Encoding Techniques for Handling Categorical Data in Machine
Learning-Based Software Development Effort Estimation
Mohamed Hosni
MOSI Research Team, ENSAM, University Moulay Ismail of Meknes, Meknes, Morocco
Categorical Data, Encoder, Software Effort Estimation, Ensemble Effort Estimation.
Planning, controlling, and monitoring a software project primarily rely on the estimates of the software de-
velopment effort. These estimates are usually conducted during the early stages of the software life cycle.
At this phase, the available information about the software product is categorical in nature, and only a few
numerical data points are available. Therefore, building an accurate effort estimator begins with determining
how to process the categorical data that characterizes the software project. This paper aims to shed light on
the ways in which categorical data can be treated in software development effort estimation (SDEE) datasets
through encoding techniques. Four encoders were used in this study, including one-hot encoder, label encoder,
count encoder, and target encoder. Four well-known machine learning (ML) estimators and a homogeneous
ensemble were utilized. The empirical analysis was conducted using four datasets. The datasets generated by
means of the one-hot encoder appeared to be suitable for the ML estimators, as they resulted in more accu-
rate estimation. The ensemble, which combined four variants of the same technique trained using different
datasets generated by means of encoder techniques, demonstrated an equal or better performance compared to
the single ML estimation technique. The overall results are promising and pave the way for a new approach to
handling categorical data in SDEE datasets.
Software development effort estimation (SDEE) is de-
fined as the process of determining the amount of
effort required to develop a software system (Wen
et al., 2012). Delivering an accurate estimate is
crucial for the success of the software development
project, as an inaccurate estimate can lead to project
failure (Oliveira et al., 2010). To avoid such prob-
lems, over the past five decades, researchers have de-
veloped and evaluated several estimation techniques
aimed at providing an accurate estimate of the ef-
fort required to develop a software project (Ali and
Gravino, 2019). These estimation techniques can be
classified into three main categories (Jorgensen and
Shepperd, 2006): expert judgment, algorithmic tech-
niques, and machine learning (ML) techniques.
Wen et al. conducted a systematic literature re-
view (SLR) on the use of machine learning (ML)
techniques in SDEE studies conducted between 1991
and 2010 (Wen et al., 2012). They identified eight
different ML techniques that had been investigated
in the 84 selected studies. Among these techniques,
Analogy and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were
the most frequently adopted. The review highlighted
the increasing popularity of ML techniques in SDEE
over the past three decades and demonstrated that es-
timates produced using these techniques were more
accurate compared to other estimation methods. In
recent literature, a new approach called Ensemble Ef-
fort Estimation (EEE) has been proposed, which in-
volves combining multiple SDEE techniques under a
specific combination rule (Kocaguneli et al., 2011).
The overall conclusions drawn from the literature of
SDEE indicate that this new approach generates more
accurate estimates compared to using a single tech-
nique (Cabral et al., 2023).
Nevertheless, accurately estimating the effort re-
quired for software development is a complex under-
taking, especially in the early stages of the software
life cycle when the available information tends to be
more descriptive rather than quantifiable (Amazal and
Idri, 2019). Indeed, predictive techniques rely on con-
structing their models using a set of features (i.e., cost
drivers) that define software projects. Most SDEE
techniques generate predictions by using numerical
Hosni, M.
Encoding Techniques for Handling Categorical Data in Machine Learning-Based Software Development Effort Estimation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012259400003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 460-467
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
attributes. However, during the initial stages of the
software life cycle, the available information tends to
be more categorical than numerical. Furthermore, the
historical datasets contain a significant number of cat-
egorical features, such as COCOMO 81 and ISBSG
datasets, among others.
The categorical attributes within SDEE can be
measured either nominally or ordinally. To address
this limitation, various approaches have been ex-
plored in the existing literature (Angelis et al., 2001;
Li et al., 2007). These techniques include the use
of Euclidean and Manhattan distance, decision tree-
based classification, fuzzy logic, and the grey rela-
tional coefficient. Many of the proposed methods for
handling categorical attributes employ hybrid tech-
niques, combining a specific approach for categori-
cal attribute handling with the SDEE technique itself.
As a result, the process of constructing the estimation
technique and the preprocessing stage become insepa-
rable. For instance, distance measures like Euclidean
and Manhattan distance are specific to predictive tech-
niques that predict effort based on similarity, making
them specific to this type of predictive technique and
not applicable to other SDEE techniques such as De-
cision Trees (DT), Support Vector Regression (SVR),
or ANN.
Indeed, handling categorical attributes is consid-
ered a part of the feature engineering process, which
is a key step in data preprocessing. It involves
converting categorical attributes into their numerical
counterparts. It’s important to note that preparing the
data for a predictive model is a distinct task from the
modeling process. Once the original data has been
preprocessed and all the categorical attributes have
been transformed into numerical format, the model-
ing process (i.e., building the SDEE technique) can
begin independently from the preprocessing stage.
This paper aims to examine the utilization of cat-
egorical preprocessing techniques and evaluate their
impact on the predictive performance of SDEE tech-
niques, including both single and ensemble methods.
The original dataset, which includes categorical fea-
tures, is preprocessed using different encoder tech-
niques to convert them into numerical attributes. Four
encoder techniques, namely One-Hot encoding, La-
bel encoding, Counter encoding, and Target encod-
ing, are used for that purpose. Next, several ML tech-
niques are constructed, including K-nearest neighbor,
DT, SVR, and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) neural
networks. These techniques are trained using datasets
generated from the original dataset, with each dataset
being processed using a different encoder technique.
Furthermore, an ensemble is created by combining
four variants of the same technique, each trained on a
dataset generated using a different encoder technique.
The final output of ensemble is generated by the aver-
age rule. The predictive capabilities of these methods
are assessed using various unbiased metrics.
Toward these aims, two research questions (RQs)
have been examined:
(RQ1): Among the four encoder techniques em-
ployed in this study, which one yields superior
performance when used with a single ML tech-
(RQ2): Does the utilization of different encoder
techniques alongside the same SDEE technique
(ensemble technique) result in more accurate es-
timates compared to using a single SDEE tech-
The primary contributions of this empirical work are
as follows:
The application of four encoder techniques to pro-
cess categorical attributes in SDEE datasets.
Investigation of the impact of encoders on the ac-
curacy of SDEE techniques.
Assessment of the effect of encoders on the per-
formance of the EEE approach.
To the best of our knowledge, no existing research has
explored the impact of encoder techniques on the pre-
dictive capabilities of SDEE-based ML techniques.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 presents the main findings of related
work in literature. Section 3 defines the feature en-
coding techniques utilized in this study. Section 4
provides the empirical design employed in this re-
search. Section 5 discusses the empirical results ob-
tained from the experiments. Section 6 presents future
work and concludes the paper.
Wen et al. conducted a SLR to investigate the utiliza-
tion of SDEE based on ML techniques for estimat-
ing software development effort (Wen et al., 2012).
The review examined 84 papers published between
1991 and 2010. Through this review, eight ML tech-
niques were identified: CBR or analogy, ANN, DTs,
bayesian networks, SVR, genetic algorithms, genetic
programming, and association rules. These tech-
niques have been employed to estimate software de-
velopment effort. Among them, CBR and ANN were
found to be the most commonly used techniques, ac-
counting for 37 and 26 respectively. The review also
revealed that the estimation derived from ML tech-
niques, particularly CBR and ANN, exhibited higher
Encoding Techniques for Handling Categorical Data in Machine Learning-Based Software Development Effort Estimation
accuracy compared to non-ML techniques. Another
recent review conducted by Asad et al. focused on
the application of ML techniques in SDEE (Ali and
Gravino, 2019). This review highlighted that ANN
and SVR techniques were extensively investigated in
the literature. Furthermore, both techniques were
found to generate more accurate estimates compared
to other ML and non-ML techniques. In terms of
performance metrics, both reviews identified Mean
Magnitude of Relative Error (MMRE) and Prediction
within 25 of actual effort (Pred(25)) as commonly
used performance measures.
Recently, there has been growing interest in ex-
ploring ensemble methods in the context of SDEE
(Hosni et al., 2018a; Azhar et al., 2013). This ap-
proach involves predicting software development ef-
fort by combining multiple techniques using a specific
combination rule. Two types of ensembles are de-
fined: homogeneous ensembles, which combine dif-
ferent variants of the same estimation technique, and
heterogeneous ensembles, which incorporate multiple
different estimation techniques. Idri et al. conducted
a SLR to examine the use of EEE (Idri et al., 2016).
Their review analyzed 24 papers published between
2000 and 2016. The findings revealed that 16 SDEE
techniques were employed to construct EEE, with the
homogeneous ensemble being the most commonly
used type. Additionally, 20 combiners were utilized
to combine the output of single estimators, and linear
rules were the most frequently adopted. In terms of
performance accuracy, the review indicated that the
ensemble approach consistently generated more ac-
curate results than using a single estimator. A recent
update of this SLR was conducted by Cabral et al.
(Cabral et al., 2023), and their findings aligned with
those reported by Idri et al. They also observed an in-
crease in research work in the last five years, driven by
the promising results obtained through the ensemble
The treatment of categorical data in SDEE
datasets has been the focus of several papers in the
literature. Amazal et al. conducted a systematic map-
ping study to explore the handling of categorical data
in SDEE (Amazal and Idri, 2019). The review in-
cluded 27 papers that addressed this topic. The find-
ings revealed that Euclidean distance, fuzzy logic,
and fuzzy clustering techniques were commonly em-
ployed to handle categorical data, particularly when
utilizing the analogy technique. On the other hand,
when using regression techniques, most papers uti-
lized Analysis of Variance and combinations of cat-
egories. Furthermore, the review identified several
SDEE techniques that have been investigated in the
literature, namely analogy, Regression, and Classifi-
cation and Regression Trees (CART). Additionally,
various techniques were used to handle categorical
features, including Euclidean distance, classification
by DT, fuzzy clustering, grey relational coefficient,
and local similarity. These techniques were com-
bined with specific SDEE techniques, resulting in hy-
brid methods. The objective of these approaches,
as explored in the literature, is to enhance the accu-
racy of specific SDEE techniques when working with
datasets that contain categorical effort drivers.
However, handling categorical attributes is typi-
cally considered as part of the feature engineering
phase in the ML process. This phase is essential and
occurs before constructing an ML model. The focus
of this paper is to address categorical attributes inde-
pendently of the predictive model employed. In other
words, the aim is to generate a dataset comprising
just numerical attributes obtained through a specific
encoder technique applied to the original dataset that
contains categorical attributes (Breskuvien
e and Dze-
myda, 2023), (De La Bourdonnaye and Daniel, 2021).
By doing so, the paper aims to preprocess the data
and transform the categorical attributes into numeri-
cal representations, which can then be further used as
input for different ML estimators.
This section provides a brief description of the four
features encoding techniques used in this paper.
These techniques differ from each other in the pro-
cess of transforming the categorical attributes into nu-
merical ones. In fact, the process of transforming
categorical attributes into numerical ones is crucial
for ML technique to effectively process (Breskuvien
and Dzemyda, 2023; De La Bourdonnaye and Daniel,
One Hot Encoder: is a technique used to convert a
categorical attribute into a numerical representation.
The process begins by determining the number of dis-
tinct categories within the categorical attribute. Sub-
sequently, a set of columns is created, with each col-
umn representing one of the distinct categories. Bi-
nary values (0 or 1) are then assigned to these columns
based on whether a data point belongs to a particular
category or not. The number of columns generated is
equal to the number of distinct categories present in
the attribute.
Label Encoder: is a simple encoding technique. It
consists of assigning a unique numerical value of each
category value presents in the categorical attribute.
The numerical value starts by 0 or 1 and it increments
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
for each category. This technique can work for both
types of categorical attributes ordinal and nominal.
Count Encoder: also known as counting encoder, is
a technique that replaces categorical values with nu-
merical values based on the number of occurrences
of each category in an attribute vector. This encoder
provides additional information to the dataset by con-
sidering the frequency of a specific category’s ap-
pearance, rather than solely relying on the categorical
value of the attribute.
Target Encoder: also known as target-based encod-
ing, the idea of this encoder involves replacing the
categorical values of a categorical feature with numer-
ical values that reflect the relationship between each
category and the target variable. Instead of using the
original categorical value, a statistical value derived
from the target variable is used. This statistical value
can be the median, average, or mode value of the tar-
get attribute, for instances belonging to that specific
category. In this study, the average value of the target
variable was adopted as the statistical value for target
4.1 Machine Learning Used
Four machine learning (ML) techniques, namely
KNN, SVR, MLP and DT, have been selected to build
the SDEE techniques. These techniques are com-
monly used in SDEE literature (Kocaguneli et al.,
2011; Kocaguneli et al., 2009; Hosni et al., 2018b).
Additionally, a homogeneous ensemble has been cre-
ated using the average combiner. In this ensemble,
four variants of a specific ML technique are trained on
the four preprocessed datasets. Each variant is trained
independently in a preprocessed dataset by means of
a specific encoder technique, and their predictions are
combined using the average combiner.
4.2 Performance Metrics and Statistical
Most of SLRs conducted in the literature of SDEE
claim that the MMRE and Prediction level are the
most frequently used to assess the accuracy perfor-
mance SDEE techniques. These performance cri-
teria are based on the mean relative error (MRE).
This criterion was criticized by several researchers in
literature for being biased towards underestimation.
To avoid this shortcoming several alternative perfor-
mance metrics have been proposed such as Mean
Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Balanced Relative Er-
ror (MBRE), Mean Inverted Balanced Relative Er-
ror (MIBRE) which are considered less venerable to
bias and asymmetry, and Logarithmic Standard Devi-
ation (LSD) (Miyazaki et al., 1991; Foss et al., 2003).
Therefore, in this paper we adopted these metrics
along with their median value, except for LSD and
Pred(25). Another criterion was proposed by Shep-
perd and MacDonell called Standardized Accuracy
(SA) (Kocaguneli and Menzies, 2013). This criterion
compares a predictive model to a baseline estimator
created by a random guessing approach.
To verify if the predictions of a model are gener-
ated by chance and if there is an improvement over
random guessing the Effect Size criterion was used.
The leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV)
technique was used to construct our proposed predic-
tive techniques.
The Scott-Knott (SK) statistical test based on AE
was performed to identify the techniques that share
similar predictive capabilities.
4.3 Datasets
Four datasets were chosen for the empirical analysis
conducted in this paper. Three of these datasets were
selected from the PROMISE repository, while one
dataset was obtained from the ISBSG. These datasets
were suitable for the experiments raised in this pa-
per since they contain a large number of categorical
attributes. Table 1 provides an overview of the char-
acteristics of the five selected datasets.
Table 1: Characteristics of the employed datasets.
Dataset Size Numerical Categorical
Min Max Mean Median
ISBSG 266 6 5 47 54620 4790.10 2322.50
Nasa93 93 2 20 8.4 8211 624.41 252
Maxwell 63 2 22 583 63694 8109.54 5100
USP05 203 1 13 0.5 400 11.58 3
4.4 Methodology Used
The following steps were followed for each dataset to
build the proposed SDEE techniques in this study:
For the Single SDEE Techniques:
Step 1: Categorical feature transformation: The se-
lected encoder techniques, namely One Hot Encod-
ing (OH), Label Encoding (LE), Counting Encod-
ing (CE), and Target Encoding (TE), were applied to
transform categorical features into numerical repre-
sentations. This resulted in four distinct datasets.
Step 2: ML technique construction: Each of the four
ML techniques was built using the grid search opti-
mization technique and 10-fold cross-validation.
Step 3: Parameter selection: The optimal parame-
Encoding Techniques for Handling Categorical Data in Machine Learning-Based Software Development Effort Estimation
ters for each ML technique were selected based on
the specific dataset.
Step 4: Reasonability assessment: The optimized ML
techniques were evaluated using performance met-
rics, such as SA and effect size, to determine their
Step 5: Performance evaluation: The selected ML
techniques were assessed in terms of eight perfor-
mance metrics MAE, MdAE, MIBRE, MdIBRE,
MBRE, MdBRE, Pred(25) and LSD). The LOOCV
technique was employed for this evaluation.
Step 6: Statistical analysis: Perform statistical analy-
sis based on the AE using the SK test.
For the Ensemble Methods:
Step 1: Homogeneous ensemble construction: For
each ML technique, build four variants technique in
each of the four preprocessed datasets and combine
their estimates using the average combiner.
Step 2: Ensemble performance evaluation: The per-
formance accuracy of the constructed ensembles was
measured using the performance metrics mentioned
Step 3: Techniques ranking: The constructed tech-
niques, both single ML techniques and ensembles,
were ranked using the Borda count voting system
based on the performance metrics.
Step 4: Statistical analysis: Statistical analysis was
performed using the SK test based on AE.
To ensure clarity, we utilized the following abbrevi-
ations: SDEE technique + Encoder. For instance,
KNNOH represents the KNN technique trained on a
dataset where categorical features were transformed
into numerical ones using the One Hot (OH) encod-
ing technique.
5.1 Single SDEE Evaluation
We initiate our empirical analysis by preprocessing
the data to convert categorical attributes into numer-
ical values. This procedure was performed on each
dataset using the four encoders employed in this pa-
per. Table 2 presents the feature counts for each
dataset based on the encoder utilized. The results in-
dicate that the number of features increased across all
datasets when the one-hot encoder was applied. This
outcome is expected since the one-hot encoder cre-
ates a column for each category within a categorical
attribute, and some attributes contain more than eight
categories. For the remaining encoders (label encod-
ing, count encoder, and target encoder), the number
of features in the processed dataset remains the same
as the original dataset. This is because these encoders
replace categories with numerical values based on ei-
ther the category’s frequency or its relationship with
the target variable. A total of 16 datasets were utilized
in this study, as each dataset was processed using the
four encoders.
Table 2: Number of features after the encoding step.
Encoder Maxwell ISBSG Nasa93 USP05
OH 93 58 85 302
LE 24 11 22 14
TE 24 11 22 14
CE 24 11 22 14
Next, we proceed to build our estimation tech-
niques using the grid search optimization technique
to determine the optimal parameter values that mini-
mize the MAE in each of the 16 datasets. This process
is carried out using the 10-fold cross-validation tech-
nique. To assess the performance of the constructed
techniques, we compare them to a baseline estima-
tor, specifically the random guessing estimator. The
performance of the four ML techniques is compared
against the 5% quantile of this baseline estimator. The
results obtained suggest that the developed techniques
consistently outperform the baseline method across
all datasets. Furthermore, all the techniques exhibit
significant improvements over the random guessing
estimator. Among the techniques, the KNN technique
achieves the highest level of accuracy in all datasets,
regardless of the encoder technique used for prepro-
cessing. On the other hand, the SVR technique falls
short of achieving 75 accuracy in terms of SA in
all datasets. The DT and MLP techniques generally
achieve higher levels of accuracy, with the exception
of the Maxwell dataset, where the MLPCE has the
lowest SA value.
Afterwards, the performance accuracy of the pro-
posed techniques is assessed using eight performance
criteria through the LOOCV technique. The final
ranking is determined using the Borda count voting
system based on the selected accuracy criteria. The
use of eight performance criteria is justified by the
fact that different criteria can result in different rank-
ings for a given estimator, as each criterion captures a
specific aspect of performance accuracy. Table 3 dis-
plays the rankings obtained from the voting system.
