2.1 Introduction to Blockchain
Blockchain is essentially a trusted, decentralized,
immutable database stored in a chain-like structure.
Each block on the blockchain records all transaction
data within a specific time period, utilizing
technologies such as asymmetric cryptographic
security, hash algorithms to ensure the integrity of
Merkle tree data structures, peer-to-peer distributed
network architecture, and trusted consensus
mechanisms between blocks. As a result, blockchain
can be widely applied in scenarios such as electricity
trading and energy exchange.
2.2 Key Technologies of Blockchain
Blockchain is primarily composed of four key
technologies: distributed storage, asymmetric
encryption algorithms, consensus mechanisms, and
smart contracts. The technical implementation of a
blockchain-based shared platform for charging
stations is as follows:
1) Distributed Storage: In the platform, all
charging users, charging stations, and grid companies
form a distributed network as peer nodes. After a
charging transaction is completed, users and charging
station owners upload the transaction records to the
shared platform via the Internet. The transaction
information is distributed, updated, and supervised
across various nodes in the network. A blockchain
charging sharing platform does not have a specific
central node. Users and transaction data of the
platform are stored and distributed among various
network nodes. In the event of a hacker attack or
network failure, the system is less likely to experience
a complete collapse, thereby improving fault
tolerance and security.
2) Asymmetric Encryption: To prevent
information leakage and tampering, the platform
employs asymmetric encryption for transaction
information. When a new energy vehicle user sends a
charging request to the shared platform, they first sign
and encrypt the data with their private key, then
encrypt the signed data with the platform's private key,
and finally send the encrypted data. Upon receiving
the data, the shared platform decrypts the specific
transaction information using the new energy vehicle
user's public key and its own private key.
3) Consensus Mechanism: The consensus
mechanism in a blockchain refers to the process
where different nodes reach consensus on charging
transactions through voting within a very short time.
If unrelated nodes in the blockchain can reach
consensus, the entire network can reach consensus. If
a charging user node or charging station user node in
the blockchain attempts to maliciously tamper with
charging transaction records, they would need to
possess 51% of the computing power to have a chance
of success. However, when a node has 51% of the
computing power, its benefits as an honest node
outweigh those as a malicious node, thus ensuring the
integrity of transaction information and enhancing the
platform's security.
4) Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are computer
protocols deployed on the blockchain that
disseminate, verify, or execute contracts in an
automated manner. They are computer code. In a
shared charging station platform, smart contracts can
define various scenarios for charging transactions
between electric vehicle users and charging stations.
For example, when an electric vehicle user completes
charging within the reserved time, the charging
station updates the real-time power information and
calculates the charging cost. When users in the shared
charging station platform meet the conditions set by
smart contracts, charging transactions are generated,
and the transaction information is uploaded to the
smart contract. The smart contract automatically
handles settlement, transfers, and records after
charging is completed and broadcasts the transaction
information to various master nodes. Master nodes
with high computing power package the transaction
data into blocks, forming the blockchain. The content
of the smart contract includes the usernames of the
parties involved in the transaction, transaction
addresses, start time, transaction price, transaction
power, and so on. Smart contracts allow trusted
transactions without the need for a third party, and
these transactions are traceable and irreversible.
3.1 Physical Architecture of the
Sharing Platform
The shared transaction platform in this paper is built
using a consortium blockchain approach. The
blockchain management in the consortium
blockchain involves the participation of multiple
institutions and organizations. Node participation
ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology