In the realm of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), a
critical bastion safeguarding vulnerable network
environments from various covert attacks, the
challenge arises from these threats' ability to mimic
legitimate network actions. This proves to be a
significant hurdle for machine learning algorithms,
which struggle due to the scarcity of malicious
instances for effective training. In response, this study
introduces pioneering solutions: the MCMCRO and
GANMCMCRO algorithms. MCMCRO creatively
tackles imbalanced datasets by generating synthetic
data, achieving equilibrium in the CSE-CIC-IDS2018
Dataset. Expanding on this, the GANMCMCRO
framework blends MCMCRO with GANs,
augmenting data generation and balance.
The impact of these innovations resonates in
experimental outcomes. Integrating MCMCRO with
linear discriminant analysis redefines Infiltration
activity detection, yielding substantial precision,
recall, F1 score, and accuracy enhancements. These
advancements are statistically significant (p<0.054),
reflecting the potency of the approach. Beyond
compatibility with diverse machine learning
algorithms, the optimized integration within
GANMCMCRO showcases adaptability and
effectiveness, as seen in the results applying
IDS2018 Dataset alongside Easy Ensemble.
In the landscape of IDS and imbalanced data
handling, these contributions mark a pioneering
milestone, forging innovative pathways for network
security. With an anticipation of future extensions to
complex datasets, this approach empowers machine
learning algorithms for precise network defence.
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