UpKG: A Framework to Insert New Domains in Knowledge Graphs
Jesamin Melissa Zevallos-Quispe
1 a
, Andr
e Gomes Regino
1 b
, V
ıctor Jes
us Sotelo Chico
1 c
ıctor Hochgreb de Freitas
2 d
and Julio Cesar dos Reis
1 e
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil
GoBots, S
ao Paulo, Brazil
Knowledge Graphs, Domain Extension, e-Commerce, Compatibility, Ontology, SPARQL.
In recent years, the creation of Knowledge Graphs (KGs) has advanced significantly. They have become
essential in several domains, such as e-commerce. E-commerce applications apply them in the search and
recommendation of products and virtual chatbots, among other tasks. However, e-commerce must constantly
cover new domains/categories to respond to new user needs. This process requires rigorous analysis to cover
new domains, adding novel knowledge not stored in the KG. This study proposes, builds, and evaluates a
framework we named UpKG to insert new domains in existing KGs within an e-commerce context. Our ap-
proach relies on questions and answers collected in the real-world context of the GoBots company to facilitate
the new domain insertion process. Our framework was applied in GoBots company, specialized in e-commerce
solutions in Latin America. The conducted case was on an existing KG, whose triples were dominated by the
Automobile domain. Our work covered and inserted novel triples concerning the Appliances domain. The
conducted evaluation shows that we can verify the feasibility and applicability of the UpKG framework.
In recent years, the creation of Knowledge Graphs
(KGs) has made significant progress. With the rapid
growth of data in different fields, KGs play a vital
role in transferring large amounts of data to actionable
knowledge. They are essential in various domains,
including e-commerce (Li et al., 2020) (Sant’Anna
et al., 2020) (Chen et al., 2019) because several ap-
plications related to online commerce explore them
in different areas, such as product searches, product
recommendations, and virtual chats, among others.
Several big-player companies have used KGs in e-
commerce, including Alibaba (Li et al., 2020), Wal-
mart (Xu et al., 2020), and Farfetch (Barroca et al.,
2022), among others.
Due to constant changes, e-commerce systems
must be updated to continue providing better cus-
tomer service. They must constantly cover new do-
mains to increase knowledge of KG and update KGs,
inserting knowledge through triples based on a new
domain/category to respond to the novel users’ needs.
However, keeping a KG updated involves expanding
it and inserting domains such as appliances, furniture,
and automobiles.
In addition, inserting new domains into a KG is
not trivial because the ontology expert needs to ana-
lyze and understand the components, such as ontol-
ogy structure, relations, instances, SPARQL queries,
and data insertion to the KG with the new domain,
among other aspects. For example, suppose an on-
line store has a KG of only Furniture items, and a
customer requests information on a product from the
Clothing domain. In that case, this KG cannot return
an adequate response to the customer. For this reason,
inserting the ‘Clothing’ domain in such KG leads to a
better quality of response and greater customer satis-
The literature presents research studies related to
KGs in e-commerce (Li et al., 2020) (Chen et al.,
2019) (Sant’Anna et al., 2020). Some studies ex-
plore the extension of domains in KGs (Ait-Mlouk
and Jiang, 2020; Sheng et al., 2019) and ways of pop-
ulating triples in KGs (Kertkeidkachorn and Ichise,
2018) (Sant’Anna et al., 2020). However, none of the
Zevallos-Quispe, J., Regino, A., Chico, V., Hochgreb de Freitas, V. and Reis, J.
UpKG: A Framework to Insert New Domains in Knowledge Graphs.
DOI: 10.5220/0012237600003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 85-95
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
analyzed studies explores these three critical aspects
together of inserting new domains into e-commerce
KGs, which are (i) KG in e-commerce, (ii) Populat-
ing KG, and (iii) Extending the KG.
In this study, we propose the UpKG framework,
which allows inserting new domains in an existing
KG with an e-commerce approach based on user
questions and answers. Our study presents the fol-
lowing contributions:
Conceptually develop UpKG focusing on e-
commerce context based on user questions and
Evaluate the proposed UpKG framework in the
real-world context of an AI startup in Latin Amer-
Ensure that our framework is flexible enough to
add new domains focusing on e-commerce.
Our evaluation was conducted in the context of the
company, where we inserted triples of the
Appliances domain into a KG composed of triples of
the Automobiles domain. It was possible to insert 260
individuals for both appliances and automobiles. In
addition, our results showed that it is possible to an-
swer questions from users with SPARQL queries rely-
ing on the new version obtained for the KG. We ver-
ified the ontology’s consistency and coherence with
the OntoDebug
plugin of Prot
e. The main goal of
OntoDebug is to help users find those axioms in on-
tologies, giving information if an ontology is incon-
The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents a summary of related work.
Section 3 describes the UpKG framework. Section 4
presents the evaluation of our framework, where we
show the context and the results obtained from apply-
ing our framework in an existing real-world setting.
Section 5 discusses our findings. Finally, Section 6
concludes the study and describes future work.
There are several studies related to the use of KGs
for e-commerce. Some of them are based on specific
tasks to insert a new domain.
KG in e-commerce. Li et al. (Li et al., 2020)
proposed AlimeKG, an e-commerce KG representing
knowledge about user problems, item information,
Company specialized in artificial intelligence solutions
for e-commerce platforms in Latin America. Site available
in https://gobots.ai/
and item relationships. AlimeKG helps to understand
users’ needs, answer pre-sales questions, and gener-
ate explanatory texts. This KG was applied to various
business scenarios, such as buying guidance, answer-
ing property questions, and generating recommenda-
tion reasons. In addition, Li et al. (Li et al., 2020) de-
scribed how the domain KG comprises free text and
tested it with various applications in e-commerce cat-
Xu et al. (Xu et al., 2020) proposes an approach
based on a Product Knowledge Graph (PKG) to learn
the inherent relationships between products, in which
they make use of a method of learning distributed rep-
resentation enhanced with self-attention. However,
this study does not consider a customer’s information
as part of e-commerce, since it is focused on products
and how their information can be used for recommen-
dation and classification tasks.
Populating KG. The T2KG (Kertkeidkachorn
and Ichise, 2018) creates an automatic KG from nat-
ural language texts and fills an existing KG with new
knowledge. Natural language context entities are as-
signed to the corresponding uniform resource identi-
fier in the KG, which is usually the subject or object of
the triples. They combined rule-based and similarity-
based techniques to map the predicate of a triple gen-
erated from text in an existing KG. The experimental
part showed that the T2KG framework can success-
fully generate a KG and populate an existing one with
new text knowledge. However, the framework does
not work correctly when mapping predicates contain-
ing many compound words since the triplet extraction
step is not perfect due to the complexity of the text in
open domains.
Sant’Anna et al. (Sant’Anna et al., 2020) pro-
posed a method to populate a KG from a collection
of pairs of questions and answers, in which they per-
formed an extraction of entities and intents to gen-
erate triples supported by the ontology defined in its
KG. The knowledge generated and obtained from the
pairs of questions and answers is stored in the KG.
However, the method requires that the attendants an-
swer the questions correctly through a manual pro-
cess. Similarly to our work, the method proposed by
Sant’Anna et al. (Sant’Anna et al., 2020) focused on
the e-commerce domain.
Integroly (Guedea-Noriega and Garc
2022) is a framework that automates the KG pop-
ulating. It collects data from digital media sources
to populate a KG focusing on the political marketing
domain. They used a set of Natural Language Pro-
cessing (NLP) techniques to extract knowledge from
political marketing texts written in Spanish. In their
experiments, the authors used Twitter and political
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 1: Comparison in three scopes of studies in KG connected to our present investigation in this article.
KG in
(Kertkeidkachorn and Ichise, 2018) X
(Sheng et al., 2019) X
(Xu et al., 2020) X
(Ait-Mlouk and Jiang, 2020) X
(Li et al., 2020) X
(Sant’Anna et al., 2020) X X
(Guedea-Noriega and Garc
anchez, 2022) X
Our proposal X X X
news. They found problems with synonyms, ambi-
guities, and the connections made in the KG.
Extending KG. KBot (Ait-Mlouk and Jiang,
2020) is a multilingual chatbot that understands user
queries. KBot has automated learning based on clas-
sifying intents. In addition, KBot can add a new
dataset to the existing knowledge base, allowing the
expansion of the chatbot’s capabilities and thus hav-
ing a greater understanding of queries.
KGs have many applications and are important in
the medical sector. It is challenging to build a KG for
all diseases. For this reason, DEKGB (Sheng et al.,
2019) proposed an efficient and extensible framework
to build KG for specific diseases based on doctors’
knowledge. They described the process by extending
an existing health KG to include a new disease.
Table 1 shows the organization and conceptual
analysis we performed for the existing literature re-
viewed. We considered three scopes.
Our study aims to cover these three aspects: (i)
KG in e-commerce, use of KG in an e-commerce plat-
form; (ii) Populating KG, populate a KG with new
knowledge based on the ontology; and (iii) Extend-
ing KG, modify the KG by adding new instances with
their relations. The goal is to build our framework
to insert new domains in a KG with an e-commerce
context based on users’ questions and answers from
GoBots, which owns a set of objects that contain the
user’s question and the human assistant’s answer. The
following section describes our framework in detail.
We propose a framework to insert new domains into
an existing KG focused on e-commerce from ques-
tions and answers. Figure 1 presents the general
pipeline of our framework. It is composed of four
modules: (i) Understand the current KG, (ii) Identify
a new domain, (iii) Restructure the ontology, (iv) Pop-
ulate the KG. These modules are further elaborated in
the following.
3.1 Understand the Current KG in
Our framework works on an existing KG where the
module at this stage aims to understand the shape
and structure of the initial KG. Understanding the KG
structure is necessary as our first step, which allows us
to identify and analyze how the existing KG is struc-
tured and constructed, which we denote as v0. This
step can be performed by a person with knowledge of
ontologies, observing the properties and attributes of
the data. For the second step, we analyze the struc-
ture of the existing ontology, which represents all the
existing relationships in the KG. The comprehension
of the ontology is as critical as that of the KG. In this
step, you can use some tools to understand the ontol-
ogy structure; one of the best-known is Prot
e. In the
third step, the relationships of the KGs are identified;
this consists of observing all the possible relationships
that the ontology allows and how it helps achieve the
objective of the KG (answer users’ questions). The
fourth step is to identify the domains currently sup-
ported by the KG v0 and thus map the domains that
are necessary to insert. In this step, the human per-
son can access the current KG information and dis-
cern which domains the KG covers.
The development of this module can be done man-
ually since all the processes described require the in-
tervention of human reasoning.
UpKG: A Framework to Insert New Domains in Knowledge Graphs
Figure 1: Overview of the UpKG Framework. (i) Understand the current KG: Module focused on understanding the current
KG and its base ontology; (ii) Identify new domain: Module focused on discovering the new domain that will be inserted;
(iii) Restructure the ontology: Critical module in which the base ontology is combined with the new properties; (iv) Populate
the KG: Final module focused on generating the triples to insert the KG.
3.2 Identify New Domain
The objective of the second module is to identify a
new domain where the KG in place cannot perform
its task, in this case, answering questions that are not
mapped in the current KG. The first step is to iden-
tify all the compatibility questions not answered by
the existing KG. This step can be done automatically
through a script, which has as its input a collection
of user questions and answers. The saved questions
are those that have no answer from the KG. A per-
son with programming knowledge can execute this.
The second step is identifying relationships that the
ontology v0 cannot map, making it impossible to re-
spond to the KG according to its intent. The third step
refers to identifying the domain with the highest num-
ber of unanswered questions from the current KG. To
find the domain to insert, you can create a script that
generates a histogram automatically, which represents
the domain and its number of unanswered questions.
This allows a graphical display of domains that do not
cover the current KG; we can decide which domain to
include with this histogram.
This module can be developed fully automatically,
unlike the previous module (cf. Subsection 3.1), be-
cause each step can be applied using a script.
3.3 Restructure the Ontology
The goal of the third module is to restructure the exist-
ing ontology with the relationships not mapped to the
domain found in the previous module 3.2. The input
data to be used in this module is the new domain to be
inserted and the existing ontology denoted as v0; usu-
ally, an ontology is modified based on the new needs
of a system. Therefore, it is essential to modify the
structure of knowledge. The data from this module is
the ontology with the new domain to which we denote
it by the version v1.
The first step in this process is to search for avail-
able ontologies in the selected domain to reference
to understand how this knowledge is structured. This
search can be carried out through a review of the lit-
erature. The second step synthesizes the ontologies
with a set of properties already used in other con-
texts, which can help us in our current KG and thus
start from a base ontology. The third step is to obtain
the new ontology properties necessary for the new do-
main and the type of questions to ask; for example, if
our current domain is Automobiles, we could not an-
swer questions that refer to Technology. In this step,
the intervention of human reasoning is necessary to
combine the existing properties with the new ones; it
is possible to find new properties necessary to store
knowledge based on the set of questions and answers.
For example, by analyzing the structure of questions.
The fourth step manually combines the properties that
were previously mapped with our ontology v0; in this
step, we can use a tool that facilitates ontology mod-
eling (eg. Prot
) to obtain our ontology v1 as out-
This module can be developed manually because
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
in all the steps human intervention is necessary to re-
structure the ontology.
3.4 Populate the KG
The last module aims to insert or populate the KG
with new triples extracted from a collection of specific
questions and answers. These triples have to follow
the structure of the new ontology v1 to be added to
the KG.
The first step is to obtain the information for each
question and answer from a specific domain, which
will be collected from the e-commerce system in
which this framework will be applied. A Product
refers to an item offered in an e-commerce. The sec-
ond step consists of extracting the intents and entities
from the questions and answers entered. This process
is based on the work of Sant’Anna et al. (Sant’Anna
et al., 2020), who proposed their own Natural Lan-
guage Understanding (NLU) process, where they de-
fined the concepts of entity and intent.
Sant’Anna et al. (Sant’Anna et al., 2020) defined
that the entity represents a term or expression with
a known meaning relevant to understanding the sen-
tence. In addition to having names and values, for
example, the “brand”, “model”, “voltage”, “volume”
present in an appliance. The intent is to identify
whether the question refers to compatibility between
entities. This step is responsible for processing the
stored set of questions answered manually by human
assistants and product information, a key source of
knowledge to update the KG and answer new simi-
lar questions. This extraction process is necessary to
structure the knowledge through RDF triples.
The third step is the creation of RDF triples, which
is a key factor in updating the current KG. This
knowledge extraction process is based on extracting
intents and entities from each pair of questions and
answers (input in our framework) to structure the ex-
tracted knowledge in RDF triples. The fourth step is
to store the collection of triplets in a database, this can
be local or remote. This step aims to access informa-
tion through SPARQL queries. In this step you can
use tools that store RDF data, as well as GraphDB
, among others.
Finally, the output data of this last step is the KG
v1. This module can be developed automatically be-
cause each step can be executed through a script.
Our framework was carried out in the context of the
GoBots and offers solutions to structure the knowl-
edge of compatibility between products in a KG based
on an ontology. The company offers a solution of
questions and answers for e-commerce platforms. We
describe the results of applying the process of each
framework module in the following.
4.1 Results Applying the upKG
4.1.1 Results in Understanding the Current KG
Figure 2 presents the application of the first module,
which is to understand the current KG where we have
as input the KG of GoBots, which we denote as v0.
First, it is required to understand the structure of the
KG. In our case, we had access to GoBots documenta-
tion and the current KG in production to perform this
step. With the documentation, we conceptually un-
derstood how the KG was structured, the objective by
which the KG was designed, and how this was used
to answer questions in an e-commerce environment.
Figure 2: Results in understanding the current KG in GoB-
As a result of understanding the structure of KG,
we have a set of properties and attributes of the KG
v0. Figure 3 shows the initial ontology, in which we
UpKG: A Framework to Insert New Domains in Knowledge Graphs
observe the existing classes, properties, and attributes
to store the compatibility knowledge between a prod-
uct and a Car type object. In the second step, we used
the initial ontology v0 proposed in (Sant’Anna et al.,
2020). In this step, we used the tool Prot
e to visual-
ize and understand how the ontology was structured.
As a result of understanding current KG, we have a
set of properties and attributes in the ontology v0.
In the third step, like the previous step, we used
the Prot
e tool to understand the relationships pre-
sented in the initial ontology, which contains the fol-
lowing classes: Compatibility(FullCompatibility and
NoCompatibility), ConsumerItem, Product and Car.
Where the Product class represents a product in an e-
commerce system, ConsumerItem is an abstract class
representing an item that is related to the product, this
relationship is given by the Compatibility class, either
of the FullCompatibility and NoCompatibility types.
As a result of understanding relationships in ontology,
we have a set of relations of ontology v0.
In the fourth step, we defined the domain or do-
mains that cover the current KG. In this case, the cur-
rent domain is Automobile, which was represented
by the Car class, keeping the following attributes:
hasYear, hasBrand and hasModel, which represent
the year, brand, and model of an object Car.
4.1.2 Result in Identifying New Domain
GoBots collected a set of pairs of questions and an-
swers related to a product that human attendants an-
swered. This collection is stored in a MongoDB
database. Figure 4 shows the process of identifying
the new domain to be inserted in the new version of
the KG. For the first step, we identified all the ques-
tions that the current KG cannot answer, so we do not
consider the questions related to the domain of Au-
tomobiles. This task was carried out with a Python
script that connects directly to the GoBots dataset to
extract the question collection within a delimited date
range. In this experiment, the date range was two
months. As a result of the first step is a collection
of questions that the KG did not answer.
In the second step, we identified the relations that
are not mapped in the ontology and, therefore, are im-
possible to answer by the KG. In this step, we an-
alyzed the structure of the questions and compared
them with the properties contained in the GoBots KG
v0. Among them, we have questions like ”Is it com-
patible with LSE09 220v?”, where LSE09 refers to
a Washing Machine (Appliance domain) that works
with a voltage of 220V. This example shows that the
KG cannot store this knowledge using the Car class
defined in the ontology v0. As a result of the sec-
ond step, we have a set of relationships that were not
mapped by the current ontology.
In the third step, we created a script in Python
to identify the domains (categories) with the largest
number of questions sorted descending; the three do-
mains with the most questions and answers were Ap-
pliances, Home and Furniture, and Tools. In the next
steps, we present the insertion of the domain Appli-
ances to the new version of the ontology and later to
4.1.3 Result in Restructuring the Ontology
The ontology v0 is limited to the Automobiles do-
main, which does not allow receiving queries from
other domains. That is why when applying our UpKG
framework, the need to insert the Appliances” do-
main was identified to cover a large part of the ques-
tions not answered by the current KG. In addition, we
decided to maintain the Compatibility intent between
a product and an object from the Automobile domain.
The ontology obtained from applying our framework
was denoted as v1, which can cover two domains of
questions users ask in an e-commerce system.
Figure 5 shows the process of restructuring the
GoBots ontology to accept the Appliance domain.
The first step is to perform an ontology search; in our
case, they are appliances. A search for publicly avail-
able product ontologies was carried out because it is
intended to expand the KG to several e-commerce cat-
egories. We explored Schema.org
, which provides a
list of properties in Product and allows us to identify
the properties needed for the new domain. For this
reason, in the second step, we selected Schema.org as
the base for our ontology.
The third step is to identify the new properties nec-
essary for our ontology. In this case, we used standard
properties present in Schema.org regarding Product,
such as Model, Brand, and Material. We also created
new properties that were not found in Schema.org.
These are created from human reasoning to map the
relationships presented in the questions about Appli-
ances: Voltage and Volume.
The fourth step was to combine the properties; in
this step, we used the Prot
e tool to combine our
property list with the existing GoBots ontology v0.
The final result of this step is an ontology that accepts
two domains: Automobiles and Appliances. We de-
noted this ontology as v1.
We added an Appliance class that is a subclass of
ConsumerItem just like the Car class to our initial on-
tology, in which we added all the attributes mapped
as: hasVolume and hasVolts.
Figure 9 shows in Prot
e tool visualization all
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 3: Ontology v0 that represents the compatibility knowledge between a product (a car seatbelt, for instance) and a
consumer item (an Audi TT, for instance) (Sant’Anna et al., 2020).
Figure 4: Diagram showing the result of identify new do-
main in GoBots.
the Data Properties that connect to the Automobiles”
and Appliances domains”, some of which present
independent attributes for each domain. Regarding
the Object Properties, our ontology maintains the two
existing relationships between the Product and the
ConsumerItem through a Compatibility type proposed
in (Sant’Anna et al., 2020). These are represented
Figure 5: Results in restructuring the GoBots ontology with
Appliance Domain.
by compatibleWith and hasCompatibility, where com-
patibleWith ranges to a ConsumerItem and domain to
a Compatibility type. However, hasCompatibility has
a Compatibility type as range and a Product domain.
Figure 6 shows the metrics of the ontology struc-
UpKG: A Framework to Insert New Domains in Knowledge Graphs
ture in terms of classes, properties, and axioms. The
ontology v0 presents 7 classes while our ontology v1.
Figure 6 presents a total of 8 classes. This shows that
inserting a new domain in ontology was simple, con-
sidering that ontology v0 was well-designed to accept
other domains.
Figure 6: Metrics of the ontology v1.
Figure 7 graphically represents how the v1 ontol-
ogy was structured.
Figure 8 and Figure 9 show the Object Property
and Data Property of the ontology v1, respectively.
The structure and relationships of the ontology v1
were validated using Prot
e built-in debugging tool
. OntoDebug (Schekotihin et al., 2018)
is a Prot
e plugin that implements an interactive ap-
proach to ontology debugging, since having a faulty
ontology the tool finds a set of faulty axioms that ex-
plain the problem. The main goal of OntoDebug is to
help find those axioms in ontologies, giving informa-
tion if an ontology is inconsistent. Figure 10 presents
our final ontology v1 validated with OntoDebug. We
obtained as a result of the execution, that our ontology
is coherent and consistent.
4.1.4 Result in Populating the KG
To populate our KG, we collected a set of questions
and answers from the GoBots database between April
01, 2023 and June 01, 2023, obtaining a total of 47142
questions. We filtered out those with Compatibility
intent, obtaining 137 questions.
Figure 11 shows the automatic process of popu-
lating the KG. The first step is to obtain the product
information related to the question. This extraction of
information was carried out by a POST request, which
returns the necessary attributes (SKU, GTIN or Pro-
ductID) to create a product in our ontology v1 (cf.
Figure 7).
The second step was the extraction of the intents
and entities of the questions and answers collected
from the GoBots database. This collection of ques-
tions and answers is related to the domain of Appli-
ances. In this step, we defined and created an original
Python Script to identify the questions with Compati-
bility intent.
Once we have filtered the questions with the com-
patibility intent, we proceed with the automatic ex-
traction of the entities involved. As an example, the
question ”Is it compatible with LSE09 220v?”, from
which we extract the entities present, such as the
Model and Voltage. To perform this extraction, we
use a script, which receives a question as input and
returns all the entities defined (domain, model, brand,
volume, volts, design, and material).
As a result of this extraction, we have an in-
tents/entities collection. The third step consists of the
creation of RDF triplets; it is necessary to emphasize
that this step is performed automatically, like the pre-
vious two; this step is responsible for generating all
the relationships allowed by our ontology v1 for the
different domains, among them generating instances
of Automobiles and Appliances by triplets. These are
possible to make thanks to the collection of extracted
The fourth step was to store the data in the RDF
Stores. At this stage, we explored GraphDB
, which
is a database that stores graphs. This tool was used
to store the collected triples and execute SPARQL
queries, thus populating the new KG v1 with ques-
tions and answers from the Appliances and Automo-
biles domain.
Of these 137 questions, the automatic insertion
was done directly with a script to the OWL file gener-
ated by Prot
e. However, not all the questions were
inserted, as some did not have all the necessary enti-
ties to generate knowledge. A total of 260 individuals
were automatically inserted: 53 individuals in the Au-
tomobiles domain, 34 individuals in the Appliances
domain, 84 individuals in Product, 85 in FullCompat-
ibility, and finally, 4 in NoCompatibility, this being
our KG v1.
4.2 Results in Using the Outcome KG
With our KG v1 populated, we access the data
through SPARQL queries. These queries were de-
fined for different relevant user questions, taking into
account the Compatibility intent.
To present the generated KG’s value, quality, and
effectiveness, we show questions for the Automo-
biles” and Appliances” domains with their respective
SPARQL queries.
”Is it compatible with LSE09 220v?”. This
question refers to the product with GTIN
763293865672, where they are asking if the prod-
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 7: Ontology structure v1. Represents the compatibility between products and an object of Car or Appliance type.
Figure 8: Object Property of the ontology v1.
Figure 9: Data Property of the ontology v1.
uct is compatible with a LSE09 model wash-
ing machine (Appliance) and that it is compati-
ble with a 220V voltage. The query generated in
SPARQL would be the following:
select ?product ?comp_type ?appliance
where {
?product rdf:type UPkg:Product;
UPkg:hasCompatibility ?comp.
{?product UPkg:hasGTIN "763293865672"}
UPkg:compatibleWith ?appliance;
rdf:type ?comp_type.
rdfs:subClassOf UPkg:Compatibility.
UPkg:hasApplianceModel "LSE09";
UPkg:hasVolts "220V".
Is this pump compatible with Ford fiesta Zetec
year 2003?. This question refers to the product
with GTIN 827365281647, if it is compatible with
a Ford (Car), model Fiesta and year 2003. The
query generated in SPARQL would be the follow-
select ?product ?comp_type ?car
where {
?product rdf:type UPkg:Product;
UPkg:hasCompatibility ?comp.
{?product UPkg:hasGTIN "827365281647"}
UPkg:compatibleWith ?car;
rdf:type ?comp_type.
rdfs:subClassOf UPkg:Compatibility.
UPkg:hasCarBrand "Ford";
UPkg:hasCarModel "Fiesta";
UPkg:hasYear "2003".
Good morning, my washing machine is a
UpKG: A Framework to Insert New Domains in Knowledge Graphs
Figure 10: The debug output of the UpKG ontology shows that it is consistent and coherent.
Figure 11: Results in populating the KG with Appliance
Brastemp 15 KG and model BWS15ABANA20,
Is this valve model compatible?. This question
refers to the product with GTIN 1234567890123,
they are asking if the product is compatible with
Brastemp brand, BWS15ABANA20 model and
15KG of volume washing machine (Appliance).
The query generated in SPARQL would be the
select ?product ?comp_type ?appliance
where {
?product rdf:type UPkg:Product;
UPkg:hasCompatibility ?comp.
{?product UPkg:hasGTIN "1234567890123"}
UPkg:compatibleWith ?appliance;
rdf:type ?comp_type.
rdfs:subClassOf UPkg:Compatibility.
UPkg:hasApplianceBrand "Brastemp";
UPkg:hasApplianceModel "BWS15ABANA20";
UPkg:hasVolume "15KG".
This article addressed the problem of addressing
new domains in extending an existing KG in an e-
commerce setting. Inserting a new domain in a KG is
key to user questions and answers about products on
an e-commerce platform.
Our framework was applied under the existing
GoBots KG. This solution aimed to facilitate the in-
sertion of new domains according to the needs of e-
commerce. Our solution has the potential to improve
customer service on an e-commerce platform.
Our framework allowed us to successfully insert a
new domain, which can be applied to other domains
following the steps defined by the UpKG framework.
The existing KG must have the following require-
ments to apply the UpKG framework: it must focus
on e-commerce, have a collection of user questions
and answers, and have questions answered by human
As we observed results in Section 4.2, the appli-
cation of our framework enabled the insertion of a
new domain to an existing KG in a real-world en-
vironment. We reached a new version of an ontol-
ogy considering classes that represent knowledge in
both domains. We addressed the objects that link our
classes and, finally, the properties of the classes, re-
spectively. In the same way, it is important to have
many relationships between a product and an object
of type ConsumerItem to be able to answer several
questions from consumers. From another perspective,
using all our stored knowledge for different tasks, in-
cluding product recommendations, is possible.
The application of the UpKG framework was de-
KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
veloped using real GoBots data relying on a collection
of questions and answers. The stage of populating the
KG appeared to be the most complicated because you
need to automate various processes, including Ex-
tracting question intents/entities, creating triples, and
storing the data in an RDF Store. However, automat-
ing this popular KG process allows us to process more
data in less time than a manual process. Furthermore,
it allowed us to evaluate our UpKG framework com-
Inserting new domains in an existing KG focused on
e-commerce is an absolute necessity to enable cover-
ing a large amount of knowledge because it is con-
stantly under evolution. This study proposed a frame-
work suited to inserting new domains in a KG. Four
main modules were proposed: Understanding the cur-
rent KG, Identifying new domains, Restructuring the
ontology, and Populating the KG. Our framework was
applied in the context of a real-world company using
a collection of questions and answers about Appli-
ances. We showed that the framework application was
developed considering the addition of new individu-
als, obtaining a coherent and consistent KG within
the new domain, evidencing the viability and appli-
cability of the framework. In future work, we plan to
bring the KG v1 to production to have a further con-
sistent evaluation assessing questions asked by users
in real time. Finally, we aim to insert new domains
detected in stage two of our framework to have more
knowledge in our KG.
This study was financed in part by the Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior
Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001 and by the
ao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (Grant
. We also would like to thank GoB-
ots for collecting data and sharing their environment.
Ait-Mlouk, A. and Jiang, L. (2020). Kbot: a knowledge
graph based chatbot for natural language understand-
ing over linked data. IEEE Access, 8:149220–149230.
The opinions expressed in this work do not necessarily
reflect those of the funding agencies.
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UpKG: A Framework to Insert New Domains in Knowledge Graphs