This paper applies evolutionary game theory to study
the route choice behavior of tourist groups with
different perceptions of crowding within a scenic
area. The influence of guidance information on route
choice is analyzed, considering various strategies of
information supply. A game model is constructed to
examine the evolutionary stable states of tourist route
choices under the impact of guidance information.
Dynamic equations are used to analyze the long-term
stability evolution trend of the scenic tours system.
Numerical experiments are conducted to simulate the
effects of different guidance information strategies on
the system's evolution. The main conclusions are as
follows: (1) Without guidance information, all
tourists choose the original route (unique ESS). (2)
With guidance information, the uniqueness of ESS
depends on the size of payoffs loss caused by
congestion revealed in the information: (a) When the
payoffs loss from congestion is small, all tourists still
choose the original route (little effect from guidance
information); (b) When the payoffs loss from
congestion falls between the detouring payoffs loss of
two tourist groups, tourists with low crowding
perception choose the original route and those with
high crowding perception choose alternative routes
(successful guidance information to ease congestion);
(c) When the payoffs loss from congestion exceeds
the detouring payoffs loss of both groups, the ESS for
route choice becomes non-unique, with each group
choosing different routes to avoid congestion.
This work was supported by Humanities and social
sciences fund of the Ministry of Education
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Analysis of Tourists’ Route Selection in Scenic Areas Based on Game Theory Model