In this paper, we have presented our research efforts
in enhancing the DEMO modelling language. Specifi-
cally, we have focused on evaluating the functionality
of new DEMO model types using the case of Nexus-
The evaluation of the perceived quality and func-
tionality of the new and conventional versions of
DEMO’s PM and FM diagrams was conducted
through a questionnaire-based survey. The results
indicated that the newer versions of the diagrams
are perceived to have significantly higher quality and
functionality compared to the traditional versions, in
terms of comprehensibility, visualization, and suit-
ability for supporting participants’ daily tasks. The
results also indicate that the enhanced DEMO models
offer a promising approach to simplify and accelerate
the modelling of software solutions, as the new repre-
sentations are evaluated as cognitively more effective
than DEMO’s current representations.
The revised DEMO PM and FM diagrams have
also been integrated into the low-code platform
DISME (Dynamic Information System Modeller and
Executer) (Andrade et al., 2018; Aveiro and Freitas,
2023; Aveiro et al., 2023). New pilot projects aimed
at system implementation are on the horizon, promis-
ing additional instances in diverse domains to aug-
ment the existing dataset and bolster the findings of
this study.
However, there are still several areas that require
further attention and future work. While our quality
and functionality evaluation provided positive results,
it is essential to conduct additional evaluations with a
larger and more diverse user group to ensure the gen-
eralizability of the findings.
As the main limitation, we identify the small sam-
ple size. Therefore, results must be interpreted with
caution and generalizability of the findings may be
In conclusion, our research’s primary contribu-
tions encompass an enhanced understanding of how
users perceive the new DEMO models’ representa-
tions concerning their Quality and Functionality, with
a particular emphasis on the Process and Fact Models,
more accessible and inclusive to all stakeholders en-
gaged in an organization’s daily operations. With on-
going efforts, we envision the newly proposed DEMO
models becoming an invaluable tool in modelling ef-
ficient information systems in various domains.
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KEOD 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development