and Reusability of digital artifacts. A very cen-
tral idea is the description of science artifacts by
metadata. For this reason, it is not surprising that
the FAIR principles also play an important role in
HMC (Buttigieg et al., 2022) and NFDI4Energy
(NFDI4Energy, 2023). Section 3 summarizes the
most important aspects of FAIR.
An important point for the widespread dissemina-
tion of FAIR-data is a low entry barrier for prepar-
ing and providing data according to the FAIR criteria.
If scientists have to manually extract, transform and
annotate the data according to the FAIR criteria and
then export it to make it available to the public, this
requires a significant investment of time that does not
primarily reward the scientist who prepares and pro-
vides the data.
In order to increase the willingness to make data
available to the scientific public, we develop Zeit-
Geist, a tool that greatly supports and automates the
publication and annotation process of time series data
stored in an Influx database. The tool is developed in
the context of the Energy Lab 2.0 (ELAB, 2023).
The energy transition raises many questions:
How can energy be generated in an environmentally
friendly way and stored efficiently? What happens
when the sun does not shine and the wind does not
blow? And what happens if more electricity is sud-
denly needed? To answer these questions, the En-
ergy Lab 2.0 researches the intelligent interaction of
various options to generate, store, and supply energy.
As Europe’s largest research infrastructure for renew-
able energy, the Energy Lab 2.0 finds answers to all
these questions. There, the intelligent networking of
environmentally friendly energy generators and stor-
age methods are investigated. In addition, energy sys-
tems of the future are simulated and tested based on
real consumer data. A plant network links electrical,
thermal, and chemical energy flows as well as new in-
formation and communication technologies. The re-
search aims at improving the transport, distribution,
storage, and use of electricity and thus creates the ba-
sis for the energy transition.
The Energy Lab 2.0 has a large cluster of an In-
flux time series database, in which a wide variety of
energy-related data are stored in a large number of
individual databases over periods of up to 15 years.
These data in turn form the basis for a wide variety of
research projects like SEKO
(Sector Coupling), Liv-
ing Lab Energy Campus
, Kopernikus 2X
, and oth-
ers. In order to make the experiments performed at
KIT reproducible for research, it is necessary to make
these data available. So far, this has mostly been done
within git or DVC (DVC, 2023) repositories.
ZeitGeist is a web application consisting of a
backend service and an interactive frontend. The
backend provides arbitrary, predefined and annotated
time series data of a measurement (an Influx database
structure that corresponds to a table in a relational
database) via an URL without requiring any further
information for access. The specification of the data
is undertaken via HTTP-GET parameters. These in-
clude the desired time interval and specific condi-
tions on the attributes as well as a configuration file in
which the Influx server access information is stored.
The actual request is made by a series of REST-
API (Inf, 2021) calls to the InfuxDB. In order to be
able to extract arbitrarily large amounts of data, a
stream-based approach was chosen. The data is re-
turned as an RO-Crate dataset (Soiland-Reyes et al.,
2022). The column data types are extracted from
metadata calls to the Influx database (InfluxMeta,
2022). Further information about the attributes (like
quantity, unit), provided as metadata in the RO-Crate,
can be additionally specified in the configuration file.
The frontend implements the interactive construc-
tion of the URL for reading out the time series data.
The first step is to select the specific configuration file
stored for a particular measurement, which contains
the information for accessing a specific database, etc.
This information is used, to access the measurement
and determine the time interval for which data is
available. Meta information of the measurement is
read out including the attributes with their data types.
In addition, for attributes which act as tags (descrip-
tive attributes), the existing tag values are extracted.
These attributes can be used to interactively formu-
late extraction conditions (e.g. only data of certain
buildings, devices, ...). Finally, the time interval of
the data to be extracted must be specified. The result
of this step is a URL, conforming to the backend API,
to export the data.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 provides an overview of the characteristic
features of the InfluxDB database management sys-
tem. Section 3 explains the four FAIR guiding princi-
ples (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reuse),
which should apply to scientific data management
and stewardship. Section 4 introduces RO-Crate, a
lightweight approach to packaging research artifacts
along with their metadata in machine-readable form
in a container. Section 5 then introduces our tool
ZeitGeist, its architecture and internal functionality as
well as the configuration possibilities. Section 6 con-
cludes the paper with a summary and a research out-
KMIS 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems