ZeitGeist: A Generic Tool Supporting the Dissemination of Time Series
Data Following FAIR Principles
Andreas Schmidt
1,2 a
, Mohamad Anis Koubaa
1 b
, Jan Schweikert
1 c
, Karl-Uwe Stucky
1 d
Wolfgang S
1 e
and Veit Hagenmeyer
1 f
Institute for Automation and Applied Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Department of Computer Science and Business Information Systems, University of Applied Sciences, Karlsruhe, Germany
FAIR Data, RO-Crate, Time Series Data, Export-Query-Configurator.
An important point for the widespread dissemination of FAIR-data is the lowest possible entry barrier for
preparing and providing data to other scientists according to the FAIR criteria. If scientists have to manually
extract, transform and annotate the data according to the FAIR criteria and then export it to make it available
to the public, this requires a significant investment of time that does not primarily reward the scientist who
prepares and provides the data. The Energy Lab at KIT is running a large cluster of an Influx database
management system with energy related time series data being stored in a variety of individual databases over
periods of up to 15 years. In order to increase the willingness to make data available to the scientific public,
we develop a tool that greatly supports and automates the publication and annotation process of time series
data stored in Influx databases.
The results of a survey published in Nature (Baker,
2016) revealed that more than 70% of the scientists
surveyed had tried to reproduce experiments of other
scientists and failed. The article also mentions other
studies in the field of cancer research and psychology,
where it is estimated that only between 10% and 40%
of the experiments described can be reproduced. This
fact has serious consequences. On the one hand, it de-
creases the trust in publications and thus in science as
a whole, and on the other hand, it is a big waste of re-
sources if a lot of time has to be invested in verifying
results from other papers in order to be able to build
on these results afterwards.
One way to increase reproducibility is to make
the original data on which the experiments are based
available. This is now also being driven forward by
a number of research institutions around the world.
In Germany, for example, by the Helmholtz Associa-
tion of German Research Centers, the largest scien-
tific organization in Germany with over 44,000 em-
ployees and an annual budget of 5.8 billion euros
(as of 2020), which recently launched the Helmholtz
Metadata Collaboration (HMC) project. The goal of
HMC is to develop and establish novel methods and
tools to document research data using enriched meta-
data (HMC, 2023). Another large organisation in Ger-
many is the German National Research Data Infras-
tructure (NFDI) (NFDI, 2023). The NFDI aims to
create a permanent digital repository of knowledge as
an indispensable prerequisite for new research ques-
tions, findings and innovations. NFDI consortia, as-
sociations of various institutions within a research
field, work together in an interdisciplinary manner
to implement the goal. An important consortium is
NFDI4Energy (NFDI4Energy, 2023),a national re-
search data infrastructure for the interdisciplinary en-
ergy system research.
In 2016, Wilkinson et. al. published a pa-
per (Wilkinson et al., 2016) in which they formally
described the FAIR Guiding principles, which had
been postulated for the first time two years ear-
lier in a workshop in Leiden/Netherlands. FAIR
stands for Findable, Accessibility, Interoperability,
Schmidt, A., Koubaa, M., Schweikert, J., Stucky, K., Süß, W. and Hagenmeyer, V.
ZeitGeist: A Generic Tool Supporting the Dissemination of Time Series Data Following FAIR Principles.
DOI: 10.5220/0012254300003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 303-310
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and Reusability of digital artifacts. A very cen-
tral idea is the description of science artifacts by
metadata. For this reason, it is not surprising that
the FAIR principles also play an important role in
HMC (Buttigieg et al., 2022) and NFDI4Energy
(NFDI4Energy, 2023). Section 3 summarizes the
most important aspects of FAIR.
An important point for the widespread dissemina-
tion of FAIR-data is a low entry barrier for prepar-
ing and providing data according to the FAIR criteria.
If scientists have to manually extract, transform and
annotate the data according to the FAIR criteria and
then export it to make it available to the public, this
requires a significant investment of time that does not
primarily reward the scientist who prepares and pro-
vides the data.
In order to increase the willingness to make data
available to the scientific public, we develop Zeit-
Geist, a tool that greatly supports and automates the
publication and annotation process of time series data
stored in an Influx database. The tool is developed in
the context of the Energy Lab 2.0 (ELAB, 2023).
The energy transition raises many questions:
How can energy be generated in an environmentally
friendly way and stored efficiently? What happens
when the sun does not shine and the wind does not
blow? And what happens if more electricity is sud-
denly needed? To answer these questions, the En-
ergy Lab 2.0 researches the intelligent interaction of
various options to generate, store, and supply energy.
As Europe’s largest research infrastructure for renew-
able energy, the Energy Lab 2.0 finds answers to all
these questions. There, the intelligent networking of
environmentally friendly energy generators and stor-
age methods are investigated. In addition, energy sys-
tems of the future are simulated and tested based on
real consumer data. A plant network links electrical,
thermal, and chemical energy flows as well as new in-
formation and communication technologies. The re-
search aims at improving the transport, distribution,
storage, and use of electricity and thus creates the ba-
sis for the energy transition.
The Energy Lab 2.0 has a large cluster of an In-
flux time series database, in which a wide variety of
energy-related data are stored in a large number of
individual databases over periods of up to 15 years.
These data in turn form the basis for a wide variety of
research projects like SEKO
(Sector Coupling), Liv-
ing Lab Energy Campus
, Kopernikus 2X
, and oth-
ers. In order to make the experiments performed at
KIT reproducible for research, it is necessary to make
these data available. So far, this has mostly been done
within git or DVC (DVC, 2023) repositories.
ZeitGeist is a web application consisting of a
backend service and an interactive frontend. The
backend provides arbitrary, predefined and annotated
time series data of a measurement (an Influx database
structure that corresponds to a table in a relational
database) via an URL without requiring any further
information for access. The specification of the data
is undertaken via HTTP-GET parameters. These in-
clude the desired time interval and specific condi-
tions on the attributes as well as a configuration file in
which the Influx server access information is stored.
The actual request is made by a series of REST-
API (Inf, 2021) calls to the InfuxDB. In order to be
able to extract arbitrarily large amounts of data, a
stream-based approach was chosen. The data is re-
turned as an RO-Crate dataset (Soiland-Reyes et al.,
2022). The column data types are extracted from
metadata calls to the Influx database (InfluxMeta,
2022). Further information about the attributes (like
quantity, unit), provided as metadata in the RO-Crate,
can be additionally specified in the configuration file.
The frontend implements the interactive construc-
tion of the URL for reading out the time series data.
The first step is to select the specific configuration file
stored for a particular measurement, which contains
the information for accessing a specific database, etc.
This information is used, to access the measurement
and determine the time interval for which data is
available. Meta information of the measurement is
read out including the attributes with their data types.
In addition, for attributes which act as tags (descrip-
tive attributes), the existing tag values are extracted.
These attributes can be used to interactively formu-
late extraction conditions (e.g. only data of certain
buildings, devices, ...). Finally, the time interval of
the data to be extracted must be specified. The result
of this step is a URL, conforming to the backend API,
to export the data.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 provides an overview of the characteristic
features of the InfluxDB database management sys-
tem. Section 3 explains the four FAIR guiding princi-
ples (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reuse),
which should apply to scientific data management
and stewardship. Section 4 introduces RO-Crate, a
lightweight approach to packaging research artifacts
along with their metadata in machine-readable form
in a container. Section 5 then introduces our tool
ZeitGeist, its architecture and internal functionality as
well as the configuration possibilities. Section 6 con-
cludes the paper with a summary and a research out-
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
The InfluxDB database management system is opti-
mized for storing and querying time series data.
Figure 1 shows the structure of a data set. Each
record consists of a mandatory timestamp, zero or
more tags, describing the dataset (e.g the location of a
sensor), and at least one field for storing a value (e.g.
a sensor value). Furthermore, you can see that both
the timestamp and the optional tags have an index for
quick access, but the fields do not. This means that
for read requests, datasets can be quickly selected by
their tag values or grouped by them, but not by the ac-
tual measured values. The timestamp is represented
as RFC 3339 UTC timestamp, with nanosecond pre-
cision, all tags have the datatype string, while the
fields can have one of the datatypes float, integer,
boolean, or string. Each record is stored in a mea-
surement, which is an organizational element of the
database, similar to a table in a relational database.
In contrast to a relational table a measurement is not
based on a schema, so that in principle each record
can have its own fields and tags. For efficiency rea-
sons, the tag values for a dataset are not stored directly
with the dataset, but a hash value is determined for
this combination of tag values, which is then stored
with the dataset.
The characteristic of time series data, it’s chrono-
logical order, as well as the lack of transactional sup-
port and less query facilities compared to ie.g. SQL,
enables the database to perform a series of internal
optimizations that result in a much higher write and
read rate than would be possible with a multi-purpose
Figure 1: InfluxDB record.
An interesting aspect of time series databases is
the retention policy. This specifies how long the
data should be stored in the database. Records whose
age is greater than the retention policy are automati-
cally deleted by the server.
Continuous queries are closely linked to the re-
tention policy. These are executed cyclically by the
database system and are used to ”downsample” the
data records. This means that older data records are
stored in aggregated form before they have reached
their lifetime, as defined by the retention policy.
An InfluxDB server can run on a single machine
as well as in a cluster. It supports sharding as well
as replication. An InfluxDB server hosts multiple
databases. Each database can have multiple measure-
ments, in which the data records are stored.
InfluxDB comes with a REST API (Inf, 2021).
This allows communication with the database from
almost any programming language. In addition, there
are a number of language bindings, all of which are
based on the REST API. InfluxDB currently supports
two query languages. One is InfluxQL, an SQL like
query language and the newer flux query language
which works stream-based. InfluxQL also supports
the formulation of queries to the data dictionary, so
that information about the structure of the data can be
read out. This feature is used with the Influx Exporter
developed by us.
An important aspect of FAIR is the possibility of ma-
chine processing, since huge amounts of data, its con-
stant growth, and high data complexity make purely
manual processing impossible (Go-fair, 2022).
The principles formulated in the following do not
recommend any technologies, standards or imple-
mentation recommendations, but serve as guidelines
for possible implementations.
Findable: Data and metadata must be findable for
both humans and computers. For this purpose, the
data must be described by rich metadata. Further-
more, data and metadata must be identifiable by a
globally unique and persistent identifier (PID). A
metadata record should refer to the record of the
described data by its PID. In order for data and
metadata to be found, they both must be registered
and indexed in a searchable resource.
Accessible: Data and metadata must be accessible
by its PID through a standardized communication
protocol that supports authorization and authenti-
cation. Even in the event that data is no longer
available, it should be possible to access at least
the metadata.
Interoperable: Metadata are described by a formal,
common, accessible and widely applicable lan-
guage for knowledge representation. Further-
more, it must be possible to qualitatively describe
relationships between the data sets, which makes
it necessary to identify the data sets according
to their PID. Example of such languages include
Reusable: Metadata should be described by a variety
of precise and relevant attributes. This should help
ZeitGeist: A Generic Tool Supporting the Dissemination of Time Series Data Following FAIR Principles
the client (human, computer) to decide if the data
is relevant or not. Also the data and metadata are
provided with a unique and accessible data usage
license and with provenance information. Further,
if there are domain-specific standards or best prac-
tices for archiving and sharing data, they should
be followed.
4 RO-Crate
The FAIR principles presented above are described
independently of any implementation aspects and
leave a wide scope for interpretation. This Section
will specifically address how research objects (files,
workflows, ...) can be described using metadata. In
the ideal case, complete experiments can be repeated
on the basis of the data and associated metadata, thus
ensuring reproducibility and reusability. In our opin-
ion, one of the most promising approaches is RO-
Crate (Soiland-Reyes et al., 2022). It is a lightweight
approach to pack research artifacts together with their
metadata in a machine-readable form in a container.
This can be done, for example, through a zip archive
or a github repository. The semantic of the metadata
is described by schema.org vocabularies in JSON-
LD (JSON-LD, 2018) syntax.
The structure of a RO-Crate container consists of
the following artifacts:
Data entities are files that can either exist locally in
the container as bytestream, reference to external
files outside the container, or they are directories.
The data entites are described in more detail by
the contextual entities.
Contextual entities exist outside the container and
are stored inside the container only by their meta-
data, like a Person, referenced by their ORCID.
The root directory of the container contains the RO-
Crate metadata file (ro-crate-metadata.json),
which describes the contents of the RO-Crate, the
metadata and their relations to each other. The de-
scription is done in the linked data JSON-LD format.
In RO-Crate it is also possible to define so-called
profiles, which simplify the domain-specific use in the
sense that certain assumptions can be made about the
structure and content of the RO-Crates, thus facilitat-
ing programmatic use.
5.1 Architecture
ZeitGeist consists of a backend service and an interac-
tive frontend. The backend provides arbitrary, prede-
fined and annotated time series data of a measurement
via an URL without requiring any further information
for access. The web-based frontend implements the
interactive construction of the URL for reading out
the time series data.
Figure 2 gives a high level overview of the in-
volved components. The ExportConfigurator (1)
allows the selection of a previously defined configura-
tion file. In the configuration, information for access-
ing the Influx database (server, port, database, user,
password) as well as the measurement to be read out
are specified. Further optional specifications for de-
fault values are described in Section 5.2. An example
for a configuration is given in the Listings 3 and 4.
After selecting a specific configuration, this infor-
mation is used to perform a series of queries via the
InfluxDB REST API (3). One of the calls determines
the time interval within which data is available in the
measurement. Also, the meta information about the
measurement is read out. This includes the possi-
ble attributes (tags and fields) with their data types.
In addition, for tags (descriptive attributes), the ex-
isting values are extracted. These attributes can be
used to interactively formulate extraction conditions
(e.g. only data of certain buildings, devices, ...). Ad-
ditionally, the time interval of the data to be extracted
must be specified. The result of this step is a URL
(4), conforming to the backend API, to export the
data. The URL contains a number of HTTP GET
parameters that specify the desired data as well as
the configuration file. An example of a generated
URL is shown in Listing 1. Beside the configuration-
file kit.cn.buildings.tapwater.ini, the be-
gin and end of the time interval are specified
2019-09-23T02:00:00Z, 2019-10-23T02:00:00Z,
as well as a restriction on the tag building (0101 or
1 h ttp s :// zei t ge is t . cli ent s . iai . k i t . edu /-
In fl ux E x p or te r . ph p ? conf i g = ki t . c n .-
bu i ld in g s . tapw ate r . ini & start =2019 -09 - 2 3-
T02 :00: 0 0 Z & end =2019 - 1 0 - 23 T 02 : 00 : 00 Z &-
se le ct _ b u i l di ng [ ] =0 1 01 & sel ec t_ b u i l d in g-
[] = 01 2 1
Listing 1: Generated URL.
The script behind the URL is
InfluxExporter (5). It is responsible for de-
livering the specified data as an RO-Crate object. The
program expects a number of key-value pairs, which
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Figure 2: General Architecture.
are delivered as HTTP GET parameter. The script
reads the configuration file, specified in the URL
for obtaining the information to access the Influx
database and then transforms the given parameter
to an InfluxQL query. The query for the URL in
Listing 1 can be seen in Listing 2.
1 s el e ct *
2 from " k it . cn . bui ldi ng s . ta p wa ter "
3 where time >= 2 0 19 -09 -23 T02 :00: 00 Z
4 and time <= 20 1 9 -10 -23 T02 : 0 0: 0 0 Z
5 and (" bu il d in g " = 0 101 or
6 " b u il din g " = 0121 ’)
7 order by ti m e
Listing 2: Generated InfluxQL query.
5.2 Configuration
A configuration is normally split into two files. The
reason for this is that one configuration is specific
to one measurement, but the connection informa-
tion for accessing the Influx cluster is the same
for many measurements. In order to avoid having
the complete login information in each configura-
tion file, these are moved to a separate file and ref-
erenced from the measurement-specific configuration
file. This has the particular advantage that if the ac-
cess information changes (e.g. the database is moved
to a new computer), the changes only have to be
made in one file. Listing 3 and 4 illustrate this fact.
The access information is located in Listing 3 (file:
ini-files/elab-ml4t.ini) and is included in line
3 of the measurement-specific configuration file (List-
ing 4).
In addition to the settings already described in the
previous section, there are a number of further op-
tional settings. These are either default values, which
are displayed in the configurator (export time inter-
val), or information, which is transferred to the RO-
Crate container as meta information.
Unless otherwise specified, the entire time
interval during which data is available is dis-
played in the GUI as the default interval for
export. By setting one or more of the properties
default interval start, default interval end
and/or default interval range the default inter-
val to be exported can be customized. Beside absolute
timestamps in UTC format, also relative timestamps
using now(), a function supported by the InfluxDB,
can be used. For example, the property-setting
default_interval_start = "now() - 1h" re-
turns all datasets within the last hour. If only absolute
timestamps are used, the property cacheable can
be set to true. In this case, the returned data record
is also stored in a cache, so that in the case of
subsequent queries with the same conditions and
time interval, the query does not have to be sent to
the database again, but can be served directly from
the cache, thus relieving the database. However, this
only makes sense if it can be ensured that the data
has not changed in the meantime (which is typically
the case with historical data).
Further properties allow a more precise specifi-
cation of the provided meta-information of the out-
put columns. While the data type (string, float,
integer, boolean, timestamp) of the individual
tags and fields are determined automatically by spe-
ZeitGeist: A Generic Tool Supporting the Dissemination of Time Series Data Following FAIR Principles
cial queries regarding the structure of the schema of
an Influx database, further information such as ”quan-
tity” or ”unit” of a result column must then be defined
by setting the corresponding properties. In Listing 4,
for example, starting from line 22 on, it is specified
that the quantity kind of field value is ActiveEnergy
and furthermore that the unit is specified in kilowatt-
hours (KiloWHR in QUDT notation).
To provide information about the publisher (per-
son, organisation), the two properties ror and orcid
can be set in the configuration file. These entries are
displayed as default values in the Export Configura-
tor’s GUI but can be overwritten. The same applies to
the property license.
1 s er v er = " https :// elab - i n flux - d1 . s e rve r . e l ab2 -
. kit . ed u :80 86"
2 use r na m e = " iai -ml4t -flx -r - 0 01"
3 pas s wo r d = "${ I A I _ M L 4T _F LX _R _0 01 }"
Listing 3: file ini-files/elab-ml4t.ini.
1 ; m an da t or y entr ies :
2 ;
3 con n e c ti on = ini - f ile s /elab - ml4 t .ini
4 dat a ba s e = fm_ ef fi c i o _ m i r r o r
5 mea su r em en t = e ff ic io _ ra w
7 ; o pt i on al e n tr i es :
8 ;
9 de f a u l t _ i n t e r v a l _ en d =" now () "
10 de f a u l t _ i n t e r v a l _ r a n g e = "1 h o ur "
11 des cr i pt io n =" ef f ic io _ ra w ( DB :-
fm _e ff ic io _ m i r r o r )"
12 cac h ea bl e = f als e
14 [ ro -c rate ]
15 r o r =" ht t ps :// ror . o r g /04 t 3e n47 9 "
16 o rci d =" ht tps :// o r cid .org /000 0 -0002 -991 1 -5881"
17 lice nce =" ht t ps :// sp d x . org / lice n se s / CC - BY -4. 0 .-
html "
19 ; o pt i on al d a ta t yp e in fo r ma ti on
20 ;
21 [ c o lu m ns ]
22 qua n ti t y [ v alu e ] = " h t tp :// qud t .or g / vocab /-
qu an t i t yk in d / Ac ti ve E n e rg y "
23 u nit [ v alu e ] = " h t tp : // q udt . o r g /v o cab /u n it /-
KiloW - HR "
Listing 4: Configuration file.
5.3 Output Format
The export of a measurement is provided as RO-Crate
container. Figure 3 shows the content of the zipped
RO-Crate. The name of the ZIP file is formed from
the measurement name and the exported time interval.
Within the ZIP file there are three files. the
file data.csv contains the exported time series
Figure 3: Result RO-Crate object.
dataset. The file ro-crate-metadata.json con-
tains the metadata in JSON-LD format. Addition-
ally the file ro-crate-preview.html was created
and packed. This file is not mandatory and contains a
human-readable representation in HTML of the con-
tent of the ro-crate-metadata.json file.
Figure 4: Extract from ro-crate-metadata.json.
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
CSVW (CSVW, 2017) syntax specification is used
to describe the structure of the CSV file. In addition
to general aspects such as separators and the use of
quotation marks, csvw can be used to specify the data
types of the columns. Figure 4 is an excerpt from
the ro-crate-metadata.json file. It shows the
connection between the file data.csv, the schema
kit.cn.buildings.tapwater-... and the associ-
ated columns together with their data types, described
in csvw.
5.4 Implementation Aspects
The current prototype is developed as a proof of con-
cept in PHP and runs on an Apache server. The
cache is implemented using a simple filesystem di-
rectory. The streaming component used is realized
using the ZipStream-PHP-library (M
annchen, 2023)
from Jonatan M
annchen. It is planned to undertake a
complete reimplementation in Python and to make it
available as open source to the community, with the
hope to contribute to the wide spreading of the FAIR
principles. The future features discussed in Section 6
will also be implemented in this next version.
The FAIR principles seek to ensure sustainable re-
search data management. By enriching data with
metadata, it should be possible for both humans and
computers to (1) find relevant data (Findable), (2) ac-
cess it (Accessible), (3) integrate it with other data
(Interoperable), and (4) be able to decide (based on
the given metadata) if it could be used in different
contexts (Reuse).
In order to be able to publish research data in the
future very easily and without significant time effort
according to the FAIR principles, we develop Zeit-
Geist that can greatly simplify the publication process
of Influx time series data. ZeitGeist allows the config-
uration of the data to be exported and automatically
adds meta-information during the subsequent export,
according to the FAIR principles and following the
RO-Crate approach.
A re-implementation of the prototype in Python
and the availability as open source is planned. For this
version we have planned the following enhancements:
Currently, configuration files are created directly
in a directory of the web server, which requires access
to the directory, but this is typically reserved for ad-
ministrators. In the new version, it should be possible
to create and administer configuration files using the
GUI of the Export Configurator. By also integrating
a user/group management concept, the configuration
files created in this way can then also be reserved for
specific persons/groups.
In the next version we also plan that not always
all attributes of the measurement will be exported, but
that the attributes to be exported can be specified.
Automatic resolution of ORCID and ROR: The
RO-Crate specification requires that referenced con-
textual entities (metadata) should at least be described
with a name and type in the RO-Crate metadata file.
The reason for this is, that clients need not to follow
all links when displaying the provided information.
Another possible extension would be to allow the
export of different temporal resolutions of the data.
This publication was supported within the Hub
Energy of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration
(HMC), an incubator platform of the Helmholtz Asso-
ciation within the framework of the Information and
Data Science strategic initiative.
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ZeitGeist: A Generic Tool Supporting the Dissemination of Time Series Data Following FAIR Principles
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KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems