Therefore, in this setting link prediction can discover
and recommend potential co-authors, enhancing thus
research. The proposed IA uses an array of ML strate-
gies including random forest, decision tree, logistic
regression, and neural networks. These were trained
with graph structural attributes describing the poten-
tial of a pair of vertices to attract new neighbors as the
higher this potential is, the more probable the vertex
pair under consideration is to be connected. These
attributes include preferential attachment, Adamic-
Adar index, and resource allocation metric.
This work can be extended in a number of ways.
First and foremost, the IA can be tested in larger
graphs which have a greater variety of structural pat-
terns. Moreover, more ML algorithms can be applied
to the same local attributes. Alternatively, the entire
graph can be used in ML algorithms natively support-
ing two-dimensional data such as matrices and images
in order to address the link prediction problelm using
local and global patterns.
This work is part of Project 451, a long term re-
search initiative with a primary objective of devel-
oping novel, scalable, numerically stable, and inter-
pretable higher order analytics.
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WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies