This study uses a type of technology called decision
tree in machine learning to anticipate the behavior of
stocks. It focuses on well-established stocks, smaller
to medium-sized stocks, and stocks from new
industries. It uses past data from the first six months
of 2022 to guess what the closing stock prices will
be. The results of the experiment show that the
decision tree model is better at predicting how the
stock will change in the future, and it does a good
job of making accurate predictions.
The way the price of stocks goes up and down is
the main thing about the stock market. Many things
can affect it, like the economy, policies, how
companies are doing, and how people feel about the
market. These things will affect stock prices in
different ways, causing the prices to go up and
down. So, figuring out how to use these factors to
make better predictions about stocks is something
that can be looked into more in the future.
This research was funded by the Social Science
Project of Guangdong University of Science and
Technology(GKY-2022KYYBW-6), Humanities
and Social Science Youth Program of Guangdong
Provincial Department of Education
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