being organized into smaller
groups, comprising either 4 or 3 learners. Each group
was assigned the same collaboration project. We
proposed an intelligent method for generating pairs of
groups for them to provide feedback, taking into
account their ontological attributes and
characteristics. We designed the ontology called
PeerGroupOnto, to capture the key concepts and
relationships relevant to peer group formation and
feedback in the context of PBCL. The proposed
ontology leverages semantic web technologies and
eLearning standards to ensure data reusability and
interoperability. Our proposed intelligent approach
relies also on unsupervised machine learning, namely
the Agglomerative clustering algorithm as it allows
us to construct a tree-like structure from groups of
comparable students. We are delighted with the initial
grouping since we desire to form couples. As a
grouping criterion, we used the similarity of intra-
group interactions, which reflects group dynamics.
To evaluate our method, we divided our dataset in
half and applied our proposed method solely to one
half, while the other half was randomly paired. An
evaluation is conducted before and following peer
group feedback during a chat session. Through
synchronous discussions with peers, groups could
reevaluate their answers and project success
considering the many viewpoints supplied by their
The integration of ontology and the utilization of
an intelligent pairing approach based on the
agglomerative algorithm have demonstrated
significant synergies, leading to more effective and
Ontology-Driven Intelligent Group Pairing in Project-Based Collaborative Learning
meaningful collaborative learning experiences. The
ontology serves as a foundational knowledge
representation framework, capturing domain-specific
concepts, relationships, and properties relevant to the
assessment process. By formalizing these elements,
the ontology enables a structured and interconnected
learning environment, facilitating the seamless
identification and organization of peer groups.
In this paper, we start by delving into the relevant
literature surrounding collaborative learning settings.
This involves exploring how ontology and semantic
web technologies are applied in educational contexts.
Our focus then shifts to introducing our proposed
ontology in detail. This serves as the basis for
modeling collaborative eLearning environments and
facilitating the formation of peer groups, as well as
the assessment process. The integration of ontology
and semantic web technologies in our research
strengthens its foundation and contributes to the
advancement of collaborative learning practices.
Moving forward, we explain the methodology we
used to form peer groups and analyze the impact of
peer group feedback on project assessment outcomes.
Throughout our study's methodology description, we
walk through the steps we followed to arrive at our
conclusions. We thoroughly discuss these
procedures, draw conclusions, and finally wrap up
our investigation.
2.1 Collaborative Learning
Collaborative learning is an educational approach that
involves the gathering of students to engage in
discussions about a subject matter relevant to the
course or curriculum, to collectively address a
problem associated with the topic or generate a
product that is connected to the topic. By employing
this approach, students have the opportunity to
cultivate proficiencies that are pertinent to the
contemporary era, encompassing effective
communication, analytical reasoning, sound
judgment, effective leadership, and conflict
resolution (Kalmar et al., 2022). Numerous studies
have been undertaken within this setting. The study
(Chorfi et al., 2022) introduced a novel groupware
system based on Computer-Supported Collaborative
Learning (CSCL) to facilitate PBCL within a
computer programming education context. A study
conducted by the authors (Mhlongo et al., 2020)
revealed that PBCL has a positive influence on
students' overall academic performance and skill
development, ultimately boosting their self-
confidence. PBCL is particularly effective at
overcoming barriers to strategic knowledge, such as
groupthink and collaboration. Additionally, the
approach of a semester-long undertaking makes
solving complex problems easier and reduces mental
strain (Wang & Hwang, 2017). Also, prior research
(Hadyaoui & Cheniti-Belcadhi, 2023) centered on
predicting disengagement among learner groups in a
PBCL context. We created a Collaborative
Assessment Analytics Framework (CAAF) utilizing
ontologies and the accumulation of formative
assessment data. In another study (Awuor et al.,
2022), the researchers investigated the correlation
between students' proficiency in teamwork and their
level of satisfaction in a synchronous online flipped
group project-based course. The study specifically
focused on exploring the potential moderating
influences of group collective efficacy and flipped
learning. In the context of asynchronous Computer-
Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), a study
conducted by (Chen & Du, 2022) identified distinct
profiles of regulators by analyzing online indicators
of collaborative learners' utilization of individual-
oriented and socially shared metacognitive regulation
strategies. Furthermore, the researchers examined the
correlation between regulation profiles and the post-
CSCL conceptual understanding, motivation, and
learning self-efficacy of the students. The authors
(Aranzabal Maiztegi et al., 2022) presented a
methodology for creating well-balanced teams by
utilizing Belbin's roles. This approach aims to
enhance positive interdependence and individual
accountability among team members, ultimately
leading to improved team performance within a
project-based learning setting. The evaluation of the
student's performance has been conducted by
assessing the scores obtained throughout the project.
A significant performance advantage was observed in
the Belbin teams when compared to the self-selected
teams. Furthermore, the feedback, experiences, and
opinions of the students were gathered and compiled.
After the academic term, students who engaged in
Belbin teams conveyed a more favorable attendance
record, necessitating reduced extracurricular study
time, and displaying an elevated level of enthusiasm
towards the subject matter. In a previous study
(Hadyaoui & Cheniti-Belcadhi, 2022b), an
assessment ePortfolio-based recommender system for
individualized formative assessment in a
collaborative online learning environment was
developed. This action was taken to improve student
performance. The learner's ePortfolio was linked to
the ePortfolios of other learners using the same
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
assessment platform, allowing for the generation of
beneficial recommendations. In addition, a separate
study (Ismail et al., 2023) investigated the efficacy of
the think-pair-share (TPS) cooperative learning
technique in enhancing student engagement and
performance in number-building activities.
According to the findings of the study, TPS
cooperative learning considerably enhanced student
performance and motivation, while simultaneously
fostering creativity, teamwork, active learning, and
motivation. To accomplish our research objective, we
devote the majority of our research efforts to
determining the usefulness of PBCL-based peer
group input.
2.2 Semantic Web and Ontology
The emergence of the Semantic Web and the
incorporation of ontology have had a profound effect
on collaborative eLearning. By facilitating the
structured representation and organization of
knowledge, ontology-based semantic web
technologies play a vital role in collaborative
eLearning. Ontology facilitates the construction of
interconnected learning environments by formalizing
domain-specific concepts, relationships, and
properties. The authors (Murillo Zamorano et al.,
2019) created an ontology-driven collaborative
eLearning platform that effectively organized
learning materials, resulting in enhanced learner
comprehension and engagement. In the same context,
the study (Senthil Kumaran & Latha, 2023) proposed
an innovative method for providing adaptive access
to digital library learning resources. The method
employs an ontology-based multi-attribute
collaborative filtration system to enhance the
precision and efficacy of predicting and
recommending personalized learning resources.
Moreover, the Semantic Web makes a substantial
contribution to collaborative content discovery in
eLearning systems. Through the incorporation of
semantic annotations, learning resources become
more understandable to both human and machine
users. In a previous publication (García-González et
al., 2017), a novel educational tool was showcased,
employing Semantic Web technologies to enrich
lesson materials. Furthermore, an independent
research endeavor introduced a content recommender
system driven by ontology, to tackle cold-start
problems encountered by new users. Within this
recommendation model, ontology serves to describe
both the attributes of the learner and the
characteristics of the learning objects. Moreover,
Semantic Web ontology promotes the interoperability
and reusability of learning resources across a variety
of collaborative eLearning platforms. With
standardized metadata representation, educational
content can be readily integrated into a variety of
learning environments and shared with others. By
employing ontologies and eLearning standards,
including CMI5 for assessing the assessment path and
IEEE PAPI for the learner model, (Hadyaoui &
Cheniti-Belcadhi, 2022a) introduced a semantic web
approach rooted in semantic web principles. These
technologies ensure data reusability and
interoperability, ultimately improving the efficiency
and effectiveness of the personalized formative
assessment system within a collaborative learning
environment. In addition, Semantic Web ontology
enables personalized learning by leveraging learner
profiles and preferences to customize content
delivery. By utilizing ontology to capture individual
learning objectives and preferences, educators can
provide students with content that meets their specific
requirements. In (Joy et al., 2021), the research
introduced an ontology-driven semantic framework
to tackle the pure cold-start problem in content
recommenders. The ontology effectively captures
domain-specific details related to learners and
Learning Objects (LOs). Through SPARQL queries,
the semantic model leverages learner parameters,
including learning style, knowledge level, and
preexisting knowledge, to create natural learner
groups based on the learner ontology. In the context
of collaborative eLearning, semantic annotations play
a crucial role in enhancing contextual collaboration.
By enriching learning resources and collaborative
interactions with meaningful metadata, semantic
annotations offer relevant context and enhance
knowledge transfer. Additionally, previous research
(Nouira et al., 2018), in which the authors proposed
an architecture for assessment analytics that employs
semantic web technologies. They concentrated on
analyzing the collection of assessment activities,
assessment outcomes, and assessment context.
At the core of our approach lies the creation of a
specialized ontology that we call
PEERGROUPONTO, specifically designed for
PBCL. This ontology will act as a structured
representation of the knowledge domain, capturing
crucial concepts, relationships, and properties that
Ontology-Driven Intelligent Group Pairing in Project-Based Collaborative Learning
form the foundation of PBCL and peer group
To ensure seamless integration with existing
eLearning systems and enhance interoperability, our
proposed ontology will embrace the widely
recognized IEEE Learning Object Metadata (LOM)
standard (“IEEE Standard for Learning Object
Metadata,” 2020). By adopting this standard, we
enable effortless exchange of learning resource
metadata, enabling educational materials to be
discovered and reused across diverse platforms.
The PeerGroupOnto, depicted in Figure 1,
constitutes a comprehensive set of essential classes
for our intelligent Semantic Web framework. These
Figure 1: PEERGROUPONTO's classes.
classes include Project-Based Learning,
Collaborative Learning, Peer Feedback, Intelligent
Group Pairing, Learning Outcomes, Assessment
Criteria, Learning Resources, Learners, Instructors,
and Educational Organizations. To ensure a seamless
implementation of our intelligent pairing peer group
feedback system in the PBCL context, each class is
enriched with relevant object and data properties,
establishing clear connections and attributes. This
well-defined ontology structure facilitates effective
communication and enables the successful
integration of our approach.
In the following, we will describe the essential
classes that constitute the ontology, known as the
PeerGroupOnto, and their respective properties,
which form the foundation of our intelligent Semantic
Web framework for peer group feedback in the PBCL
Table 1: Learner-related Classes.
Class Name Description
Represents and captures
various aspects of a
learner's profile and
characteristics in e-
Focuses on the learner's
academic performance,
tracking their progress,
achievements, and
Captures the learner's
personal information,
including name, gender,
age, contact details, etc.
Pertains to the learner's
portfolio, showcasing
work, projects, and
achievements to showcase
Records the learner's
learning styles, interests,
and preferences for
specific subjects or topics.
Deals with relationships
and connections between
learners and other entities
within the educational
Ensures appropriate
security measures and
access controls to protect
learners' sensitive
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Collaborative learning classes.
Class Name Description
Represents the learning approach where
students collaborate on Python
programming projects.
Represents the mode of learning where
students work together on shared tasks
and projects.
Peer Feedback Represents the feedback provided by
peers in a learning group, supporting
evaluation and improvement.
Group Pairing
Represents the methodology for
forming groups based on factors like
student expertise and skills.
Represents the expected knowledge,
skills, and competencies students
should gain from collaborative learning.
Represents the criteria and rubrics used
to evaluate the quality and performance
of Python projects.
Represents educational materials like
tutorials and code examples used to
support the learning process.
Represents individuals participating in
project-based collaborative learning.
Object (LOM
Represents a learning resource
described using the IEEE LOM
standard attributes.
Table 3: Object properties.
Object Property Description
hasLearningOutcome Connects a learning activity or
project to the intended learning
outcomes it aims to achieve.
hasAssessmentCriteria Links a project or assignment to
the criteria used for assessing it.
hasLearningResource Associates a learning activity
with the resources used to
support it.
involvesStudent Relates a project or collaborative
learning activity to the
participating students/learners.
involvesInstructor Relates a project or learning
activity to the
instructors/educators involved.
belongsToInstitution Connects a learning activity or
project to the educational
institution it belongs to.
providesPeerFeedback Links a project or activity to the
peer feedback provided by other
hasFeedbackCriteria Associates peer feedback with
the criteria used for evaluating
Links a learning resource to the
corresponding LOM standard
attributes for metadata
Table 4: Data properties.
Data Property Description
feedbackContent Represents the content or text of
the peer feedback provided.
feedbackDate Represents the date when the
feedback was given.
feedbackRating Represents the rating or score
associated with the feedback.
groupSize Represents the size of the
collaborative learning group.
learningObjectTitle Represents the title of the
learning resource described
using LOM standard attributes.
Represents the description of the
learning resource.
Represents keywords or tags
associated with the learning
Represents the language in
which the learning resource is
Represents the format or media
type of the learning resource.
Represents the location or URL
where the learning resource can
be accessed.
Represents any technical
requirements needed to access
the learning resource.
Represents the educational level
or target audience for the
learning resource.
Represents the intended end-user
role for the learning resource.
Assessment is an essential component of any
teaching-learning process. It is the sole method for
acquiring a deeper understanding of the learners'
knowledge and skills, particularly their creative and
critical thinking, in a PBCL setting. In definitions,
these terms are occasionally interchangeable. In
actuality, they have different conceptualizations
because the consequences of human conduct vary. In
addition, one of today's requirements is that
individuals be able to handle everyday circumstances
with both skills (Birgili, 2015). We utilized a 0 to 10
scale to evaluate each learned skill during the
duration of the project. As the sum of the two
preceding grades, the final grade for the project is
based on a scale from 0 to 20. If the final score is 10
or greater, the project will be validated; otherwise, it
will be deemed invalid.
Ontology-Driven Intelligent Group Pairing in Project-Based Collaborative Learning
Our study involved 312 students enrolled in the
transportation and technology engineering first-
degree program at our faculty during the first
semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. The
course, titled "Programming Fundamentals," grouped
students into 60 teams of four and 24 teams of three
based on their scores. Initially, all groups exhibited
varying levels of proficiency in programming. After
eight weeks of classes, participants were introduced
to the educational content, which encompassed the
fundamental concepts of Python programming.
Participants worked together to develop a Python
application to address a problem. Students designed
and coded the application from the ground up, with a
focus on problem-solving. In online groups
consisting of 3 to 4 members, students engaged in a
collaborative process that encompassed
brainstorming ideas, analyzing problem statements,
and ultimately choosing one problem for their project.
The paramount objective was to identify a problem
that not only aligned with their educational goals but
also fostered meaningful collaboration, critical
thinking, and efficient communication. Once the
problem was defined, the next step involved
categorizing shared and subtasks. These subtasks
revolved around various aspects of their Python
application, including data processing, algorithm
implementation, user interface development, and
program logic. The allocation of subtasks was based
on the nature of the problem and the intended level of
complexity. Collaboratively, the team members
assumed responsibility for different subtasks, each
focusing on programming their respective portions.
To streamline the coordination and integration of
code contributions, the group employed Git, which
served as a version control system. Throughout this
process, the group maintained active communication,
sharing ideas, providing feedback, and offering
support in coding. Testing and debugging were
pivotal phases of the project to ensure its success.
Teams rigorously tested their work and addressed any
issues that arose. This iterative approach significantly
bolstered the software's engineering, functionality,
and reliability. The documentation and presentation
of the project held great importance. The groups
meticulously annotated their code and produced a
comprehensive project report. During their
presentations, they elucidated the problem statement,
outlined their proposed solution, and highlighted the
key features of their program. Effective coordination
and communication played a vital role throughout the
project's lifecycle. The groups utilized online
discussion forums, and chat rooms to communicate,
share progress reports, seek advice, and offer
feedback. This collaborative environment fostered
shared learning, the exchange of knowledge, and
problem-solving. For all that, we used the online
platform Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic
Learning Environment) (Jan et al., 2018). Throughout
the experiment, we provided support and guidance to
the students whenever necessary, helping them
overcome any obstacles they encountered. The
collected data comprised the collaborative project
files submitted by the groups, as well as logs
documenting the authoring process and the online
activity of the forum groups.
Following the experiment, we extensively
evaluated the project's achievements and assessed the
contributions made in the discussion forum. The
primary experiment extended over six weeks in the
initial semester, and data from both the achievement
projects and forum discussions were subjected to
preprocessing for assessment purposes.
4.1 Collaborative Project Assessment
Table 5 provides a means to compare the initial
results with the updated findings, focusing on the
skills to be acquired through the project's activities.
Table 5: Skills to gain through the project’s activities.
Skills Approaches Project’s skills
logic and
reason when
relevant to
the context.
Development of a Python
program to address the
proposed issue:
Creation of a list.
Addition of new
entries to the
listModification of
list items.
Sorting the list based
on criteria such as
Age, Baccalaureate
average, and Name.
Creativity Integrates
resources to
fresh and
Usage of menus to
display various
program functions.
Utilization of
QtDesigner to design
visually appealing
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
4.2 Peer Groups Forming
In our experiment, we divided our groups into two
sets consisting of 42 groups each, referred to as C1
and C2 in this study. For C1, group partners were
randomly paired. In contrast, for C2, we employed an
unsupervised machine learning approach called
Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC). It is
widely recognized as one of the most popular
algorithms in unsupervised learning (Ben-david,
2014). The first step of HAC involves separating each
group of learners into individual clusters, resulting in
an initial number of clusters equal to the total number
of groups. Subsequent steps involve merging
comparable groups until all cases are grouped into a
single cluster. This process generates a dendrogram,
which is a tree-like structure representing the
relationships between clusters, as illustrated in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Dendrogram Depicting the Results of Cluster.
Given our objective of creating peer pairs, we
stopped at the first step or level of grouping. The
success of HAC is heavily influenced by the selection
of a suitable linkage criterion, which measures the
similarity between two clusters (Ramos et al., 2021).
In our approach, we determined that the group's
contributions on the forum, reflecting their behavior
during the collaborative project, would serve as the
linkage criterion. Once the pairs were established,
members of each group participated in a chat session,
where they presented their work and responded to
questions from their peers, reciprocally.
This section describes the outcomes of our
experiment. We denote by C1 the category of groups
whose clustering pairs were produced at random. C2
is our grouping method based on the agglomerative
clustering technique depending on the intra-group
interactions (Total group contributions on the forum,
and the total times online during the project
execution). Then, we compare the assessment results
of the groups before and following peer group
5.1 Comparing Project Validation
before and after Peer Group
Feedback for the Two Paring
Groups’ Approaches
As demonstrated in Table 6, the number of projects
that were validated before peer group assessment for
the two clustering categories (C1 and C2) has grown
after receiving feedback from their peers. Indeed, we
notice a rise in the rate of validation (expressed by 1).
The results demonstrate an increase of 5.27% in the
percentage of project validation from 73.68 to
78.95% for the C1 approach. For method C2, the
percentage of validated projects increased by 8.33%,
from 81.15 to 89.47%.
Table 6: Comparison of the average of project validation
before and after peer group feedback.
Project result before
peer group feedback
Project result after
peer group feedback
5.2 Comparing Project Learning Skills
Outcomes before and after Peer
Group Feedback for the Two
Paring Groups’ Approaches
Following are the outcomes of the group assessments
for each of the adopted strategies. According to the
subsequent tables, we utilized boxplots to compare
the findings acquired before and after peer group
feedback. Boxplots are a graphical representation that
Ontology-Driven Intelligent Group Pairing in Project-Based Collaborative Learning
effectively illustrates the distribution of numerical
data and provides insights into the presence of
skewness. This is achieved by displaying the quartiles
and the mean of the data. Boxplots display the five-
number summary, which encompasses the minimum,
maximum, first quartile, third quartile, and median
values, of a given dataset.
Projects’ final score before and after peer
group feedback: As shown in Table 7, for the
initial method C1, 75% of the scores fall below
the upper quartile value 17. Thus, 25% of data
are above this value. However, after peer group
feedback, 25% of data are above 18.25 (a 1.25-
point increase). For the second approach C2,
75% of the scores fall below the upper quartile
value of 17.75. However, after peer group
feedback, 25% of data are above 19 (a 1.25-
point increase).
Table 7: Comparing the project’s final score.
Projects’ creativity outcome before and
after peer group feedback: By table 8, for the
initial method C1, half the scores are greater
than 7 and a half are less. After the peer group
feedback, this value rose to 8 (a 1-point
increase). For the C2 approach, half the scores
are greater than 7 and half are less. After the
peer group feedback, this value rose to 8.25 (a
1.25-point increase).
Table 8: Comparing project Creativity results.
Projects’ critical thinking outcome before
and after peer group feedback: As seen in
Table 9, for the initial method C1, 25% of
scores fall below the lower quartile value which
is 7. However, after peer group feedback, 25%
of scores fall below 8.25 (a 1.25-point
increase). For the second approach C2, 25% of
scores fall below the lower quartile value which
is 7. However, after peer group feedback, this
value rose to 9 (a 2-point increase).
Table 9: Comparing project Critical thinking results.
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The objective of this research was to examine the
impact of peer group feedback on assessment
outcomes within a PBCL context. Our research
strongly advocates for the implementation of peer
assessment within the PBCL context, leveraging
Ontology and the eLearning standards to optimize the
learning experience. Specifically, we relied on the
LOM eLearning standard to describe and annotate
learning resources, ensuring data reusability and
interoperability. Additionally, we employed the PAPI
LEARNER model to capture learners' performance,
personal information, portfolio details, preferences,
relations, and security aspects, creating an ontology-
driven model that underpinned our investigation. Our
approach involved two key components: the
formation of group peers and the implementation of
feedback mechanisms. To create peer, we utilized an
agglomerative clustering algorithm that considered
interactions between group members, aiming to
match groups with similar behaviors during the
project. This method was applied to half of our
learner groups, allowing us to compare its
effectiveness with a random pairing approach. The
second step involved facilitating real-time feedback
through chat rooms, where paired groups could
engage in providing and receiving feedback.
Comparing the two pairing methods, we discovered
that the agglomerative clustering strategy yielded
higher skill ratings compared to the random grouping
method. Specifically, the results indicated an 8.33%
increase in project validation proportions with the
agglomerative clustering strategy, compared to a
5.27% increase with the random strategy. In terms of
creativity, the random pairing approach resulted in a
1-point increase, whereas the second method yielded
a 1.25-point increase. Moreover, the second strategy
exhibited a 2-point improvement in critical thinking,
surpassing the 1.25-point improvement observed with
the random approach. These findings underscore the
significance of establishing intelligent pairings to
facilitate accurate and valuable feedback. The
behavior exhibited by group members emerges as a
crucial indicator of group dynamics. Future research
endeavors will explore additional criteria against
which our results can be benchmarked.
Regardless of the intelligent pairing strategy
employed, our findings consistently demonstrated the
immense benefits of peer group feedback for the
participating groups. The percentages of validated
final projects and the overall project scores exhibited
notable improvements. These enhancements
encompassed various assessed learning skills,
including critical thinking and creativity. The efficacy
of peer feedback as a formative method for enhancing
academic achievement aligns with the findings of
previous studies (Mcgrane & Hopfenbeck, 2020).
Furthermore, research conducted by authors (Saeedi
et al., 2021) has highlighted the positive impact of
peer feedback on student motivation, emphasizing its
value as an effective teaching technique. Group peer
feedback outperforms both no-group feedback and
sole instructor assessment. In line with contemporary
conceptions of formative assessment, our results
strongly advocate for the implementation of peer
assessment within a collaborative eLearning
environment, particularly when feedback is provided
synchronously. However, to further enhance the
quality of peer group feedback, our strategy can
benefit from integrating additional technologies. For
instance, we propose utilizing virtual reality to foster
increased interaction and conversation among group
pairings. Furthermore, automation of our peer group
feedback strategy is a goal we aspire to achieve,
incorporating it into the ongoing development of the
Intelligent Collaborative Assessment Framework
In summary, our research underscores the
significance of peer group feedback in a PBCL
setting. It highlights the crucial role of intelligent
pairings and synchronous feedback in enhancing
learning outcomes. Moving forward, integrating
advanced technologies and automation will
contribute to further refinement and application of our
peer group feedback strategy, within the broader
framework of collaborative assessments.
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Ontology-Driven Intelligent Group Pairing in Project-Based Collaborative Learning