Non-Invasive Load Recognition Model Based on CNN and Mixed
Attention Mechanism
Chenchen Zhang
, Yujun Song
, Dong Wang
, Shifang Song
, Xuesong Pan
and Lanzhou Liu
Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China
Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Co., Ltd, Qingdao, China
Qingdao Haier Air Conditioner Co., Ltd, State Key Laboratory of Digital Household Appliances, Qingdao, China
Keywords: NILM, V-If Trajectories, Load Identification, Attention Mechanism.
Abstract: In recent years, deep learning has been widely applied in various fields, including the field of load recognition.
Machine learning methods such as SVM and K-means, as well as various neural network approaches, have
shown promising results. However, due to the significant differences among similar appliances and the
existence of multiple operating states for each appliance, misjudgments often occur during load recognition.
Therefore, this paper proposes a preprocessing method that transforms current-voltage data into V-If
trajectories. Additionally, a non-intrusive load recognition algorithm is presented, which incorporates a self-
designed convolutional neural network (CNN), a hybrid attention mechanism (ECA_NET and Spatial
attention mechanism, ECA-SAM), and a hybrid loss function (Center Loss and ArcFace, CA). The
effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated through simulation experiments conducted on the PLAID
dataset, achieving a remarkable 98% accuracy in the identification of electrical appliances.
The concept of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring
(NILM) was first proposed by Professor Hart from
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Hart,
1992). It aims to identify and monitor various
electrical appliances in households by analyzing the
current and voltage waveforms in the power system.
NILM technology can help households and
businesses better understand their energy
consumption, thereby improving energy efficiency
and reducing energy costs. Additionally, NILM
technology can be used in smart home systems and
energy management systems to achieve smarter and
more efficient energy management
The main focus of this study is the load
recognition module in Non-Intrusive Load
Monitoring (NILM), with an emphasis on load
identification methods. By leveraging a series of deep
learning techniques, the aim is to analyze the usage
patterns of common household appliances and
accurately identify the appliance categories. This
assists home users in gaining a better understanding
of their electricity consumption habits.
An algorithm for non-intrusive load recognition is
proposed, incorporating a self-designed
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), a hybrid
attention mechanism (ECA_NET and Spatial
attention mechanism, ECA-SAM), and a hybrid loss
function (Center Loss and ArcFace, CA). This
algorithm aims to enhance the network's ability to
extract load features, while promoting intra-class
cohesion and inter-class dispersion, thereby
improving load recognition capability.
Since the concept of non-intrusive load monitoring
(NILM) was introduced, it has attracted significant
attention from scholars both domestically and
internationally. Researchers have been exploring
various methods to improve the effectiveness and
practicality of NILM.
In 1995, Leeb proposed an algorithm for transient
event detection to identify loads (Leeb, 1995). In
2000, Cole et al. used current harmonics as load
features and differentiated different loads by
calculating the city-block distance and Hamming
distance between harmonics, achieving load
recognition (Cole, 2000). In 2008, Suzuki et al.
introduced an NILM method based on integer
programming, formulating the detection problem as
an integer quadratic programming problem to achieve
Zhang, C., Song, Y., Wang, D., Song, S., Pan, X. and Liu, L.
Non-Invasive Load Recognition Model Based on CNN and Mixed Attention Mechanism.
DOI: 10.5220/0012274000003807
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology (ANIT 2023), pages 70-74
ISBN: 978-989-758-677-4
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
non-intrusive appliance load monitoring (Suzuki,
With the rapid development of deep learning, it
has also been applied in the field of NILM. In 2015,
Kelly et al. first applied denoising autoencoder
(DAE) models to the NILM problem, showing that
this model outperformed combinatorial optimization
and factorial hidden Markov models (
Kelly, 2015
). In
the same year, Lin et al. applied attention mechanisms
to the NILM problem, proposing two networks: MA-
net and MAED-net. The former is based on multi-
head attention mechanisms, while the latter combines
an encoder-decoder structure with multi-head
attention mechanisms (
Lin, 2020
This chapter uses a hybrid attention mechanism to
improve the performance of convolutional neural
networks. Different from the CBAM attention
mechanism, a lighter ECA-Net channel attention
mechanism is chosen to replace SE-Net to improve
the performance of the network
3.1 Network Architecture
In this study, the channel attention mechanism ECA-
Net and the spatial attention mechanism SAM are
incorporated into the network to build a non-intrusive
load recognition model based on CNN and hybrid
attention mechanisms. The purpose is to enhance the
network's ability to extract load features. The network
architecture is illustrated in Figure 1.
From Figure 1, it is evident that both the channel
attention mechanism and the spatial attention
mechanism are added after the fourth and seventh
convolutional layers, respectively. Additionally, the
ECA-Net module is positioned before the SAM
module. This configuration establishes the overall
structure of the network model used in the
Figure 1: Network Architecture of Non-intrusive Load
Recognition Model based on CNN and Hybrid Attention
3.2 Hybrid Attention Mechanism
ECA-Net, the channel attention mechanism: To
address the issue of diminished details in image
processing caused by the dimension reduction in SE-
Net, researchers introduced ECA-Net (Zhu, 2020).
ECA-Net effectively reduces the parameter
requirement of the channel attention mechanism,
while preserving the original channel dimension. As
a result, ECA-Net offers a more lightweight solution
that does not compromise on capturing intricate
details in comparison to SE-Net.
The structure of ECA-Net is depicted in Figure 2:
Adaptive Selection of
Kernel Size.
K = ψ(C)
Figure 2: ECA-Net Architecture.
The role of the Spatial Attention Module (SAM)
is to identify the most important parts within the
network for processing. The structure of the Spatial
Attention Module SAM is illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Spatial Attention SAM Architecture.
3.3 Constructing V-I Trajectory
The V-I trajectory is a widely-used load characteristic
in load recognition applications. The main distinction
of the V-I trajectory lies in the different current
profiles. However, for resistive appliances such as
heaters and hair dryers, the V-I trajectories are
similar, making it difficult to differentiate between
them. To address this, researchers proposed the
application of Fryze power theory to decompose the
reactive current, thereby enhancing the
distinguishability of V-I trajectories.
The construction process of the V-I
trajectory is
depicted in Figure 4:
Figure 4: V-I
trajectory construction flowchart.
Non-Invasive Load Recognition Model Based on CNN and Mixed Attention Mechanism
The generated V-I track image and V-I
image are shown in FIG. 5, respectively, where each
track image from left to right is: Air Conditioner,
Fluorescent Lamp, Fan, Fridge, Hairdryer, Heater,
Incandescent Light Bulb, Laptop, Microwave,
Vacuum, Washing Machine.
Figure 5: V-I and V-I
trajectory diagrams.
It is evident from Figure 5 that the V-I
image exhibits greater specificity as a load
characteristic compared to the V-I trajectory image.
This enhanced specificity is more advantageous for
carrying out load recognition tasks.
3.4 Loss Function
Center Loss: center loss function was proposed in
2016(Wen, 2016). center loss function can narrow the
intra-class distance and aggregate similar samples.
The formula of center loss function is shown in (1) :
represents the feature center of the
th class.
ArcFace Loss: The ArcFace loss function is an
improvement upon the SoftMax loss function. It is a
margin-based loss function that adds the margin m to
the angle directly by normalizing the feature vectors
and weights. This can be seen in (2):
Where 𝜃
the range of θ is shown in (3):
[0, 𝜋−𝑚]
Here, y
represents the true class of sample i .
In this section, we attempt to combine the ArcFace
loss function and the center loss function to create a
hybrid loss function, which collectively guides the
training of the network and improves the convergence
speed of the model. The hybrid loss function (CA)
used in this section is shown in equation (4):
= 𝜆𝐿
+ 1 −𝜆L
Here, λ represents the hyperparameter that
balances the center loss function and the ArcFace loss
4.1 DataSet
Due to the significant intra-class variations in PLAID
and the presence of different brands and multiple
operating conditions of loads, this section uses the
PLAID dataset to construct V-I
trajectory images for
conducting experiments.
4.2 Evaluation Metrics
In this section, the accuracy metric ACC and the F1-
macro are adopted to evaluate the proposed non-
intrusive load identification method based on
CNN_ECA-SAM_CA. A bar chart is used for
comparison, providing a more intuitive representation
of the model performance.
4.3 Experiment Settings
During training, the batch size is set to 10, with a total
of 60 training iterations. The initial learning rate is set
to 0.001 and it is decayed exponentially every 3
epochs with a decay rate of 0.9. The Adam algorithm
is used as the training optimizer for the experiment.
The hyperparameter λ is set to 0.95 (as defined in
The accuracy and loss values of the proposed
CNN_ECA-SAM_CA model on the validation set are
shown in Figure 6 of this chapter. The horizontal axis
represents the training epochs, while the left vertical
axis represents the accuracy on the validation set and
the right vertical axis represents the loss on the
validation set. Both metrics tend to stabilize in the later
stages of training.
Figure 6: Validation training graph of the CNN_ECA-
SAM_CA model.
ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology
In order to validate the effectiveness and
feasibility of the proposed load identification
algorithm based on CNN_ECA-SAM_CA, this
chapter conducts ablation experiments including
CNN_ECA-SAM_CA. Here, ECA-SAM represents a
hybrid attention mechanism composed of ECA-Net
and spatial attention mechanism, AL denotes the
ArcFace loss function, CBAM represents the CBAM
attention mechanism (Woo, 2018), and CA represents
the hybrid loss function composed of the center loss
function and ArcFace loss function. These
experiments aim to demonstrate the effectiveness of
the proposed hybrid attention mechanism and loss
function. Additionally, a comparative experiment is
designed to prove the effectiveness of V-I
compared to V-I trajectory, as well as to compare with
advanced load identification methods.
5.1 Experiment A
Conducting ablation experiments to validate the
effectiveness of the designed hybrid attention
mechanism and hybrid loss function
Table 1: Performance of three models on PLAID dataset-
Model ACC F1-macro
CNN_ECA-SAM_AL 0.9892 0.9824
CNN_CBAM_CA 0.9892 0.9828
CNN_ECA-SAM_CA 0.9928 0.9890
From Table 1, it can be seen that the comparative
experiments based on the CNN_CBAM_CA and
CNN_ECA-SAM_CA models are conducted to
validate the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid
attention mechanism. In terms of accuracy and F1-
macro, the former achieves a slight decrease of 0.36%
and 0.62% compared to the latter, demonstrating the
effectiveness of the hybrid attention mechanism for
non-intrusive load identification. Additionally, the
experiments based on the CNN_ECA-SAM_AL and
CNN_ECA-SAM_CA models aim to validate the
effectiveness of the proposed hybrid loss function. It
can be observed that, in terms of accuracy and F1-
score, CNN_ECA-SAM_AL achieves a slight
decrease of 0.36% and 0.66% compared to
CNN_ECA-SAM_CA, indicating the effectiveness of
the proposed hybrid loss function.
5.2 Experiment B
Conducting comparative experiments to validate the
effectiveness of the proposed V-I
trajectories relative
to V-I trajectories.
Table 2: Results of V-If and V-I operations.
Load Features ACC F1-macro
V-I 0.9699 0.9530
0.9928 0.9890
Table 2 illustrates the accuracy and F1-macro
scores of load identification based on CNN_ECA-
SAM_CA in terms of V-I and V-I
. It can be observed
that load identification based on V-I
trajectory images
achieves higher accuracy and F1-macro scores
compared to V-I trajectory images. This indicates that
trajectories are more suitable as features for load
5.3 Experiment C
Table 3 presents a comparison of the results between
the proposed model in this chapter and advanced load
identification algorithms.
Table 3: Performance results of three models on PLAID
literature methods load feature F1-macro
DE BAETS L, 2018)
Grey Verhulst-
Integration (V-I)
(Faustine, 2020)
weighted recursive
this paper
trajectory 0.9890
From Table 3, it can be observed that the proposed
model in this chapter outperforms (DE BAETS, 2018)
and (Faustine, 2020) in terms of the F1-macro
performance metric, thus verifying the effectiveness
of the proposed model.
In this paper, a non-intrusive load identification
algorithm based on CNN_ECA-SAM_CA is
proposed. It utilizes the ECA-Net attention
mechanism and spatial attention mechanism, which
are added to a self-designed convolutional neural
network. The algorithm incorporates both the ArcFace
and Center loss functions to achieve intra-class
aggregation and inter-class dispersion. This solves the
problem of significant intra-class variations in the load
identification dataset. Through simulation
experiments conducted on the PLAID dataset, it is
demonstrated that this method effectively identifies
Non-Invasive Load Recognition Model Based on CNN and Mixed Attention Mechanism
appliances and performs well in identifying
ambiguous appliances
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ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology