A Decentralized Authentication Model for Internet of Vehicles Using SSI
Victor Emanuel F. C. Borges
, Danilo F. S. Santos
and Dalton C. G. Valadares
Future Connected Systems, Embedded Systems and Pervasive Computing Laboratory, Brazil
Internet of Vehicles, Vehicular Networks, Authentication, Self-Sovereign Identity.
The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) ecosystem is well-regarded for its overall security, yet authentication remains
a critical concern due to existing vulnerabilities that expose users to potential malicious attacks. Although
researchers have devised authentication mechanisms and protocols to address these issues, there are two sig-
nificant risk factors often overlooked by prevalent solutions. The first is trust in out-of-coverage mode, which
can leave vehicles vulnerable to receiving forged messages. The second is the centralization of the standard
authentication mechanism, where reliance on a centralized third-party service introduces authentication vul-
nerabilities that can result in access loss. In this article, we propose an innovative solution that incorporates
the Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) decentralized identity model within the Trust Over IP architecture to pro-
vide vehicular authentication. This integration establishes decentralized identification mechanisms suitable
for various contexts within the IoV ecosystem. Our primary focus is enhancing security in the Advanced
Driver-Assistance System (ADAS) context. We leverage the SSI model to design a specialized authentica-
tion scheme, aiming to effectively mitigate associated security risks through decentralization. This approach
strengthens authentication security within the IoV ecosystem, addressing the mentioned vulnerabilities.
In today’s interconnected world, the Internet of
Things (IoT) has permeated nearly every facet of our
lives, from smart homes and wearable devices to in-
dustrial automation. One of the main areas of study
in IoT environment today is the Internet of Vehicles
(IoV). IoV represents a paradigm shift in the auto-
motive industry, as vehicles become increasingly con-
nected, intelligent, and capable of sharing critical in-
formation in real-time.
The major focus of the Internet of Vehicles field
of study is on safety-related applications, which con-
sider the physical safety aspects of the driver, passen-
gers, pedestrians, and other entities involved. These
scenarios include collision avoidance applications,
post-collision notifications, lane change alerts, and
blind spot alerts. However, this newfound connectiv-
ity also introduces a host of security challenges, with
authentication standing as a paramount concern.
For securing data in these applications, their mes-
sages must be protected and encrypted, and they must
not leak information about the user. Otherwise, it
would violate the privacy rights. Furthermore, it is
essential to ensure that whoever sent the message is a
genuine user and not a malicious one.
In summary, IoV needs to guarantee the authen-
tication and anonymization of its involved entities,
something challenging for a volatile and restricted
technology such as the vehicular networks that imple-
ment the IoV ecosystem. To mitigate authentication-
related threats, some researchers have proposed au-
thentication mechanisms in various ways (Vasudev
and Das, 2018) (Gayathri et al., 2018) (Islam et al.,
2018) (Vijayakumar et al., 2017) (Cui et al., 2018).
However, none of them solve critical cases related to
the volatility of vehicles out of coverage and the de-
centralization of third-party entities. Therefore, con-
sidering a threat model based on these critical cases,
this article presents a new authentication approach
based on the Self-Sovereign Identity concept and the
Trust Over IP architecture to mitigate these threats.
The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 overviews the current authentication
issues and threats in IoV. Section 3 presents the state
of the art of authentication mechanisms in IoV. Sec-
tion 4 presents the considered threat model for this
work. Section 5 introduces Self-Sovereign Identity
model and Trust Over IP architecture for decentral-
Borges, V., Santos, D. and Valadares, D.
A Decentralized Authentication Model for Internet of Vehicles Using SSI.
DOI: 10.5220/0012259800003584
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2023), pages 545-552
ISBN: 978-989-758-672-9; ISSN: 2184-3252
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ized authentication. Section 6 presents our proposed
SSI-based vehicular authentication solution. Finally,
Section 7 concludes this paper.
In the context of IoV safety-related applications, most
messages are transmitted via broadcast and need to
be delivered in a short time. These messages must
also be properly secured and encrypted to prevent data
To safeguard privacy, messages in the IoV sys-
tem should never reveal their origin. Protecting the
sender’s identity ensures system anonymity. Addi-
tionally, for time-critical safety messages, the system
must prioritize security without exceeding a 1200-
byte limit, according to (3rd Generation Partner-
ship Project, 2017).
Therefore, authentication mechanisms in the IoV
ecosystem must be able to authenticate an entity to
ensure that it really is who it claims to be, guarantee
the anonymity of this entity, and ensure that the over-
head of this entire process does not rise to the point
of spending a significant amount of time and compu-
tational resources.
Common authentication mechanisms can be at-
tacked through various techniques, such as network
interference, eavesdropping, and intrusion. These at-
tacks can compromise the IoV system, affecting the
stability and robustness of the system or, in the worst
case, crash the system and cause accidents.
One of the most significant vulnerabilities in an
IoV system concerns user authenticity attacks, which
occur through security gaps in the authentication
mechanisms on the network. (Bagga et al., 2020) con-
siders the most recent authentication mechanisms in
the literature and categorizes them based on their al-
gorithms into four types:
Sybil Attack: The attacker creates some dummy
vehicles around a target vehicle to generate a traf-
fic jam signal while the path is clear enough,
which forces the user to take a different route.
This fake blocking is done using enumerable fake
IDs for a single node, providing a gist of more
than one node.
Wormhole or tunneling attack: A malicious node
fakes wrong information about its distance from
the target node to make all messages coming from
the sender flow through it. This creates a deadlock
and exposes all messages to the attacker’s node
before flowing over a network.
Replay attack: The adversary iterates over mes-
sages already transmitted within the network to
reuse them and illegally access services and re-
Masquerade attack: The adversary uses the iden-
tity of some authenticated user, evacuating him
from the network to mislead the innocent vehicles
present and spoof them using false and dangerous
messages. The adversary can spoof the receiver
by creating two different senders with the same
Message tampering: An attacker modifies the
content of messages to undermine the receiving
entity’s decisions by paralyzing the overall sys-
In summary, two main factors enable authentica-
tion failures in IoV and open loopholes for security
vulnerabilities and malicious attacks, which are listed
In vehicular networks, nodes move swiftly and
might enter out-of-coverage areas. In such cases
without Trusted Authority, a vehicle trusts a mes-
sage sender based on hardware compatibility, by-
passing authentication. However, this can result
in message tampering, where a fraudulent node
sends fake messages to a real vehicle. Later,
upon returning to coverage, the legitimate vehicle
might relay this compromised data to applications
(Twardokus and Rahbari, 2022).
The reliance on a third-party service (Trusted Au-
thority) for the system’s centralized authentication
mechanism, which verifies all entities, poses a risk
to the IoV system. In case of a connection loss to
a Road Side Unit (RSU) or Radio Access Network
(RAN), authentication failure within the network
can occur due to the centralized mechanism.
To address vehicular authentication challenges high-
lighted earlier, some authors have devised secure
techniques, protocols, and authentication methods for
IoV entities. They prioritize both security and mini-
mizing the time and resource overhead in the authen-
tication process.
(Bagga et al., 2020) considers the most recent au-
thentication mechanisms in the literature and catego-
rizes them based on their algorithms into five types:
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 1: Notations of times required for unit operations in
Notation Unit Operation Time
Tecm Elliptic curve point mult. 17.10 ms
Teca Elliptic curve point add. 4.40 ms
Tmtp Map-to-point operation 44.06 ms
Tbp Bilinear pairing 42.11 ms
Th One-way hash function 0.32 ms
Texp Modular exponentiation 19.20 ms
Tenc/dec Synmetric encr./decryption 0.32 ms
Lightweight Authentication: These are the sim-
plest and lightest authentication methods, ideal
for the IoT context in general, but require aux-
iliary mechanisms for security. It guarantees se-
curity mainly against sybil attacks and replay at-
Batch Verification Based Authentication: A batch
verification method optimizes an authentication
protocol by verifying the received signatures to-
gether in batches on the verifier side. Ensures se-
curity against mascarade attacks.
Privacy-preserving Authentication: These are
mechanisms that focus on preserving user privacy
along with providing authentication. Ensures se-
curity against replay attacks and message tamper-
Dual Authentication: These are methods that
meet the demand for authentication by providing
a dual authentication mode. It guarantees security
mainly in sybil and message tampering attacks.
Hashchain-based Authentication: Mechanisms
that perform authentication based on a hash func-
tion, which are the ones with the least computa-
tional overhead. Mainly solves attacks related to
data modification such as message tampering.
We examined the top-performing authentication
mechanisms in each category, focusing on their time
and computational efficiency (Bagga et al., 2020). We
quantified time costs using unit operations and their
approximate durations, as outlined in Table 1.
3.1 Lightweight Authentication
(Vasudev and Das, 2018) presented a two-tier light-
weight authentication model featuring an upper layer
housing a trusted vehicle server equipped with re-
markable storage and computational resources, while
the lower layer consists of vehicles. The protocol
of this model encompasses a configuration phase,
followed by registration and authentication phases
that are seamlessly interconnected, ultimately en-
abling vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. No-
tably, this protocol brings forth advantageous out-
comes such as reduced battery consumption, mini-
mized communication overhead, lowered implemen-
tation costs, and improved processing time.
Estimated time = 4Th + 2Tenc/dec = 1.92 ms
Transfer of message size = 800 bits
3.2 Batch Verification Based
(Gayathri et al., 2018) introduced an authentication
scheme based on batch verification, which offers a
reduced computational overhead by eliminating the
need for certificates and pairing techniques. This
scheme ensures the security of authentication by ad-
dressing concerns related to tampering, traceability,
anonymity, and revocation.
Estimated time = 5Th + 7Tecm + 3Teca = 134.5
Transfer of message size = 960n bits (where n is
the batch scan of n messages)
3.3 Privacy-Preserving Authentication
(Islam et al., 2018) present a conditional privacy-
preserving authentication protocol and group key gen-
eration protocol based on passwords, designed to
minimize memory usage by the Trusted Authority.
This scheme ensures identity maintenance and pro-
vides authentication, forward and reverse secrecy.
Moreover, it offers robust security against replay,
impersonation, modification, and offline password
guessing attacks.
Estimated time = 10Th = 3.2 ms
Transfer of message size = 1632 bits
3.4 Dual Authentication
(Vijayakumar et al., 2017) propose a scheme that in-
corporates double authentication to prevent the entry
of malicious nodes into the network. After authen-
tication, the TA message is multicast to all authen-
ticated vehicles. The message multicasting process
utilizes a key calculated through the utilization of the
Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). This scheme en-
sures security against various attacks, including Sybil
attacks, spoofing, replaying, fabrication, altering mes-
sage moderation, and collusion attacks. Additionally,
the proposal maintains secrecy in both directions, en-
suring confidentiality of communication.
Estimated time = 2Th + 4Texp + 6Tenc/dec =
79.36 ms
A Decentralized Authentication Model for Internet of Vehicles Using SSI
Transfer of message size = 3168 bits
3.5 Hashchain-Based Authentication
(Cui et al., 2018) introduce a hashchain-based pro-
posal for conditional privacy protection, leveraging
the use of a hash function. While many protocols
rely on bilinear pairing or elliptic curves, this pro-
tocol stands out as the most cost-effective option by
employing simple hash functions. The scheme ex-
cels in privacy preservation, detection of malicious
nodes, ensuring message authenticity and integrity,
maintaining secrecy, and offering protection against
replay, impersonation, and modification attacks.
Estimated time = 5Th = 1.6 ms
Transfer of message size = 1312 bits
3.6 Summary of the Solutions
Of the studied solutions, the strategy of (Cui et al.,
2018) is the most efficient in terms of security against
malicious attacks and preservation of privacy, at the
same time that it does not increase the overhead con-
siderably, nor does it need auxiliary security mecha-
nisms as in lightweight category protocols.
However, none of the mechanisms studied can
solve the fact that authentication in the IoV ecosys-
tem is centralized and dependent on a third-party ser-
vice in a Trusted Authority. In fact, this is an open
research question according to some studies (Bagga
et al., 2020) (Alladi et al., 2020) (Xi et al., 2022).
One of the potential solutions cited in the liter-
ature is the creation of a blockchain-based authen-
tication mechanism, one of the prominent technolo-
gies that can provide the solution for today’s cen-
tralized infrastructures. The advantages of using the
blockchain-based IoV system is to support decen-
tralization, immutability, transparency, confidentiality
and trust, such as smart grid systems (Musleh et al.,
Considering this gap in current authentication
mechanisms, we’ve crafted a threat model to analyze
how a malicious entity might exploit out-of-coverage
vehicles and disrupt both centralized and third-party
authentication systems.
Our threat model use the Cellular-V2X communi-
cation standard, proposed by 3GPP (3rd Generation
Partnership Project, 2017), which uses PC5 interface
for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, and Uu
interface for vehicle-to-network (V2N) communica-
tion. In the proposed scenario, we wish to inves-
tigate potential authentication threats related to the
Advanced Driver-Assistance System (ADAS) appli-
cation, widely used in IoV ecosystem.
The threat model can be seen in Figure 1 and fol-
lows the steps below:
When vehicles are out of coverage, that is, with-
out access to cellular network, they automatically
switch to using out-of-coverage communication
mode. The trust in this interface is established via
hardware (meaning having a compatible OBU is
If we introduce a fake node that possesses a com-
patible OBU, it will be capable of transmitting
false messages to a neighboring OBU through
vehicle-to-vehicle communication (V2V). The af-
fected OBU must, at some point, regain coverage
and be reallocated to in-coverage communication
The affected OBU will transmit manipulated in-
formation to the eNb RAN through vehicle-to-
network communication (V2N).
The ADAS application server will capture this
data and might make incorrect decisions based
on it, subsequently transmitting them to the eNb
The eNb RAN will broadcast data with erroneous
decisions to neighboring OBUs via V2N.
Considering the proposed threat model, in the
next section we will present a framework that can be
used to develop a decentralized authentication solu-
tion plan to address this issue.
Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) is a model of decentral-
ized identity that promotes the control and individual
ownership to entities of their digital identities without
relying on third parties (Soltani et al., 2021). In other
words, the principle of SSI is that each entity owns its
identity, and shares only what is necessary to authen-
ticate itself to the system.
The SSI model has the following assumptions:
Users must have an independent existence;
Entities must control their own identities;
Users must have access to their own data;
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Diagram of the proposed threat model.
Systems and algorithms must be transparent to the
Identities must be persistent;
Users must have a consensus on the use of their
Disclosure of claims for authentication should be
Users’ rights to privacy must be protected.
Creating an SSI identity model requires three key
elements: a distributed ledger, typically a blockchain,
serving as a decentralized database for recording per-
sistent data; decentralized identifiers (DIDs), unique
self-generated IDs ensuring immutability; and verifi-
able credentials (VCs), cryptographically secure dig-
ital versions of credentials presented to verifiers.
Within these elements, the SSI model comprises
four entities: the issuer, responsible for issuing veri-
fiable credentials; the holder, possessing a decentral-
ized identifier and receiving credentials; the verifier,
tasked with verifying credentials’ validity based on
evidence; and the record of verifiable data, facilitat-
ing access to the distributed ledger.
The aim is for each authentication context to have
accredited issuers authorized by the record of veri-
fiable data. These issuers provide verifiable creden-
tials to holders, who, during authentication, interact
with verifiers. Verifiers request a proof of credential
and ensure it originates from an authorized verifier,
thereby verifying the user’s authenticity.
The self-sovereign identity model offers secure,
decentralized authentication and privacy preservation.
It achieves this through two methods: selective disclo-
sure, allowing the model to choose which credential
data to reveal to verifiers while protecting unneces-
sary information, and Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP),
a mechanism that allows holders to prove they meet a
requirement to verifiers without disclosing supporting
To implement the SSI model in a system, it is
necessary to use an architecture. As such, Trust
Over IP (ToIP) is a layered set of technical protocols
and governance structures that function as a decen-
tralized identity architecture, implementing the Self
Sovereign Identity model to enable trust (Davie et al.,
2019). ToIP is usually used in conjunction with SSI,
as it is a faithful implementation of the model that
brings the advantages of fraud mitigation, process
simplification and reduced infrastructure costs.
Trust Over IP has a protocol layer stack that is fol-
lowed in its architecture. It has four layers, which are
divided into two categories: technology and gover-
The technology stack is divided into the following
Layer 1 - Public Utilities: This foundational
layer encompasses defined utilities responsible for
maintaining verifiable data records for different
DID methods. These utilities store DIDs with
associated public keys, utilizing diverse decen-
tralized ledger technologies such as blockchains,
distributed ledgers, decentralized file systems, or
Layer 2 - Peer-to-peer communication: Estab-
lishes wallet-to-wallet connections, which persist
until one of the parties gives up. Data wallets
interoperate to exchange DIDs and public keys
without intermediaries.
Layer 3 - Data Exchange Protocols: This pivotal
layer in the ToIP architecture (depicted in Figure
2) focuses on issuer-verifiable credential transac-
tions with holders. Holders get credentials ver-
ified by verifiers, leveraging issuer information
accessed through the verifiable data record. To
issue a verifiable credential, an issuer employs
a private key for digital signing. A data wallet
conducts this transaction and stores the credential
A Decentralized Authentication Model for Internet of Vehicles Using SSI
while keeping issuance private. Verification oc-
curs using public key cryptography. Credentials
are acquired by holders through issuer requests,
stored in their data wallet. When a verifier seeks
proof of a credential, the data wallet generates
specific data proof. This proof includes the is-
suer’s DID, enabling verifiers to verify the issuer’s
signature by referencing the verifiable data record
and the issuer’s public key. The Verifiable Data
Registry (VDR) stores issuer DIDs, public keys,
and cryptographic data. The VDR indexes issuer
keys alongside DIDs, allowing sharing of issuer
DIDs for correct public key retrieval. The VDR
does not store actual credential data.
Layer 4 - Application Ecosystem: Applications
are built using DIDs and verifiable credentials to
establish an ecosystem of digital trust.
Figure 2: Entity flow in VC-based identification.
The governance stack defines the following layers:
Layer 1 - Utility Frameworks: Governance en-
sures the security and integrity of verifiable data
records. If a registry is operated as an authorized
network, it will have a government entity respon-
sible for its oversight.
Layer 2 - Agent Frameworks: Government au-
thorities set security, privacy, usability, accessibil-
ity, and data protection standards for data wallets.
Agent frameworks specify trust programs, mak-
ing it easier for holders to choose data wallets and
agents that meet standards.
Layer 3 - Credential Frameworks: Credentials al-
low holders to build trust with verifiers, as long as
everyone knows the governance rules being fol-
lowed. The governing authority sets policies for
issuers that meet the needs, as well as rules for
registering issuers and verifiers.
Layer 4 - Ecosystem Frameworks: Governance
facilitates trust between members of a digital trust
ecosystem. The governing authority is responsi-
ble for the security, privacy, and accountability of
the system. Auditors can verify that members are
adhering to specified frameworks.
The set of all layers seen above forms the Trust
Over IP architecture, which implements the self-
sovereign identity model. This framework can be
used to authenticate an IoV system and to solve the
proposed threat model, as shown in the next section.
As seen in the previous section, the use of a model
based on Self Sovereign Identity and based on the
Trust Over IP architecture can favor the decentral-
ization of a system, as well as avoid dependence on
third-party services, mainly due to the presence of the
distributed ledger, based on blockchain, in the process
of identifying entities.
The same concept can be applied to ADAS sce-
nario previously discussed in threat model, with re-
gard to the authentication of vehicles and other enti-
ties in the vehicular network. The proposed authenti-
cation scheme can be seen in Figure 3.
The ecosystem surrounding ADAS makes use of a
decentralized authentication based on Self-Sovereign
Identity (SSI).
A new vehicle, when in-coverage, upon register-
ing with the ADAS application, requests a Verifiable
Credential (VC) from the eNb RAN with access to the
ADAS application. The eNb RAN has a DID and is
coupled with a UE that acts as an issuer and verifier of
credentials for the applications it has access to. The
eNb RAN creates a new VC, registers the key pair
with its DID in the Verifiable Data Registry (VDR),
which is a distributed ledger, and returns the VC to
the vehicle to be stored in its data wallet.
When this vehicle is out-of-coverage, it might re-
ceive a V2X message from a fake node with identi-
cal hardware characteristics (therefore, accepted by
C-V2X architecture). The vehicle stores the message
content with a ”pending” flag along with the entity’s
Upon returning to in-coverage mode, the vehicle
must update the ADAS system through V2N mes-
sages. In one of these messages, the vehicle must send
the received information from the fake node, marked
as pending, along with the sender’s information and
their VC.
The eNb RAN must access the VDR to confirm
the authenticity of the message. When it decrypts the
WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
VC with the public key, this will result in a nonexis-
tent DID. As a result, the eNb RAN rejects the mes-
sage content, and it does not reach the ADAS applica-
tion server, thus avoiding future decision-making er-
rors that the server could cause.
Figure 3: Authentication scheme in SSI-based IoV ecosys-
tem for ADAS.
Although this is an open study, some research on
the use of SSI in the IoV ecosystem has already been
carried out, even if not in the context of authentica-
tion. (Theodouli et al., 2020) proposes an identity and
trust management framework based on SSI to authen-
ticate a software vendor API with the vehicle, aiming
to improve the software update of IoT devices em-
bedded in the vehicle. Even though it is not a study
directly related to vehicular authentication in the IoV
ecosystem, the research proves the possibility of us-
ing all of this framework in the context of vehicular
In brief, while the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) ecosys-
tem is commonly regarded as secure, it contains au-
thentication vulnerabilities that expose users to poten-
tial malicious attacks. Although researchers have de-
veloped authentication mechanisms and protocol so-
lutions to address these concerns, none of the evalu-
ated solutions effectively tackle the issue of maintain-
ing vehicle trust when out of network coverage, nor
address the centralized nature of the default authen-
tication mechanism. These factors introduce risks of
authentication failures, as detailed in the threat model.
To confront this challenge, we proposed to apply
the Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) decentralized iden-
tity model in conjunction with the Trust Over IP ar-
chitecture. This integration offers a compelling ap-
proach for implementing decentralized identification
in diverse contexts. Additionally, we have discussed a
proposed solution that incorporates an SSI-based au-
thentication scheme within the IoV ecosystem, with a
particular focus on ADAS applications. This solution
provides a foundation for future research endeavors to
explore and enhance.
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WEBIST 2023 - 19th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies