integrated into a dynamic, accurate, scalable,
scalable control system, forming a“P2P” control
center, so that it becomes the user's terminal and
service network. When the system hardware system
is a distributed structure, the state data of the electric
power system in each level of the regulating center
will be transmitted to the integrated pre-processing
system of the corresponding level of the regulating
center, the pre-processing system of the regulating
center at all levels is responsible for the
communication between the storage area and the
server of the automatic control system at all levels.
At this level to perform the corresponding
application business, the required business resources
by the next level of control center request, and then
transferred to this level. At the same time, the
dispatching automation system at all levels should
give strict feedback to the dispatching center of the
higher level, and give feedback to the operation of
the power grid (
Zhang Zhiyuan., 2021
). Compared
with the traditional architecture, the main features of
the distributed scheduling automation hardware
system are as follows: 1, the data information of
each control center can be shared transparently,
which improves the integration ability of multi-
source information in complex power network. 2
open and flexible scalability, the computing
resources, storage resources, etc. in this kind of
architecture can control the in and out of the system
to a certain extent without affecting the normal
operation of other infrastructure. 3 self-organization,
through the intelligent management of the
scheduling automation support system, the
regulating system at all levels can work together and
form a flexible network.
2.3 The Operation Mode of Scheduling
Automation Management
The various phases of the automatic scheduling
system shown in Figure 3 can be divided into three
levels of operational models. In the security
protection system, it is mainly constructed by the
security protection and authority management
application of the scheduling support platform at all
levels, it should be included in all kinds of means
and tools such as firewall, data encryption, digital
signature in data communication network, it is also
the only access to the system for staff. The
dispatching data network links up all levels, the real-
time monitoring and early warning of the
dispatching automation platform, the dispatching
plan and the safety school, and the checking of the
two application areas, to make the distributed
architecture logically and functionally an integrated
and organized scheduling system
Ding Xinzhong., 2019
The implication of regulation mapping is that there
is an interactive relationship between dispatching
automation system and physical power grid. In this
process, data information and control instructions
can be transmitted not only vertically, but also
laterally, and between different scheduling systems,
it is a logical link between the platform and the
primary and secondary equipment of the power grid.
Figure 3: Operation Mode of power grid dispatching
automation management.
Because CORBA technology can seamlessly
connect multiple target systems, it provides an
interactive capability for applications on different
computers in a heterogeneous distributed
environment, therefore, the cooperation performance
between remote workstation software and
scheduling host software realized by CORBA
technology is better. During the run time, the object
requirement provided by the distributed object soft
bus is used as the media to dynamically direct the
connection with the scheduling system according to
the real-time requirement. The system can
coordinate better than pure data communication.
With the development of society and the innovation
of Technology, the construction of power system
can not stand still, the operation and management of
power system become more and more complex.
Power grid dispatching automation is a large-scale,
complex, system systems engineering, its technical
fields, multi-disciplinary cross-cutting are very
strong. In the aspect of dispatching automation
system design, the wide area system architecture
with distributed architecture can adapt to the
operation and management of large power grid
under the integration of regulation and control,
which will effectively improve the level of power
grid dispatching technology, we will support power
ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology