The research content of this paper is the design and
implementation of the company's warehouse
management information system. In the design
process, firstly, the operation characteristics of the
logistics company are studied, and combined with
these characteristics, the design scheme of the
logistics warehouse management system is proposed.
Finally, the design of the system is completed
according to the actual situation. During the design
process, a reasonable database is constructed to store
the information of goods, suppliers and customers.
The design can make the warehouse management of
logistics companies more effective, around the
business, applicable functions, friendly interface and
simple operation. The system is very strong
versatility, safety, reliability, stability and
maintainability. The expected goal has been basically
This system has quite practical functions. In the
aspect of query, the system realizes the fuzzy query
of multiple conditions and arbitrary fields, and
realizes the dynamic generation in the classification
query. The system can automatically identify the
different inputs of users. A good link relationship has
been established among goods receipt, delivery and
inventory. A certain part of the modification will
automatically trigger the system to modify its related
The system inevitably encounters various
problems in the design process. Because the whole
system has many functions, some functions need to
be improved to improve the convenience of the whole
system operation, and there are still many
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Information System Design for Logistics Warehouse Management Based on Struts