drove precisely well in an unseen environment with
different textures and surroundings. A sample image
of the seen and unseen test area is shown in figure 13
and figure 14, respectively.
It is impossible to alter weather conditions or de-
fine pedestrian behavior in real world. The main fo-
cus of driving in a real environment was on the trained
path with people obstructing the view and driving in
an unseen environment.
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ing for pedestrian zones. Initially, the work is done
in the simulation, later it is transferred to a real sys-
tem. A CNN network is designed to provide steer-
ing angles of a vehicle using RGB images from a
camera mounted on the roof of a minibus. The sys-
tem is tested in simulation with different weather
conditions and pedestrian locations. From the re-
sults, it can be seen that the end-to-end system pre-
dicts well in the driven path with different classes of
weather. If trained well for a particular environment
it shows propitious results, but relying alone on this
system for driving the vehicle is still not proposed;
it is not known when the system goes into a fail-
ure state. Overall, the reason behind the failure was
strong shadows. Also, the presence of a crowd made
the vehicle slightly steer. In future work, it is planned
to include depth images with extra output for handling
the shadows and intersections, respectively.
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics