Sustainability in Robotic Process Automation: Proposing a Universal
Implementation Model
Christian Daase
, Anuraag Pandey, Daniel Staegemann
and Klaus Turowski
Institute of Technical and Business Information Systems, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
Keywords: Robotic Process Automation, Sustainability, Business Automation, Design Science Research.
Abstract: Robotic process automation (RPA) is a key technology for automating mundane, repetitive back-office tasks
that are typically performed by human workers. Because RPA instantiations, known as software robots,
operate partially with the same graphical user interfaces as humans and can only replicate the business
processes for which they were previously designed, they can lack sustainability as they stop working when
sudden changes occur. This paper argues that RPA endeavors should be planned as long-term journeys
through the era of digital transformation. Based on a systematic literature review and interviews with experts
from industries that have successfully implemented software robots, this study summarizes and proposes a
universal model for sustainable RPA implementation. The model consists of three phases, from planning to
development to maintenance and scaling of projects. Although thorough evaluation is required through careful
application of the proposed workflows, a useful addition to the body of knowledge on RPA could be created
as all design decisions were made with the approval of industry experts.
In the modern business world, automating various
processes, both physical and digital, is not a new
phenomenon. However, the question of what should
be automated at all and what should better remain in
qualified human hands is still fundamental in business
and information systems engineering (BISE) (van der
Aalst et al., 2018). While in manufacturing, the
outsourcing of entire production lines to robots is
already realized (Scheer, 2019), the office work in the
background is still a field with unleveraged potential
for the automation of repetitive digital tasks
(Siderska, 2020). Robotic process automation (RPA),
taking its beginnings around the year 2015 (Wewerka
and Reichert, 2023), describes the adoption of
software robots that can interact with computer
systems’ user interfaces in a manner like how a
human would and that can imitate the learned
behavior (Daase et al., 2020; Scheer, 2019). Gartner,
a major market research and consulting company,
defines RPA as tools that “perform ‘if, then, else’
statements on structured data” and that map “a
process in the RPA tool language for the software
‘robot’ to follow” (Tornbohm and Dunie, 2017).
Software robots are usually divided into two
types: attended and unattended ones. The basic
difference between both is the role of human workers
during task execution. While attended robots are
actively started, monitored, and interacted with by
responsible employees, unattended robots run
independently in the background on a server and are
triggered either by external events or according to a
schedule (Langmann and Turi, 2022). As a potential
combination, hybrid robots can take on characteristics
of both to enable end-to-end automation for processes
that involve human workers as well as back-end
functionalities (Javed et al., 2021).
As intuitive as the approach to develop software
robots based on the imitation of human actions on
graphical user interfaces may seem, issues arise when
underlying process flows undergo changes and robots
lack the ability to adapt dynamically. Given this
challenge and the fact that RPA has proved its use in
the application in a multitude of fields, such as
banking, insurance, healthcare, telecommunications,
Daase, C., Pandey, A., Staegemann, D. and Turowski, K.
Sustainability in Robotic Process Automation: Proposing a Universal Implementation Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0012260200003543
In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2023) - Volume 1, pages 770-779
ISBN: 978-989-758-670-5; ISSN: 2184-2809
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
and logistics (Ivančić et al., 2019; Siderska, 2020), it
is critical to find long-term solutions for deploying
RPA. In context of this paper, making RPA solutions
robust and suitable for long-term usage is to be
understood as making them sustainable as further
explained in the second section. This paper
contributes to the understanding and improvement of
RPA projects in various scenarios by highlighting
factors that affect the efficiency directly and
indirectly, by collecting data from experts involved in
the field of industry automation, and by proposing a
model for the sustainable implementation of RPA.
To achieve these goal, empirical research is
conducted by combining a systematic literature
review (SLR) on perspectives from scientific
publications and interviews with experts from the
industry. The research is formalized with three
research questions (RQs). First, the literature on the
application of RPA is examined to identify factors
that determine when an RPA solution is in an
appropriate, meaningful state that is worth to be made
sustainable. Second, organizational factors that
facilitate the successful implementation of software
robots need to be identified to assemble the final
model for sustainable RPA integration. Third, precise
strategic approaches for the design and
implementation process of RPA solutions that target
sustainable implementations have to be analyzed and
synthesized into a unified model.
RQ1: How do RPA adopters assess performance
after the implementation of RPA projects?
RQ2: What are predominant organizational factors
responsible for the success of RPA projects
and how can they be measured?
RQ3: How could a strategic approach for sustainable
design and implementation of software robots
look like, based on currently followed
approaches in the industry?
Subsequently to this introductory section, the term
sustainability in terms of RPA is defined as used in
this paper. In the third section, the adopted
methodology for the construction of a model for
sustainable RPA implementation is presented. In the
fourth and fifth section, respectively, are the results
of the SLR and of the conducted interviews explained
in detail. Section six is focused on the final
composition of the previously outlined model.
Section seven concludes this work with a summary of
the most important findings from the research.
Furthermore, limitations and potential future
directions are outlined.
Before factors and approaches for the sustainable
implementation of software robots can be evaluated,
the term sustainability in this regard needs to be
defined. RPA is primarily designed to automate
structured, repetitive tasks that would otherwise
require manual labor, for example by using virtual
keyboards and user interfaces as a human would do
(Scheer, 2019). By introducing RPA, employees can
be freed to perform tasks that are more value-adding
for the respective organization. This paper argues that
the use of RPA should be long-term, meaning that
even after the customer has received the desired
product, the company should continue to provide
services such as maintenance and post-deployment
Once companies try to scale their automation
endeavors, the number of involved software and
applications increases, which can lead to a situation
where the company suffers a significant loss if
multiple robots fail due to a shared yet
malfunctioning system. Such a failure may seem
inevitable from time to time, since software robots are
usually built on top of existing applications. For
example, the robot will fail as soon as the user
interface of any involved software changes.
Therefore, striving for sustainability with respect to
this research means developing a model that enables
a workflow that minimizes such failures and enables
long-term use of software robots by anticipating
potential problems and providing adequate
This work adopts the guidelines on design science
research (DSR) by Hevner et al. (2004) which is a
branch of research in information systems intended to
solve identified business problems by developing a
so-called artifact as a working solution. In this case,
the outcome of this effort is a model for sustainable
RPA integration which is informed by systematic
theoretical groundwork. The organizational problem
to be solved is bridging the gap between the targeted
use of software robots at a given point in time and the
long-term benefits of the same. The six individual
research steps are derived from the DSR methodology
proposed by Peffers et al. (2007). First, the problem
is identified and motivated. This is conducted within
the introduction by outlining the benefits of RPA on
organizational performance and by stating the
Sustainability in Robotic Process Automation: Proposing a Universal Implementation Model
challenges regarding technical sustainability of the
robots. Second, objectives of a solution shall be
defined. Since the outcome is a model for a
recommendable development and maintenance
process, the objectives are derived, on the one hand,
from case studies and similar in scientific literature
and from the experience of experts in the field. Third,
the design and development follow. This is conducted
by reasoning and connection the acquired knowledge
from the theoretical groundwork. Up to this point, the
steps carried out form the theoretical basis, while the
remaining three steps represent the practical work that
builds on this (Daase et al., 2022). Forth, the artifact
should be demonstrated in a suitable context. Since
the model encompasses all stages of RPA integration
in a universally applicable form, this demonstration
does only take place through explaining how its
phases would guide the integration process in theory.
Fifth, an evaluation of the artifact is recommended to
gain knowledge about it which could, in turn, be used
to iterate back to the design for a refinement. As the
complexity and scope of the model require a broad
evaluation in various contexts and companies, this
step is postponed to future work. The sixth step, the
communication of the work, is performed by
providing the insights of this research to the scientific
community. Figure 1 summarizes the overall
Figure 1: Design science research process.
3.1 Systematic Literature Review
An SLR is a method for assessing and comprehending
all existing research pertinent to a certain research
question, topic, or phenomenon of interest. SLR
assists in recognizing any gaps in the existing
research and recommending topics for additional
study (Kitchenham and Charters, 2007). According to
Hevner et al. (2004), rigor comes from efficiently
using that body of current knowledge for the
development of the artifact. The search was
conducted in the four databases ACM Digital Library,
ScienceDirect, Scopus, and SpringerLink. Based on
the specified research objectives, pilot searches, and
iterative refinements, the search phrase was
constructed. To keep a broad enough knowledge base
as well as a manageable number of articles, the
following query was found to be sufficient:
Q: “robotic process automation” AND
(“sustainable RPA” OR “RPA governance
model” OR “intelligent process automation”
OR “RPA return on investment” OR “RPA
ROI” OR “cognitive robotic process
automation” OR “enterprise automation”)
For ACM Digital Library, Scopus, and
ScienceDirect, the query was searched for in
abstracts, titles and keywords. For SpringerLink, the
individual components were entered into the general
search field and the search was limited to conference
proceedings or journal articles. The time frame was
limited to articles published between 2010 and 2022.
A total of 313 articles were retrieved as a result.
The search then was further refined by applying
inclusion and exclusion criteria during a phase of
reading the titles and abstracts. Articles were rejected
if they were identified as duplicates, either exactly or
semantically, and when they consisted only of an
abstract, a patent, or of an introduction to
proceedings. On the other hand, the articles were
included in the further investigation only if they
covered the topics of software robot development and
implementation as the main topic.
After this phase, 89 articles remained in the
literature pool. In a subsequent phase, when reading
the contents of the publications, articles were
excluded in case potential challenges of RPA
integration were not pointed out, thus omitting a
critical discussion. To pass this phase, articles were
expected to consider key performance indicators for
RPA adoption and to cover impacts on the adopting
organization as well. A total of 23 papers remained
after this detailed examination. The selection criteria
are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the SLR.
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
Software robots and their
active implementation are
the main topics of the
The publication considers
key performance
indicators for RPA
The article is a patent,
abstract only, or
proceeding’s introduction.
The paper covers impacts
on the organization trying
to utilize software robots.
Critical discussions are
omitted by leaving out
considerations of potential
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 2 depicts the workflow of the SLR, including
the numbers of remaining articles after each phase.
Figure 2: Visualized SLR workflow.
3.2 Interviews
The intention for conducting interviews was to gain
knowledge about RPA projects carried out in the
industries from the people who were actually
involved. Thus, insights from both theory (academic
literature) and practice (interviews) are integrated in
the research. A group of three experts from different
countries and on different levels of experience in the
field of RPA was composed and as a result, different
viewpoints on how to achieve a sustainable
deployment of RPA could be gained. The details on
the three interviewees are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2: Professional experience of the interviewees.
Interviewee Role Country
Int1 Solution Architect /
Operations Manager
Int2 RPA Consultant /
UiPath chapter lead
Int3 Senior RPA Developer /
Intelligent Automation
The experts were asked whether they wanted to add
additional steps to be included in an RPA roadmap or
whether they wanted to omit steps. Apart from the
identifiers of the company and the interviewees for
confidentiality reasons, all information from the
interview was transcribed.
A part of the IT users has long expressed concerns
that the extensive usage of robotics may lead directly
to an increasing unemployment rate (Frey and
Osborne, 2017). On the other side of the spectrum,
robots have been portrayed as rescuing humanity
from mundane and laborious occupations, allowing
people to concentrate on more valuable work and
more fruitful intellectual pursuits (Lamberton et al.,
In the literature, special attention is paid to the
digitization of operational and business processes in
businesses of service firms, mainly those in the
financial, banking, insurance, marketing, accounting,
public administration, and logistics sectors
(Madakam et al., 2019; Mendling et al., 2018;
Siderska, 2020; van der Aalst et al., 2018). However,
there is no agreement on a fixed definition of RPA in
the literature identifiable. From the selected
publications, the lowest common denominator among
the authors is that RPA is a recent strategy that uses
robots to automate monotonous digital work. These
bots, for instance, may analyze emails, perform
calculations, open and move files, log into
applications, connect to APIs, create invoices, query
databases, obtain web data, create content, and extract
data from messages (Madakam et al., 2019; Mendling
et al., 2018; Santos et al., 2020).
Software robots have various advantages for
businesses, including enhanced productivity, data
security, shorter cycle times, and better accuracy,
while freeing up staff (Leshob et al., 2018). When
compared to traditional process automation, RPA
promises to be simpler to adopt, relatively
inexpensive, and able to scale, audit, and improve
security and compliance (Fung, 2014; Hallikainen et
al., 2018; van der Aalst et al., 2018). Syed et al.
(2020) give a detailed overview of the basics of RPA,
its benefits, and the related challenges. As per this
study, RPA literature is mostly dominated by position
and white papers, case studies, and experiences
directed at higher-level management.
In their research in the automotive industry,
Wewerka and Reichert (2021) identified bottlenecks
that are related to RPA implementation. The authors
summarize the challenges on five levels which can be
used to guide industries trying to start their RPA
journey: 1) determining the business operation for
automation, 2) comprehending the elements
impacting acceptance and usage, 3) conveying RPA
as a concept to the end-users, 4) designing the bot to
ensure interaction between the bot and its user, 5)
establishing governance and best practices for the bot
Sustainability in Robotic Process Automation: Proposing a Universal Implementation Model
development. Similarly, Asatiani and Penttinen
(2016) focus on issues that the OpusCapita Group had
when deploying RPA and the various business
models it encompasses. The study states that
answering certain questions before the actual
implementation is crucial. These questions include
which models should be chosen for the technology,
how to ensure RPA leadership in the long run and
what value the organization can provide to customers
with it. Money (2021) suggests that enterprises
employing or adopting RPA technology should pay
close attention to the data controls, management, and
security elements. The recommendations for special
attention include identity and access management,
data encryption (including credentials), maintaining
policies for data classification, data retention, data
storage, and data location, monitoring of logs and
regular auditing, and vulnerability scanning of all bot
programs prior to promotion into the production
According to Wewerka et al. (2020), any RPA
initiative will not be successful if it is not accepted by
the users. The authors created a model for evaluating
RPA user acceptance and the factors that affect it. The
findings support the notion that perceived usefulness
is positively influenced by social influence, job
relevance, and result demonstrability. Positive
impacting factors of perceived ease of use include
trust, innovation, delight, and enabling
circumstances. As a conclusion of this paper, factors
that influence user acceptance make the RPA
implementation sustainable. A common topic of
discussion in white papers has questioned the impact
of RPA and to some extent concluded that the
software robots would replace the existing workforce,
such as accountants (Sarilo-Kankaanranta and Frank,
2022). Contrary to this, organizations that have
embarked on the RPA journey still recruit
accountants for their services. Another group of
researchers from New Zealand focused on service-
oriented workforces as their quintessence (Brougham
et al., 2020). This study’s respondents perceived
automation as giving them new chances, possibly
even boosting their current professions, which could
be considered a noteworthy benefit. To complement
the findings from the literature, individual expert
opinions and experiences from the interviews are
presented in the following section. In Table 3, the
findings for RQ1 on performance assessment are
summarized with corresponding questions to be
Table 3: Summary of RPA performance indicators.
Attributes Corresponding performance question
Handling Times
How much human working hours are
saved by through software robots?
Cost Savings How much money can be saved by
deploying software robots?
Lower Error
How high is the error rate with respect to
total process executions compared to a
human’s performance on the same task?
Employee Skill
How have the employees’ qualifications
developed since the adoption of RPA?
Bot Usage How heavily are the robots utilized
compared to their maximum capacity?
Standardization To what extent has the diversity of process
execution workflows been reduced?
The participants of the interviews were questioned
about their experiences regarding the impacts of RPA
on the performance of their companies and their
thoughts and recommendations for sustainable
implementation. While the former answers primarily
RQ2, the latter forms a further basis for answering
RQ3. For comprehensibility, the identifiers from
Table 2 are used. Asked for the impact factors, Int1
responded that especially time savings and the
reduction of errors as well as the constant availability
of services, independent of human employees, are
considered as the main advantages for his business.
The monitoring of these factors was explained with
We share weekly and monthly performance reports
on each process from different bots to understand the
success/exceptions”. In contrast to these quantifiable
measures, Int2 stated the quality of work, number of
impacted workers, and job satisfaction as a few more
qualitative factors. As the means for assessment,
customer feedback, stakeholder meetings, and
discussions” were mentioned. The third participant,
Int3, focused his answers on time-related aspects,
stating bot utilization, potential for reusage, general
time savings and delays in execution as additional
factors to the overall quality of work. For assessment,
project monitoring and stakeholder meetings” were
stated for measuring RPA impacts.
In summary, answering RQ2, seven umbrella
terms for organizational impacts could be agreed on:
(1) productivity and (2) quality improvements, (3)
increased cost effectiveness, (4) employee and (5)
customer/stakeholder satisfaction, (6) adaptability
and reusability of robots, and (7) improved
compliance and comprehensibility of processes. The
responses provided throughout the interview suggest
that the majority of the time, sustainability is
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
dependent on the demands of the client and any
potential post-deployment problems. When
questioned about the post-deployment support
offered by their organization, Int1 replied: “In some
cases, we have a production support team responsible
for monitoring and resolving any immediate issues
before raising them with the development team. In
other cases, we have trained the client’s team to
handle such issues. For the rest, we ourselves are
responsible for post-deployment support”. Int2
highlighted the importance of a dedicated unit for
software robots in a company:The center of
excellence takes care of delivery. It keeps updating
documentation and upgrading versions”. Project
sustainability is heavily influenced by an
organization’s capacity to serve its customers and the
warranty period for such assistance. Int3 advised to
have separate teams for post-production support.
First, developers who are responsible for handling
technical problems related to the bots and, second,
controller team responsible for operative
maintenance (scheduling, starting, stopping, and
troubleshooting). As a description for the support
process, Int2 stated: “It is the user that notices that
the bot is malfunctioning. If the error is not a business
one, they open a ticket, and the center of excellence
goes to see the logs. If they notice a change in the user
interface, they modify the code in the validation
environment first. Then the documentation is
updated”. Therefore, it is important to note that a
sustainable implementation should be ongoing. In
addition, effective change management and employee
acceptability are essential for the long-term
implementation of RPA in an organization. To reduce
uncertainty within an organization, RPA awareness
should be raised early, emphasizing the advantages
and potential of the technology.
In this section, a sustainability model for successful
long-term RPA implementation is proposed,
according to the definition presented in section 2. It
provides an overview of the guidelines with regard to
the various stages of RPA implementation.
Businesses that want to build a sustainable operating
model for their automation and gain maximum
enterprise-level benefits typically triangulate aspects
such as identifying scaling factors, acquiring
resources that make the model self-sufficient, and
organizing the automation team for a successful
The insights from the expert interviews frequently
overlap with the findings from the literature when
studying the stages of a typical RPA project lifecycle.
The model presented here divides RPA projects into
three phases and incorporates many factors that have
been gathered through the theoretical groundwork.
The first phase is based on the project life cycle's
planning and conceptualization phase, which may
alternatively be considered as initialization. In order
to simplify the mapping process, the solution design
and user acceptance phases have been integrated into
phase two. Furthermore, this involves designing,
developing, and testing the software bot. The RPA
phases known as deployment, maintenance, and
scaling are consolidated in a single step termed as
maintenance and scaling. The overall model is
depicted in Figure 3 and subsequently explained in
more detail in the following sections.
Figure 3: Model for sustainable RPA implementation.
Sustainability in Robotic Process Automation: Proposing a Universal Implementation Model
6.1 Phase I - Planning and
The fate of an RPA project is determined by a number
of factors and challenges. Preparation in the form of
skills and awareness before beginning the RPA
journey might be crucial to the project's long-term
sustainability. This is made possible by doing a
thorough study of processes to determine their degree
of automation, identifying problems encountered
throughout the various phases of the project,
analyzing variables to overcome these challenges,
and implementing business process reengineering if
Employee Skill Enhancement Program. The
unavailability of trained and skilled employees for
development, support, upgrade, and post deployment
maintenance of RPA technologies pose a potential
bottleneck for management trying to invest into a new
technology. Delays in deployment could result from
a lack of training resources for creating, deploying,
supporting, and upgrading software robots. Employee
training, along with other client services like
customer support and maintenance services, should
be prioritized while using RPA (Ivančić et al., 2019).
The training could consist of several intensities,
beginning with basic instructions in the use of RPA
software to constantly learning and improving
technical skills.
Rationalize Use Cases. The main agenda behind
using RPA is to standardize processes, reduce the
overall costs and time taken to execute a particular
process. Automation enables companies to reduce
employee costs and instead use a robot that performs
the same function much cheaper with lower execution
time. Hence, it is critical to identify and rationalize
business use cases that can be streamlined and then
automated. It is essential to understand how to
compare the current costs of running a process by
humans and the costs of running an RPA program,
which involves different types of expenses such as
licenses, installation, maintenance, support, and
training. The comparison between the two variants of
the process, one with an employee and the other with
automated bots, should be positive. If not, the
organization will suffer losses. In order to use RPA
sustainably to improve business processes with a
positive return on investment, a use case should be
identified as ideal for automation first. For RPA to be
successfully implemented and widely adopted, a
central hub as a center of excellence (CoE) should
exist and made responsible for all RPA-related
endeavors. The CoE should have deep knowledge of
all aspects of the business and be able to assist with
internal expansion plans.
Cost Analysis. RPA vendors guarantee drastic
lowering of costs while raising the quality of work.
Before beginning the automation process,
stakeholders must assess the costs involved, not just
in terms of spendings but also returns. Also, a major
benefit to be considered which augments users’ return
on investment is the repositioning of internal
Governance Model Creation. IT governance is a
structure for an organization that ensures the
alignment between IT strategy and business strategy.
The governance team is in charge of a specific
number of responsibilities, including but not limited
to the control of risks, the protection of data, and the
recovery of the system after it has faltered. When
integrated with other technologies, RPA creates a
complex structure that necessitates the establishment
of a reliable governance system (Willcocks et al.,
2018). In the conducted interviews, the respondents
included factors such as IT governance model, a well
thought out internal audit and compliance strategy,
error handling, documentation and discussions with
process subject matter experts to really understand
processes. According to Int2, in their respective firm,
the amount of time needed for software robot
deployment was drastically cut down due to the
standardization and centralization of development as
more and more procedures were automated.
Organizations can gain a firm grip on a project by first
laying a solid groundwork of careful planning and
then creating a set of well-thought-out governance
models. This eventually leads to a stable ecosystem
for the organization to grow.
Failover Strategy. Business continuity and system
failure hampers business as usual. It is critical that
executives at the highest levels of the organization
provide support to the IT team, ensuring better
failover and system reliability. IT teams are
completely responsible to identify any potential
impact for systems, storage and backups, as well as
providing the necessary access rights for certain jobs.
An emergency staff member should always be
available in case a malfunctioning robot requires
human intervention.
Organizational Change Observation. Organization
structure might have to be reorganized to include
RPA into the plans (Smeets et al., 2021). All
ICINCO 2023 - 20th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
organizational changes due to automation should be
openly discussed in meetings and made transparent.
Changes in the work process are common and must
be dealt with by all departments in order to compete
at the greatest level.
6.2 Phase II - Design, Development and
Project managers, developers, solution architects, and
business analysts all collaborate to work efficiently
throughout this phase of an RPA project. Planning
both short-term and long-term objectives facilitates
the implementation of comprehensive customer
solutions. During this phase, the RPA team and the
partner vendor define the appropriate process as well
as the technical and business stack needed to
successfully implement the software robots.
Streamline Processes. The analysis shows that RPA
implementations with high success ratings have much
greater levels of pre-work done in recording and
documenting processes. Another essential aspect is
process preparation with subject matter experts. After
approval from the stakeholders and management, the
RPA project advances to its planning phase. For large
RPA projects, the project should be broken down into
sub parts, as this structure allows the development
team to assign tasks objectively. Here, the team, along
with the project manager or solution architect and
other assigned members, would establish the project’s
scope, including strategic goals, budgeting,
milestones, functions, and timeframes. Processes
should be streamlined depending on the complexity
of the tasks at hand. According to the interviewees,
the success of RPA implementations is dependent on
their ability to be monitored and secured under
Ensure RPA Security. Data leakage and fraud are
two of the major potential risks for automatically
operating software robots. During the initial process
assessment and analysis phase, a business analyst and
the IT team should conduct workshops to identify
processes and perform risk assessments. Factors of
RPA security, pre-implementation risk assessment,
risk analysis, hazard analysis, and threat analysis can
help to overcome the challenges that a typical RPA
implementation may encounter (van der Aalst et al.,
Prioritize Processes. Not all processes are suitable
for this type of automation because, as previously
stated, robots used RPA are designed to do repetitive
tasks (Fung, 2014). A pipeline of tasks which satisfy
the criteria of being repetitive, high volume, based on
mostly structured data, and with only few changes
expected in the future is ideally selected for
automation and then arranged based on the level of
difficulty and the team’s bandwidth in terms of
available time resources.
Pilot Rollouts. Based on the findings from the
interviews, it is common for businesses to want to
skip parts of the preparatory work required for RPA
implementations. Often, the expectation is for speedy
and low-cost installation, which results in the system
not performing to its full capacity. This has frequently
resulted in pilot program failures, and it may also
make scaling the company’s RPA journey difficult.
Therefore, pilot rollouts for RPA implementations are
critical for companies. Proof of concept is often used
to refer to preliminary RPA implementations that are
still in the pilot stage. Such implementations can act
as confirmation of the practicality and viability of
RPA technology for the specific application
(Willcocks et al., 2018).
Error Monitoring. Lack of ownership and poorly
defined responsibilities along with inconsistency of
data in different environments all lead to poor
execution or create pitfalls for the development team.
Following predefined security considerations within
the IT team can help ensuring a smooth execution of
development and deployment approaches.
6.3 Phase III - Maintenance and
Infrastructure management, a roadmap for
incorporating new technologies for sustainable
progress, risk management, and the establishment of
a center of excellence are all necessary for the long-
term viability of the RPA concept.
Roadmap Maintenance. One of the main inferences
from the interviews was that the use of RPA is
intended to be enhanced with newer technologies
such as optical character recognition, machine
learning, natural language processing, and so on.
Since it is expected to ensure stable long-term usage,
planning in this regard in terms of thinking and
organizing the firm internally to have such
capabilities to improve scaling efforts is vital. This
adds a level of intelligence into the bots which allows
a broader usage of RPA and consequently expands its
applicability and sustainability. Strategic planning by
Sustainability in Robotic Process Automation: Proposing a Universal Implementation Model
the management can ensure a smooth transition into
such maturity within the organization.
Risk Management. Allocating IT resources and a
well-structured change management can ensure a
smooth integration of other technologies along with
RPA. In IT, one of the most prevalent issues is a
security breach, but other problems like unintentional
system failures may also occur. One of the most
important things to do at this stage is to create a
fallback option that takes into account all of these
Establishing a Centre of Excellence. When it comes
to implementing and adopting RPA, a well-
established center of excellence serves as a hub. It is
accountable for providing consolidated knowledge
across all company functions and assisting with
internal scalability and it orchestrates the constant
new adding of features, while supervising bug fixing
in older versions. It can also aid in scaling inside the
company and have specialized knowledge in various
business operations. The CoE should further
incorporate stakeholder interaction into its workflow.
Change management and a reliable governance
model are both helpful in this regard.
The overall model is extended by a continuous
improvement cycle, using the proposed components
and then making changes and additions through
introspection to pave the way to a sustainable RPA
The proposed model for sustainable RPA is designed
to act as a framework for firms aspiring to implement
RPA. The goal of this paper was to identify factors
that lead to the success of RPA projects as well as
factors that may influence their failure. To this end,
an SLR and interviews were conducted to determine
critical factors that cloud ultimately be used to
compose a model for the sustainable development and
deployment of software robots. Some of the top
factors identified are sufficient pre-work and analysis
in identifying appropriate processes for automation,
establishing an internal center of excellence, and
creating awareness amongst both employees and
customers. The factors uncovered throughout the
research were then amalgamated and classified into
different phases of a project lifecycle. The
empirically derived aspects can be used as guidelines
for organizations that are starting their journey and
also for firms that have successfully scaled RPA.
These criteria can significantly increase the
likelihood of sustainable RPA, which is especially
important given the number of times companies have
reported failing to scale up RPA following their pilot
project. For the purpose of evaluating the model as
stated in the methodology section, one could involve
conducting surveys and soliciting comments on the
methodological framework proposed. Furthermore,
research can be undertaken in the form of case studies
in various sectors and organization sizes, where the
approach is put to the test while engaging all key
stakeholders. When conducting case studies, it would
also be valuable to see how goals and aspirations
change over the course of an RPA journey.
Awareness of the notion might lead to a shift in the
prevailing attitude, which in turn can facilitate
quicker scaling, but it is also important to keep in
mind that contextual factors may play a crucial role.
The list of essential success factors and requirements
outlined in this paper may be expanded in light of the
arrival of a new generation of intelligent automation
technologies. Therefore, it is important to investigate
the necessary modifications to this project
management approach to make it useful for artificial
intelligence and machine learning.
Pointing out the important challenges identified in
the study also highlights that a significant percentage
of RPA initiatives do not move from the pilot phase
to the advanced phase. Case studies can be conducted
to better understand stakeholder ambitions and
customer onboarding. Likewise, all the critical factors
mentioned in the article can be put to the test before
embarking on the digital transformation journey.
Other effects that automation may provide are
also worth investigating. It is important to evaluate
the impacts of freeing up staff members to focus on
more innovative, high-value work. Sustainable RPA
is relatively new and requires more research and
development in order to make it more stable and
economically feasible. The model may be thoroughly
evaluated from a financial point of view, with a study
able to look at the total investment across the entire
project and compare it to the current state of the art.
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