generalization to unseen anomaly patterns and using
supervised methods to learn a suitable threshold strat-
egy. For the latter, as the nature of the data pro-
duced by the CPSs continuously changes and insuf-
ficient labeled data for each class are available, more
than supervised methods are needed. In aCVAE, the
stochastic latent variable is learned from spatial and
temporal dependencies of the correlation matrices,
making the reconstruction more generalized. A ro-
bust objective function is integrated into the mod-
els to avoid the contamination problem of the la-
tent space. Finally, an unsupervised dynamic-based
threshold-setting strategy is adopted, instead of the
traditional supervised ROC-based strategy, to achieve
better model performance. The reported experimental
results demonstrate that aCVAE can outperform state-
of-the-art baseline methods.
This work addressed the importance of detecting
anomalies in industrial control systems and proposed
a new deep generative model, aCVAE, to meet this
need. The model uses a variational autoencoder with
a 3D convolutional encoder and decoder and an at-
tention mechanism that enhances feature representa-
tion and anomaly detection accuracy. The (binary)
classification performance is improved using a recon-
struction probability error and a dynamic threshold
approach. The experiments conducted on the SWaT
testbed demonstrate that our approach outperforms
state-of-the-art baselines, making it a promising so-
lution for industrial settings.
Although the proposed model shows promising
results, there are still areas for improvement in fu-
ture work: (i) Incorporating self-attention mecha-
nisms (Niu et al., 2021) could help the model cap-
ture long-range dependencies and improve anomaly
detection accuracy; (ii) Using more lightweight mod-
els, such as SqueezeNet (Iandola et al., 2016), or em-
ploying other techniques to compress deep neural net-
works (Cheng et al., 2018) could facilitate deploy-
ment over resource-constrained devices; (iii) Investi-
gating better windowing strategies could improve the
model’s representation of temporal dependencies and
its ability to detect anomalies across different time
scales. These directions offer opportunities for further
developments in the field, ultimately leading to more
effective and efficient anomaly detection in industrial
control systems.
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DMMLACS 2023 - 3rd International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security