VC with the public key, this will result in a nonexis-
tent DID. As a result, the eNb RAN rejects the mes-
sage content, and it does not reach the ADAS applica-
tion server, thus avoiding future decision-making er-
rors that the server could cause.
Figure 3: Authentication scheme in SSI-based IoV ecosys-
tem for ADAS.
Although this is an open study, some research on
the use of SSI in the IoV ecosystem has already been
carried out, even if not in the context of authentica-
tion. (Theodouli et al., 2020) proposes an identity and
trust management framework based on SSI to authen-
ticate a software vendor API with the vehicle, aiming
to improve the software update of IoT devices em-
bedded in the vehicle. Even though it is not a study
directly related to vehicular authentication in the IoV
ecosystem, the research proves the possibility of us-
ing all of this framework in the context of vehicular
In brief, while the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) ecosys-
tem is commonly regarded as secure, it contains au-
thentication vulnerabilities that expose users to poten-
tial malicious attacks. Although researchers have de-
veloped authentication mechanisms and protocol so-
lutions to address these concerns, none of the evalu-
ated solutions effectively tackle the issue of maintain-
ing vehicle trust when out of network coverage, nor
address the centralized nature of the default authen-
tication mechanism. These factors introduce risks of
authentication failures, as detailed in the threat model.
To confront this challenge, we proposed to apply
the Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) decentralized iden-
tity model in conjunction with the Trust Over IP ar-
chitecture. This integration offers a compelling ap-
proach for implementing decentralized identification
in diverse contexts. Additionally, we have discussed a
proposed solution that incorporates an SSI-based au-
thentication scheme within the IoV ecosystem, with a
particular focus on ADAS applications. This solution
provides a foundation for future research endeavors to
explore and enhance.
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