Challenges in Implementing a University-Based Innovation Search
Arman Arzani
, Marcus Handte
and Pedro Jos
e Marr
University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Knowledge Transfer, Founding Potential, Researcher Profiling, Innovation Identification.
In universities, technology transfer plays an important role in the joint development and dissemination of
knowledge as a product that benefits society through innovation. In order to facilitate knowledge transfer,
many universities hire innovation coaches that employ a scouting process to identify faculty members and
students who possess the requisite knowledge, expertise, and potential to establish startups. Since there is
no systematic approach to measure the innovation potential of university members based on their academic
activities, the scouting process is typically subjective and relies heavily on the experience of the innovation
coaches. In this paper, we motivate the need for INSE (INnovation Search Engine) to support innovation
coaches during their search for innovation potential at a university. After discussing the information needs of
the scouting process, we outline a basic system architecture to support it, and we identify a number of research
challenges. Our aim is to motivate vigorous research in this area by illustrating the need for novel, data-driven
approaches towards effective innovation scouting and successful knowledge transfer.
Technology transfer is central to the development of
an iconic entrepreneurial university. Academic sci-
ence has become increasingly entrepreneurial, not
only through industry connections for research sup-
port or transfer of technology but also in its inner
dynamic. Many universities are expanding their tra-
ditional roles beyond education and research to in-
clude knowledge transfer, which involves joint devel-
opment and dissemination of knowledge as a product
that benefits society through communication, experi-
ence sharing, building contacts, and innovation net-
works. There are various forms of technology trans-
fer at universities, including the marketing of patents
through licensing agreements, the formation of joint
ventures with industrial partners as well as the cre-
ation of startups that aim to commercialize an inno-
vative research result (Bliznets et al., 2018). While
all these forms can benefit society, academic spin-offs
are often considered to be particularly valuable, since
successful startups can not only create new jobs and
increase tax revenues but also inspire other potential
founders to follow suit.
To promote knowledge transfer in general and the
creation of academic startups in particular, many uni-
versities employ innovation coaches that support re-
searchers by offering consulting services, by medi-
ating funding possibilities facilitated through indus-
try collaborations and investment partnerships, or by
arranging workshops and startup schools. However,
these activities are of a reactive nature, as they re-
quire researchers themselves, to seek out and seize
these offerings. To raise the awareness and to in-
crease the effectiveness of their knowledge transfer
activities, some universities have begun to take a more
proactive role. To do this, their innovation coaches
are regularly performing scouting activities to iden-
tify potential innovations and innovators inside their
organization. Conceptually, the innovation scouting
process can be split into three stages. In the first stage,
the innovation coaches identify emerging trends by
gathering information about science and technology
in the early stages from both formal and informal
sources, including expert insights (Calvi et al., 2020).
Besides from talking to experts. the coaches usually
browse newsfeeds, projects, reports, scientific papers
as well as patents from inside and outside the orga-
nization. Once a trend is identified, the innovation
coaches find the experts within the organization. To
do this, they usually rely on public information made
available through the websites of the different insti-
tutes, faculties and research groups. Finally, in the
last stage, the coaches prioritize the groups and indi-
Arzani, A., Handte, M. and Marrón, P.
Challenges in Implementing a University-Based Innovation Search Engine.
DOI: 10.5220/0012263100003598
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2023) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 477-486
ISBN: 978-989-758-671-2; ISSN: 2184-3228
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
viduals with matching expertise and results based on
their knowledge, motivation, founding potential and
collaboration skills (Albers et al., 2020) in order to
establish a contact with them.
Since there is no systematic approach to measure
the innovation potential of university members, the
scouting process is typically manual and relies heav-
ily on the experience of the innovation coaches as well
as their networking capabilities. Due to this, innova-
tion coaches are often networking experts and exhibit
an extensive network of industrial partners. However,
even if the innovation coaches can use their network
to easily identify enabling technologies and product
gaps, the success of scouting also depends on the un-
derstanding of organizational hierarchy and its under-
lying individuals. This makes the systematic identifi-
cation, of the experts and the ranking and evaluation
of the innovation potential inside an organization a
difficult challenge.
In this paper, we motivate the need for INSE
(INnovation Search Engine) to support innovation
coaches during their search for innovation potential.
While it may not be possible to completely system-
atize the innovation scouting process, we believe that
innovation coaches can greatly benefit from an eas-
ily accessible and up-to-date contextualized view of
their organization. After discussing the information
needs of the scouting process, we outline a basic sys-
tem architecture to support it and we identify sev-
eral challenges. Our aim is to motivate vigorous
research in this area by illustrating the need for a
novel, data-driven approach to support the scouting
process which could further improve the effectiveness
of knowledge transfer.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 introduces the related work in this
area; Section 3 outlines the information needs of the
innovation coaches during the scouting process. Sec-
tion 4 presents the INSE architecture in support of the
scouting process and Section 5 describes the identi-
fied research challenges in implementing INSE for a
university. Finally, in Section 6 we conclude the paper
with a short summary and an outlook.
Academic entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in
advancing scientific progress by bridging the gap
between research outcomes and real-world applica-
tions through spin-offs and has been the focus of
many studies in the research community (Rippa and
Secundo, 2019; Schultz, 2021; Kalinowski, 2016).
While (Rippa and Secundo, 2019) indicates and ad-
dresses the lack of in theoretical development in this
domain by underlining the necessity for more inclu-
sive studies that encompass technological, economic,
and social dimensions of academic entrepreneurship,
(Kalinowski, 2016) describes its weaknesses in exis-
tent research transfer systems by an analysis of scout-
ing implementation experiences in Polish universi-
ties. Thereby, technology scouting is described as
a strategic response to address the limitations of the
commercialization system by involving a systematic
approach to gather information in the realm of sci-
ence and technology and seeking bidirectional explo-
ration for novel opportunities in specific technological
fields. Furthermore, technology scouting and its qual-
ity are also emphasized by an analysis of academic
spin-offs of University of Potsdam (Schultz, 2021) as
a beneficial factor that should be combined with other
systematic scouting activities in order to create a sus-
tainable raise in academic entrepreneurship.
Technology scouting is a strategic approach that
involves identifying and incorporating innovations,
such as those from startups, university intellectual
properties and acknowledges the increasing complex-
ity of products and services, recognizing that com-
panies and universities can not solely rely on inter-
nal efforts to innovate effectively (Wang and Quan,
2021). Therefore, many works include technol-
ogy/innovation scouting frameworks to promote star-
tups and innovation either in universities or compa-
nies through tools for technology/knowledge trans-
fer such as technology radars(Rohrbeck et al., 2006;
Golovatchev and Budde, 2010; Desruelle and Nepel-
ski, 2017; Berndt and Mietzner, 2021).
For instance (Rohrbeck et al., 2006) discusses
the use of technology scouting in Deutsche Telekom
Labs, where they employ a technology radar ap-
proach to enhance traditional newsletter-based scout-
ing. This method facilitates communication between
experts and scouts, improving the scouting process
through networking efforts. It involves an interna-
tional scouting network that analyzes trends, publica-
tions, and patents to identify potential technologies.
The scouts manually assess these technologies, and
an expert panel evaluates and ranks them, generat-
ing a report as the output. Additionally, as an ex-
tension (Golovatchev and Budde, 2010) introduces
innovation radars, which focus on market aspects of
technology and rely on reactive expert inquiries for
technology identification and evaluation. Prior re-
search primarily emphasizes accelerating innovation
within corporate settings through technology and in-
novation radars. While their methodologies can also
be adapted for application within university contexts
to aid future startups, the authors of (Berndt and Mi-
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
etzner, 2021) focus on digitizing these radars, con-
sidering them as tools to facilitate knowledge and
technology transfer in academic setting. They show-
case their outcomes through a web-based technology
radar, serving as an online collaborative tool. Their
argument centers on the absence of systematically ex-
plorative insight for technology scouts and highlights
how employing these tools significantly simplifies the
complexity of their evaluations.
There have been studies examining the role
of patents in advancing academic entrepreneurship.
These investigations have shown that the incorpora-
tion of knowledge transferred from the parent uni-
versity and academic founders through patents has a
noticeable impact on the success of Academic Spin-
Offs (Ferri et al., 2019). In fact some works put
their focus on utilizing patent analysis to support
the technology/innovation scouting process by iden-
tifying technology trends or new business opportu-
nities (An et al., 2018; Lee and Lee, 2017; Chen
et al., 2015). The work of (An et al., 2018; Lee
and Lee, 2017) uses text mining to derive keywords
on the technology hotspots from the patent content,
while (Chen et al., 2015) combine this technique with
piecewise linear representation of patent publications
throughout time to explore their hidden technology
trend patterns.
The aforementioned approaches prove the appli-
cability and importance of technology and innovation
scouting for the identification of academic startups
through systematic frameworks and patents. How-
ever, these approaches lack the systematic data-driven
approach, as some rely heavily on manual human
interactions, or in the case of patent-oriented tech-
nology scouting only consider patents as the main
drivers of innovation. Innovation scouting for the cre-
ation of academic spinoffs should consider various
data sources aside from patents such as publications
or media along with data-driven processes involving
the identification of university expertise. Despite the
theoretical depth of academic entrepreneurship in re-
lated work, there is clearly a gap for implementing
a data-driven solution for identifying the innovation
potential at universities.
As outlined in the introduction, innovation scouting
can be split into three stages, namely the identifica-
tion of technology trends, the search for expertise and
the assessment of innovation potential. Each stage in-
volves the collection of specific data that is eventu-
ally used as the basis for decisions. Thus, scouting
not only encompasses data gathering but also requires
an interpretation that is specific to each stage. In the
following, we discuss the goals of each stage and de-
rive the resulting information needs. Although, our
description follows a top-down approach that allows
an innovation coach to identify candidates that match
a particular trend, it is noteworthy to point out that,
in practice, an innovation coach could also follow a
bottom-up approach that tries to determine how well
a certain researcher or research result matches a trend.
3.1 Identification of Technology Trends
Knowledge about the current technology trends is an
important input for innovation scouting. Although,
some innovations may establish new trends by them-
selves, it is often easier to find partners or acquire seed
funding, if the intended innovation domain matches or
extends an existing trend. Thus, the goal of this stage
is to monitor and understand the current and emerging
technology trends within different markets and indus-
tries. Thereby, the coach gains insights into what the
market demands, where opportunities lie, and which
directions innovation might take.
Identifying the technology trends involves re-
search and analysis of various factors such as con-
sumer preferences, cultural influences, and technical
advancements, to name a few. This means that inno-
vation coaches must follow the latest advancements in
the target sector. To do this, they can tap into regular
news sources (e.g., to cover consumer preferences or
cultural influences) as well as publications and patents
(e.g., to cover technological developments). In addi-
tion, they must relate the advancements with past de-
velopments to judge their significance. Since this is a
complex undertaking that requires experience, inno-
vation coaches often have an extensive industry back-
ground and are in active exchange with their network
of collaboration partners.
3.2 Search for Expertise
Given the knowledge about the technical trends, in-
novation scouting must match the trends with the ex-
pertise inside the organization. For a university, this
could be a certain faculty, an institute, a research
group or a particular researcher that have theoreti-
cal and practical knowledge of the subject. To de-
termine the expertise of these entities, an innovation
coach must screen their research activities and results.
The latter can be extracted by analyzing the publica-
tions or patents created within the organization. For
the former, it is possible to look at grants awarded to
the different entities in the organization and the asso-
Challenges in Implementing a University-Based Innovation Search Engine
ciated research projects in which they are involved.
Besides from determining which entities exhibit
expertise in a particular domain, it may also be nec-
essary to judge whether the level and type of exper-
tise can serve as a basis for technology transfer. To
clarify this, consider that in a large organization such
as a typical university, the different entities are often
not focused on a single problem but are working on
a broad range of topics. Thus, although an entity is
working in a particular domain, it might not be its pri-
mary focus. Similarly, while some entities might be
addressing problems that exhibit an immediate rele-
vance to industry, other entities might be focusing on
addressing basic research problems that will only be-
come relevant for technology transfer in the future.
3.3 Assessment of Innovation Potential
After identifying a technology trend and finding the
relevant expertise within the organization, the goal of
the last step is to determine the set of persons that
should be contacted by the innovation coach. Thus,
given a set of entities exhibiting the targeted type and
level of expertise, it is necessary to identify the most
likely persons to participate in or drive the creation
of a startup. Towards this end, an innovation coach
must first identify the relevant persons associated with
an entity and then assesses their background, skills,
knowledge, and abilities in order to prioritize them.
To identify the persons associated with an en-
tity, an innovation coach can analyze the organiza-
tion structure. To create a ranking, the coach can
then compare the background information of differ-
ent researchers within the organization. This might
include, for example, the CVs of the researchers, their
publication lists or their patent portfolios. In addi-
tion, the coach might want to compare the grants and
projects or look at the collaboration networks of the
As described previously, each stage of the scouting
process requires both data gathering and interpreta-
tion. For data gathering, innovation coaches must sift
through a broad range of information sources.
Examples include newsfeeds, research projects,
reports, grants, scientific literature, and patents, both
internal and external to the organization. Depending
on the stage, they must either organize the data over
time, e.g., to determine trends, or they must link the
information with the different entities within their or-
ganization, e.g., to determine the level and type of ex-
pertise of a particular entity inside the organization.
For interpretation, innovation coaches must aggregate
the data from different sources and analyze the re-
sults. This includes the comparison of aggregations,
e.g., to rank technology trends or to prioritize persons
that should be contacted. At the present time, there is
no thorough system-support for innovation scouting
at universities. As a result, data gathering is a compli-
cated and labor-intensive task. For information that
is directly available via the World Wide Web, inno-
vation coaches can use search engines such as Bing
and Google as their entry point. For restricted infor-
mation, such as (non-open access) publications or in-
ternal information about the organization, the coaches
must individually access a potentially large range of
information systems. While most of these systems
typically exhibit some way of searching for a partic-
ular piece of information, they usually lack the nec-
essary aggregation capabilities that are required for
innovation scouting. Thus, besides from searching,
the data gathering usually involves manual aggrega-
tion within and across different data sources.
A similar argument can be made about data inter-
pretation. Given that there is no systematic approach
to measure the innovation potential, the data interpre-
tation required to identify trends or to prioritize indi-
viduals usually relies heavily on the experience and
networking capabilities of the innovation coaches. As
a result, the decision-making during innovation scout-
ing is a rather subjective process. While it may not
be necessary to completely systematize the scouting
process, we believe that it can be greatly simplified
by providing adequate system-support.
To this end, we started the development of INSE
(INnovation Search Engine), an application-specific
search engine that aims to provide thorough support
for all three stages of innovation scouting. INSE
automatically gathers information from relevant data
sources such as newsfeeds, research projects, reports,
scientific literature, and patents, both internal and ex-
ternal to the organization. Then INSE stores and an-
alyzes the data. Thereby, it extracts relevant infor-
mation and links the different pieces of information
across different data sources. Using the linked in-
formation, INSE offers data aggregation, search, and
browsing functionalities to the innovation coaches.
On top of this, INSE offers a range of metrics that
support the three stages of innovation scouting. The
goal thereby is not to replace the (expert) opinions of
the innovation coaches with metrics, but to provide
them with a compact, up-to-date, and contextualized
view of the organization. Figure 1 shows a high-level
architectural overview of INSE. As part of an ongoing
research project, we are in the process of implement-
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
ing the different components of INSE in order to sup-
port the innovation coaches of our university. In the
following, we specify each component and describe
their corresponding inputs and outputs.
Figure 1: Architecture of Innovation Search Engine.
4.1 Data Retrieval
The data retrieval component is responsible for the
gathering of data from various data sources. This
component aims to minimize the need for manual data
gathering by storing relevant data from multiple in-
formation systems in a single data repository. The
data retrieval process occurs through direct access to
the databases, APIs, as well as web crawling. For in-
stance, while a university maintains a library database
for the scientific publications of a certain researcher,
the information of their patents, participated research
grants, faculty, research group or institute might not
either be stored in a single database, or it is often scat-
tered among many databases. Therefore, the data re-
trieval merely depends on the type of data source.
The target data sources include (1) internal data
sources of the targeted university; (2) external data
sources such as scientific libraries for research pa-
pers, patent repositories, industry reports and news
portals. While the internal data sources reflect the
targeted university’s relevant information for the in-
novation coaches, the external data sources provide
contextual information as basis for comparison.
For internal data sources, INSE handles data gath-
ering via integrated connectors that have been devel-
oped to support different input formats. In addition,
INSE crawls the public website of the university to
gather information about the organizational structure
and the research activities. To do this, INSE starts
from a set of URLs given as an input parameter and
traverses the graph of pages by following the links
contained in pages. Since the pages may link to other
pages outside the university, the traversal can option-
ally be restricted by a list of target domains. During
the traversal of the graph, INSE automatically extracts
the web pages of the organizational hierarchy and its
underlying entities along with the attached metadata.
These entities may include information on institutes,
faculties, chairs, researchers research papers, funding
projects, news, and patents.
For external data sources, INSE gathers data ei-
ther via the APIs offered by the data provider or via
web crawling. Some of these sources that we have
added to INSE include libraries of patents such as
European patent office (EPO), United States Patent
and Trademark Office (USPTO), scientific portals
(Scopus, Web of Science, DBLP), industry reports
(Crunchbase) and news (Google Trends).
The actual data gathering strategy depends on the
source. For instance, in case of patent libraries, EPO
offers patent records that can be directly accessed
through an API, while the USPTO provides bulk
records that can be crawled. After gathering the data
from internal and external repositories, INSE stores,
indexes the data in a local repository for later search
and browsing.
4.2 Data Integration
The data integration component has two main goals,
namely entity extraction and linking of relevant in-
formation across different data sources. The gath-
ered data in the previous step includes structured and
unstructured information. While extracted informa-
tion from available data repositories (e.g., databases,
APIs) deliver organized fields and data formats, this
Challenges in Implementing a University-Based Innovation Search Engine
is not the case for the uncurated crawled data.
INSE employs Natural Language Processing
(NLP) pipelines to preprocess the crawled data.
Thereby, INSE performs data cleaning of stored un-
structured text data through the removal of language-
specific stop words and Unicode characters, as well
as lemmatization and stemming. This step cleans and
normalizes the contents of the local repository. Af-
ter cleaning and normalization, INSE aims to extract
the entities within the local repository. INSE utilizes
the Entity Recognition techniques (NER) to identify
and mine entities such as faculties, institutes, groups,
researchers, papers, patents, and news. Given that
the identified entities hold references to their content,
INSE utilizes their content to disambiguate them to
increase the quality of entities. For example. enti-
ties such as Thomas M
uller, M
uller Thomas, M
Th. should point to the same entity depending on their
content, faculty, or research group.
After the identification of the entities, each entity
needs to be further described by the corresponding
metadata. For instance, in the case of a researcher, in-
formation of their patents, publications and mentions
in news articles or industry reports should be linked
with and integrated into their profile. INSE realizes
this through linking of entities across gathered inter-
nal and external sources that are stored in the local
repository. As its final output, the integration com-
ponent produces a knowledge repository, holding the
extracted entities and their linkage to other entities.
4.3 Search and Browsing
The search and browsing component serves as an en-
try point to the innovation search engine. This compo-
nent offers active-search and explorative-search inter-
faces. It handles data aggregation, search, and brows-
ing functionalities for the innovation coaches.
By using the active-search interface, the innova-
tion coaches query and navigate through extracted en-
tities and technology trends in industry, research, and
news articles. Thereby, INSE can provide an in-depth
overview of expert profiles based on entity categories
or distinct technologies through dashboard visualiza-
tions for the user interface. Search queries offer in-
sight of the organizational information such as fac-
ulty or research group of an individual, as well as the
linked scientometrics and bibliometrics about the re-
search activities and their results. Moreover, the dash-
boards present information on the collaborations be-
tween researchers, research/industry project partners,
that may unveil knowledge clusters and potential col-
laborations. The active-search interface also taps into
the gathered data from external sources and demon-
strates the comparative analysis of technology trends
to both inside and outside the university.
The explorative-search interface offers the same
set of functionalities in an exploratory fashion. This is
helpful for innovation coaches who require a general
overview of the university entities and their activities
or may not search for a specific technology area or in-
dividual. The explorative dashboards show the active
technology trends to both inside and outside the uni-
versity and its researchers. Also, the explorative dash-
board also aggregates data and visualizes pointers to
the most active entities and their expertise in and outer
university, based on number of papers, patents, news
Furthermore, INSE offers user interactions in the
search component to tag invalid or missing links in or-
der to give feedback to the data integration component
regarding the quality of entities and their linkage, so
that they can be further adjusted. Finally, the innova-
tion coaches can use the search interfaces, to generate
and bookmark a set of candidates, which serve as the
output of the search component. Depending on the
stage of the scouting process, these candidates consist
of selected technology trends, researcher(s), groups or
collaboration clusters.
4.4 Interpretation
Given a set of experts and technologies, the goal of
the interpretation component is to provide metrics on
the technology trends and individual(s) by measur-
ing the innovation potential of a particular technol-
ogy or individual(s). This is done in three steps that
match the stages of the scouting process described in
Section 3. (1) modelling technology lifecycles; (2)
prioritizing experts; (3) modelling innovation poten-
tial. To tackle the first step, INSE aims to generate
the technology lifecycle to measure the technology’s
readiness and maturity. Thereby, INSE leverages the
stored local repository to analyze patterns of the his-
torical data on past emerging technologies and break-
throughs through patents and publications as well as
hype from media and news. As a result, INSE classi-
fies the trendiness of a technology based on a mathe-
matical model that tries to capture the various phases
of the technology lifecycle.
Then in the second step, INSE prioritizes the ex-
perts based on the level of expertise for each of the
selected technologies, by taking into account the ex-
pert’s conference and journal impact score as well
as citation metrics for their publications and patents.
This provides a ranked list of experts that are active in
a particular domain.
As a last step, since being an expert in a spe-
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
cific field does not necessarily indicate founding po-
tential, INSE leverages the stored local repository to
analyze patterns of the historical data on academic
founders. Thereby, INSE utilizes a founder database
extracted from technology portals such as Crunchbase
and its linkage to the entities in the local repository to
compile a list of founders and non-founders (Arzani
et al., 2023). By generating a dataset of features
for founders and non-founders, patterns of founding
potential are modeled with a discriminative machine
learning algorithm such as Random Forests or a bi-
nary classification deep learning model. Example for
a set of features could include number of patents,
publications or linked patents to industry or funded
projects as well as citation metrics. This allows INSE
to measure the innovation potential for each of the in-
dividuals in the prioritized list of experts.
The output of the interpretation component con-
sists of the lifecycles of the candidate technologies
and a list of prioritized experts, as well as the list of
high potential startup founders.
4.5 User Interface
The user interface builds up on the output of interpre-
tation component and consist of the well-timed tech-
nologies, ranked experts and high potential innova-
tors. This component also describes the main three
tasks of the innovation scouting process, that are re-
alized through the previous components. The UI gen-
erates reports for the identified technologies and the
selected candidates in the search component. Further-
more, the component offers interactive dashboards
and visualization to the innovation coaches via web
interfaces on the phases of technologies and the pro-
files of the selected candidates. The UI also visual-
izes bar charts on the ranked experts, their assessment
metrics as well as their estimated founding potential.
Additionally, the web interface explains a
roadmap of made decisions in the scouting activities
to the innovation coaches that led to the presented
results. This generates an overview of the selected
technology trends, researchers, and their collabora-
tion network in the search component. Also, the UI
shows the transition to the interpretation component
by including a description of applied models and their
parameters to offer explainability and future model
improvements based on the coach’s feedback. Ulti-
mately the innovation coach takes their own initiative
and decides whether they want to establish contact for
a startup opportunity.
During our ongoing work on implementing the INSE
architecture described above to support innovation
scouting at our university, we identified three main
challenges. The first challenge is data acquisition
that describes the difficulties of data gathering in the
context of innovation scouting. The second challenge
refers to data integration that describes the issues re-
sulting from the need to link information from multi-
ple data repositories into a coherent knowledge repos-
itory. Lastly, the challenge of data interpretation un-
derscores the analysis and data modelling that aggre-
gates the available data into assessment metrics and
actionable intelligence. In the following, we provide
discussion on each of these challenges.
5.1 Data Acquisition
The scouting process requires access to multiple data
sources that include newsfeeds, research projects, re-
ports, grants, scientific literature, and patents, both in-
ternal and external to the university, whereas the ex-
ternal data sources determine a university’s expertise
and role (e.g., leader, follower) in a trending topic.
Internally, the challenge arises from the absence
of a central repository at the university housing all
the required data. As a result, the required data is
often spread across several systems that are operated
by different entities inside the university. Thereby, it
is noteworthy to mention that despite being present
in some system, some data might not be accessi-
ble or might even be deliberately blocked due to le-
gal or privacy reasons. Examples of systems that
are maintaining relevant data include financial sys-
tems (e.g., for grant details or employee lists), library
systems (e.g., for publications) and web pages (e.g.,
for research activities). For the latter faculties or re-
search groups often maintain and update their own
content management systems that may not only ex-
hibit different structures but also present information
such as the research focus or ongoing research activ-
ities at different levels of detail. For example, some
groups might include information on the staff, publi-
cations, and projects but not necessarily bibliometrics
on publications or even patents or news. This means
that the missing information must be compensated
through internal sources (e.g., university-wide news
feeds) or external data sources (e.g., patent offices).
Thus, maximizing the data availability can become
quite challenging, since custom database connectors
and crawlers might have to be specifically adjusted to
each data source available inside the university.
The challenge of data acquisition is mirrored
Challenges in Implementing a University-Based Innovation Search Engine
externally, where relevant publication and patent
sources are dispersed among various publishers or
trademark offices. Data such as patents and publica-
tions are also available in scientific libraries behind
paid API calls that pose query limitations.
5.2 Data Integration
After acquiring the data from multiple sources, the
data must be linked to support the innovation coaches
by generating information about researchers’ profiles,
faculties, and groups. This involves the integration of
patents, publications, and projects with specific indi-
viduals and organizational units. This process neces-
sitates creating connections between the gathered data
sources and the internal data infrastructure of the uni-
versity. Before linking, these entities first have to be
identified and disambiguated throughout all the avail-
able data sources. The disambiguation is a common
challenge in cases where there are researcher entities
with similar names or affiliations. This also includes
distinguishing between multiple researchers with the
same name or identifying variations in naming con-
ventions across different publications and databases.
To this end, general efforts i.e., use of an Open Re-
searcher Contributor Identification (ORCID) or other
advanced techniques, such as name disambiguation
algorithms, network analysis, and affiliation disam-
biguation are necessary to ensure accurate and distinct
researcher profiles.
5.3 Data Interpretation
After retrieval and integration of multiple data sources
into a single repository and generating the linkage be-
tween the entities, INSE needs to interpret the pat-
terns of data via modelling in order to extract knowl-
edge and deliver actionable intelligence to the inno-
vation coaches. The challenges in data interpreta-
tion encompass three aspects for an effective scouting
process which we discuss in detail. The first chal-
lenge refers to technology forecasting that signifies
the study of technology trends through the analysis
of technology life cycles. The challenge of level of
expertise revolves around the ranking of the experts
based on their scientific profile that helps the innova-
tion coaches to filter out the most suitable candidates.
Lastly, the challenge of founding potential under-
scores the evaluation of founding potential based on
academic background.
5.3.1 Technology Forecasting
Technology forecasting and technology trends
through a combination of news articles, patents and
scientific publications has been proven effective and
has taken the attention of many researchers (Chen
and Han, 2019; Asooja et al., 2016; Winnink et al.,
2019). Indeed, a clear picture of technology life
cycles is required to measure the impact of emerging
technologies that facilitates the innovation coaches’
ability to anticipate technological breakthroughs for
upcoming startups. The challenge here is to define
the maturity and readiness of a technology. Thereby,
a novel baseline for the maturity of technology
should be developed based on R&D activities such
as scientific literature, patents as well as social
media. Defining this baseline provides a better
understanding of technology life cycles. One of
the ways to discuss the phases of a technology’s
is the Gartner hype cycles (Chen and Han, 2019).
Many scholars investigated the methodology of the
Gartner hype cycle in their work (Dedehayir and
Steinert, 2016; Van Lente et al., 2013). While the
authors of (Dedehayir and Steinert, 2016) provide
evidence that the Gartner model is a combination of
hype level through media with the business maturity
curve also known as S-curve, (Van Lente et al., 2013)
argue for the lack of mathematical foundation of the
Gartner model. Furthermore, Gartner hype cycle is
based on quantitative analysis, as there is no single
measure through surveys, evidence and forecasts,
meaning that the cycle involves expert judgment,
which can be quite bias. There are also reports of
discordance between the generated Gartner models
for some years and the actual trend of technologies
based on scientific literature and patents (Chen and
Han, 2019). Considering this challenge provides
an opportunity for further in depth analysis based
on bibliometrics and scientometrics to improve the
explainability of technology hype cycle models.
5.3.2 Level of Expertise
After determining the technology area and identify-
ing the knowledge experts or faculties at a university,
another factor of successful knowledge transfer is the
level of research done by the researchers. This in-
cludes the weight of parameters such as conference
and journal rankings, as well as impact factors that
are dependent on the type of disciplines.
The evaluation of research data through confer-
ence and journal rankings, along with impact fac-
tors, carries varying weight across different fields of
study. Depending on the discipline, the prestige of
known conferences and journals can directly corre-
late with technological advancements. Also, the im-
pact factor of a conference or journal also serves as
a potential metric for academic success based on the
main discipline. These metrics vary across domains,
KDIR 2023 - 15th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
since in certain fields, innovative ideas and concepts
may emerge from less conventional channels. For
example, while journals in the medical field often
have relatively high impact factors, the same can be
said about international conferences in the engineer-
ing discipline. Finding a valuable metric through
evaluation of venues and their impact factors provides
a list of high ranking experts inside a university.
5.3.3 Founding Potential
Universities increasingly encourage the involvement
of their academics in the transfer of knowledge to
the marketplace through spin-off activities (Siegel and
Wright, 2015; Gonz
ıa et al., 2013). Study
based on a comparative analysis between Japanese
and US startup scene, indicates that the R&D activ-
ities serve as an important factor in entrepreneurship
activities (Kegel, 2016). Indeed, various researchers
(Farre-Mensa et al., 2016; Cagnani et al., 2022; Conti
et al., 2013; Helmers and Rogers, 2011) also argue
a direct correlation specifically between patent ac-
tivities as one of the main drivers of innovation and
founding startups. Therefore, considering the univer-
sities as a vast R&D network, a data-driven scouting
process can model the patterns of technology transfer
that come from patenting, scientific publications and
research grants.
Whereas previous studies for innovation identifi-
cation, mainly depend on surveys and empirical re-
sults from individual institutions (Chung, 2023; Mon-
tebruno et al., 2020; Rivera-Kempis et al., 2021;
Sabahi and Parast, 2020), there is a gap that has to
take academic activities into consideration for inno-
vation scouting at universities. The challenge here is
to tap into the academic information of researchers to
identify existing founding potential. Thereby, there
is a need of list of previous founders which requires
access to specialized startup data sources. Also, the
startup data sources do not necessarily hold academic
information of their founders, therefore the founder
profiles have to be linked with other academic data
sources. By building a dataset of previous founders
and their academic behavior, the founding potential
of future founders can be measured and recommended
to the innovation coaches. However, there is no data
source that links the founder information to their aca-
demic background at the moment.
Technology transfer plays an important role in univer-
sities for the joint development and dissemination of
knowledge as a product that benefits society through
innovation. In order to facilitate knowledge transfer,
many universities hire innovation coaches that em-
ploy a scouting process to identify faculty members
and students who possess the requisite knowledge,
expertise, and potential to establish startups. Since
there is no systematic approach to measure the inno-
vation potential of university members based on their
academic activities, the scouting process is typically
subjective and relies heavily on the experience of the
innovation coaches.
In this paper, we motivate the need for an Innova-
tion Search Engine as an integrated solution to sup-
port the scouting process. To do this, we described
the information needs of innovation coaches, and we
presented an architecture to cover them. Based on our
ongoing work on implementing the architecture, we
identified three challenges in order to motivate vigor-
ous research in this area. Our goal for future research
is to focus on data interpretation by building and eval-
uating models for technology hype cycles, as well as
ranking and innovation potential of researchers.
This work has been funded by GUIDE REGIO which
aims to improve the ability of the science support cen-
ter of the University of Duisburg-Essen in the iden-
tification, qualification, and incubation of innovation
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