workflow with dependency relationship. There is a
sequence of execution among micro-services, and
there is a relationship of data transmission between
different micro-services. In the computing power
network, computing resources are connected through
the network. Optimizing the communication delay of
micro-service is of great significance to reduce
network congestion and ensure the application of
Our contributions are multifold and can be
summarized as follows:
Firstly, considering the cost of micro-service
scheduling, we set up a cost model from the
perspective of user micro-service scheduling cost.
Secondly, we take into account the resource
constraint of micro-service scheduling. Nodes that do
not meet the resource constraint are not allowed to
serve as scheduling nodes, so as to ensure the service
quality of micro-service, which is different from
previous workflow scheduling studies.
Then, we set up a multi-objective optimization
model with resource constraints and cost and time
delay as optimization objectives.
Finally, we propose a target capture optimization
model based on NSGA-II to solve the above
Many scholars have carried out in-depth research on
the optimization of pricing cost and delay of micro-
service scheduling.
According to the number of scheduling objectives,
the current micro-service scheduling can be divided
into single-objective optimization micro-service
scheduling and multi-objective optimization micro-
service scheduling. In the single-objective
optimization micro-service scheduling, only one
index is optimized, so the scheduling result is too
limited. In the micro-service scheduling with multi-
objective optimization, considering multiple
constraints and optimization objectives, the
scheduling results are more applicable. According to
the types of micro-service scheduling, micro-service
scheduling can be divided into mutually independent
micro-service scheduling and workflow scheduling.
The mutually independent micro-service scheduling
does not consider the dependency between micro-
services, while workflow scheduling considers the
execution sequence of micro-services, and its
scheduling implementation is more complex. Micro-
service scheduling algorithm can be divided into
heuristic scheduling algorithm and meta-heuristic
scheduling algorithm.
For the delay problem of microservice scheduling,
H. Topcuoglu proposed a Heterogeneous earliest-
finisher (HEFT) algorithm and a Critical-Path-on-a-
Processor, heterogeneous earlier-finisher (HEFT)
algorithm (Topcuoglu H, 2002). In the CPOP
algorithm, HEFT selects the task with the highest
ascending rank value in each step and assigns the
selected task to the processor, which minimizes its
earliest completion time using the insertion-based
method. In the CPOP algorithm, the priority of each
task is calculated by comprehensively considering the
ascending and descending sort. Since the above two
algorithms were proposed, many scholars have
proposed many improved algorithms based on the
ideas of the above two algorithms according to
different problem scenarios. Xiumin Zhou et al.
proposed a heterogeneous earliest completion time
(FDHEFT) algorithm based on fuzzy dominance
sorting, which closely combines the fuzzy dominance
sorting mechanism with the list scheduling heuristic
HEFT, while optimizing the scheduling cost and
delay (Zhou X, 2019). Faragardi et al. proposed a new
resource supply mechanism and workflow scheduling
algorithm GRP-HEFT, which is used to minimize the
maximum completion time of a given workflow, so
as to meet the budget constraints of the pay-as-the-
volume cost model in modern IaaS cloud (Faragardi
H R, 2020). In view of workflow scheduling
problems, the above algorithms optimize the delay of
workflow scheduling under the condition of
satisfying workflow cost constraints. However, the
above algorithms schedule with virtual machine as
granularity, resulting in a large amount of resource
waste. Moreover, the above algorithms do not
consider the critical path of tasks as a whole, so it is
easy to fall into local optimal. In order to implement
global scheduling of micro-service, some scholars
propose to use heuristic algorithm to solve micro-
service scheduling problem. Lin et al. proposed an ant
colony algorithm for solving scheduling problems,
which not only considered the calculation of physical
nodes and the utilization rate of storage resources, but
also the number of micro-service requests and failure
rate of physical nodes. Experimental results showed
that the algorithm achieved better results in
optimizing cluster business reliability, cluster load
balancing and network transmission overhead(Lin M,
2019). Aiming at minimizing the cost of micro-
service scheduling, Hussain et al proposed a hybrid
cuckoo search and genetic algorithm HFSGA
algorithm to realize micro-service scheduling
(Hussain S M, 2022). But their approach is also
ANIT 2023 - The International Seminar on Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Information Technology