The rankings reveal that the DT and KNN techniques
consistently dominate the top six positions across all
datasets, regardless of the encoder used. The only ex-
ception is the Maxwell dataset, where the MLPOH
technique is ranked fourth.
The key findings from the ranking are as follows:
The KNN technique achieved the top rank in the
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 3: Rank of the 16 SDEE techniques.
Rank Maxwell ISBSG Nasa93 USP05
ISBSG and USP05 datasets when LE technique
was used. In the remaining datasets, where the
OH encoder was used, the DT technique obtained
the highest rank.
The SVR techniques consistently received lower
rankings, with the ISBSG dataset showing the
lowest positions.
Three MLP techniques (trained in dataset prepro-
cessed by CE, OH, LE techniques) were ranked
last in three datasets.
MLPOH achieved higher performance accuracy
compared to other MLP techniques when using
the remaining encoders in the Maxwell and IS-
BSG datasets. In the NASA93 dataset, MLPLE
demonstrated greater accuracy than the other
MLP techniques, while in the USP05 dataset,
MLPCE outperformed the others.
SVROH outperformed the remaining SVR tech-
niques in all datasets.
DTOH achieved a higher rank than other DT
techniques in all datasets, except for the ISBSG
dataset where DTTE was ranked higher.
KNNLE outperformed other KNN techniques
in two datasets, while KNNTE and KNNOH
achieved better positions than other KNN tech-
niques in one dataset each.
To further validate the obtained results, we performed
the Scott-Knott test to cluster the different techniques
with similar predictive properties based on their AE.
The SK test identified varying numbers of clus-
ters in each dataset with different techniques. Specif-
ically, it identified 11 clusters in the Maxwell dataset,
eight clusters in the USP05 dataset, six clusters in
the Nasa93 dataset, and four clusters in the ISBSG
The main observations than can be noticed are:
In the Maxwell dataset, the best cluster consists of
three different ML techniques: DTOH, KNNTE,
and MLP with OH and LE encoders. On the other
hand, the worst cluster contains the MLPCE tech-
In the ISBSG dataset, the best cluster comprises
the four KNN techniques, while the worst cluster
contains three MLP techniques and the four SVR
In the Nasa93 dataset, the best cluster includes six
techniques: the four DT techniques and two KNN
techniques (with OH and CE encoders). The last
cluster contains the MLPOH and SVRCE tech-
In the USP05 dataset, the best cluster consists of
six techniques: the four KNN techniques and two
DT techniques (DTCE and DTOH). The MLPE
technique forms the worst cluster. Based on these
empirical findings, we can draw the following
The KNN technique emerges as the most accurate
among the techniques used in this study, as one of
its variants belongs to the best cluster identified
by the SK test in all datasets.
The DT technique produces more accurate esti-
mates, as at least one of its variants belongs to the
best cluster in three datasets.
The SVR techniques perform poorly in this study,
as none of their variants belong to the best cluster.
The MLP technique appears to be a viable al-
ternative to the DT and KNN techniques in the
Maxwell dataset, as two of its variants (MLPOH
and MLPLE) are members of the best cluster in
this dataset.
Regarding the encoder techniques, Table 4 provides
the frequency of each encoder in the best cluster iden-
tified by the SK test in each dataset. It is observed
that the OH encoder appears seven times in the best
cluster across all datasets, followed by the CE tech-
nique, which appears five times. The remaining two
techniques appear four times. These results suggest a
slight preference for the OH encoding technique com-
pared to the other techniques.
5.2 Ensemble Methods Evaluation
The next step involves constructing a homogeneous
ensemble that incorporates four variants of the same
Encoding Techniques for Handling Categorical Data in Machine Learning-Based Software Development Effort Estimation
Table 4: Number of occurrences of each encoder in the best
Encoder Maxwell ISBSG Nasa93 USP05 Total
OH 2 1 2 2 7
CE 0 1 2 2 5
LE 1 1 1 1 4
TE 1 1 1 1 4
ML technique trained on the four processed datasets
using the average rule. All the constructed ensem-
bles outperform the 5% quantile of random guessing,
as their members achieve the same, and the combina-
tion rule used is a linear rule. The EAKNN ensemble
performs the best in the ISBSG and USP05 datasets,
while the EADT ensemble is the top estimator in the
remaining two datasets.The EASVR ensemble con-
sistently ranks last in all datasets.
Table 5 displays the rankings obtained using the
Borda count method for twenty techniques based on
the performance indicators used. It is observed that
none of the developed ensembles achieved a top-four
ranking in all datasets, with the best position achieved
by the EAKNN ensemble in the ISBSG dataset. How-
ever, none of the ensembles obtained the last position
in any dataset. To further validate these results, the
SK based on AE was performed.
Table 5: Rank of the twenty SDEE techniques, ensembles
are in bold.
Rank Maxwell ISBSG Nasa93 USP05
Different clusters have been identified in every
dataset. The Maxwell dataset had the largest num-
ber of clusters with 11, followed by USP05 with nine
clusters. Nasa93 had seven clusters, and ISBSG had
five clusters. From the SK test results, the following
observations can be made:
In the Maxwell dataset, the best cluster does not
include any ensemble technique. However, none
of the ensembles belonged to the worst cluster.
In the ISBSG dataset, the EKNN ensemble is part
of the best cluster along with the four variants
of the KNN technique. The EASVR ensemble is
found in the worst cluster.
In the Nasa93 dataset, the EADT ensemble is part
of the best cluster along with its four constituents
and two KNN variants. Additionally, the remain-
ing three ensembles were not grouped in the worst
In the USP05 dataset, the EAKNN ensemble is
found in the best cluster along with its members
and two DT variants.
In summary, none of the ensemble techniques ap-
pear to be consistently more accurate than all variants
of the four ML techniques constructed in this study.
However, the combination of multiple accurate tech-
niques, such as EADT and EAKNN, generates more
accurate predictions than other ML techniques. More-
over, except for the EASVR ensemble, none of the
ensemble methods perform worse than all the ML es-
timators constructed in this study. Based on these
results, we can conclude that the ensemble methods
achieve equal or better performance than the indi-
vidual techniques constructed, providing evidence for
their effectiveness.
This study investigated the impact of encoder tech-
niques on the prediction accuracy of SDEE tech-
niques by processing categorical cost drivers in SDEE
datasets. Four encoders were used to convert cat-
egorical attributes into numerical ones, resulting in
four datasets. ML techniques (KNN, SVR, MLP,
and DT) were optimized in each dataset using grid
search optimization. A homogeneous ensemble was
constructed by combining one estimation technique
trained on each dataset using the average as a com-
biner. The proposed techniques were evaluated on
the four datasets using various accuracy indicators
through LOOCV. In short, the main findings related
to the RQs discussed in this paper are as follows:
(RQ1): No conclusive evidence exists for the best en-
coder technique to enhance effort estimation perfor-
mance. However, empirical results suggest that one
hot encoding may be a favorable choice among the
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
encoders used in this study. Further experiments are
required to reach a final conclusion on the best encod-
ing technique.
(RQ2): The results show that both single techniques
and the homogeneous ensemble developed in this
study demonstrate similar predictive accuracy levels.
In certain cases, the single KNN technique outper-
forms the ensemble technique, regardless of the en-
coder used for dataset processing.
Exploring alternative encoding techniques for pro-
cessing categorical data in SDEE datasets is an im-
portant research direction. Additionally, investigating
heterogeneous ensembles that incorporate different
ML techniques trained on various processed datasets
is crucial to determine whether encoder techniques
can serve as a source of diversity in ensemble ap-
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review of software effort prediction using machine
learning methods. Journal of software: evolution and
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Amazal, F. A. and Idri, A. (2019). Handling of categori-
cal data in software development effort estimation: a
systematic mapping study. In 2019 Federated Confer-
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Encoding Techniques for Handling Categorical Data in Machine Learning-Based Software Development Effort Estimation