High-Velocity Walk-Through Programming for Industrial Applications:
A Safety-Oriented Approach
Simone di Napoli
, Mattia Bertuletti
, Mattia Gambazza
Matteo Ragaglia
, Cesare Fantuzzi
and Federica Ferraguti
Gaiotto Automation (SACMI Group), Via Toscana 1, Piacenza PC 29122, Italy
DISMI, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Sciences and Methods for Engineering,
Via Amendola 2, Pad. Morselli - 42122 Reggio Emilia, Italy
Physical Human-Robot Interaction, Cooperative Robotics, Admittance Control, Walk-Through Programming.
Traditionally, industrial robots are programmed by highly specialized workers that either directly write code
in platform-specific languages, or use dedicated hardware (teach-pendant) to move the robot through the de-
sired via-points. In the last years, new strategies to manually move the robot through the human input had
been introduced. During the human-robot interaction, the most limitation of this kind of use of the robot is
the velocity reduction of the machine. Taken into account the introduction of sensor-based walk-through pro-
gramming approaches as the ideal solution to reduce programming complexity and time, this paper proposes
a safety architecture for walk-through programming of industrial manipulators specifically designed in order
to reach high velocities while guaranteeing the operator’s safety. The proposed solution is validated on an
industrial manipulator.
In the recent years the paradigm for robot usage has
radically changed, moving from the idea of com-
plete workspace segregation (achieved through phys-
ical barriers) to a scenario in which robots and hu-
mans share the same workspace and even collaborate
side by side (Michalos et al., 2021). In this con-
text, robots are becoming key elements in increas-
ing productivity, since continuous and fruitful phys-
ical human-robot interaction (pHRI) can definitely
help to achieve the higher production flexibility in or-
der to cope with limited volumes and rapidly chang-
ing product requirements. Nevertheless, widespread
adoption of robotic technologies is still undermined
by certain well-known factors, among which the in-
herently complex and time-consuming nature of robot
programming surely plays a crucial role (Pan et al.,
In order to supply productivity and flexibility ad-
vantages in pHRI, robot programming strategies usu-
ally defined as “walk-through programming” (also
referenced as “lead-through programming”, or “man-
ual guidance”) have been proposed (Ang et al., 2000),
with practical applications ranging from spraying
(Ferretti et al., 2009) to welding (Ang et al., 1999).
“walk-through programming” strategies are charac-
terized by the fact that the human operator manually
moves the robot directly interacting with the robot
end-effector. Pararelly, robot records its trajectory
and, after the teaching phase, this can be reproduced.
From the control point of view, the first appli-
cations of this programming paradigm were com-
pletely passive and relied on backdrivable actuators.
Mechanical compensation was typically provided, by
means of either hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders, in
order to help the operator lift and move the robot.
An example of this technology is represented by the
Gaiotto GA-2000 manipulator (Gaiotto Automation
Spa, ).
With the introduction of “manual guidance”
strategies, an even greater relevance is attributed to
robot safety standards, which have been updated to
address co-working scenarios as walk-through pro-
gramming. In particular, industrial settings need to
comply with strict safety requirements, given by the
standards ISO 10218-1 (ISO, 2011a) and ISO 10218-
2 (ISO, 2011b) and the most recent technical specifi-
cation ISO/TS 15066 (cit, 2015). The ISO/TS 15066
provides the Hand-guiding interaction method where
the human could exploit the manually movements to
teach a machine on how to correctly complete his
di Napoli, S., Bertuletti, M., Gambazza, M., Ragaglia, M., Fantuzzi, C. and Ferraguti, F.
High-Velocity Walk-Through Programming for Industrial Applications: A Safety-Oriented Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0012250900003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 1, pages 503-510
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
work. Unfortunatly, the standards severely limits
the robot performances during the human interaction;
the velocity is controlled at an appropriately reduced
speed. Indeed, for many industrial application, even
during the teaching phase, the high velocity of the
process is important to see a real result. Therefore,
for these cases, the hand-guiding method should be
too liming.
1.1 Related Works
Fro a purely functional point of view, walk-through
programming architectures rely on two key elements:
a sensor system and an admittance (or impedance)
control algorithm (Villani and De Schutter, 2008).
The sensor system is responsible for measuring the
interaction forces/torques exerted by the human oper-
ator on the manipulator, while the control algorithm
ensures that the robot responds to the operator’s input
Assuming that an architecture like this is avail-
able, another critical issue that still needs to be ad-
dressed is the unavoidable trade-off between safety
and performance. In particular, (cit, 2015) specifies
restrictions regarding the transferred energy, the bio-
mechanical limits and the robot velocity allowed dur-
ing transient and quasi-static contact. Among these
requirements, the most relevant one with respect to
the presented implementation of walk-through pro-
gramming applied to industrial robots that need to ex-
ecute continuous trajectories at very high velocities is
the Cartesian velocity limit of 250 mm/s.
Indeed, though this limitation may be suitable
for scenarios in which only via-points need to be
memorized (Ragaglia et al., 2016), it may prevent
walk-through programming to be used when contin-
uous trajectories performed at high-velocity need to
be recorded. For instance, spraying robots cannot
be manually guided at low Cartesian velocities, since
their motion needs to be synchronized with the spray-
ing system set-points that cannot be kinematically
scaled with respect to time.
In principle, solutions based on tele-operation
(Tafazoli et al., 2002) (Tanzini et al., 2016) could be
considered as a safer alternative to walk-through pro-
gramming, since they do not require pHRI. Neverthe-
less, the lack of direct interaction needs to be compen-
sated by adding tele-presence features such as haptic
feedback (Jacinto-Villegas et al., 2017) and remote
vision (Tripicchio et al., 2017), thus leading to sig-
nificant equipment cost increases that can be justified
only when working in highly dangerous contexts such
as building demolition, decommissioning of nuclear
power plants, disaster recovery, etc.
1.2 Contribution Statement
As already pointed out, safety regulations establish
requirements that may prevent walk-through pro-
gramming to be used when continuous trajectories
performed at high-velocities need to be recorded.
However, in industrial applications such as spray-
ing, the robot programming has to be recorded at
high-velocities without any kinematic scaling. Con-
sequently, a control architecture which satisfies the
safety regulations but allows the execution of trajec-
tories at high-velocities needs to be developed.
To this regard, this work introduces a novel safety
control architecture for walk-through programming
that combines traditional safety checks with advanced
monitoring functionalities of both the robot and the
human operator in order to ensure their safety when
recording high-velocity continuous trajectories. For
the sake of completeness, a more detailed explanation
of the proposed solution is given in (Ferraguti et al.,
Walk-through programming is without a doubt one of
the clearest examples of physical human-robot inter-
action, it consists of two different phases:
Teaching Phase: the human operator physically
guides the robot end-effector to teach the trajec-
tory to be executed, while the robot controller
records all the significant poses of the trajectory
Execution Phase: the robot plays the continuous
trajectory back.
To this regard, this work focuses on the develop-
ment of a strategy that enables human operators to
record continuous trajectories performed at high ve-
locity both at the joint and at the Cartesian space
level. Consequently, the fact that mechanical haz-
ards are the most significant ones to be taken into
account from the safety point of view comes at no
surprise. More specifically, among the various poten-
tial consequences of the several mechanical hazards
listed by (ISO, 2011a), we took into consideration two
main scenarios: human-robot impact, and entangle-
ment/trapping of a generic operator’s body part.
In order to obtain an effective trade-off between
safety and productivity, in this paper we propose to
design a control architecture that tackles safety issues
by following a two-fold approach:
Basic Safety Functions: upper bounds on both
joint and Cartesian space dynamic quantities are
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
established and the safety controller checks if
these bounds are violated during the teaching
Dynamic Human-Robot Monitoring: the safety
controller monitors in real-time the relative dis-
tance and the relative velocity of the robot with
respect to the human operator. Threshold values
are established in order to identify situations char-
acterized by a high risk of impact and/or entangle-
In both cases the safety controller checks a logic con-
dition. If both conditions are true, the programming
phase can proceed, while if at least one condition is
evaluated as false, an emergency stop is issued by the
safety controller and the manipulator is stopped.
2.1 Basic Safety Functions
As already mentioned, basic safety functions can be
implemented in order to force an emergency stop
whenever a specific dynamic quantity (at both joint or
Cartesian space level) exceeds a prescribed threshold
value. In this work three different basic safety func-
tions have been considered, each one consisting in
checking a specific dynamic quantity against a maxi-
mum allowed positive value, defined as follows:
maximum allowed Cartesian Linear Speed at TCP
R, where x
and ˙x
correspond to the
positional portion of x and ˙x, respectively;
maximum allowed Joint Velocities ˙q
maximum allowed Joint Accelerations ¨q
As far as velocities are concerned, the TCP linear
speed threshold depends on the specific task and it
corresponds to the maximum speed needed to cor-
rectly record the continuous trajectory that will be di-
rectly converted into a robot program.
Moving to joint velocity bounds, suitable thresh-
old values can be established by taking into account
a reference configuration of the manipulator q R
and by computing, for each joint, the angular velocity
, with k = 1,...,m, that would result in the maxi-
mum allowed TCP linear speed ˙x
(which is always
positive) via multiplication by the geometric Jacobian
matrix J (·).
(J (q))
Saturation with respect to absolute joint velocity lim-
its ( ˙q
) must be taken into account to guarantee that
the safety check is effectively enforced. In this way,
this safety function acts as a redundant check with re-
spect to TCP speed monitoring.
Finally, once joint velocity bounds have been de-
fined, the corresponding accelerations bounds can be
computed on the basis of the robot stopping time t.
Once again, saturation with respect to absolute joint
acceleration limits ( ¨q
) must be taken into account
to guarantee that the safety check is effectively en-
For the sake of completeness, joint velocities and ac-
celerations are checked against the discussed max-
imum values by means of their absolute value, so
that either positive and negative values are properly
checked. Consequently, the comprehensive logic con-
dition computed by the basic safety functions can be
expressed as follows:
| ˙q
| ˙q
k = 1,...,m
| ¨q
| ¨q
k = 1,...,m
2.2 Dynamic Human-Robot Monitoring
As introduced before, in addition to the basic safety
functions, the proposed safety controller is endowed
with the capability to monitor in real-time the relative
distance and the relative velocity of the robot with re-
spect to the human operator. This way, the controller
can identify situations characterized by a high risk of
impact/clamping and issue an emergency stop accord-
In order to perform these functionalities, a strat-
egy to model the space occupancy of both the opera-
tor and the robot is needed. To this regard, previous
contributions in the field of safe human-robot interac-
tion (Ragaglia et al., 2015) have already explored the
application of capsule-based geometry models to the
problem of modeling the space occupancy of complex
objects, proving that this approach can be extremely
efficient in approximating structured geometries. For
the sake of clarity, a capsule consists in the convex
hull of a sphere of given radius (also named “clear-
ance”), which is translated along a segment. For in-
stance, Fig. 1 shows two distinct capsules. The first
one on the left is defined by points P
, P
and ra-
dius r
, while the second one on the right is defined by
, P
and radius r
. As exemplified in the figure,
the minimum distance between the two capsules d can
be obtained by computing the minimum distance d
High-Velocity Walk-Through Programming for Industrial Applications: A Safety-Oriented Approach
between the segments P
and P
(as thor-
oughly explained in (Ericson, 2005)), and then sub-
tracting the two clearances r
and r
. Clearly, when-
ever d 0, the capsules are colliding.
Figure 1: Geometry representation of two separate capsules
and of the minimum distance between them (Ferraguti et al.,
In this work, capsules are used to model the space
occupancy of the robot and of the human operator, as
it is shown in Fig. 2. As far as the robot is concerned,
a separate capsule is defined for each link and clear-
ances are assigned on the basis of the links’ geometry.
Moving to the human operator, their space occupancy
can be modeled by means of a single vertically ori-
ented capsule, whose radius and height can be param-
eterized according to the anthropometric features of
the specific operator. In addition, the operator’s cap-
sule is rigidly attached to the robot’s end-effector ac-
cording to the geometry of the handle that allows to
move the robot.
Figure 2: Example of operator’s capsule and capsule-based
geometry model of a 6 DoF offset wrist manipulator.
In principle, a more complex model could be
taken into account for the human operator, by con-
sidering all the pairs composed by a robot link and
a human link that can be computed dynamically as
proposed in (Ferraguti et al., 2020). To this aim a
tracking system that allows to detect and monitor the
current position of each link of the human operator
is required to be integrated, by following the strate-
gies proposed in (Ragaglia et al., 2018). However,
the main reason behind our choice lies in the fact that
we are interested in preventing collisions by ensuring
that there is a sufficient separation distance between
the robot and the operator, rather than precisely iden-
tifying the operator’s body part involved in a colli-
sion. In addition, given the nature of the task, some
body parts (i.e. hands, wrists, and possibly forearms)
would always result in collision (or at least in close
proximity) with the robot, thus making this level of
detail not necessary.
During the execution of the teaching phase, the
safety controller updates in real-time the position of
all the capsules, computes the relative distance be-
tween each robot capsule and the operator’s one (like
it is shown in Fig. 1), and checks that the minimum
relative distance remains above a parameter threshold.
By setting this threshold equal to the distance that the
robot can cover at the maximum allowed linear speed
during the time needed to enforce an emergency
stop, the safety controller is able to prevent collisions
between the robot and the operator.
Having covered the strategy that allows to esti-
mate the relative distance between the robot and the
operator, let us focus on the monitoring of the relative
velocity between them. The usage of relative human-
robot velocity in combination with relative human-
robot distance for safety purposes has been proposed
as a safety metric by several contributions in the field
of safe human-robot interaction, like for instance (Ra-
gaglia et al., 2014). In this work, relative human-robot
velocity is monitored in order to identify situations
where at least a single robot link is moving towards
the operator with enough speed, that an emergency
stop may not be able to prevent a collision. To this
purpose, a reasonable choice for the threshold value
is represented by the maximum allowed linear speed
Once again, the capsule-based geometry models
of both the manipulator and of the operator represent
the starting point. More specifically, the relative ve-
locity between the robot and the operator is defined
as the maximum relative velocity between the robot
capsules’ end-points and the operator’s capsule.
Let us consider Fig. 3, where the solid grey bar
represents the i-th robot link, surrounded by the cor-
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
responding capsule robCap
. On the other hand, the
operator capsule opCap is pictured in the same way
around its axis, passing through opCap.P. For both
capsules clearances robC ap
.r and opCap.r are also
highlighted. By means of kinematic calculations, the
linear velocities vel
and vel
can be easily com-
puted, given both joint angles and joint velocities.
Then, by projecting velocity vel
) along the di-
rection that connects point robCap
to the axis of the operator capsule, we can compute
the relative velocity of that specific point with respect
to the operator. It is worth mentioning that the re-
sult of this projection is a signed velocity value, that
is positive if the link end-point is moving towards the
operator, and negative when it is moving away from
the operator.
It is also worth mentioning that, as stated in (Ra-
gaglia et al., 2015), linear velocity varies linearly be-
tween the link end-points. As a result, either point
or robCap
is necessarily the link point
characterized by the maximum linear velocity. Since
the projection with respect to the operator’s capsule
consists in a linear combination of the linear velocity
coordinates, once again we can state that either point
or robCap
is necessarily the link point
characterized by the maximum relative velocity with
respect to the operator, thus making it not necessary
to check intermediate points.
Finally, please note that point robC ap
of the i-
th link corresponds to point robCap
of the (i + 1)-
th link. In addition, since the robot base (which typ-
ically corresponds to point robCap
of the first
robot link) is normally still, the maximum relative ve-
locity can be obtained by projecting the linear veloc-
ities of each end-point robCap
of the robot links.
Figure 3: Geometric representation of the relative velocity
between the end-points of a generic robot link (solid grey
bar) and the operator’s capsule.
As a result, the comprehensive logic condition
checked by the dynamic human-robot monitoring
block can be expressed as follows:
relDistOk = 1 relVelOk = 1 (4)
In order to validate the proposed control architecture,
we implemented the high-speed walk-through pro-
gramming strategy described in the previous sections
in a practical industrial use case. In particular, the
strategy has been implemented on the Gaiotto GA-OL
manipulator shown in Fig. 4, which is a 6 DoF indus-
trial robot designed for spraying applications (Gaiotto
Automation Spa, ). Typically, the GA-OL robot is en-
dowed with an auxiliary turning table, on top of which
the object to be sprayed is loaded and then rotated in
order to help the robot execute the spraying programs.
Figure 4: Gaiotto GA-OL manipulator (on the right, pic-
tured in blue) and auxiliary turning table (on the left, pic-
tured in grey) (Ferraguti et al., 2023).
The implementation of the safety logic lies be-
tween the safety and functional environments, as de-
picted in Fig. 5. More specifically, the basic safety
functions (see subsection 2.1) are implemented within
the “Safety Logic” domain. On the other hand, the
dynamic human-robot monitoring functionalities (see
subsection 2.2) are executed within the “Functional
Logic” domain, which is further divided into two dis-
tinct environments: the “C++ Environment” and the
“IEC Environment”. The first one comprises a series
of libraries written in C/C++ that implement the func-
tional counterpart of the safety controller proposed in
this paper, while the latter hosts components written
in either Structured Text or FBD, like for instance
the aforementioned dynamic human-robot monitor-
ing functionalities. The communication between the
functional domain and the safety domain is realized
by means of “virtual digital IOs”, i.e. boolean vari-
ables that are exchanged between the two domains via
shared memory.
High-Velocity Walk-Through Programming for Industrial Applications: A Safety-Oriented Approach
Figure 5: General control architecture (Ferraguti et al.,
The Safety Logic collects all the information
needed to compute the Safe Torque Off (STO) sig-
nal, that cuts-off the electric power to the axis motors
(thus preventing them to develop torque) whenever it
is de-activated by the Safety Logic. As far as param-
eters are concerned, the following values have been
= 1.30 m/s - maximum linear speed at
TCP, due to spraying task requirements
= [200,200,200,300,300,300] deg/s -
maximum GA-OL joint velocities;
= [450,450,450,450,450,450] deg/s
maximum GA-OL joint accelerations;
robRad = [0.25, 0.20, 0.10,0.075,0.05,0.05,
0.075] m - robot and tool capsules radii;
opRelP = [0.000,0.000,0.250] m - operator cap-
sule position with respect to GA-OL end-effector.
Relative orientation is considered null;
opRad = 0.200 m - operator capsule radius;
opH = 1.80 m - operator capsule height;
stopT = 0.35 s - robot stopping time;
minDistT h = 0.455 m - minimum allowed dis-
tance between operator and robot capsules. It is
obtained by multiplying stopT by ˙x
maxVelT h = 1.30 m/s - maximum allowed rela-
tive velocity between operator and robot capsules.
Given stopT and minDistT h, it can be set equal to
The operator capsule radius and height have been em-
pirically selected as the medium value between the
real characteristics of the testers involved in the ex-
perimental campaign.
The value of the velocity limit has been selected as the
maximum value of the TCP reached by the robot in 40 dif-
ferent programs executed on a GA-2000 manipulator, which
is equipped with mechanical compensation systems for pas-
sive walk-through programming.
An extensive experimental evaluation phase has been
performed in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of
the proposed architecture, whose results are hereby
presented and discussed. For the sake of complete-
ness, experiments involved several testers selected
among Gaiotto employees.
First, let us show how the violation of the condi-
tions defined by the basic safety functions results in
disabling the STO and stopping the robot. Figure 6(a)
shows that as soon as the TCP linear velocity limit
( ˙x
= 1.30 m/s) is exceeded, the STO signal (prop-
erly scaled) is disabled and the robot stops. In addi-
tion, the magnification shown in Fig. 6(b) also proves
that the robot completely stops within the declared
stopping time equal to 0.35s.
Figure 6: Violation of TCP linear velocity limit and corre-
sponding variation of scaled STO signal, with magnification
between 1.70s and 2.10s.
On the other hand, Figures 7 and 8 shows viola-
tions related to the dynamic human-robot monitoring
algorithms. Figure 7(a) shows how the violation of
the minimum relative distance condition triggers the
disabling of the STO by the safety controller, while in
Fig. 7(b) TCP linear velocity is depicted. The very
same behaviour characterizes the safety controller re-
sponse to a relative velocity violation, as it is shown
in Fig. 8.
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 7: Violation of the relative human-robot minimum
distance with TCP linear velocity and corresponding vari-
ation of scaled STO signal, with magnification between
59.25s and 59.75s.
4.1 Usability Evaluation
In order to properly evaluate the usability of the pro-
posed walk-through programming architecture in ac-
tual industrial scenarios, the selected testers have been
asked to answer a questionnaire right after the tests.
More in detail, testers were asked to rate several in-
dicators, by assigning each one a score ranging from
“0” (meaning either “null” or “extremely negative”),
to “10” (meaning either “extremely high” or “ex-
tremely positive”).
Figure 9 shows the results corresponding to two
distinct indicators: perceived level of safety, and in-
duced stress. More specifically, a very high overall
score has emerged with respect to perceived safety
9(a). Please also notice that the low score regarding
to induced stress 9(b) corresponds to a positive eval-
uation by the testers. Finally, we can state that the
proposed architecture represents a promising solution
not only from the theoretical point of view, but also
from the application perspective.
Figure 8: Violation of the relative human-robot maximum
velocity with TCP linear velocity and corresponding vari-
ation of scaled STO signal, with magnification between
3.50s and 3.80s.
Figure 9: Evaluation of general indicators. For each indi-
cator, the box-whiskers plot on the left shows the approx-
imated distribution of the rates assigned by the testers, by
highlighting the median (solid orange line) and the mean
(green triangle). Then, the histogram on the right displays
the normalized frequency of the assigned rates.
High-Velocity Walk-Through Programming for Industrial Applications: A Safety-Oriented Approach
In this paper, the authors propose an innovative con-
trol architecture for walk-through programming of an
industrial manipulator. The proposed solution aims at
allowing human operators to program industrial ma-
nipulators by directly teaching high-speed trajecto-
ries, while guaranteeing the operator’s safety. A ded-
icated safety controller has been developed to moni-
tor the kinematic configuration of the manipulator and
stop its motion whenever the risk of a collision with
the human operator becomes too high.
Given the results of the experimental validation,
the authors can state that the proposed architec-
ture successfully achieves a fruitful trade-off between
safety and productivity, by guaranteeing the opera-
tors’ safety and the possibility to directly record high-
velocity trajectories.
As far as future developments are concerned, the
authors foresee to integrate a tracking system to detect
and monitor in real-time the current position of each
link of the human operator, in order to obtain very
accurate occupancy volumes.
This work is partly supported by Regione Emilia-
Romagna under the agreement “Innovazione della
value proposition di Gaiotto Automation 2021-2025”
(grant number / CUP: E32C21001090009).
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ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics